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My position/topic:

How can we, as Christians who value all people equally in the eyes of God, continue to pay
women less than men, in the same vocation? How can we actively work to address and resolve
this issue?

Artifact #1:
This Ted Talk talks about the source of the gender pay gap, and how we can take steps to fix it.
This is important for my topic because, in order to understand how to move forward, we must
understand how it came about in the first place, and the root of the issue.

Artifact #2:
An important artifact, because this shows the accuracy of the statistics. From a reputable
source, this describes just how large the gap is, depending on race, gender, etc. Going deeper,
it says why each gap exists. This can help break down even further, how we can understand
and learn about this topic.

Artifact #3:
Again, going back to the source on this one, to see the original intent of the Equal Pay act of
1963. This can see how over the years, the pay gap has increased. Seeing what was originally
intended brings us back to the source, giving us insight necessary to fix this issue today.

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