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No Amount Kind Thing Action Applied

1 2 Red and Greeen Apples Peeled

2 1 Small Orange Peeled
3 6 Red Strawberries Slice Half
4 1 Fresh or Canned Pineapple Large Thick Slice
5 2 Medium Bananas Peeled
6 12 Black or Green Grapes Cut Half
7 1 Ripe Manggo Peeled
Practice 1

Practice 2


1. What is the purpose of the text ?

A. To explain how to make fruit salad C. To give information about the fruits

B. To describe the delicious dessert D. To retell the way to wash fruits

2. What utensils will be needed to make fruit salad ?

A. Bowl, knife, and ,mixer C. Knife, bowl, and spoon

B. Blender, mixer, and spoon D. Mixer, fork, and spoon

3. What should you do after all the fruits washed clean ?

A. Slice half each one C. Mix them in a mixer

B. Put them in a refrigerator D. Peel them

4. Put in “refrigerator”. The word ‘refrigerator’ has similar meaning with ….

A. Generator C. Shelf

B. Cupboard D. Fridge

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