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Name: Milky S.

Orquiza 3-BSE-English

Subject: Prof Ed312

Lesson 3: Social Institutions


1. Of the many issues in your own community and internationally, what is

the one that stood out for you? Why?

Of the many issues here in our community, what stood out for me

is the corruption. What makes it worse than before is that, when

Makilala hit by an earthquake, the Government officials said they’ll give

financial assistance to every family and most especially those homes

were barred down, but until now, nothing happened on that promise.

The people here are still hoping, some reported it already in the radio,

and I don’t know what’s the active role of our officials here in our


2. Imagine you live in a society in which the economic institution is not

working properly (there is high unemployment or high inflation). How

might the decline in the economic institution affect the other institutions

in society? Specifically, how would it affect the (a) family, (b) education,

(c) religious affiliations, and (d) governmental institutions?

Suppose I live in a society where the economic institution is declining,

there is high unemployment and high inflation. The question is, how can it

affect the family, education, religious affiliations, and governmental

institutions? First is the family, where the very basic needs of human are food,

water, shelter, and clothes, and if the parents have no enough income, or

might be, one of them are jobless, adding more the overpricing goods and

products, it is very possible that it will result to poverty. The second is

education, where it’s also the result from family problem because if the parents

can’t afford to provide a 3 times a day meal to their children, how can they give

them a good quality education? The third one is the religious affiliations, we

know that religious congregations such as churches mosques and temples

around the world have every missions including social groups and religious

activities that needs financial assistance for the development of the institution

but how can a place of worship be prosper if the economic system is unstable?

And the last thing is the government institutions, we’re aware that the

economic activity reflects what people, businesses, and governments want to

buy and what they want to sell and if there’s a poor economic performance,

surely it will lead to government collapse and there will debt crisis in any

governmental agencies.

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