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Good day everyone!

My name is Via Camelle and today I’m going to explain my

chosen art movement. My chosen art movement is contemporary art movement
because it’s interesting for me. Like the street art, photorealism, and installation
art. The street art is a "Beauty that Can Be Found in the Most Unexpected Places."
We encounter beauty where we least expect it when we witness street art. I
believe that gifted painters utilize this kind of work to educate us to always keep
our eyes open. While the photorealism is people learn to see by looking at
images, which is why photorealism was so popular in art. By adding everyday
scenes of commercial life, photorealism painters intended to break down the
hierarchies of proper subject matter. Lastly, the installation art cultivated the fine
art gallery experience. It's an installation usually allows the viewer to enter and
move around the configured space and/or interact with some of its elements, it
offers the viewer a very different experience from a traditional painting or
sculpture which is normally seen from a single reference point. And that’s all for
today I hope you guys understand my discussion Thank you for watching. Bye!

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