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LONG ROAD TO IDENTITY: Critical Study of Contemporary Nusantaran


Conference Paper · September 2017


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Diah Asih Purwaningrum

University of Melbourne


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Critical Study of Contemporary
Nusantaran Architecture
Diah A. Purwaningrum
Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne, Australia

Abstract—It has been almost a century from the first traditional, vernacular, Islamic, Chinese, Hindu, and
discussion of Indonesia’s architectural identity. From time colonial architecture. Thus, by having a basic element of
to time, the translation of Indonesian architecture has been diversity, variety, unpredictability as part of Asian
changing, depends on the architects’ perspective and the architecture [3], Indonesia can only be understood by
governments’ identity policies. Today, in the society where
embracing its national motto, ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika’
culture and modernism are interweaved together, and with
the growing trend of using the term Nusantara1 to substitute which means ‘Unity in Diversity’ or, literally, ‘in pieces,
the term Indonesia, architectural translation is now being yet one’ [4, 1, 5].
challenged. This paper will discuss how Nusantaran In discussing the topic of Indonesian architecture, I
architecture is closely associated with physical translations, will begin this paper with descripting a brief history of
and how local context is heavily affiliated with traditional how architects from time to time had been trying to
architecture. Critical standpoint will be employed and define Indonesian architectural identity. Then I will
combined with literature study to scrutinize contemporary continue with examining the current translation of
architectural praxis in dealing with the notion of Nusantaran architecture, seen from the perspective of
Nusantaran identity. 
architectural praxis. It will try to question the established
Index Terms—Nusantaran architecture, contextual design, assumption of Nusantara architecture among
architectural praxis, identity translation contemporary Indonesian architects.


The issue of Indonesian context and identity has been Tracing back to the long-going debated on the search
constantly discussed among Indonesian architecture for Indonesian architecture, the discussion was openly
scholars and practitioners. It is a problematic topic, as it initiated in the colonial era, around 1920-30s. A distinct
is interlaced with social, political, historical, and group of Dutch architects introduced a movement of
philosophical consideration at the same time. Indonesia’s Indies architecture, which tried to synthesize the East and
diversity of 240.3 million population (in 2009), with 500 West influences. This movement referred to an
ethnic groups and 700 languages and dialects spoken [1], amalgamation of the archipelago’s concepts and ideas
makes any effort to define Indonesia-ness with a one- which was neither ‘Indonesian’ nor ‘Dutch’, and
size-fits-all solution futile. Add to the complication, assimilated the two segments, West with its modernism
Indonesia consists of 13,487 islands [2] where each area and East with its locality, without eradicating each other
has its own culture and natural characteristics. Indonesian [6, 7]. Most architects in that time was divided into two
architecture is a combination of architectural influences groups which heading to different directions: some
of local vernacular elements with features form China, focused on Indonesia’s cultural aspects, and the other
Japan, India, Persia and Europe, and a mixture of modern, architects came up with the interpretation of tropical
New translation of Indonesian context and identity
Manuscript received July 28, 2017; revised August 25, 2017; accepted emerged when a new president was appointed after
September 1, 2012 Indonesia successfully claimed its independence in 17
The term of Nusantara originally came from Kawi language, nusya – August 1945. This new president, Soekarno, who
means island, and antara – means within, or can be literally translated
as the archipelagic concept. This is the way to regard the sea among the
happened to be an architect, had launched a “national-
lands is not as an impediment, but as a unifier. In this paper, I use the character building policy and national mega-projects”
term of Nusantara and Indonesia interchangeably with adopting paradigm of “modernism, functionalism
and reductionism” [3]. The aim was to escape from all social consideration. Indonesian architecture becomes a
forms of colonial influences, incorporating modern big photocopy machine of what is there in the West, since
architecture as the vigour of the new nation, the symbol the architects try to absorb everything without further
of hope for the future as it represented “the optimism and adjustment. They do not put proper understanding before
goodness of the newly independent nation-state and its chasing after briskly moving contemporary world.
urge to make a new society after colonialism” [8]. Apparently, such way of thinking has spread to many
cities in Indonesia, resulting in the elimination of the
places’ unique characters [11].


Seeing the current condition of Indonesian
architecture, architects, scholars, educators, and decision
makers have initiated to rethink about the appropriateness
Figure 1. CONEFO of modern style in the Indonesian context. The challenge
Building, one of Soekarno’s nation-building project for contemporary architects is not only to leave their
(Source: signature on the building, but also how to contribute to
the wider society in the same time. Single outstanding
building which speak its own language while isolating
The discussion then heading to different direction
itself from the surrounding context is no longer expected,
when the next President, Soeharto tried to recapture
as architecture and context are inseparable [12, 6, 13],
Indonesian identity through traditional architecture. It
covering the aspect of nature, environment, social,
was part of his attempt to reunite people who started to be
culture, physic, and history. Furthermore, since there is
divided into financial classes, in order to “both feel home
no one single answer when dealing with Indonesian
and live in modern surrounding [8]. This movement
context, thus architects start taking particular standpoints
became a national agenda to bring back traditional
and developing various range of approaches of the
architecture to life, depicted in massive adoptions in
context. Most of them try to blend modernism with
modern buildings, which sometimes resulted in
localism, embracing both temporal context and cultural
superficial forms and cosmetic resemblances with no
heritage [4, 12, 9, 14]. The newly approved Law
connection to deeper meaning and historical substance [8,
concerning Architect 4 gives stronger legal basis in
9, 10, 3]. These conditions ignited protests among
directing architects to protect and strengthen local
Indonesian architects, who then gathered and formed new
organizations. Indonesian Young Architects (Arsitek
In the middle of internationalization versus
Muda Indonesia [AMI]) 2 and JongArsitek! 3 were two
regionalism discourse, the notion of ‘Nusantara’ has
architects’ organizations whose aim was to find
massively re-emerged offering a distinct identity of the
competing power against conservatism to liberate
Indonesian archipelago. It is interesting to see how
themselves from the regime’s monotonous narrow
contemporary Indonesian architects and scholars refer
regionalism. The era of Soeharto met the end when
back to this term as a substitution of the notion of
people started to stand against the government through
Indonesia. This term was coined seven centuries ago in
Reformation movement, which then turned into riots and
the era of Majapahit Kingdom, which considered as the
anarchies. This plight brought people to start avoiding
golden period of Indonesian history. In short, Nusantaran
contact with the open surrounding, prefer to live in
architecture refers to architecture which is developed by a
protected houses with high massive fences and trellis
huge numbers of local people from different tribes in
securing the window, or choose gated communities to
Indonesia, where cross-cultural amalgam and
live in with people from the same social class [8].
interconnection among tribes is expected in embracing
Today, Indonesian contemporary architects prefer to
the pluralism of Indonesia [15, 4].
follow modern style, both reflected in public and
In delving into Nusantaran contemporary identity,
residential building. This preference, including what is
architects give immense effort to redefine Indonesian
commonly called ‘minimalist style’ (rumah minimalis) in
modernism that fits to the local context and identity. As
residential, has made unification in the faces of the cities
what Eko Prawoto mentioned, Indonesian architects are
all over the country, eliminating the local elements and
in the search for a local beauty; a genuine beauty that is
honest, sincere, and humble; a beauty in the soul, not
Indonesian Young Architect [AMI] is an architectural organisation from mathematic formula; a beauty that is not meant to
founded in early 90’s. Using the word ‘exploration’ as the keyword of be made, but it is there [16]. To find it, most Indonesian
their manifesto, they tried to challenge Indonesian architecture in that architects and scholars, if not all, agree that Indonesia has
time which they called monotonous and characterless.
3 to develop its own ‘peculiar’ architecture which possess
JongArsitek! is a recently emerged movement, first established in
2008. This group grasps an idea of nationalism among architects, which
somehow seen as the same spirit as Soekarno’s manifesto. It Law No. 6 of 2017 concerning Architect has recently been signed by
periodically publishes monthly architectural electronic magazines which President of Indonesia on August 8, 2017. It is mentioned on Article
promote young architects’ design projects and critics towards the 3(e) that one of the purpose of this Law is to enhance architects’ role in
contemporary Indonesian architecture, especially aiming architecture preserving and developing Indonesian culture. Moreover, Article 22(d)
students. states that architects have the obligation to promote Indonesian culture.
and express its own distinctive character that is rooted in However, from all possibilities, it seems that the
its local culture. To accomplish it, revisiting the context translation of local context in today’s Nusantaran
of social, culture, history, and nature of Indonesia become architecture is still dominated by tangible approaches.
necessary; some aspects that have often been forgotten in Contemporary architects are constantly aiming in
the making of modern architecture. exploring the local materials, adjusting to the tropical
However, despite the massive effort in finding the climates, and contributing positively to the ecological
proper translation for this problem, I argue that many of issues. Those focuses lead to a more physical solution,
today’s Indonesia’s local architecture are still adopted in which unconsciously pushes aside the other aspects, such
physical manner, and some of which end up as decorative as social, political, historical, and economic
ornament rather than speaking up as the soul of the considerations [17, 12, 18, 19]. It is actually
building. In the case of referring to Indonesian traditional understandable to see why architects tend to choose this
architecture, indigenous elements adopted are merely in method in their design. Not only that physical aesthetic is
the stage of form and shape adaptation, which for some of most recognizable for common people, it also the first
them, it ends up as simulacra. and obvious media to give attraction and impression to
the surrounding [5]. But problems will rise if esthetic
NUSANTARAN ARCHITECTURE IN THE PHYSICAL become the only consideration in the design process.
TRANSLATION Many distinguished architects lead the way in finding
translation of Indonesia’s locality. They seek for new
Linking Indonesia’s local aspect with modern spirit is creative ways to apply local forms and materials into a
not an easy thing. Not only that it is challenging to find new modern design. Some architects come with humble
the essence of locality that we need to grasp, the way we
design with vernacular look, using peculiar material that
translate it is also tricky. Without a proper modification,
requires high skill craftsmanship, and even incorporating
the adopted features will looked like a mask to the
reused and recycled material. Other architects choose to
building; take it off, and you will have no local character
speak with ultramodern face, giving extravagant clean cut
left on the building. look employing fancy fabricated material and high end
In seeking the basic substance of Indonesia’s locality, technology. But regardless their style, the interesting part
architects face many possible options available. They
is that they all claim that their design is contextual, rooted
may start with something which visually identifiable, like
in the location where it located, and carrying the
pattern, structure, arrangement, composition, layout, form
characteristic of Nusantara (berwawasan Nusantara).
and shape, or begin with something more abstract like
This manifestation is an evidence that Nusantaran
current issues, local problems, phenomena, and so on. architecture does have more than one rigid face; it keeps
Since there is no right or wrong answer in picking these changing depend on from the perspective people see it.
choices, thus architects’ subjective perspectives come up
Moreover, it is also interesting to ask about what
and significantly contribute in the decision making
Indonesian architects mean by Nusantaran architecture,
process. Their choices actually reflect the deeper values
and why they choose one particular translation instead of
that they embrace, which influenced by their personal others. And above all, it is also crucial to investigate
backgrounds, memories, educations, experiences, and so further whether their design really a representation of
on. This past experiences define on what part of the
Nusantara architecture.
locality the architects will emphasise on, which further
The works of those prominent architects are widely
influence the face of the final design they come up with.
highlighted and discussed in popular architecture
This is why architect as a designer is one important
magazines. The problem is that most of them are
determinant factor in constructing the face of Indonesian delivered in descriptive manner without putting up any
architecture [12, 5]. critical position towards the projects. This situation
In talking about the way architect links the local
creates assumption in the society that this kind of
context with modern spirit, Josef Prijotomo suggested
translation is the ‘most appropriate’ way to deal with
that there are at least seven possible approach that can be
today’s Nusantaran context, and common people might
carried out in combining the two 5 , whose alternatives
copy it in their projects. One thing to remember is that
stretched out from an option to copy one’s culture to seeing architecture without putting up some questions and
another culture, to an option to discard both culture and critics is somehow risky, because what we openly see and
come up with something totally new. To simplify it, the
heard sometimes may not depict the real condition of it.
clear options are whether to modernize the local
As we know, most architects already develop their
architecture, or localized the modern architecture. Even
persona which they always try to maintain. Interviewing
though it is the architect’s privilege to choose, but them with basic questions without further challenge their
Prijotomo urged that modernizing the Indonesia’s local answers may somehow lead to misleading interpretation,
architecture is more expected as it lead to a more
since what they say may not always what they do, and
entrenched concept which touches the very core of
what they claim as a local-friendly design may not be that
Indonesian culture [5].
contextual after all.
One interesting case comes from Depok Region near
the capital city of Jakarta. Central library of the
See 5. J. Prijotomo, Pasang surut arsitektur indonesia, Wastu
Lanas Grafika, Surabaya, 2008. (p.15)
University of Indonesia is an award-winning building 6 Biennale in 20148. Curated by five Indonesian prominent
which has become a new landmark for the campus and architects: Avianti Armand, Setiadi Sopandi, David
gains outstanding recognition from national and Hutama, Achmad Tardiyana, dan Robin Hartanto,
international media (Fig.2). The architect, Budiman Indonesia raised the theme of ‘Craftsmanship: Material
Hendropurnomo from DCM Indonesia, is also the most Consiousness’ (Ketukangan: Kesadaran Material)
frequent awardee in the history of IAI Awards – with exhibiting a century of Indonesian architecture. In this
nine awards [20]. With an interesting concept of bridging pavilion, six materials (wood, stone, brick, concrete,
the past and the present, the design inspiration came from metal, and bamboo) were displayed and wrapped up in
ancient Indonesian practice of inscribing wisdom on narrative arrangements of its evolution journey,
stone tablets, or locally called prasasti. The architect highlighting the history of how each material has been
chose to translate it into a high-end form using granite used from time to time. It was also portrayed the
cladding as building envelope. Claimed to be sustainable, characteristic of Indonesia’s local craftsmanship, by
the building adopted the features of green architecture: displaying of how the craftsmen’s position was so close
using pedestrian ramp rather than lift, maintaining the to the building, for they acted as contractor, master
existing trees and vegetation, putting skylight in some building, artisan, and architects at the same time [26, 27].
part of the buildings, and integrating rain water This well-curated pavilion gained many appreciations, as
harvesting [21, 22, 23, 20]. it successfully eliminated the common stereotype of
traditional architecture as the image of South East Asia’s
countries in the international world. It also illuminated
craftsmanship as a complex and rich concept at the very
core of architecture, displayed “a new level of self-
confidence” in assimilating material sensitivity as a
trademarks [28].
But in spite of the acknowledgement, this pavilion is
also criticised as a legitimation of how materiality and
physicality are closely associated with people’s
Figure 2. Central library of The University of Indonesia. interpretation of Nusantaran architecture. Other aspect of
(Source: Indonesian context was not deeply discussed in the
central-library-denton-corker-marshall) pavillion. It is also considered that the chosen examples
representing contemporary time were mostly typologies
However, despite all the good concepts and impressive driven by an aesthetic approach [29]. This pavilion
achievements, this library also receives harsh criticism. seemed to show how the local material is used as
As far as we understand that this project is one of the decorative patches. Let’s look at one example shown in
branding instruments for the campus’s tagline as the the pavilion, Potato Head Bali. Using recycled window
‘world class university’, people somehow see this shutters as a façade, this building is a fascinating example
building as a bit too much for a library. Not only about of how woods can be recycled and reused exquisitely in a
the various spaces and fancy facilities that are not contemporary building. It implies that Indonesian
effectively used, the commercial area is also considered architects has reached high level of determination and
too high-class for students7. Many students mention that creativity in exploring common local materials and turn it
they cannot relate to the building, and academically into a beautiful piece of architecture work [28]. What
speaking, this kind of building is not what they need [24, might be a problem is that when it is displayed in a
25]. The building also has leaking problem which might prestigious international exhibition portraying the nation,
present either because of a flaw in construction process, it is actually arguable that this kind of esthetic work can
or because the design itself does not have a tropical be considered as a representation of Indonesian
building features. Seeing these problems, despite the architecture. Not only it is closer to esthetic work on a
success story of the building, the claim as a contextual physical appearance, this project also does not illustrate
and sustainable building is somehow debatable. The the common architectural practice in Indonesia. This
physical translation resembling local relic does not beautiful building does depict the architect’s unique
merely make it contextual; in fact, from the illustration translation of Indonesian architecture; but if we talk about
above, it seems that social and economic contexts are contextuality, then we still need further evidences to
barely untouched in this project. unanimously agree this building is more than a pretty
Another intriguing case that we can discuss is face.
Indonesia’s participation in the 14th Venice Architecture

It was the first time Indonesia was invited in this well-known
6 international exhibition. Directed by Rem Koolhas and having a specific
This library was awarded with IAI Award in 2015. IAI Award is the theme of ‘Absorbing Modernity:1914-2014’, participating countries
most prestigious recognition for Indonesian architects, held by the were asked to look back into history and see their 100 years journey in
Institute of Indonesian Architect. This case is chosen because it received architecture. Indonesia’s participation in this event was not only
mix-respond, both impressive achievements and sharp criticisms. considered as a milestone for the discourse of Indonesia’s identity, but
The high-class retails and facilities mentioned include Starbucks also seen as a symbol of recognition of the world to finally acknowledge
Coffee, Gold’s Gym, and Books & Beyond Bookstore. Indonesian architecture.
Those two examples above illustrate how local context public buildings to incorporate traditional form in their
is often being depicted more in a visual consideration. design [8]. Traditional architecture was seen as the only
Every architect does have their prerogative to choose authentic source of ideas for developing Indonesian
their preferred translation; but as there is no one finite architecture, as it was the ideal and final form of identity.
answer in the discourse of local identity, then being It was more like cultism which gave no room to grow. It
critical is somehow necessary. The phenomenon of then led many architect to just patch and paste a piece of
forgotten facets, like social, political, historical, and traditional element to a modern building, regardless the
economic consideration, are needed to be taken into fact that the two were alien to each other. That was why
account, as an eye-opener that architecture is much more in that time, it was quite common to see traditional roof
than a beautiful design. Noting what Prijotomo suggested stuck on the top of modern building (Fig.3) [5].
about this issue, he urged that instead of focusing on
tangible appearance, Indonesian architects should start
looking at the ‘nuance’ that is offered by Indonesia’s
local context [5].


In spite of the fact that modern vigour and technology
development have widely influenced the way
contemporary Indonesian architects design, yet traditional
culture, to some extent, is still seen as the main source of
idea when dealing with the local context. Throughout the
history, architects have made huge contribution in
preserving and passing on traditional architecture from Figure 3. Minangkabau traditional roof attached to modern high-rise
generation to generation. Although traditional building.
architecture is considered sacred for some groups of (Source:
people in certain areas, but in adjusting to the temporal
context, the need for adaptation and modification is This narrow traditionalism actually contradict to what
somehow inevitable. By altering traditional architecture happen in the society, as the ‘ideal’ traditional
to a newer version of localism, we actually disentangle architecture are barely there in today’s realm. Amanda
ourselves from the rigid form of tradition9 and from the Achmadi in her works investigates how the ‘authentic’
trap of seeing tradition as a finished product of the traditional Balinese houses can hardly be found in today’s
‘nostalgia of past time’ [5]. Balinese communities. The application of tradition in the
Having the same problem with other local translation society’s real life is far from what we consider typical
efforts, adopting traditional culture to modern context traditional, even in a preserved traditional villages like
might also get stuck in the adjustment of physical Penglipuran Village10. Not only that these native people
appearance. Adopting traditional shapes and patterns are adapt to the need of their growing families, they also
considered the easiest and the most obvious way to bridge adjust themselves in the globalisation era where mostly
the past and the present. As it is visually recognizable by leads to the modernisation of their houses. In fact, in
the local people, then embedding traditional form or current Balinese local architecture, traditional
ornament in the façade will allow them to relate to the architecture has become commodities, something to sell
story and the culture behind the design, which then to the tourist rather than a house to live in. Moreover,
evokes their sense of belonging and their proud feeling since the price of local materials which commonly used
toward the building [30]. However, adopting this method in traditional buildings has soar along with the increasing
means that the queries of identity will remain in the area demand of local resorts for bourgeoisie, local people try
of traditional form, ornament, decoration, or style [31]. to seek for cheaper alternative materials, mostly
This circumstance brings aesthetic issue to be the central fabricated one, for their houses [32, 17]. It is resulted in
factor of design consideration, which may lead to a their houses which are no longer ‘authentic’, but more as
cosmetic adaptation and superficial imitation. In this case, hybrid houses, merging traditional bones and fabricated
with no further connection to the culture, history, skins.
meaning and the society’s social patterns, then traditional Not only in architecture, the fusions of traditional and
form is merely seen as a decorative pieces [3, 8, 5]. modern culture are also openly displayed in other form of
Looking back to Indonesian history, this kind of art. In Yogyakarta and Surakarta, two most notable
adaptation had widely applied in Soeharto’s era. In that cultural cities for Javanese tradition, ‘Jathilan’ 11 folk
time, applying traditional concept was mostly to adhere
with the authority’s regulation, requiring government and
Penglipuran Village is a preserved traditional village located in a
remote area of Bangli. The village was restored under ‘Bali Village
Tradition is understood as values and practices which being passed Tourism Development’ Project in 1992, and now it becomes one of few
on from generation to generation. It is usually considered sacred, and is villages in Bali that is still preserved nearly to its original condition.
being preserved with strict principle that gives no room for Jathilan (kuda lumping) dance, or often called ‘braid horse (jaran
modification. kepang)’ dance, is a dance depicting horsemen riding woven bamboo
dance has been mixed with hip-hop song, employing become less genuine and natural, even sounds more like
acrobatic dancers with Mohawk hairdos and ankle boots, an artificial justification that sometimes feel forced to fit
and a singer rapped in Javanese language about the to the design. Surprisingly, some architects consider the
wonders of their cultures [33]. Moreover, in packaging latter as a normal process in the dynamic circumstances
their cultural parades, local governments prefer to use of architectural practice.
English term rather than local language, such as Jember One of Indonesia’s distinguished architects, Yu Sing
Fashion Carnival, Solo International Ethnic Music Lim, is famous for his idealism toward the idea of cheap
(SIEM), and Solo Batik Carnival. These phenomena housing. Along with this concept, he also develops a
illustrate how Indonesian cultures and traditions have special interest in ecological design and further explores
now evolved and blended with global taste, changing Indonesia’s local materials 12 . His experimentation of
from previously a high-culture into what we call a pop- local material is perfectly shown in his office, Akanoma
culture [34]. With this changes, instead of seeing it as a Studio in Bandung, where he uses bamboo as the main
deterioration of Nusantaran cultures, these mixtures material along with many reused and recycled materials.
exhibit the suppleness of the culture, as “the strength of In this studio, his expression in architecture emerges as a
Indonesia’s polymorph culture lies in its elasticity and genuine language of his version of local architecture. It
adaptability, able to absorb many foreign (or regional) speaks a sincere expression which fits exquisitely with
influences, adopting these into new forms and the concepts that the architect used. However, it is
expressions” [35]. somehow interesting when listening of his explanation of
Aware of this potential characteristic, some of the his other project that happen to have modern face, Pinisi
Indonesian contemporary architects have moved from Tower in Makassar. In illustrating the design, he uses
generic copy-paste translation. They have given metaphor of Makassar’s traditional house and traditional
considerable efforts to make “transplantation, adaptation, boat to justify the design: the massing, the shape, even
accommodation, and fusion” which is “manifested in the the color of the building. Even though it is overall a good
large variety and hybridity of architectural styles and and interesting concept, it just does not feel as
forms” [3]. However, as visual aspect still becomes the meaningful and as entrenched as the previous one.
main consideration, architects use traditional concepts to Somehow it evokes the thought that the latter’s concept is
explain their design, mostly employ shape analogy which more like a mix-and-match between the design and the
sometimes sounds artificial and even a bit phony. They traditional culture, and it does not sound authentically
might claim some similarities between their design and Nusantara.
the shape of traditional object (like house, weapon, fabric Another interesting building to be discussed is The
pattern, or even sailboat), but when we ask a further Grand Mosque of West Sumatra (Fig.4), design by Rizal
question about fundamental connections between the two, Muslimin 13. Initiated in a design competition, the TOR
only few might give satisfactory answers. required a mosque design that represented West
The problem here is most design decisions are not Sumatra’s local vigour. Started with Islamic and
based on comprehensive research; they are products of a Minangkabau cultures as the main concept of the design,
short glimpse of what is there in traditional world, which the architect came up with a design that represent a piece
then directly imported into a modern form. This is the of cloth used in carrying the Black Stone (Hajar Aswad)
issue which Prijotomo criticized, that in many cases, in the time of Prophet Muhammad. Despite of the
contemporary buildings are more seen as a ‘stranger’ concept, the local people mostly acknowledge the design
rather than a ‘relative’ to the surrounding area, and it is as a beautiful representation of ‘gonjong’ roof as part of
because the local and cultural considerations have never West Sumatra’s traditional houses. Incorporating
been a part of the integral process of design [5]. Although traditional carvings as façade ornaments, this design
the architect might justifies it as a result of a very limited gained mostly positive responds from both judges and the
time they have to finish the design, but somehow this public, saying that as local people, they can relate
case depicts how contemporary architects prefer to adopt themselves with the mosque’s design [30]. It is
pragmatic approach and produce a design that sells. fascinating to see how the architect successfully engaged
From my observation, I argue that architect’s idealism people’s attention and allows them to relate themselves
towards local and traditional context is easier to be with the building, mostly from the shape alone. It will be
acknowledged in a project where he is not required to also interesting to ask further question to the architect of
produce a certain form of modern architecture. Listening why he translate the local spirit required in the TOR into
to one architect’s explanation towards their design, his a traditional architecture language. This phenomenon
concept sounds deeper and more rooted when he does a
small scale project that allows him to explore and to 12
Interview with Yu Sing Liem, Bandung, 11 August 2017
make an experiment. Conversely, when the same 13
This mosque is chosen to be discussed because it has a very good
architect does a bigger scale project, an office building or acceptance from the local people in terms of representing its local
a shopping mall for instance, the concept he offers culture. In her thesis work, Feni Kurniati mentioned that 95% of the
responded agreed that this building successfully displayed their local
culture. Among those positive reviews, 52% of them think that the
horses. As this performance also incorporates supernatural activity, mosque is associated with the shape of Minangkabau traditional house,
some of the dancer will get ‘possessed’ and enter the trance conditions. Rumah Gadang; 35% attracted by its local traditional decoration on the
While in trance, they will display unusual abilities, such as eating glass façade and on the interior; and 8% linked the building with the
and resistance to the effects of whipping or hot coals. philosophy of Minangkabau culture.
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7. C. Passchier, "The quest for the ultimate architecture indonesia in
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9. A. Tardiyana, "Reflection on design projects of the 2002 iai award
and the development of contemporary indonesian architecture," The
CONCLUSION long road towards recognition, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta,
Identity is fluid; it keeps moving and changing 10. G. Tjahjono, "The young are innocent, sensitive, bold, and full of
depends on the standpoint taken when we are looking at energy, enthusiasm and expectation. For the young, the world feels
it. The same thing happens when we try to understand romantic, wide open to exploration, and full of opportunities to
Indonesian architecture, as it is best viewed as a process experience and enjoy.," Karya-karya arsitek muda indonesia 1997-
2002, I. Akmal (Editor), Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2002.
rather than a product. Envisioning it as an open concept 11. A. Purnomo, Relativitas: Arsitek di ruang angan dan kenyataan,
gives us better acceptance in seeing the divergence of the Borneo Publications, Jakarta, 2005.
people. From time to time, massive efforts have been 12. G. Çizgen, "Rethinking the role of context and contextualism in
done in the search of a form of architecture that can architecture and design," Department of Architecture, vol. Master
of Science, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimağusa, 2012.
represent the nation, and the translations vary from 13. R. Thomas and T. Garnham, The environments of architecture:
traditional to modern expression. The local context, Environmental design in context, Taylor & Franscis, London, 2009.
which stretches from traditional culture to ecological 14. I. Widiastuti, "Bedah buku “ketukangan: Kesadaran material”,"
issue, has always been a source of ideas in defining IPLBI [Ikatan Peneliti Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia], vol. 2017,
IPLBI, Bandung, 2015.
Indonesian architecture. But it is obviously problematic 15. M. Arkandiptyo, "What is the difference between the concept of
to find one single type of architecture that speak for the nusantara for malaysia, indonesia, singapore, the philippines and
whole country; it is as futile as putting the one single face majapahit?," Quora, vol. 2017, Brussels, 2016.
to all of diverse people in Indonesia. 16. R. Hartanto, "Reportase: Ketukangan tradisional," Konteks, vol.
2017, Jakarta, 2014.
In generating hybrid architecture, mixing local 17. A. Achmadi, "The architecture of balinization," Architecture and
contexts with modern faces open to various identity, P. Herrle and E. Wegerhoff (Editors), Transaction
interpretations. Reflecting on what happen in recent Publishers, Berlin, 2008, pp. 73-90.
Indonesia, I argue that physical translation has always 18. M. I. Hidayatun and R. Damayanti, "Modern architecture
documentation method in indonesia: An alternative approach," 3rd
dominated the face of contemporary Indonesian modern Asian Architecture Network (mAAN) International
architecture. It becomes problematic when other facets of Conference, Surabaya, 2003, pp. 61-71.
locality are pushed aside, while those barely touched 19. E. Prawoto, J. Widodo, S. Sutanto, B. Lim and B. D. Muynck,
aspects, like social and economy, actually rasp more to "Komentar juri penghargaan iai 2008," Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia,
vol. 2017, Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia, Jakarta, 2008.
the society rather than just a visual beauty. Being 20. "Iai awards - sebuah perjalanan," Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia, Ikatan
contextual is far more than just adopting form or shape Arsitek Indonesia [IAI], Jakarta, 2015.
that resembles local or traditional objects; it has to be 21. "University of indonesia central library / denton corker marshall,"
reflected on the deeper nuance of the building. ArchDaily, vol. 20172012.
22. The Australian Institute of Architects, "2012 finalist: University of
Compared to previous eras, contemporary architects indonesia central library – denton corker marshall," The
have made exceptional progress in architectural design International Chapter, vol. 2017, The Australian Institute of
regarding the concept of local and traditional. But since Architects, Melbourne, n.d.
the face of Indonesian architecture will never be final, 23. A. DCM, "Education + health," Denton Corker Marshall, vol.
2017, DCM Architects, Melbourne, n.d.
then questions and critiques still need to be delivered, to 24. F. R. Pramono, "Ini 6 kemewahan perpustakaan ui yang menuai
make room for improvement and advancement in the area kritik pedas," Liputan6, vol. 2017,, Depok, 2015.
of architectural design praxis. 25. A. Armando, "Soal menghamburkan uang rakyat, pimpinan ui
jagonya!," Life is Beautiful, vol. 2017, Wordpress, Jakarta, 2012.
26. A. Anex and R. Hartanto, "Paviliun indonesia venice biennale
2014: Video teaser," Konteks, vol. 2017, Jakarta, 2014.
27. A. Armand, S. Sopandi, D. Hutama, R. Hartanto and A. D.
Tardiyana, "Ketukangan (craftsmanship)," Ketukangan: Kesadaran
Material (Cratsmanship: Material Consiousness), Ikatan Arsitek Diah A. Purwaningrum, born in Semarang
Indonesia [IAI] Jakarta, Venice, 2014. (Indonesia) on June 1987, is a Ph.D student in
28. H. V. D. Wal, "Craftsmanship: Defiance or opportunity? ," Konteks, Faculty of Architecture, Building and
vol. 2017, Konteks, Jakarta, 2014. Planning at The University of Melbourne. Her
29. D. Ang, "Points of departure," Konteks, vol. 2017, Konteks, Jakarta, research interests include design method,
2014. design pedagogy, contextual design, and
30. F. Kurniati, "Representasi nilai keislaman dan budaya minangkabau Indonesian architectural identity. Her
dalam desain masjid raya sumatera barat," Architecture, vol. Master dissertation focuses on contemporary
of Science, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Bandung, 2016. Nusantaran architecture from the perspectives
31. K. James-Chakraborty, Beyond postcolonialism: New directions for of design praxis and education.
the history of nonwestern architecture, Frontiers of Architectural She attained a Bachelor’s Degree (2010) in
Research 3 (2014), no. 1, 1-9. architecture, and a Master’s Degree (2012) in architectural design, both
32. A. Achmadi, "Beyond traditional balinese architecture: Hybrid past from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) at Bandung, Indonesia. She then
and contemporary architectural formation of penglipuran village," worked as a professional Architect for two years, before deciding to join
The past in the present architecture in indonesia, P. J. M. Nas her alma mater as an Academic Assistant. In 2015, she officially
(Editor), KITLV Press, Leiden, 2007. became a Lecturer in Architecture Department at ITB, joining
33. B. Hatley, Performing identity and community in indonesia in Architectural Design Research Group.
modern times, ACCESS: Critical Perspectives on Communication,
Cultural & Policy Studies 31 (2012), no. 2, 27-38.
34. J. Storey, Cultural theory and popular culture: An introduction,
Taylor and Francis, Hoboken, 2015.
35. F. Steinberg, "Eclectic architecture in indonesia: Looking for
identity? ," Architecture and identity, P. Herrle and E. Wegerhoff
(Editors), Trensactional Publishers, Berline, 2008, pp. 449-454.

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