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VOCABULARY Jobs * collocati «phrasal * describing jobs | can use language related to job descriptions and types of work ‘SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1. Complete the names of jobs below with suffixes -er, -or, ian, ist ‘or -ant. Then add three more jobs. builder account__doct___electric__flight attend_ hairdress___shop assist___ swimming instruct. reception scient___politic___plumb__ 2. SPEAKING Complete the table with the jobs in Exe ‘compare your ideas with a partner. 1. Then Jobs | would be | Jobs I might or might | Jobs | would net be good at not be good at good at hho run very successtul companies. We bs they did before they became their their worst work experiences. We interviewed four veonle wi ‘wanted to find out about the jo ‘own bosses and we asked them about + applied for a job during her schoo! holidays + was badly paid * worked long hours t * didn'tenjoy dealing with customers + almost got the sack for offering customer a bigger size © 25) + had a parttime job + was responsible for washing the machines + didn't find the job challenging + pultup with a horible smell

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