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++During my research, I have heard nothing but good things about this company from

people who have worked here

the management is kind to its employees, and everyone is friendly.
I know that this company is one of the leading companies in the call center

My idea of a call center is that it is a place where people take calls from
customers and deliver superb customer service experience.
I know that the people who work for call centers are extremely flexible people who
adapt to different cultures, different people
all at the same time

+++P I never consider something done as long as I don’t find it perfect.

++P I am a very patient person capable of dealing with irate and demanding

++P I can learn how to operate new computer programs very fast. I am a team player,
and I get along with people very well

--W My greatest weakness is that I sometimes have trouble saying ‘no’ to requests
and end up taking on more than I can handle

5Y I see myself working for this same company but with a higher position

SAL Whatever amount you give to people with my qualifications would be fine.

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