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Workshop Containers

Docker &

by @mario21ic
Docker agenda
Intro a Docker

Containers: Lifecycle, Limits, Health-check, CMD vs Entrypoint, non root, etc.

Images: Anatomy, Dockerfile, Multi-stages, Docker Hub, Testing, etc.

Volumes: types, plugins, etc

Networking: types, plugins, etc

Docker Compose

Docker Swarm: nodes, stack, services, tasks, placement, scaling, secrets, configs,

Debugging, monitoring and logging

K8s agenda
Intro a K8s: Architecture, Components, Objects, CLI and Manifests.

Installation: Localhost and Cloud

Pods: lifecycle, Liveness and Readiness

Labels, Selectors and annotations

Deployments, Rolling updates and Rolling back

Scaling and Autoscaling

Services: types, service discovery, ingress, etc

Volumes: types and claims.

Configurations: configMaps and Secrets

K8s agenda

Pods: limits and security context

Multi-container pod design patterns

Jobs and CronJobs

Resource quotas

Service accounts

Network policies

Role base access control (RBAC)

Debugging, monitoring and logging

Entender Containers y diferenciar de otras tecnologías.

Dockerizar y hacer deploy de sus projectos de cualquier

lenguaje que ejecute sobre Linux.

De cada quien:

Docker Certification

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)

1. No caer en la ilusion de que se entendio y por ende ya se
domina. Uno no sabe preparar pasteles por ver programas de tv.

2. Hagan todos los ejercicios propuestos. Luego planteense

algunas variantes. La practica hace al maestro.

3. Investiguen los materiales extras.

4. No falten a clases, caso contrario vean las grabaciones.

5. Tomen algun proyecto propio o que sea opensource.

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