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Karen Sutphin

Faith Country Peace

I am proud to be an American
Faith is part of my culture. and I love our freedoms. I am I am a peaceful and kind
grateful and respect those that person. I want everyone to
sacrificed so much to get along. I am not a hippie
guarantee mine. but I would love to see world

Food Shopping Holidays

Food is at the center of almost

all get togethers. BBQ is a
staple at family get togethers. To shop or not to shop?
The weather is perfect year SHOP! Even if you do not
round for outside grilling. require anything, shopping is
a social event for friends and
Celebrating holidays is a part
of my culture. Family
gatherings for holidays has
always been special to me.
Family Art & Crafts

Painting and making quilts are my current

love. I have a passion to make things. I also
make things with polymer clay and I enjoy
beading, making jewelry. I love art. It is a
never ending journey of discovering and
learning the thing that I love to do.
Family is my culture. So important in my
life. Being a grandma is awesome.

So these entries are all a part of my culture. This is who I am. I work too, but only because I

have to. I did not include a picture of my work because it does not define who I am. It is only

what I have to do to enjoy the rest of my life. That is, until I become a teacher.

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