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Meeting 1 TEYL for Reading

Moch Azra Alfariezhy Baiquni



Subjects : English

Class : 4th

Topic : Alphabets.

Time Allocation : 60 minutes

Learning objectives :
1. Students can pronounce the alphabet, words, phrases, and sentences properly and correctly.
2. Students can read aloud properly and correctly.

Learning Activity Steps:

1. Opening Activities (5 minutes)
• The teacher saying Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. And starting the activity with praying together.
• The teacher attends to the students.
• The teacher begins the lesson by asking the students' names and asking if they can spell their
names in Indonesian (if the topic is related to spelling).
2. Core Activities (35 minutes)
• The teacher reads the text with good and correct pronunciation and intonation.
• Students listen to the teacher who is reading the text carefully.
• The teacher reads the text aloud for the second time.
• The teacher, then, asks the students to imitate reading aloud with intonation and pauses that
are in accordance with what the teacher has exemplified.
• Each student reads aloud independently with good and correct pronunciation, intonation,
and pauses (while students are doing this activity, the teacher circles the students and
confirms if there are students who make mistakes in reading).
• The teacher asks students to spell their names.
• The teacher asks questions about things that are not yet known by the students.
• The teacher and students ask and answer questions in order to correct misunderstandings,
provide reinforcement and conclusions on the newly learned material.
3. Closing Activities (20 minutes)
• The teacher make a group for a students.
• The teacher asks some groups to spell the names of their friends, relatives, or people they
• The teacher asks groups to practice spelling the names of objects in English that they
know at home as additional practice.
• And at the end of the learning activity the teacher saying Wasalamualaikum Wr. Wb. And
Thank you to the student’s.

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