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M: jhon, Do you have a good memory, generally?

J:I usually don't have a good memory so I forget some important things. in your

M: Waoo interesting jhon, in my case I have a good memory and I remember things
well, which things in excercise 10a are you good at remembering?

J: well in my case i remembering places, movies, words, faces and names. and you?

M: okey jhon, in my case, from exercise 10A, I remember birthdays, places, movies
and names well.
which would you like to be better at remembering?

J: I usually write a lot of things to be able to remember them, for example I have
them written down about birthdays and that way I don't forget any of them.

M: Excelent jhon, do you use special strategies to remember things?

J: In classes I usually use graphic organizers as they help me study and it is easier to
remember some topics.

M: excellent jhon, it's a good idea,see you!

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