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For my service learning I volunteered at Three Square to complete my 10 hrs.

I went 4

different times the first two times I volunteered at the kids cafe. Once I got there I had to check

in then I had to wash my hands, put some gloves on and wear a hair net. We packed meals in

individual boxes for the students. Each box contained chicken nuggets, broccoli, sliced apples

and teddy graham, also a napkin, a fork and ketchup. There were 4 stations. I was in the first

station and there people had different jobs of what food item to put in the box and would pass it

down. I was in charge of closing the boxes and I would pass it to another person and she would

put the date and pack them. Since it was my first time in the beginning I was a little

overwhelmed but the person putting the dates on the box helped me once I started getting the

hang of it . I started going pretty fast. It was nice having the music on. After we were done we

also cleaned the area.

On my 3rd visit I was bagging some potatoes for grocery distribution. We would just fill

a net bag with potatoes. We had to make sure to only put the good fresh potatoes in the bag. The

potatoes with mold or that were squishy would go in the decomposition box. On my fourth and

last visit I went to a church. When I first got there we had to organize all the food that was going

to be given. A convention donated fresh salad platters and boxes of sandwich meals. One by one

cars would drive up and me and another person would load up their car with a fresh salad and

boxed sandwich meals.

The service that I provided with Three Square for the kids cafe benefits to feed the

students across the valley that stay for afterschool programs. Packing the food for potatoes for

food distribution would feed families. Providing the services at the church would feed families

as well. This was a wonderful experience. It was very rewarding to my soul to volunteer my time

to help others. At first I was very anxious to do something by myself with strangers but once I
started everything went well. I even made a friend volunteering at the church. Now I tell my

friends and family about my experience and I believe everyone should experience it at least once.

I hope in the future I continue to volunteer.

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