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Ministerial work is a call supported by the Holy Spirit in which

sinners are called unto repentance.

When God created Man in the beginning the purpose was to

fellowship, serve and abbey Him. Man failed God. He was then

drive away from God’s presence. But for the love of God towards

Mankind. He was looking for a way to reconcile man back to

Himself. This I am termed to be “Plan B” of God. In this “Plan B”,

Many Prophets came in the Old Testament; they were called but

could not do the work.

We have Abraham, Moses Elijah, Micah and May others but could

not make much impact on the people until Jesus Christ came.

He is the Goodnews that was sent to the world. He made the

atonement of reconciling man back to God on the cross. This

Goodnews must be spread. Transformation as the type that

happened in Saul’s life on his way to Damascus must happened in

everybody’s lives. Man must surrender everything to Jesus Christ,

the another and finisher of the faith who has come to set up a

prototype fellowship mechanism with God.

This Gospel must be spread to all work and crannies of the world.

Hence the birth of Ministerial work. “Go yee and preach the

Goodnews – Jesus Christ.

For the purpose of this paper, my focus will be on the Ministerial

acts of God as against what obtained today among the Ministers of

God with special attention to the Materialistic tendencies of the

Nigerian Ministers in their Churches.

The Church is the body of Christ built on moral and spiritual

principles. The church is a divine assembly at the elect of God. It

is founded upon the counsel and good pleasure of His will

(Ephesian 1:5,11) and chosen (elect) in Him before the foundation of

the world (Ephesians 1:4)(Romans 83).

The influence of the church on the society is both psychological and

sociological. In many areas of the world today, the church is

growing at an unprecedented pace. As result of large number. New

converts need ministerial care and good purposeful leadership.

They need a dedicated shepherd to guard and nurture them on the

word of God.

A minister called by God should be a model after Christ. An Apostle

of Goodnews should therefore become light to the society in general

and in the daily experience of man in particular.

The Life – Style of Ministers today compared to what is obtained in

the scripture has raised some fundamental questions which need to

be addressed ministers are no longer live according to the laid –

down principles in the scripture.

They are no longer lovers of the people (congregation) and in the

word of God they are no longer interested, in the salvation of souls

or eternity, rather they preach and pursue earthly possession.

Materialism like money cars and what they belief in.

The attitudes, qualities and responsibilities is of ministers of today

no longer mater. Materialism which is the belief that money

possessions and physical comforts are more important than

spiritual values and that only material things has no place in

Ministerial call and such it should be despised by minister of day.


MATERIAL:- Consisting of matter of behavior, ideas worldly and

not spiritual concerned with bodily comfort.

1.4.1 MATERIALISM:- This is the belief that money possession and

physical comfort are more than spiritual values the greed and

materialism of model minister is beyond expression.

1.4.2 MINISTER: In the Protestant Christian Church, a minister is

a trained religious leader. A person authorized to conduct worship,

administer sacrament in a Christian church, an agent a minister of

divine to give aid or service to minister to a person’s needs to serve

as a minister of religion to minister to a congregation.





The priest and Levites served much the same function as our

ministers to day. Their duties included:

(1) Teaching the people about God.

(2) Setting an example of godly living

(3) Caring for the sanctuary and its workers.

(4) Distributing the offerings.

Because priests could not own property or pursue outside business

interests. God made special arrangement so that people would not

take advantage of them. Often, churches take advantage of the

men and woman God has brought to lead them. For example,

ministers may not be paid in accordance with their skills or the

time they put in.

The Old Testament people were so zealous to celebrate the Passover

and bring offerings to the temple that the priests and Levites were

ashamed that they did not share the same enthusiasm. The zeal of

common people’s faith motivated the ministers to take action. The

devoted faith of lay persons today should motivate Professional

church staff to rekindle their enthusiasm for God’s work.

During Nehemiah’s final reforms, the Levites were no longer

supported they had returned to their farm to support themselves

neglecting their temple duties and the spiritual welfare of the

people. Spiritual workers of today particularly Ministers deserve

their pay, and their support ought to be enough to care for their

needs. They should not have to suffer (or leave) because believes

don’t adequately asses and meet the needs of their ministers.

Ministers need motivation.

The people of Prophet Micah’s time liked the false prophets who told

them only what they wanted to hear. Micah spoke against

prophets who encouraged the people to feel comfortable in their sin.

Preachers are popular when they don’t ask too much of us. But a

true Minister of God speaks the truth, regardless of what he

listeners what to hear. Ministers should not dilute message to

please the crowd (Micah 2:11).

It is the responsibility of the Minister to help people discern right

from wrong (Micah 3:1) Micah denounced the sins of the leaders,

priests and Prophets (“leaders of Jacob” and “rulers”) those

responsible for teaching the people right from wrong. The leaders,

who should have known the law and taught it to the people, had set

the law aside and had worst of sinners. They were taking

advantage of the very people they were supposed to serve. All sin

is bad, but the sin that leads others astray is the worst of all.

The Old Testament leaders had no compassion or respect for those

they were supposed to serve. They were treating the people

miserably in other to satisfy their own desires and then they had

the gall to ask for God’s help when they found themselves in

trouble. We like leaders, should not treat God like a light switch to

be turned to only as needed. Instead, we should always rely on


Micah warned the leaders, priests and prophets of his day to avoid

bribe. Minister today accept bribes when they allow those who

contribute much to control the church. When fear of losing money

or members influences Minister to remain when they should speak

up for what is right, their churches are in danger. We should

remember that Judah was finally destroyed because of the behavior

of its religious leaders. A similar warning must be directed at those

who have money – never use your resources to influence or

manipulate God’s ministers – that is bribery Minister may accept

bribes without realizing it (Micah 3:11).

Minister shouldn’t let worship becomes a business (Mal. 1:6) God

charged the priest with failing to honour him (to the point of

showing contempt for his name) and failing to be good spiritual

examples to the people. The temple had been rebuilt in 516BC and

worship was being conducted there but the priests did not worship

God properly, they were not following his laws for the sacrifices,

Ezra, the priest had sparked a great revival around 45BC.

However, by Malachi’s time, the nation’s leaders had once again

fallen away from God, and the people right along with them. The

worship of God was no longer from heart fell adoration; instead, it

was simply a burdensome job for the priests.

The Minister was likened to a sacred teacher and sower (B 126:56)

God’s ability to restore life is beyond our understanding. Forest

burn down and are able to grow back. Broken bones heal, Even

grief is not a permanent condition. Minister tears can be seeds that

will grow into a harvest of joy because God is able to bring good out

of tragedy.

In the Old Testament, the companies of Prophets was like a school,

gathering discipline around a recognized prophet, such as Elijah or

Elisha. They were located throughout the country and helped the

people to stem the tide of spiritual and moral decline in the nation.

Ministers in the Old Testament were exempted from taxation (Ezra

7:24) become priests and Levitees filled an important role in society

as spiritual leaders. While the Bible does not teach exemption for

religious employees, today churches have the responsibility to keep

wordly burdens off the shoulders of spiritual workers the priests

and Levites were always loyal to David the King. David needed

spies in Absalom court to inform him of Absalom’s decision. By

sending Hushai to Absalom as a supposed traitor to David Hushai

would offer advice contradictory to Ahithophel’s advice. Ahitophel

was Absalom advised (he was also Bathsheba’s grand father) This

story shows us that ministers were in politics (2 Sam. 24 -27) and

took part in war (2 Chron. 13: 12-14) Pastors/Priests were

influential in public affair (1 Sam 16:1-13) They designated kings91

Sam 9:15-16) 1 Sam 10:1)(1Sam 16:1-13) They recommended evil

military appointments (2 Kings 14:13) They expostulated rulers –

(Samuel with Saul)- 1 Sam 13: 11-14 Nathan with David (2 Sam

12:1-14)Elijah with Ahab (1 Kings 18:17 -18).


Son of Terah and grandson of Nabot, the seventh descendant from

Shem. His name was at first Abram “father of elevation” but was

altered by God into Abraham. “father of a multitude” In the name

(Abraham) the blessings of the Gentiles is secured by God. The

family dwelt in your of the Chaldeans and wee idolaters Jos. 24:2.

Abraham was the first to receive a definite call from God. To leave

not only the idolatrous nation to which his ancestors belonged but

to leave his kindred and his father’s house and to go into a land

that God would show him. God would bless him and make him a

blessing and bless all who blessed him and would curse all who

cursed him. Con. 12:1-13.


Joshua the son of Nun; of the tribe of Ephraim. His name was

originally OSHEA OR HOSHEA but it was changed by Moses into

Jehoshua Joshua which is the same as Jesus in the Greek and

signifies “Jehovah the Saviour” Joshua was one of the twelve spies

and he with Caleb brought up a true report of the land and was one

of the two survivals of the men who came out of Egypt that entered

the land. The first notice of Joshua is when he led the army against

the Amalekites and overcome them, while Moses’ hands were held

up (Exod 17:9) He is afterwards called “the minister” of Moses and

as such he went up with him into the mountain of God (Exod.

24:13) (Exod. 32:17). Joshua was appointed the successor of

Moses, not as law-giver, but as leader. He had “the spirit” and

some of the honour of Moses was put upon him, (Num. 27:18-23

(Deut. 1:38)(Deut. 328).

The principle work of Joshua was to lead the Israelites into the land

of promise not on the ground of their righteousness but on the

promise made to their fathers; the subjugation of the former

inhabitants and dividing the land as a possession for the twelve

tribes, and these things are recorded in the book of Joshua. In

these points Joshua was a type of Christ as leader or Captain of His

saints. He is once called Joshua Neh 8:17.

One of the greatest challenges facing leaders is to replace

themselves, training others to become leaders, many outstanding

accomplishments have been started by somebody with great ability

whose life or career ended before the vision became reality. The

fulfillment of that dream then became the responsibility of that

person’s successor. Death is the ultimate deadline for leadership.

One of the best tests of our leadership is our willingness and ability

to train another for our position.

Moses made an excellent decision when he chose Joshua as his

assistant. That choice was later confirmed by God himself when he

instructed Moses to commission Joshua as his successor (Numbers

27: 15-23). Joshua had played a key role in the exodus from Egypt

introduced as the field general of Israel’s army, he was the only

person allowed to accompany Moses part way up the mountain

when Moses received the law. Joshua and Caleb were the only two

among the 12 spies to bring back an encouraging report after being

sent into the Promised Land and first time. Other references show

him to have been Moses’ constant shadow. His basic training was

living with Moses-experiencing first hand what it meant to lead

God’s people. This was modeling at its best!

Who is your Moses? Who is your Joshua? You are part or the chain

of God’s ongoing work in the world, you are modeling yourself after

others and others are patterning their lives after you as as Pastor.

How important is God to those you want to be like? Do those who

are watching you see God reflected in every area of your life?

Pastors should ask God to lead them to trustworthy Moses and ask

God to make them a good Joshua.


A Prophet, a Nazarite from his birth, raised up by God to be His

servant because Isreal had failed in its priests and every man was

doing that which was right in his own eyes. He was one whom God

answered when he called upon Him (Psalm 99:6 and is classed with

Moses as intercessors with God (Jeremiah 15:1) Samuel was also a

faithful judge in Israel and acted as priest when Eli and his sons

were dead. His history is given in the books that bear his name.

He is called SHEMUEL in 1chronicles 6:33.

We often wonder about the childhoods of great people. We have

little information about the early years of most of the people

mentioned in the Bible. One delightful exception is Samuel; he

came as a result of God’s answer to Hannah’s fervent prayer for a

child. (in fact, the name Samuel comes from the Hebrew

expression, “heard of God”) God shaped Samuel from the start.

Like Moses Samuel was called to fill many different roles as a.

- Judge, priest, prophet, counselor, and God’s man, at a turning

point in the history of Israel. God worked through Samuel

because was willing to be one thing; God’s servant.

- Samuel showed that those whom God finds faithful in small

things will be trusted with greater things. He grew passing the

high priest (Eli) in the Tabernacle until god directed him to

other responsibilities. God was able to use Samuel because he

was genuinely dedicated to God.

- Samuel moved a head because he was listening to God’s

directions. Too often weeks God to control our lives without

making up give up the goals for which we strive. We ask God

to help us get where we want to go. The first steppe in

correcting this tendency is to turnover both the control and

destination of our live so them. The second step is to do what

we already know God requires outs. The third step is to listen

for further direction from his world’s map for life.





In the power of the Spirit (John the Baptist preparatory ministry

having closed through his imprisonment by Herod) Jesus now

commanded the Marvelous ministry of divine words and works of

grace and power which is presented to use in the four Gospels.

In Mathew we se Him as the seed of promise, the Son; of Abraham

and as the Son of David, the hair of the throne of thee Lord in

Israel. He is also Emmanuel; the Jehovah of Israel.

In Mark, He is viewed as the Son and servant of God acting and

speaking for God in the midst of the circumstances of sin and

sorrow into which he had entered.

In Luke, He is Son of Man, yet altogether of a new order of

manhood, the vessel of grace for man in the like circumstances of

sin and sorrow.

In John He is the word, the light, and Revelation of God, but He

become flesh and tabernacle here, full of grace and truth; and as

the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, He fully

declared God, whom no man has seen at any time.

It is said of Him that He “went about doing good and healing all that

were oppressed of the devil.

He relieved man of every pressure which sin had brought upon him.

He preached glad tidings to the poor, and brought to man the light

of another sphere – the kingdom of God. It is also said of Him that

“God was in Christ reconciling the world into himself, not imputing

their trespasses”.

He refused to judge for He came to save. He perfectly set forth God

to man, and in Him as man-God found His delight. His words were

the words of God. (John 3:34) and the father who dwelt in Him did

the works (John 14:10) His presence among men exposed man and

revealed the thoughts of many hearts, and divine wisdom in Him

detected the hollow religiousness, the infidelity and the worldliness

of the heart of man.

As one sent to do the will of God, He received all that came to Him,

drawn by the grace of the Father. He led them and went before

them as the Good shepherded held them in His hand, securing

them thus for eternal life and finally laid down His life for the

sheep. In death He wrought redemption and by that work gave

effect to His ministry.

From the first He was refused by the leaders of Israel and “the world

knew Him not”. From the mount of transfiguration, where God gave

Him honour and glory, He descended to suffer at the hands of men,

though His death was accordance to “the determinate counsel and

fore – knowledge of God” because of this enmity of man, He retire

beyond Jordan till the time came for the counsels of God to be

accomplished in his death. During that period He visited Bethany

to raise Lazarus, but again retired into the wilderness till six days

before the Passover. He then presented Himself to Zion as her king,

cleansed the temple of God, and judged with divine wisdom all the

questions by which they sought to entrap Him.

Then approached the “hour” of man and of “the power of darkness”

Jesus, knowing that this hour was at hand ate the last Passover

with his disciples and instituted the Lord’s supper. He then crossed

the Kidron valley into the Garden of Gethsemane. There, his soul

was “exceeding sorrowful even unto death” in anticipation of the

cup which He had to drunk but in the submission which flowed

from his perfect accord with the father’s will, He received the cup

from the Father’s hands and went forth to drunk it.

On the cross the judgment of God as to sin was fully executed; God

was glorified as to it redemption was accomplished, hence a dying

male-thief who turned to Jesus that day was with Him in Paradise

He gave up His life and the blood and water which flowed from His

dead side witnessed that expiation and cleansing from man are

alone found. His death also laid the righteous ground for God to

effectuate His counsels with regard to man and to fulfill His


Though rejected here by man, He was “raised up from the dead by

the glory of the Father’, and “God also has highly exalted Him, and

given Him a name which is above every name; that at he name of

Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in

earth and things under the earth; and that every tongue should

confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father”.

As Lord, He administers everything for God according to the

redemption He has accomplished, and the place He has taken in

resurrection life and glory. He is there as the last Adam and the

second man, the head and pattern of a new race of man. He is also

the advocate, Intercessor and the High priest on behalf of those who

believe in Him, who are still in weakness on earth and need his

support and aid.

He is sitting at the right hand of God until His enemies are made

foots tool. It is revealed that He will descend from heaven into the

clouds to receive His own to himself; the living changed and the

dead raised in glory, will be caught up to meet Him in the air. He

will come with all His saints to reign where he was rejected he will

purge out of His kingdom all evil and reign in righteousness, King of

Righteousness and king of Peace. He will finally having put down

all enemies, deliver up the kingdom to God, even the Father; and as

the Son who has assumed manhood, take the place of subjection to

Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all –

supreme in a vast universe of bliss, the son being the Head and

pattern of the whole redeemed and blessed race of man.

He is Judge of living and dead, and all that have done evil he will

exclude from the presence of God in the hopeless and helpless

nursery prepared for the devil and his angels. He will thus have

brought to an issue the whole question of good and evil, God will be

fore ever secured, and evil be in its own place of powerless, nursery.



(i) Self denying life style (Lk 9:23)

(ii) Lifestyle of personal piety and Devotion (Mathew 6:33)

To “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness” means turn to

God first for help; to full your thoughts with His desires to take His

character for your pattern, and to serve and obey Him in everything,

what is really important to us? People, objects, goals, and other

desires all compete for priority. Any of these can quickly bump God

out of first place in every area of our lives.

(iii) Servant Hood and Master Hood Relationship (Lk 6:39-49)

Make sure you are following the right teachers and leaders because

you will go no further than they do. Look for leaders who will show

you more about faith and whose guidance you can trust.

(iv) Lifestyle of perseverance and Endurance (Matt 10: 16-19).

The opposition of the Pharisees would be like ravaging wolves. The

disciples only hope would be to look to their shepherded for

protection. We may face similar hostility. Like the disciples we are

not to be sheep like in our attitude but neither are we to be

deceitful connivers. We must find a balance between wisdom and

vulnerability to accomplish Gods work.

Later the disciples experienced these hardship (Acts 5: 40) (Acts 12:

1 – 3) not only from without (governments, courts) but also from

within friends, family (Acts 10:21). Living for God often brings on

persecution but with it comes the opportunity to tell the good news

of Salvation. In times of persecution, we can be confident because

Jesus has “overcome the world’ John 16:330 And those who stand

firm to the end will be saved. (Acts 10:22).

Jesus told the disciples that when arrested for preaching the gospel,

they should not worry about what o say in their defence. God’s

Spirit would speak through them. This promise was fulfilled in Acts

4:8-14 and elsewhere. Some mistakenly think this means we don’t

have to prepare to present he gospel because God will take care of

everything Scripture teaches however, that we are to make carefully

prepared, thoughtful statements (Colossian 4:6),Jesus is not telling

us to stop preparing but o stop worrying.


EVANGELISM (Mat 28:19)

The disciples were to baptize people because baptism unites

believer with Jesus Christ in his or her death to sin and

resurrection to new life. Baptism symbolizes submission to Christ, a

wiliness to live God’s way and identification with God’s covenant



1. Communism lifestyle, No personal possessions or personal

enrichment though various devices. (Acts 4: 30 – 34).

Boldness is not reckless impulsiveness. Boldness requires

courage to press on through our fears and do what we knew is

right. How can we be more bold/ Like the disciples we need to

pray with others for that courage. To gain boldness we can (1)

Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to give us courage (2)

Look for opportunities in our family and neighborhood to talk

about Christ (3) Realize that rejection social discomfort and

embarrassment are not necessary persecution end (4) Start

where we are by being bolder in small ways.

Differences of opinion are inevitable among human

personalities and can actually be helpful; if handled well, But

spiritual unit is essential – loyalty, commitment, and love for

God and his world. Without spiritual unity, the Church could

not survive.

None of the early Christians felt that what they had was their

own, and so they were able to give and share, eliminating

poverty among them. They would not let a brother or sister

suffer when others had plenty;

(ii) CONTENTMENT (1 Tim. 6: 6 -11)

Contentment is the key to spiritual growth and personal

fulfillment. We should honour God and centre our desire on

Him (goodness band godliness are neutral) and we should be

content with what God is doing in our lives.

Despite over whelming sentence to the contrary, most people

still believe that money bring happiness. Rich people craving

greater riches can be caught in an endless cycle that only ends

in ruin and destruction. We must keep away from the love of

money. Paul gives us some guidelines.

1. Realize that one day riches will all be gone.

2. Be content with what you have.

3. Monitor what you are willing to do to get more money.

4. Love people more than money.

5. Love God’s more (as a pastor) than money.

6. Freely share what you have with others.

It is often helpful to distinguish between needs and wants we

may have all we need to live but let ourselves become anxious

and discontented over what we really want.

Like Paul we can choose to be content without having all that

we want. They only alternative are to be a slave to our desires.

Creed leads to all kinds of evil; marriage problems, robber

blow ups in partnerships. To master greed, you must control

it at its root We should get ride of the desire to be rich. Paul

uses active and forceful verbs, to describe the Christian Life,

flee, pursue, fight, take hold; some think Christianity is a

passive religion that advocates waiting for God to act. But we

must have and active faith obeying God with courage and

doing what we know is right. Is it time for action on your

part? Don’t wait – get going.

(iii) Welfarism for others – Top list of agenda (Acts 6: 1 – 7).

When we read the descriptions of the early church the

miracles, the sharing and generosity, the fellowship – we may

wish we could have been a part of this “perfect” church. In

reality, the early church had problems just as we do today. No

church has ever been or will ever be perfect until Christ and

His followers are united at his second coming. All children

have problems. If your church’s shortcomings distress you,

ask yourself, “would a perfect church allow us to be a

member? Then do what you can to make your church better.

A church does not have to be perfect o be faithful.

Another internal problem developed in the early church – The

Hebraic Jews, native Jewish Christians spoke Aramaic, a

Semitic language, the Grecian Jews, Greek – speaking

Christians, were probably Jews from other lands who were

converted at Pentecost the Greek – speaking Christians

complained that their widows were being unfairly treated. The

favoritism was probably not intentional, but was more likely

caused by the language barrier. To correct he situation, the

apostles put seven respected Greek-speaking men in charge of

the food distribution programme. This solved the problem and

allowed the apostles to keep their focus on teaching and

preaching the Good News about Jesus.

The apostles’ priorities were correct. The ministry of the word

should never be neglected because of administrative borders.

Pastors should not try or be expected to try to do everything,

instead the work of the church should be spread our among

its members.

Spiritual leadership is serious business and must not be taken

lightly by the church or its leaders. In the early church, the

chosen men were ordained or commissioned (set apart by

prayer and lying on of hands) by the apostles. Laying hands

on someone, an ancient Jewish practice was a way to set a

person apart for special service.

Jesus had told the apostles that hey were to witness first in

Jerusalem. In a short time their message had infiltrated the

entire city and all levels of society. Even some priests were

being converted an obvious violation of the wishes of the

council that would endanger their position.

The word of God spread like ripples on a pond where from a

single centre each wave touches the next, spreading under the

further. The gospel still spreads this way today. You don’t

have to change the world single handedly. It is enough just to

be part of the wave teaching those around you who in turn will

touch others until all have felt the movement. Don’t ever feel

that your part is insignificant or unimportant.


(LUKE 13: 6 – 9)

Jesus promises a reward for those who have been faithful to

he master. While we sometimes experience immediate and

material rewards for our obedience to God, this is not always

the case. If so, we would be tempted to boast about our

achievements and do good only for what we get. Jesus said

that if we look for rewards now we will loose them later (Mark

8:36) Our heavily rewards will be the most accurate reflection

of what we have done on earth, and they will be far greater

than we can imagine.

Jesus has told us how to live until he comes, we must watch

for him, work diligently, and obey his commands, such

attitudes are especially necessary for leaders especially for

Pastors. Watchful and faithful leaders will be given increased

opportunities sand responsibilities. The more resources,

talented and understanding we have, the more we are

responsible to them effectively, God will not hold us

responsible four gifts he has not given us; but all of us have

enough gifts and duties to keep us busy until Jesus comes.

In the Old Testament a fruitful tree was often used as a

symbol of godly living (Psalm 1 : 3) (Je. 17 : 7 – 8) Jesus

pointed out what would happen to the other kind of tree. The

kind that took valuable time and space and still produced

nothing for the patient gardener. This was one way Jesus

warned his listeners that God would not tolerate forever their

lack of productivity (Luke 3:9 records John the Baptists vision

of the same message). We should not be enjoying God’s

special treatment without giving in return we should respond

to the Gardeners patient care, and begin to bear the fruit God

has created us to produce.


Jesus gave the disciples a principle to guide their actions as

the ministered to others. “Freely you have received freely give’

because God has showered us with his blessings, we should

give generously to others of our time, love and possessions.

Jesus said that those who minister are to be creed for. The

dispel could expect food and shelter in return for the spiritual

service they provided Whoever ministers to us we must make

sure that we take care of the pastor s missionaries and

teachers who serve God by serving you (1 Corinthians 9: 9 –

10) (1 Timothy 5 : 17).

3.3.1 PETER

Peter the Son of Jonas and one of the twelve apostles. His name

was originally Simon and apparently at his first interview with the

Lord he received from him thee surname CEPHAS. This was an

Aramaic word, the same as Peter in Greek, both signifying “a stone”

John 1 : 42.

(In Acts 10:5, he is called “Simon, whose surname is Peter). The

next notice of Peter is in Luke 5, when he was called to the

apostleship. Overpowered at the draught of fishes he exclaimed,

‘Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord; but at the biding of

Christ he forsook all and followed Him (Matt 4 : 18) (Mk 1 : 16 – 17)

(Lk 5: 3 – 11).

He had a sort of Providence among the apostles when as few of

them were selected for any special occasion. Peter was always one

of them, and is named first. The three named “Peter, James and

John’ occur often together still we do not red of Peter having any

authority overt he others; (of Matt 20 : 25 – 28). Peter was in

character energetic and impulsive; he wanted walk on the water to

got o Christ, and his strong affection for the Lord led him to oppose

when the Lord spoke of his coming sufferings for which he was

rebuked as presenting Satan’s mind.

His self-confidence led him into a path of temptation in which he

thrice denied his Lord. But the Lord had prayed for Him that his

faith should not fail and his repentance was real and instant. He

was fully restored by the Lord, who significantly demanded thrice if

he loved Him, and then committed to him the care of His sheep and

his lambs (John 21).

When Peter confessed to Jesus, “thou at he Christ, the Son of the

living God,” the lord said that he would build His church upon that

foundation and added, “I will give unto the keys of the Kingdom of

heaven” with assurance that what he bound or loosed on earth

would be ratified in heaven (Matt 16) On the day of Pentecost we

find Peter accordingly using these keys, and opening to three

thousand Jews the doors of the kingdom. He after wards admitted

Gentiles in the person of Cornelius and those that were gathered

with him.

Peter was the apostle of the circumcision, as Paul was of the

Gentiles, and was a long time getting entirely clear of Jewish

prejudices. Paul had to withstand him to the face at Antioch for

refusing under Jewish influence to continue eating with Gentiles.

On the other hand Peter, while confessing that in some of Paul’s

writings there were things hard to be understood, recognizes them

as scripture.

In the beginning of the Acts Peter’s boldness in testimony is

conspicuous. He was leaning on one stronger than himself and was

carried on by the power of the Holy Spirit. He was miraculously

delivered out of prison.

The Lord had intimated to him that he would die the death of a

martyr. (John 21 : 19) and historians relate that he was crucified,

and with his heads down ward by his own request; they also state

that his wife died with him. He was the writer of the two epistles

bearings his name.


1. Enthusiasm has to be backed up by faith and understand or it


2. God’s faithfulness can compensate for our greatest


3. It is better to be a follower who fails than one who fails to


3.3.2 PAUL

Paul was born at Cilicia, he was from a strict Jewish family living in

the Diaspora. He had two names and each reflects one background

of his life. His Jewish parents had named him Saul sand then

brought him up as a Jew with deep knowledge of the Jewish law.

He become a greater learner man and philosopher.

He claimed to be a Jew as well as a Roman Citizen. His Roman

name Paul which he used in his missionary work recalls that he

was a Roman Citizen.

He was a Pharisee. He wrote in Greek and used the Greek

translation of the Old Testament extensively in his writings. When

Paul first met the Christians he saw them as a threat to Judaism.

He sensed that to give Christ first place would change the Jewish

way of life and that by attributing the saving role to Christ, the law

would be robbed of all the values of Salvation.

Paul attached importance to the law of Salvation. Paul had met

Christ and his outlook was changed. What he had sought in vain

in Judaism through human efforts is now provided full and free in

Jesus Christ.

When it pleased God to reveal the cross of Christ in Paul from that

day the cross of Christ was Paul’s special, peculiar and exclusive

Gospel. The cross of Christi s my gospel Paul proudly and

constantly claims in the face of all comers. The cross of Christ he

declares is the one and the only Gospel that he preaches, that he

always preaches and that he alone preaches.

The cross of Christ was profitable to Paul for doctrine, for reproof,

for correction and for instructions in righteousness and nothing

else was of any real interest or any real profit to Paul.

The cross of Christ was the alpha and the Omega. The beginning

and the middle and the end of Paul’s preaching. Paul drew all his

doctrines and all his instructions and all his reproofs out of the

cross of Christ.

Paul had been the ministry and the moderator of the Kirk session of

Ephesus for three never to be forgotten years. But he has now for

some time past been away preaching the Gospel and planting

Churches elsewhere and another elder of experience and of

authority has all that time sat in the Ephesians chair that the

Apostle used to occupy with such authority and acceptance.

Serving the Lord ways Paul about those three years. And Paul

begins with that same thing. He begins every Sermon of his and

every Epistle of his with serving the Lord. I Paul the servant of the

Lord, is his salutation and seal in every Epistle of his. And hence

his unparalleled humility and hence his over powering authority

and hence his whole other wise unaccountable, life Pastoral and all.

Intellectually as well as spiritually, as a theologian as well as a

saint. Paul is at his very best in his prayers. The full majesty of the

Apostle’s magnificent mind is revealed to us nowhere as in his


After Paul has carried his most believing and his most adoring

readers as high as they are able to rise. Paul himself still rises

higher and higher in his prayers. Paul leaves the most seraphic of

saints far below him as he soars away up into the third heaven of

rapture and revelation and adoration. Paul is caught up so high

that when he return back into the body. He is not able to tell the

half of that which he had seen and heard in the presence of God


his ministry, he so labored in season and out of season in his

ministry and above all he so pleased all men in all things for their

good to education, he so went about ding good and giving none

offence that he lifted both his ministry and himself clear up above

all the fault – finding of all fair – minded men. So much so that

Paul stands next to our divine master Him as a blameless model for

all ministers, as well as for all other men of God.

And both his own ministry and that of all his successors were so

much on Paul’s mind, that in every new Epistle of his he has given

us something fresh and forcible as to how all ministers are to attain

to a blameless ministry, first to their people and then to their


Materialism as a subject mater occupies a place of pride in

Apostolic Epistles (letters) to the churches.

(1) Materialism extra blessing not the main (Rom 8 : 32) “He

who did not spare his own son, but gave him up for us –

how will he not along with him graciously give all things?

If God gave his son for you, he isn’t going to hold back the gift of

salvation. If Christ gave his life for you, he isn’t going to turn

around and condemn you. He will not withhold anything that a

theological explanation of God’s redeeming grace – It is a letter of

comfort and confidence addressed to and sundry.

(II) God’s love overrides materialism (1 Cor. 2 : 9 – 10) (1Cor. 15:

19). We can not imagine all that God has in share for us, both in

this lfie and for eternity. He will create a new heaven and a new

earth and we will live with Him forever. Until then his Holy Spirit

comforts and guides us, knowing the wonderful and eternal future

that awaits us gives us hope and courage to press on in this life; to

endure hardship and to avoid giving in to temptation. This world is

not all there is, the best is yet to come.

The deep things of God are God’s unfathomable future and his

wonderful plan – Jesus death and resurrection and ot the promise

of salvation revealed only to those who believe that what God says

is true. Those who believe in Christ’s death and resurrection and

put their faith in him will know all they need to know to be saved.

This knowledge, however, can’t be grasped by even the wisest

people unless they accept God’s message. All who reject God’s

message are foolish, no matter how wise the world, thinks they are.

Why does Paul say believers should be pitied if there were earthly

value ot Christianity. In Paul’s day, Christianity often brought a

person persecution, ostracism from family and in many cases,

poverty. There were few tangible benefits from being a Christian in

that society. It was certainly not a step u the social of career ladder.

Even more important, however, is the fact that if Christ had not

been resurrected from death. Christians could not be forgiven for

their sins and would have no hope of eternal life.




It seems strange that a man in prison would be telling a church to

rejoice but Paul attitude teachers us an important lesson our inner

attitude do not have to reflect our outward circumstances. Paul was

full of joy because he knew that no matter what happened to him,

Jesus Christ was with him. Several times in his latter Paul urged

the Philippians to be joyful, probably because they needed to hear

this. Its easy to get discouraged about unpleasant circumstances or

to take unimportant events too seriously. If you haven’t been joyful

lately you may not be looking at life from the right perspective.


MATERIAL GIFT (1 COR. 4: 1 – 2).

How do we “stand from in the Lord? This refers to what Paul taught

in Philip 3 : 20 -2 1. The way to stand from to keep our eyes on

Christ to remember that this world is not our home, and to focus on

the fact that Christ will bring everything under his control. Paul did

not won the Philippians church of doctrinal errors, but he did

address some relational problems. These two woman has been

workers for Christ in the Church. Their broken relationship was no

small matter, because many had become believers through their

efforts. It is possible to believe in Christ, work hard for his kingdom

and not have broken relationships with others who are committed

to the same cause. But there is no excuse for remaining reconciled.




Many of the worlds religious teach that the soul or spirit is

important but the body is not, and Christianity has sometimes been

influenced y these ideas. In truth, however, Christianity taken very

seriously the realm of the physical, we worship a god who created a

physical world and promised it good. He promise us a new earth

where real people have transformed physical lives not a pink cloud

where disembodied souls listen to harp music. At the heart of

Christianity is the story of God himself taking on flesh and blood

and coming to live with us. Offering both physical healing and

spiritual restoration.

We humans, like Adam, are a combination of dust and spirit, just

as our spirits effect out bodies so our physical bodies affect our

spirit. We can not commit sin with our bodies without damaging

our souls because our bodies and souls are inseparably joined. In

the new earth we will have resurrection bodies that are not

corrupted by sin. Then we will enjoy the fullness of our Salvation.




Materialism is the bane of Nigerian ministers today. They do not

have little desire for this world as a dead person would have.

Rather they believe that the world is their paradise in which they

will live forever. The Christians real home is where Christ lives

(John 14 : 2 – 3), this truth gives us a different perspective on our

levies here on earth. Instead of setting their minds on things above

(i.e looking at life from God’s perspective and to seek what he

desires, - an antidote to materialism) they employ any means to

acquire wealth. In actual fact, they should gain the proper

perspective on material goods when they take God’s view of them.

The more they regard the world around them as God does the more

they will live in harmony with him. They must not become too

attached ot what is only temporary.

Nigerian ministers of today allow materialism to entire and enslave

them. They allow Satan ot tempt them with materialism. The

deviled temptation focus on three crucial areas in man’s life (1)

physical needs and desires (2) possessions and power and pride (see

1 John 2 : 15 – 16). They quickly give in when tempted in every

way. Thus falling into sin. Instead of looking unto Christ who

knows firsthand what they are experiencing during trials for help in

their struggle. They look for help from demons, the disciples of

Stan for strength to a mass treasure.

Instead of keeping materialism from controlling them Nigeria

ministers revel in temporal relied in amassing goods and material

possessions to put them above all members of their congregation.

Jesus says we can have only one master. We live in a materialistic

society today where people serve money, ministers of today spend

all their lives collecting and strong it only to die and live it behind.

Their desire for money and what it can buy far outweighs their

commitment o God and spiritual matters. They do not remember

that whatever they store up, they will spend much of their time and

energy thinking about they careless for falling into the materialistic

trap, because “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil (1

Timothy 6 : 10) They can not honesty say that God and not money

is their master. One test is to ask them which one occupies more of

their thoughts, time, and efforts.

They fail to weight and contrast heavenly values with earth values

and realize that pastors first loyalty should be to those things that

do not fade, can not be stolen or used up and never wear out. They

are always fascinated with their worldly possessions, thus allowing

their possessions to possess them rather than Christ – the master

shepherd. They do not cut back if their possessions are becoming

too important to them, Jesus calls today for a decision that allows

ministers (ministers in particular) to live contentedly with whatever

they have because they have chosen what is external and lasting by

coming into the sacred ministry.

One thing Nigerian ministers of today should realize is that

materialism can’t take them and their possessions to eternity (Rev.

18 : 9 – 10). Those who are tied to the world’s system will lose

everything when it collapses, what hey have worked for a life time to

build up will be destroyed in one hour. Those who work only for

material rewards will have nothing when they die or when their

possessions are destroyed.

What can we take with us to the new earth? Our faith, our

Christian character and our relationship with other believes these

are more important than any amount of money power or pleasure.





Many ministers today like many in the western world tend ot

preach prosperity on the pulpit every Sunday to deceive or delude

and explicit their congregation. Their own theology is what of

prosperity. They preach that their God is never poor and will never

encourage poverty among his people who are called his, hence every

means of acquiring wealth is encouraged and denied indisquise of

biblical injunctions. Under the coverage of biblical teaching they

exploit the congregation with miracles wrought through the power

of demonic forces they consult as little gods to procure money and

acquire wealth of various values and dimensions to the amazement

of members.

They choose money over God instead of acting with integrity by

adhering to Gods message of blessing God’s people with his words

in prayer of faith, teaching Gods people the truth of God’s word,

instead of staying true to God’s word they look for money,

promotion and advantages for temporal enjoyment forgetting

acquiring heavenly wealth which is eternal.

They embezzle the churches money for their selfish desires after

preaching to god’s people to return a portion of their income to God

as tithes. Some even go into the practice of selling handkerchiefs,

oil, soap that had been immersed in concussions procured by

demons or charmed by occultism priests only to satisfy their

financial needs.

They forget that obedience to God is more important than money.

(Ps. 119:36). In today world, people mostly often covet financial

gain. Money represents power, influence and success, for many,

people or money I sat god. They think about little else. True money

can buy certain comforts and offer some security. But far more

valuable than wealth is obedience to God because it is a heavenly

treasure rather than an earthly one. (Lk. 12 : 39) we should do

what God wants regardless of the financial implications, we should

make the psalmists prayer our own as pastors, asking God to turn

our hearts towards his statues instead of turning to making money.

It is in our own best interest in the long run.

Ministers of God (pastors included) should try not to acquire or

obtain money wrongly (2Kg.5.20-27) pastors sometimes think they

have perfect opportunities to get rich by selfishly asking for reward

frothier labour on their church members. Unfortunately there are

three problems attached to such action (I) by willingly exploiting

Gods people the pastor robs God of his rightful possession (2) such

pastors wrongly imply that money can be exchanged for God’s free

gift of mercy. (3) such pastor doesn’t realize that by lying to exploit

God’s people by covering his mischievous intention with biblical

passages, he is committing sin to the dislike of God by allowing

personal gain to become more important to him than serving God.

Money is not evil or that ministers should not get paid instead

pastors must be warned against greed and decent. True service, is

motivated by love. As ministers we’ve God they should check their

motives for they can’t serve both God and money (Matthew 6:24).

Although the church should not be stingily with those in God’s

work. (Deuteronomy 25 : 14) (Nehemiah 13 : 10) people who are

productive in Christian work should not be denied its benefits –

they should receive financial support (2 Corinthians 9 : 10) (1

Timothy 5: 17 – 18). The fact that a person is in Christian ministry

doesn’t mean he or she should be unfairly paid. There is also a

broader application. The church should not be stingily with those

who work for them.

Many pastors rely on money rather than on God to ward off

enemies attacks. Hence they visit witchcraft pay them money to give

them power to face their persecutors and enemies among members

of his congregation. They just finally discover that they were

disappointed at the end.

Pastors should remember that here is a balance between generosity

and stewardship; (Prov. 6: 1 – 5) we should not over extend our

financial resources and acting in irresponsible ways that could lead

to poverty as pastors. It is important to maintain a balance

between generosity and good stewardship, God wants us to help our

friends and members of our congregation and the needy but he

does not promise to cover the costs of every mis-use commitment

we make, we as pastors should also act responsibly so that our

family does not suffer.

Although it is good for a pastor to save for the future easy credit has

many people living on the edge of bankruptcy. They desire to keep

up and to accumulate more pushes them to spend every kobo they

earn and they stretch their credit to the limit. But anyone who

spends all he or she has is spending more than he/she can afford.

A wise pastor puts money aside for when he or she have less. God

approves of foresight and restraint God’s people need to examine

their lifestyles to see whether their spending is God pleasing or

merely self-pleasing.

Money deceives people especially flamboyant’s ministers of today

(Eccl. 10 : 19). Government leaders businessmen, families, even

churches get trapped into thinking money is the answer to every

problem. We throw money at our problems. But just as the thrill of

wine is only temporary, the soothing effect of the last purchase soon

wears off and we have to buy more scripture recognizes that money

is necessary for survival but it warns against the love of money (Mt.

6:24) (1 Timothy 6:10) (Heb. 13:5).

Money is dangerous because it deceives us into thinking that

wealth is the easiest way to get everything we want. The love of

money is sinful because we trust money rather than God to solve

our problems. These who pursue its empty promises will one day

discover that they have nothing because they are spiritually


Money deceives us (Ecclesiastes 10:19). There are ironies in how we

use money which ministers of today need to honors to check

themselves. (Ezra 7:2). The resources that God gives us as

ministers should be used ot do this work and carry out his will, but

too often, pastors use them to satisfy their own desires. When we as

ministers abuses God’s gifts or use resources selfishly we miss the

real God had in mind. This is as shortsighted as idolatry. We

should use our money for God (Extra 7:20), money should not

control us as ministers. (Mt. 6:24) because Jesus says we can have

only one master we today, live in a materialistic society where many

people serve money. They spend all their lives collecting and

storing it only to die and leave it behind. Their desire for money to

God what it can buy for outweighs their commitment to God and

spiritual matters. Whatever we store up, we will spend much of our

time and energy thinking about.

Pastor should not fail into the materialistic trap because the love of

money is a root all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6 : 10) Not all ministers

can honestly say that God and not money is their masters because

many believes or allow money to occupy their thoughts, spend their

time and waste their efforts.

There are keys to using money wisely (Lk 12 : 33). Money seen as

an end in it by some pastors quickly trap them and cuts them off

from both God and the needy. The key to using money wisely is to

see how much we can use it for God’s purposes, not how much we

can accumulate it for ourselves. God does not touch our wallet.

Out money does not free us to help others. We have only to store up

lasing treasures in heaven. If our financial goals and passions

hinder us from giving generously, living others, or serving God, we

should sell what we must to bring our lives into perspective.

Nigerian ministers of today hunger for money (Matt 23: 13 – 14)

being a religious leader in Nigeria is very different from being a

Pastor in a secular society in today society, Nigerian history culture,

and daily life centers around the relationship with God popular,

rich pastors re the best known, most powerful and most respected

of all leaders in the society, hunger for more power, money, and

status which make them to lose sight of God and their blindness is

spreading to the whole nation hence these atrocities prevail.

Nigerian ministers needs to know how to deal with money (Mk 10 :

17 – 23) Money represents peoples pride of accomplishment and self

effort ironically. Any rich persons attitude makes him unable to

fulfill first commandment, to let nothing be more important than

God (Exodus 20 : 30. He can not meet the one requirement that

Jesus gave to turn his whole heart and life over to God. Pastors

should remember that nothing should keep them from turning their

lives over to Christ.

Ministers should gain proper perspective of money (Mark 10:21)

because love of money is dangerous.

Despite overwhelming of evidence to the contrary, most Nigerian

ministers of today still believe that money brings happiness. Rich

Pastors are Graving greater riches and are caught in an endless

cycle thought only ends in rain and destruction. They need to keep

away from the love of money Paul gives more guide lines as follows.

1. We must realize that one day riches will be gone (1

Timothy 6: 7, 17).

2. We should be content with what we have (1 Timothy 6:6).

3. We should monitor what we are willing to do to get more

money (1 Timothy 6 : 11).

4. We should love God’s work more than money (1 Timothy

6 : 11).

5. We should freely share what we have with others (1

Timothy 6 : 18).

Money makes one less dependant on God. (Mk 10:23) Jesus said it

was very difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom of God. This is

true because the rich with most of their basic physical needs met,

often become self-reliant, when they fell empty, they can buy

something new to dull the pain that was meant to derive him

toward God, their abundance and self-sufficiency become their


The Pastor who has everything on earth still lack what is most

important eternal life.

Ministers should not give money expecting something in return

(Luke 6 : 35) The money we give others should be considered a gift

not a high interest loan that will help us more than them. Give as

though you are giving to God.

God calls us to be honest even in small matters and details we

could easily rationalize away. Heavens riches are far more valuable

than earthly wealth. But if we are not trustworthy with our money

here (no matter how much or little we have) we will be unfit to

handle the vast riches of God’s kingdom. We should not let our

integrity slip in small matter and it will not fail us in crucial

decisions either money should not be any minister first priority (Lk.

16 : 13) money has the power to take God’s place in one’s life.

It can become one’s master. One should not be a slave to money.

One should not think and worry about it frequently. We as Pastors

should not give up doing what we should do or like to do in order to

make more money. We should not spend a great deal of our time

caring for our possessions and it should not be Lord for us to give

money away.

Money is a Lord master and a deceptive one. Wealth promises

power and control, but often it cannot deliver. Great fortunes can

be made and lost over night and no amount of money can provide

wealth, happiness, or eternal life. It is better to let God be our

master because his servants always have peace of mind and

security any time.

If Pastors like ancient Babylonians live in luxury and pleasure and

say, “I live as a queen----------- and I will never mourn” they do not

know that hey are in danger. The powerful wealthy people of this

world are susceptible to this same attitude. A person who is

financially comfortable often feels invaluable, secure, and in

control, feeling no need for God or anyone else. This kind of

attitude defies God and his judgment against it is harsh. We are

told to avoid Babylon’s sins. If we as Minister are financially

secure. We should not become complacent and deluded by the

myth of self sufficiency. We should use our resources to help

others and advance God’s kingdom.

Materialism and property tends to infidelity. (Deut 32:5)

Materialists act corruptly toward God and people, to their own

shame they are no longer Gods children. They become warped and

crooked. Like Josh run (Deuteronomy 32 : 18) they grow fat and

kicked, filled with food and become heavy and sick; materialists

often abandon the God who make them and reject the Rock their


God is willing to forgive those who make unintentional errors if they

realize their mistakes quickly and correct them. But materialists

are proud and will not care to correct their mistakes and will

definite and deliberately sin only to receive harsher judgment for a

child who knowing disobeys his parents challenges their authority

and dares them to respond. Both the act and the attitude deserve to

punishment hence Gods dealing with the rich is harsh.




The Laws of prosperity. We begin this chapter which concerns the

theology f property and how it functions according to the word of

God. First we need to read the basic scriptures on which our whole

study is founded faith is created when we see it in the word and we

believe it and begin to act upon it, “faith cometh by hearing, and

hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17).


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