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1. I want to be a music teacher because you I love music and performing.

But my parents said

that I can’t make a living as a performer. So they insisted me to have an education degree as a
backup plan.

2. I want my future students to learn from me the value of music in the society, how it affects
every individual who need it the most, motivates them and inspires them to be at good
condition. The value of discipline, the benefits of hard-working and having fun while doing your
job and earning money. Coaching them to become also a music teacher in the future, so that
they will bring also change to anywhere they want to go.

3. I think, the areas of being a music teacher that I need to improve are: Content Knowledge,
Application of Content and Planning for Instructions. I need to improve and study these areas
so that I will become an effective music teacher to my students.

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