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178 Vakamudi. Weaning from CPB Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2004; 7: 178–185

Weaning from Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Problems and Remedies

Mahesh Vakamudi
Department of Anaesthesiology, Sri Ramchandra Medical College & Research Institute, Chennai

W eaning a patient from cardiopulmonary

bypass (CPB) is an important step of surgical
procedures. It requires the anaesthesiologist to
is cold causes prolonged hypothermia due to
equilibration of the cooler, vessel-poor areas with
the warmer better perfused vessel-rich areas,
apply the basic principles of cardiovascular after active rewarming is discontinued.
physiology and pharmacology. The goal is a Nasaopharyngeal temperature correlates with
smooth transition from the mechanical pump back brain temperature but may be artificially elevated
to the heart as the source of blood flow. Weaning during rapid rewarming and should not be used
off CPB should always be conducted in a for determining the temperature at which CPB
coordinated fashion. The surgeon directs the should be discontinued unless it is stable for 20–30
weaning process with input from anaesthesiologist min. Venous return temperature can be used in a
and perfusionist. A skillful anaesthesiologist similar manner to help confirm the core
usually shares the control of weaning with the temperature. The nasopharyngeal temperature
surgeon. Weaning from pump involves optimising should not exceed 38°C as this may increase the
cardiovascular variables. The time for optimisation risk of postoperative central nervous system (CNS)
is compressed to minutes or seconds, and decision dysfunction.
must be made quickly to avoid myocardial injury
or damage to the other major organ systems. The Laboratory data
subject will be dealt under following headings.
CPB results in many metabolic abnormalities.
1. Preparation for weaning Metabolic acidosis with considerable base deficit
2. Final checklist before terminating CPB is likely to occur after prolonged CPB. Acidosis can
3. What to look for during weaning? depress the myocardial function, interfere with
4. Measuring cardiac function inotropic action and increase pulmonary vascular
5. Factors contributing to failure to wean resistance (PVR). Serum sodium, potassium and
ionised calcium should be measured. Routine
Preparation administration of calcium after CPB is not
recommended. Ionised calcium levels should be
Preparation for separation from CPB must be evaluated after rewarming to help direct therapy.
based on a clear understanding of the patients Calcium levels are affected by pH. Low pH will
preoperative condition and the events of the increase calcium levels. Most studies suggest that
operative course. Weaning off CPB is initiated after administration of calcium produces an elevation
review and adjustment of certain patient linked in systemic vascular resistance (SVR) primarily,
variables, such as temperature, laboratory data, and when the ionised calcium level is in low normal
data obtained from monitors. range or higher.1 Calcium chloride administered in
the doses of 5-15 mg/kg can counteract the negative
Temperature inotropic action of hyperkalaemia. Patients on
digoxin therapy can have life threatening
Core Temperature should be greater than 36oC dysrryhthmias after calcium administration.
before terminating the CPB. Shell temperature Augmentation of reperfusion injury is possible.
should be at least 33oC. Ending CPB when patient Calcium should preferably be administered 15 min
Address for Correspondence: Dr. Mahesh Vakamudi, Prof. of Anaesthesia &
after aortic cross-clamp release.
Chief Cardiac Anaesthesiologist, Sri Ramachandra Medical College and
Research Institute, Chennai In patients with poor renal function, repeated
Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2004; 7: 178-185 doses of hyperkalaemic cardioplegias may result

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Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2004; 7: 178–185 Vakamudi. Weaning from CPB 179

in significant hyperkalaemia. Potassium can induce 3. Note the quality of breath sounds.
atrioventricular conduction block. Hyperkalaemia 4. All laboratory data (as mentioned above)
with potassium levels < 6 mEq/L does not require within acceptable limits – optimal metabolic
treatment in the presence of normal renal function. state.
Hypokalaemia should be avoided before the 5. Patient’s temperature – sufficiently rewarmed.
termination of CPB. 6. Proper de-airing of heart and great vessels.
7. All equipments and drugs are ready. (Always
Hyperglycaemia which is common during CPB keep an extra syringe pump for an
usually returns to normal after CPB. However, unanticipated emergency use)
hyperglycemia should be aggressively treated both
during and after CPB with insulin in diabetics. What to Look for During Weaning
Severe hyperglycaemia increases osmolality and
induces osmotic diuresis and CNS dysfunction. It is important to restart all the monitors like
pulse oximeters, capnometer, apnoea alarms,
The optimal haemoglobin concentration during oxygen and ventilator alarms. Plethysmography
CPB is usually accepted as being 6-8 g/dL, takes time to appear when sensors are placed on
although there is no minimum safe level. The extremities. A pulse oximeter waveform appearing
haemoglobin concentration usually should be immediately after termination of CPB is always a
greater than 7.0 g/dL before terminating CPB. If it sign of good peripheral perfusion and adequate
is less than this value, transfusion is advised to rewarming. There might be a larger gradient
maintain oxygen carrying capacity after CPB. between end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2) and
Patients with incomplete revascularisation, arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) at the end
anticipated low cardiac output (CO) and end-organ of bypass. A rapidly increasing height of
damage may benefit from higher haemoglobin capnogram is a sure sign of good CO during the
concentrations. termination of CPB.

Coagualation abnormalities occur during and Pressure transducers should be zeroed and
after CPB. Patients who are on antiplatelet drugs calibrated and their levels should be checked in
or in whom there is a ‘long pump run’ can have relation to the operating table. Pressure waveforms
thrombocytopaenia. Fresh frozen plasma and are best displayed using overlapping traces with
cryoprecipitate must be available in the operating identical scales. Coronary perfusion pressure may
room, if clotting factor deficiencies are anticipated. be estimated by the vertical height difference
Desmopressin can be used to increase platelet between the arterial diastolic pressure and
aggregation in patients with platelet abnormalities. pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) or
These blood products and desmopressin should be left atrial pressure (LAP). The vertical height
given only after complete heparin reversal. Post between the pulmonary artery mean pressure and
bypass bleeding is usually due to three factors, central venous pressure (CVP) waveforms might
inadequate surgical haemostasis, inadequate estimate the right ventricular work. The slope of
heparin reversal or platelet dysfunction. the rise in central aortic pressure during systole
may give some indication of left ventricular (LV)
The Final Check List contractility. Valvular regurgitations can be
diagnosed by the detection of ‘V’ waves during the
The weaning process should be gradual as the diastolic phases on waveforms of filling pressures.
cardiac function is usually not normal at the end A decreased pulse pressure suggests LV failure.
of CPB. The final check list may be as follows: Radial artery pressures may not be accurate
following CPB. During the first 30 minutes, the
1. Oxygen flow meter must be on, supplying radial artery tends to underestimate both the
100% oxygen. systolic and mean central aortic pressure. 2
2. Lungs are ventilated with 100% oxygen – Clinically significant radial artery hypotension
confirm visually. should be confirmed with central aortic pressure

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180 Vakamudi. Weaning from CPB Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2004; 7: 178–185

measurement. A kinked arterial catheter or absence of any electrolyte abnormalities.

extension tubing should also be ruled out. Visual Amiodarone can be used in the pump if there are
inspection of heart should be done at every point. intractable ventricular arrhythmias. It can produce
A vigorously contracting heart with abnormal severe depression of ventricular function.
arterial trace and an arterial line which is difficult
to aspirate, should lead to suspicion of a kinked Measuring Cardiac Function
catheter or line.
Inspection of the heart visually or by
In patients with good preoperative LV function, echocardiography provides valuable information
PCWP of 8-12 mm Hg or CVP of 6-12 mm Hg is about contractility, wall motion abnormalities,
often normal. In non-compliant ventricles higher conduction, preload and valvular function.
filling pressure (>20 mm Hg) may be needed to
achieve higher filling volumes. In such cases both Cardiac function may be assessed by measuring
left and right sided filling pressures should be CO. A cardiac index (CI) of more than 2.0 L/min/
monitored. The CVP/LAP ratio should be m2 is ideal for termination of CPB. If heart rate is
observed. The normal ratio is less than 1. If the ratio high, a normal CO can exist despite a low stroke
is more than 1, interventricular septum may be volume, therefore calculation of stroke volume index
pushed to the left, limiting the LV filling and might be useful. Signs of adequate tissue perfusion
decreasing CO. should be present as soon as CPB is terminated. A
good plethysmograph from a sensor placed on the
ECG should be carefully assessed for rate, finger is a sure sign of excellent peripheral perfusion.
rhythm, conduction and evidence of ischaemia. Arterial blood gases and pH should be measured
Cardiac rate and rhythm must be optimised. Heart just before CPB is terminated. Lactic acidosis and
rate of 80-100 beats/minute often is needed for gas exchange abnormalities should be ruled out.
adequate CO. Patients who have undergone Mixed venous oxygen saturation (SVO2) or tension
coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery measurement provides a good guide for CO
might tolerate heart rates in the higher range after assessment. Many heart-lung machines have the
revascularisation than prior to the bypass. Patients provision to monitor continuous SVO2. Decreased
with severely limited stroke volume (after urine output after CPB should be evaluated
ventricular remodeling) may require even higher immediately. A mechanical defect in the urinary
rates. Sinus tachycardia should be treated (>120/ drainage system should be ruled out. A distended
min) before terminating the CPB. Adequate bladder on visual inspection and low serum
preload should be tried first to see whether heart potassium should arouse suspicion of a kinked
rate can be reflexly decreased. Other causes catheter. The ideal perfusion pressure for adequate
include light planes of anesthesia (Fast-tracking), tissue perfusion should be individualised. Patients
hypoxia, hypercapnia, inotropes, anaemia and with renal insufficiency, cerebrovascular disease or
ischaemia. hypertension may require higher perfusion
pressures, but at the risk of increased bleeding.
Normal Sinus rhythm is always preferable. In
patients with left ventricular hypertrophy, sinus Factors Contributing To Failure To Wean
rhythm is essential as ‘atrial kick’ can contribute up
to 40% of CO. Atrial pacing may be considered if Total CPB is physiologically a circulation in
there is no atrioventricular conduction block. series. Blood flows from vena cavae to oxygenator
Supraventricular tachycardias and atrial fibrillation and to aorta. Partial CPB converts circulation to
(acute) should be cardioverted. Esmolol, calcium parallel. Blood flows from vena cavae both into
channel blockers and adenosine may also be used. right ventricle and oxygenator and into lungs and
Some of these agents may decrease contractility. aorta. Termination of CPB finally converts the
Digoxin is effective but has long duration of onset circulation back into series. The duration of parallel
of action. Presence of new ventricular dysrrhythmias circulation is determined by the ability of the
should arouse suspicion of ongoing ischaemia in the ventricle to withstand the partial preload diverted

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Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2004; 7: 178–185 Vakamudi. Weaning from CPB 181

to heart and sustain the circulation. It is important inflation or lung collapse can lead to severe
to realise that the CPB performs basically two vital hypoxaemia immediately after termination from
functions, respiration and circulation. Inability to CPB. This is particularly important in children and
restore any of these two functions can potentially short statured adults. Endotracheal suction may be
lead to failure to wean from CPB. required and this should be done carefully in the
anticoagulated patient to avoid mucosal trauma
Respiration and bleeding. Prophylactic use of beta agonists in
both intravenous and inhalational forms should be
Restoring respiration and establishing considered to treat increased airway resistance and
ventilation and oxygenation are the most important slow deflating lung. CPB should be continued until
steps during weaning from CPB. Analgesic and the airway pressures return to normal. In patients
anaesthetic requirements are increased during undergoing reoperations pleural adhesions might
rewarming phase. Benzodiazepines should be hinder evacuation of pleural effusion accumulated
added to avoid awareness during rewarming. during CPB.
Vaporisers should be turned off 10 min. prior to
termination of CPB. Anaesthesia machine should The timing of initiation of mechanical ventilation
be switched on. All alarms must be reactivated. is controversial. Some physicians believe that
Adequate oxygen should be flowing through the ventilation should begin when pulsatile flow
machine and the airway circuit should be properly resumes in order to avoid hypoxaemia. However,
connected. Failure to wean from CPB can occur due the changes in arterial blood gases are well within
to inadvertent continuous administration of the limits of clinical acceptability and do not
volatile anaesthetic during weaning from CPB. necessitate ventilation while pulsatile flow is
resumed during full CPB.3
The lungs should be inflated manually to The pulse oximeter or the CPB circuit venous
evaluate compliance and eliminate oxygenation also can be used to assess the need
macroatelectasis. Lungs should be examined for for ventilation during partial CPB. Sometimes
both inflation and deflation and re-expanded with overzealous ventilation on partial CPB can lead to
two or three sustained breaths (10-15 sec each) to a severe respiratory alkalosis, an unwanted
peak pressure of 30-35 cm H 2 O with visual physiological effect during rewarming.
confirmation of bilateral lung expansion and
resolution of atelectasis. In patients with internal Circulation
mammary artery grafts, care must be taken to
prevent lung over distension, which may cause Termination of CPB is a stressful period, needing
graft avulsion. Patients with a history of the restoration of complete and efficient mechanical
bronchospastic disease can have increased airway activity of heart, which might be still recovering
resistance during weaning from CPB. An from a physiological insult of chemical quiescence
inadvertently distended left ventricle during CPB and surgical trauma. In the presence of normal
or persistent L to R shunt on CPB can decrease lung respiratory mechanics, the mechanical and
compliance and increase airway resistance. Pre- electrical activity of the heart is responsible for
existing cardiac conditions like large L to R shunts maintaining the oxygenation of tissues. It is the
and obstructed anomalous pulmonary venous duty of the anesthesiologist along with the other
connections can cause bleeding into lungs, leading members of the team to be vigilant and quick to
to decreased compliance. An increased LAP either respond to any indications, suggestive of difficulty
due to depressed cardiac function or mechanical in the weanning process.
mitral valve obstruction can lead to acute
pulmonary oedema and decreased pulmonary Difficulty in weaning form CPB can be either
compliance. Pneumothorax or pleural effusion can anticipated or unanticipated. In a retrospective
also impair lung function. Inspection of lungs for study,4 patients were grouped into three groups
bilateral inflation is very essential as unilateral depending on the level of difficulty to wean from

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182 Vakamudi. Weaning from CPB Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2004; 7: 178–185

CPB. In group A, patients offered no difficulty to repair, to plan the treatment options for weaning
discontinuation from CPB. In these patients pump from CPB. In a review of 12,471 patients Christakis
flow was gradually reduced and stopped and et al 5 highlighted the predictors of mortality
venous line clamped. Final adjustment of cardiac following CABG surgery in relation to preoperative
output is made off pump, by slowly administering LV function. Female gender, left main stenosis,
residual volume from the oxygenator until ideal emergency surgery, and reoperation were
preload is attained. predictors of mortality in patients with normal
(>40%) ejection fraction (EF). The type of
In group B, patients had mild to moderate degree myocardial protection used was found to be an
of cardiac dysfunction. They required some support important predictor of mortality in patients with
to disconnect from the pump. These patients EF between 40% and 20%. In patients with EF <20%,
required elaborate preparations prior to the only predictor of death was emergency surgery.
termination of CPB. CO was estimated before In a retrospective study6 in patients who underwent
turning off CPB. Preload was adjusted according CABG surgery, the predictors for the need for
to the filling pressures. Inotropes were started. inotropic support are preexisting low EF, dilated
Pump flow was reduced only after making sure ventricles, high left ventricular end diastolic
that interventions made were working. Pump flow pressure (LVEDP), long aortic cross clamp time, old
was decreased in small increments after waiting age, and female gender. It has been clearly shown
for sufficient time at each step. CO was assessed in a number of studies that there is a decline in the
with the help of LAP or PCWP and/or ventricular function immediately after CPB,
transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE). Pump making the time during termination of CPB a
was stopped only after making sure that cardiac vulnerable point. Ventricular function is impaired
function was stable for adequate time with minimal by aortic cross clamping. The ischaemia due to
support from CPB. A good rule is, “The first attempt cross clamping can result in myocardial stunning.
to switch off CPB is the best one”. In cases of acute myocardial infarction ventricular
function might improve due to revascularisation.
In group C, patients had severe ventricular But this benefit might be offset with the possibility
dysfunction that proved difficult to terminate CPB, of myocardial stunning due to cross clamp or
despite physiological and pharmacological cardioplegia. Ventricular function usually improves
support. In these patients CPB was prolonged. after valve replacement. Ventricles with chronic
Intense pharmacological support in combination aortic regurgitation suffer from prolonged volume
with rest to the myocardium may convert some of overload resulting in eccentric ventricular
these patients into group ‘B’. These non-responders hypertrophy. In patients with mitral regurgitation
may eventually need mechanical circulatory the acute afterload mismatch produced by
support. Patients in this group may be replacing the mitral valve and removing the low
recategorised by the use of TOE by the end of pressure relief effect frequently results in
rewarming. Patients showing some cardiac activity ventricular dysfunction.
on TOE, might be able to separate from CPB after
prudent pharmacological and mechanical support Objective evidence of adequacy of surgical repair
using intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP). Patients should always be obtained before termination of
showing no cardiac mechanical activitiy should go CPB. The surgeon remains an important source of
on to mechanical circulatory support. information in this regard. For CABG surgeries, the
quality of distal anastamosis, degree of under
Myocardial function continues to be the single revascularisation, and presence of badly diseased
most important determinant of successful weaning coronaries are important factors that determine the
from CPB. It is crucial for the anaesthesiologist to difficulty in CPB termination.
gather information from preoperative charts about
the extent of myocardial dysfunction and take into The commonest reasons for failure to establish
account the intraoperative events like effectiveness adequate circulation at the termination of CPB may
of myocardial protection and adequacy of surgical be due to:

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Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2004; 7: 178–185 Vakamudi. Weaning from CPB 183

 LV failure

 RV failure
 Inappropriate vasodilation


Left Ventricular Failure

Treatment: The causes of LV failure are shown in        





table 1. Ephedrine 10-20 mg or 10 µg of bolus
epinephrine is often given to increase contractility Too Increased Hyper Hypovolaemic Decreased Decreased Decreased Hypovolae-
before commencing the infusion. Full

Epinephrine or dopamine may be appropriate TREATMENT -

if the heart rate is normal and SVR is low or normal. Situation (1): Wait, try diuretics, venodilators
Dobutamine and milrinone may be more Situation (2): Use inodilators or vasodilators
appropriate if SVR is increased. Norepinephrine or Situation (3): Wait, Deepen plane of anaesthesia
Situation (4): Use volume and vasodilators
phenylephrine may need to be added to milrinone Situation (5): Wait, vasoconstrict if blood pressure is too low
if SVR is low. Nitroglycerin should be started if Situation (6): Check preload, use inodilator, “go back” on
ischaemia is present. Figure 1 shows the algorithm pump, IABP, LVAD
Situation (7): Use vasoconstrictors
for diagnosing various haemodynamic causes Situation (8): Use volume, for RV failure consider iNO, PGE1,
and their management during weaning from RVAD
CPB. Fig. 1. Schematic representation to assist the diagnosis and treatment
of haemodynamic disturbances during weaning from CPB
IABP: intra-aortic balloon pump, LVAD: left ventricular assist device,
INO - inhaled nitric oxide, PGE: prostaglandin E, RVAD: right ventricu-
Table 1. Causes of left ventricular failure lar assist device

Ischaemia A. Graft Failure B. Inadequate Coronary C. Myocardial

Blood Flow Ichaemia Leading To
Myocardial Damage
1 Clotted graft, 1. Incomplete revascularisation 1. Incomplete myocardial
preservation during CPB
2. Distal graft occlusion 2. Inadequate coronary perfusion 2. Evolving myocardial
pressure infarction.
3. Air in the graft 3. Emboli in native coronary
4. Kinked graft 4. Coronary spasm
Valve failure A. Prosthetic Valve B. Native Valve
1. Sewn in reverse 1. Acute MR (Papillary
2. Paravalvular leak muscle dysfunction)
3. Immobile disk
Gas exchange A. Hypoxaemia B. Hypoventilation
problems. 1. Inadequate FiO2 1.Leak around ET tube
2. Mechanical Ventilator 2.Tube moved up in trachea
failure 3.ETCO2 port disconnection
3. Airway disconnected
4. Bronchospasm
5. Pump lung
Inadequate preload
Reperfusion injury
Miscellaneous A. Medications
causes of reduced (-blockers)
contractility B. Acidosis
C. Electrolyte disturbance
D. Pre-existing LV

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184 Vakamudi. Weaning from CPB Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2004; 7: 178–185

Right Ventricular Failure for incomplete revascularisation due to smaller

and more diseased coronary arteries)
Treatment: The causes of RV failure are shown in 3. Elderly patient
table 2. Any signs of RV ischaemia should be 4. Use of ACE inhibitors
treated. Coronary air embolism must be treated 5. Ongoing ischaemia or evolving infarct in pre-
with epinephrine boluses (10-50 µg) into the pump CPB period.
before termination of CPB. Wait for ECG to return 6. Prolonged CPB (>2-3 hours).
to normal before weaning. Patients with 7. Incomplete revascularisation (small vessels or
pulmonary hypertension need strategies to distal disease)
manipulate pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). 8. Valve replacement with small valve or
Hyperventilation, accomplished by high suboptimal valve repair
respiratory rate, (because high tidal volume 9. Incomplete myocardial preservation during
increases PVR) can decrease PVR. Avoid cross-clamping
hypoxaemia and acidosis. Higher preload is a) ECG not asystolic
needed. Consider inhaled nitric oxide or b) Prolonged ventricular fibrillation prior to
prostaglandin infusion for reducing PVR. cross clamp
Resistant RV failure might necessitate the use of c) Warm myocardium
RV assist device. i. LV hypertrophy
ii. High grade coronary artery stenosis
Table 2. Causes of right ventricular failure
iii. Choice of grafting order
iv. Noncoronary collateral flow – washout
1. Pulmonary Hypertension
Chronic mitral valve disease
of cardioplegia
L-R shunts v. Poor LV venting – LV distension.
Pulmonary embolism
Acute mitral regurgitation Preparations For High-risk Patients
2. Air Embolism of right Coronary artery 1. It is a good practice to have ready syringes of
3. RV Ischaemia or Infarct
ephedrine (3 mg/ml)and epinephrine (10 µg/
4. RV Outflow Obstruction
5. Tricuspid Regurgitation ml), so that boluses can be used until decision
RV: right ventricle, L-R: left to right to start a continuous infusion is made.
2. Need for additional monitoring (LAP, PA
pressure) considered.
Inappropriate Vasodilation 3. All inotropes available on the shelf (like
amrinone, milrinone) with some extra supply
It prevents achievement of an adequate blood of syringe infusion pumps.
pressure despite an acceptable CI. The commonest 4. IABP must be inside the OR, switched on
causes are, pre-existing medications (angiotensin and ECG source connected (always connect
converting enyme (ACE) inhibitors), electrolyte a second ECG cable in patients with
abnormalities, acid–base disturbances, sepsis, preoperative LV dysfunction for rapid insertion
idiopathic conditions (factors related to CPB) and of IABP). Presence of femoral arterial line will
hyperthermia. Treatment includes use of make the IABP insertion easy before
vasopressors like norepinephrine, phenylphrine terminating CPB.
and vasopressin. It is important to avoid use of 5. Inotropes must be started and IABP inserted
inodilators in these patients. early when difficulty is anticipated and
confirmed with TOE.
Some of the ‘predictors’ for failure to wean from 6. Early use of IABP should be preferred over
CPB are : incremental doses of one or more inotropes, so
that the heart rates remaing in physiological
1. Preoperative EF < 0.45 or diastolic dysfunction limits.
2. Female patient undergoing CABG (tendency 7. Preemptive use of milrinone has been shown

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Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2004; 7: 178–185 Vakamudi. Weaning from CPB 185

to improve cardiac function during and after Problem situations during weaning include
cardiac surgery. 7 excessive vasodilation, vasoconstriction, acute
haemodynamic deterioration and hypoxaemia. An
Weaning from CPB, should be a co-ordinated efficient and vigilant team will be successful in
effort and adequate preparations should be made weaning difficult cases from CPB if prudent
in patients with anticipated difficulty to wean. physiological concepts are applied.


1. Royster RL, Butterworth JF, Prielipp RC, et al. A random- 4. Souza MH, Elias DO. Weaning from cardiopulmonary by-
ized blinded, placebo controlled evaluation of calcium pass. Indian Journal of extracorporeal technology 1998; 6: 2
chloride and epinephrine for inotropic support after emer- 5. Christakis GT, Weisel RD, Fremes SE, et al. Coronary
gence from cardiopulmonary bypass. Anesth Analg 1992; artery bypass grafting in patients with poor ventricular
74: 3-13 function. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1992; 103: 1083-1092
2. Mohr R, Lavee J, Goor DA. Inaccuracy of radial artery 6. Royster RL, Butterworth JF, Prough DS, et al . Preoperative
pressure measurement after cardiac operations. J Thorac and intraoperative predictors of inotropic support and
Cardiovasc Surg 1987; 94: 286-290 long term outcome in patients having coronary artery
3. Moore RA, Gallagher JD, Kingsley BP, et al. The effect of bypass grafting. Anesth Analg 1991; 72: 729-736
ventilation on systemic blood gases in the presence of left 7. Kikura M, Sato S. The efficacy of preemptive milrinone
ventricular ejection during cardiopulmonary bypass. or amrinone therapy in patients undergoing coronary ar-
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1985; 90: 287-290 tery bypass grafting. Anesth Analg 2002; 94: 22-30

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