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Senapati Bapat Road, Pune - 411004

Research Paper on the Topic

A Study on the need of Accounts Software (e.g. Tally, SAP,
Local Software, etc.) in India.


Name of the Student

Tanya Yadav (8201)


(Specialization in Advanced Accounting & Taxation)


Dr. Santosh Marwadikumbhar


It is my pleasure to thank all the people in who helped me and made it possible for
me to complete my project work. The successful completion of this project was
possible only because of the support and cooperation of my Professors, friends and
well-wishers. I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to all of the respondents
who took out the time and helped me in collecting substantial data, because of which
this entire research was possible.
I am also highly indebted to the project guide Dr. Santosh Marwadikumbhar, and the
staff of Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce for their encouragement, guidance
and support.
I also take this opportunity to express gratitude to my parents for their support and
encouragement throughout this project.
Finally, I would like to thank all those who directly and indirectly assisted me and
helped me in completing this project.

Name of the student: Tanya Yadav

Date: 28th May 2021


Accounts Software (e.g. Tally, SAP,Local Software, etc.) in India

written by me and submitted to the Symbiosis College of Arts and
Commerce for the degree of Master of Commerce (Specialization in
Advanced Accounting & Taxation).
This work is of original in nature and information is not copied from any
other source.
To the best of my knowledge this work has not been submitted for the
award of any degree in this or any other university.
The plagiarism similarity index was found to be 25% in the test

Place: Pune

Date: 28th May 2021 Tanya Yadav


This is to certify that the work incorporated in this Research Project


by her under my supervision.

Such material as has been obtained from other sources has been duly
acknowledged in this thesis.

Place: Pune Dr. Santosh Marwadikumbhar

Date: 28th May 2021

Scheme of the Report

Sr. Page No.


1. Acknowledgement 2.

2. Declaration 3.

3. Certificate 4.

4. List of Figures 6.

5. List of Tables 7.

6. Research Project

7. Chapter 1: Introduction 8.

Chapter 2: Literature Review 18.

Chapter 3: Profile of the Selected Research Area 24.

Chapter 4: Research Methodology 41.

Chapter 5: Analysis and Interpretation of data 46.

Chapter 6: Findings and Conclusions 71.

Chapter 7: Suggestions 79.

Bibliography 82.

8. Annexures 84.

List of Figures
Figure 1: percentage wise break up of answers chosen for question 1 using a pie chart 47

Figure 2: percentage wise break up of answers chosen for question 2 using a pie chart 48

Figure 3 percentage wise break up of answers chosen for question 3 using a pie chart 50

Figure 4 percentage wise break up of answers chosen for question 4 using a pie chart 51

Figure 5 percentage wise break up of answers chosen for question 5 using a line chart 53

Figure 6 percentage wise break up of answers chosen for question 6 using a pie chart 54

Figure 7 percentage wise break up of answers chosen for question 7 using a line chart 55

Figure 8 percentage wise break up of answers chosen for question 8 using a line chart 57

Figure 9 percentage wise break up of answers chosen for question 9 using a pie chart 58

Figure 10 percentage wise break up of answers chosen for question 10 using a pie chart 60

Figure 11 percentage wise break up of answers chosen for question11 using a line chart 61

Figure 12 percentage wise break up of answers chosen for question 12 using a pie chart 63

Figure 13 percentage wise break up of answers chosen for question 13 using a line chart 64

Figure 14 percentage wise break up of answers chosen for question 14 using a line chart 66

Figure 15 percentage wise break up of answers chosen for question 15 using a pie chart 67

Figure 16 percentage wise break up of answers chosen for question 16 using a pie chart 69

List of Tables:

Table 1 table showing number of respondents per option for question 1 48

Table 2 table showing number of respondents per option for question 2 49

Table 3 table showing number of respondents per option for question 3 51

Table 4 table showing number of respondents per option for question 4 52

Table 5 table showing number of respondents per option for question 5 53

Table 6 table showing number of respondents per option for question 6 55

Table 7 table showing number of respondents per option for question 7 56

Table 8 table showing number of respondents per option for question 8 58

Table 9 table showing number of respondents per option for question 9 59

Table 10 table showing number of respondents per option for question 10 61

Table 11 table showing number of respondents per option for question 11 62

Table 12 table showing number of respondents per option for question 12 64

Table 13 table showing number of respondents per option for question 13 65

Table 14 table showing number of respondents per option for question 14 67

Table 15 table showing number of respondents per option for question 15 68

Table 16 table showing number of respondents per option for question 16 70

Chapter 1: Introduction

In an extremely competitive business environment, it is very important to be up to date and ahead

in terms of development and growth and for accounting processes that means having a robust
software that can mitigate the operational complexities of the business and also enable to make
reasonably accurate and beneficial business decisions. Such complex accounting processes can be
executed with the help of accounting softwares developed in the market to make operations of
business easy and to provide users with technology that will help in data collection and recording
that is accurate and easily available without any constraints. Accounting software is a computer
program that helps to manage a business's operations. By using an accounting software, companies
can make use of their resources efficiently, and also decrease costs and any errors.

1.1 Introduction to Accounting

Before learning about accounting software we need to know about business accounting.
Accounting is the process of analyzing, interpreting financial transactions and recording. It is how
businesses keep track of their operations. Accounting is a system of recording financial
transactions. In the 13th century, merchants used to rely on bookkeeping to keep track of multiple
transactions. As industries moved forward, it was observed that accounting procedures were a need
and had to be refined for increased accuracy and efficiency. In 1458,
Benedetto Contrugli introduced the double-entry accounting system which is defined as a system
that involves a debit and/or credit entry for transactions. This system revolutionized
accounting. Luca Bartolomes Pacioli, an Italian mathematician and Franciscan monk, introduced
a system of record keeping, ledger, and journal. He wrote many books on it. Paciolo was called
the father of accounting and bookkeeping. Years later, in 1854, the first organizations for
accountants - the Edinburgh Society of Accountants and the Glasgow Institute of Accountants and
Actuaries was made in Scotland. Members of these early organizations called themselves
chartered In 1887, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants was

1.2 Introduction to Early Systems and Electronic Data Interchange:

In the year 1880, an American William Burroughs made the first adding machine, that enabled
accountants to do arithmetic with accuracy. By the end of the century, Herman Hollerith developed
a punch-card machine. These innovative machines recorded data by punching of holes into cards.
The machine could also read these patterns and record information. Businesses used the punch-
card machines for accounting by 1907.

In 1955, when a company bought a computer for the first time only for accounting purposes made
by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, which was called the UNIVAC, it stored data on magnetic
tapes instead of punch cards.

1.3 Introduction to the Evolution of Accounting Technology:

In 1978, VisiCalc was introduced. It was the first spreadsheet software that could do financial
modeling on a computer. Peachtree Software was introduced the same year; it is an accounting

their accounting at low cost. In 1998, QuickBooks was introduced in the market. It dominated the

technology that identify and track complex factors that impact the accounting transactions.

1.4 What Is Accounting?

Accounting is known as the process of recording financial transactions relating to a business. Such
process includes summarizing, analyzing and reporting the transactions to regulators and tax
collection authorities. The records used in accounting are a summary of transactions over a
financial year, that summarizes a company's operations, financial position and cash inflows and

1.5 How Accounting Works?

Accounting is an important function all businesses. It is taken care of by a bookkeeping or an

accounting departments on a small or large size depending on the size of the company. The reports
made by various procedures of accounting, such as cost accounting or managerial accounting, are
helpful for the management to make informed business decisions.

1.6 Types of Accounting:

Financial accounting refers to the process that are used to generate financial statements. The
results of all financial transactions that occur during the financial period are recorded into the
balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement.

Managerial accounting uses the same data as financial accounting, the only difference being, it
organizes and utilizes information in different ways. That is, in managerial accounting, monthly
or quarterly reports that management at any level, can use to make decisions about how the
business operates are generated. Managerial accounting also consists of other accounting
processes, like budgeting, forecasting and various other financial analysis tools. Essentially, any
information that can be used by management comes under this.

Cost Accounting
Just like managerial accounting helps businesses to make decisions about management, cost
accounting helps to make decisions about costing. Cost accounting considers all of the costs related
to production. In cost accounting, money is taken as an economic factor for production, whereas
in financial accounting, money is taken as a measure of a company's economic performance.

1.7 Requirements for Accounting

Accountants use generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) when preparing financial
statements. GAAP is a set of standards and principles that are made to improve the comparability
and recording of financial data. Such standards are based on double-entry accounting system.

The Double-Entry System

The making of the balance sheet is based on the double-entry accounting system (where the total
assets of a company are taken to be equal to the total liabilities and shareholder equity of the

The double-entry system makes sure that the accounting equation always stays balanced, meaning
that the left side value of the equation should always be equal with the right side value. In other
words, the total amount of all assets will always be equal to the sum of liabilities and shareholders'
equity of the company.

1.8 Types of Accounting Methods

Cash Accounting
It is an accounting method that is simple and is commonly used by small businesses. In cash
accounting, transactions are recorded only when cash is used as expenses or revenue.

Accrual Accounting
Under this method, transactions are recorded when they occur rather than after payment, which
means a purchase order is recorded as revenue even if funds are not received yet. Expenses are
recorded without payment.

1.9 The three types of Accounts

In accounts there are three types of accounts, when transactions are recorded:

Real Accounts:

Real accounts are for all the

Assets all Tangible Items

Items that can be touched, such as cash, inventory, equipment, land or building.

Assets all Intangible Items

Items that have no physical presence, such as stocks, bonds, patents and trademarks.

what the company owes to a third party, such as accounts payable, loans payable, mortgages and

Real accounts are also permanent accounts, as they are recorded in the balance sheet and not closed
at the end of a financial year.

Personal Accounts:

There are 3 types of personal accounts. Personal accounts consist of:

Natural consists of transactions with people.

Artificial consists of transactions with businesses, corporations or institutions.
Representative consists of indirect transactions, such as staff owed wages paid through
another company.

Nominal Accounts:

These accounts are related to the expenses, losses, income or gains of a company. They are
considered to be temporary, and are reflected
loss, and are closed at the end of each financial year.

1.10 The Golden Rules of Accounting

and credits are known as the basics of accounting. The golden rules help to understand how debits
and credits can be applied to the types of accounts.

The golden rules are;

Debit what comes in Credit what goes out (for real accounts)

This rule is for all assets of a business, such as cash, land, building, equipment, furniture, etc.

Debit the receiver, Credit the giver (for personal accounts)

This rule is for transactions involving people or businesses.

Debit all expenses and losses, Credit all income and gains (for Nominal Accounts)

This rule is for expenses and income such as salaries, sales, purchases.

1.11 Introduction to Accounting Software:

Accounting software is an application that allows any business to record the flow of money
whether internal or external, for internal and external review and auditing of the business
operations. It is a primary tool for assessing the financial health of a business and for compliances

with rules and regulations through tools like general ledgers, account payables and receivables,
purchase orders, stock management, and billing. A good accounting software is a must for all
businesses who want to be able to make their business successful, but for any business the need to
know which accounting software is the most beneficial for their smooth business operations is the
most crucial.

1.12 Introduction to types of Accounting Software:

According to the mode of operation, accounting software fall into four categories: Billing and
Invoice systems, the Payroll management system, Time and expense management systems and
Expense resource planning systems.

Billing and Invoice system

It checks writing of the invoice.

It reminds customers regarding their payment dues.
It documents all financial activity.
It prepares documents for validation and authorization.

The Payroll Management system

It produces tax forms & pay slips of the employees.

Time and Expense Management system

It helps in approving expenses

It collects payments faster

Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

It helps in product planning

It helps in material purchase
It helps in inventory management and control

1.13 Introduction to Key features of accounting software

The features of accounting software vary from vendors to vendor.

Invoice processing

Invoicing is a basic requirement of every business. An accounting software should keep track of
who owes, how much they owe, and when their payment is due. It should also offer features like
automatic invoicing, payment reminders, and automatic conversion of estimates to invoices.

Online payments

Collecting payments is a very important part of doing any business, and so an accounting software
should make it easy to do. A good accounting software supports payment gateway integrations,
collecting payments online from the customer.

Accounts payable

Keeping track of expenses is crucial for any business. An accounting software should offer
features like purchase orders, bills, vendor credits, and expenses to make the payables side
of operations as smooth as possible.


Every accounting software should offer some link to bank, so make payments can be seen in bank


All accounting software provide financial reports to analyze the numbers and make taking
business decisions easy. A few accounting software options also have functions like report sharing,
scheduling, and customization.


Inventory tracking is essential for a business. accounting software with inventory tracking can help
streamline your business operations like sending notifications when you are running out of stock
and tracking stock on hand and making inventory adjustments as needed.

Time tracking

Accounting software should track projects and hours spent, and convert hours directly into
invoices. Accounting software also offer a function where access is given only after permission,
so business can have contact with contractors or employees and keep their data safe

1.14 Introduction to Current List of Accounting Software Trends

Cloud Accounting:

It is a user-friendly and makes it inexpensive to manage accounts. It has simple interfaces and can
be easily operated at different locations. The software can be easily operated by businesses, and it
offers them with a lot of accessibility options.


Most businesses adopt outsourcing business activities to focus on core tasks within the
organization and for the effective utilization of their resources.

Machine Learning:

Artificial intelligence (AI) has brought a revolution in many fields of technology by automating
tasks that needed human intervention. The machine-powered software has made it possible to
reduce tasks a lot. Machine learning is an advantage to all companies as it ensures better accuracy,
detection of frauds, and helps predict future trends.

1.15 Advantages of using an Accounting Software:

The data recorded can be accessed from anywhere at any time from various devices like
PC, laptop, tablet and mobile phone and generate or view all statements recorded and
reports analyzed.
Any accounting software can be used by many users at the same time without any
hindrance from each other.
The accountants working with an accounting software can save a lot of time because of the
automation and syncing function.
All accounting softwares provide a level of security for the recording and storage of data.
The accountants and all data users can stay assured as the data if correctly recorded is
accurate and ready to be used.
Accounting softwares provide real time reporting of the data stored.
Accounting software is very easy to use and generally does not require any special degree
to use it, thus making possible for anybody with basic accounting knowledge to use.
It is cost saving and time saving to use an accounting software.
Using an accounting software reduces paperwork and improves sustainability.
Accounting software helps in creating better invoices and receipts.
Accounting software helps in complying with all rules and regulations of the tax system of
the country it is being used in.

1.16 Disadvantages of using an Accounting Software:

The price of acquiring an accounting software to be used in any business can be

comparatively higher than a paper based system.
The implementation of an accounting software in a business can be difficult initially and
might take a lot of work.
There might a need to purchase maintenance and support for an accounting software being

1.17 Conclusion

Accounting software is not only capable of showing a summary of profits and losses with all
financial statements but it also meets the legal requirements of the country where the operation of
the organization takes place. The only way to know this is through a detailed understanding of
each software, and to finalize on such a software which will aid the business by catering to all its
accounting needs in the most beneficent way.

Thus, there is a need of such a study so as to provide knowledge and help in knowing about

world and increasing profitability. The scope of the study is to understand about the meaning,
usage and technicalities of accounting software that are used by business for operational purposes
and to understand the scope of such software through a comparison of services provided by such
software to help benefit from them.

By studying the same we will gain the knowledge as it would help in better understanding the need
of the integration of information technology and accounting procedures, it would help users
understand the importance of using accounting software in their business and it would assist in
choosing the right software according to the needs of the user by the help of the comparative study
of different types of accounting software.

Therefore, in this study we will see all about what are accounting softwares and why they are a
need for smooth business operations and also what do accounting software comprise of through a
comparison of different accounting software that are utilized in India.

Keywords: Computerized Accounting; Accounting software; Efficient; Better business

performance, Ease of recording data.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

thus it is very important for every business to have up to date, accurate and monitored data,
which is why information technology in the form of accounting software plays a crucial role.
(Chong & Nizam, 2018)1. To satisfy the increase in demand for accurate and up to date data,
accounting software, an integration of accounting and information data was introduced to the
world. (Wickramsainghe, 2017)2.

Susanto (2015) 3says that information system is a set of interrelated components that collect,
manipulate, store and disseminate data and information and provide a feedback mechanism to
meet an objective, consists of an integrated set of computer and organized combination of brain
ware, hardware, software, network communications, database, policies, and procedures that
store, retrieve and modify.

Fadzilah N.S (2017)4 says that studies found a significant relationship in reliability of system
to decision-making satisfaction in an e-commerce environment. Accounting software system
is reliable when information delivered on time and with error-free performance will result in
timely and efficient decision making, which in turn leads to better internal organizational

Many past researches have shown that the usage of accounting software has increased
efficiency and ease of doing business and proves to be beneficial. (Maines, 2006)5. Accounting

PERFORMANCE. International Journal of Information System and Engineering, Vol. 6 (No.1), 25.

Wickramsainghe, D. P. (2017). Impact of accounting software for Business Performance. Imperial Journal of

Interdisciplinary Research, 3(5).

Susanto, A. (2015). What Factors Influence The Quality of Accounting Information.
International .Journal of Applied Business Economics Resources, 3995-4014.
International Journal of Accounting & Business Management, 47-55.

Maines, L. a. (2006). The nature of accounting information reliability:Inferences from archival and experimental
research. .Accounting Horizons.

information systems(AIS) coupled by improved speed, accuracy and reliability and with good
corporate government practices lead to good firm performance. (Hla, 2015)6

As an essential characteristic for accounting information, reliability represents the extent to

which the information is unbiased, free from error, and representationally faithful making it
useful for decision making. Reliability is a complex and elusive construct accounting
information despite its central role.

Namira Ufrida Rahmi (2018)7 stated that information system is a set of interrelated components
that collect, manipulate, store and disseminate data and information and provide a feedback
mechanism to meet an objective, consists of an integrated set of computer and organized
combination of brain ware, hardware, software, network communications, database, policies,
and procedures that store, retrieve and modify. Accounting information system is a computer
based system that increases the control and enhances the corporation in an organization. In
managing an organization and implementing an internal control system, the role of accounting
information system is very crucial. (Nicolau, 2006)8

When talking about advantages of accounting software, accountants admit that uses of
accounting software has freed them from manual recording and presentation of transactions
and it subsequently reduces time and cost. (Musa, 2004)9. System quality is the result of output
generated from the system itself. When accounting software users feel confident about the
quality of the system and the ease of use it will provide benefits and improve performance.

Accounting Information Systems (AIS) are a tool which, when incorporated into the field of
Information and Technology systems (IT), were designed to help in the management and
-financial area. But the stunning advance in
technology has opened up the possibility of generating and using accounting information from
a strategic viewpoint. Gorla (2010)10 the author states that an optimal implementation of AIS
by firms means adapting more successfully to a changing environment and shows a high degree
of competitiveness, thus enhancing the dynamic character of a company through assimilation

Hla, D. a. (2015). Efficiency of Accounting Information System and Performance Measures. International Journal
of Multidisciplinary and Current research
7 Namira Ufrida Rahmi, W. S. (2018). The effect of information technology, quality of accounting. MECNIT, 8.
Nicolau, A. S. (2006). Organizational performance effects of ERP systems usage: The impact of post
implementation change. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems.

Musa, A. (2004). The Criteria for Selecting Accounting Software: A Theoretical Framework.

Gorla, N. S. (2010). Organizational impact of system quality, information quality, and service quality. The
Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 207-228.

use of AIS. In other words, there are improvements in administrative management regarding
accountancy and finance.

Van de Ven (1984)11 in their paper stated that adoption of Accounting Software becomes key
factor in determining the survival and success of an organization as companies require more
information, be it financial or non-financial, to deal with a higher scale of uncertainties in the
competitive market and require data processing capacity and system to ameliorate to suit their
information needs in this global economy era.

Dibrell, Davis and Craig (2008)12 suggest that performance of firms will be enhanced with
integration of either a product or process oriented innovation strategy with investment in
Information technology/Information software. Ismail (2005)13 observed that the group of
SMEs with high AIS alignment achieved better organizational performance than firms with
low AIS alignment. Wessels (2005)14 and Sharkasi (2011)15 say that accounting system is an
organized set of documents, records, reports and procedure for preparation and timely delivery
of accurate financial data for economic decision making purposes

Ajay Adhikari (2004)16 in his paper says that companies all over the world are becoming more
international in their outlook. Competing in the global marketplace, however, entails a new set
of accounting challenges. Instead of dealing in a single currency and a single set of accounting
principles, companies may have to deal with multiple currencies and follow a myriad of
accounting and tax rules. As a result, there is an increased demand for new and more
sophisticated accounting software packages capable of handling international accounting

Van de Ven, A. a. (1984). The concept of fit in contingency theory. Minnesota Univ Minneapolis Strategic
Management Research Center.

Dibrell, C. D. (2008). Fueling innovation through information technology in SMEs. Journal of small business

management, 203-218.

Ismail, N. a. (2005). Firm performance and AIS alignment in Malaysian SMEs. . International Journal of
Accounting Information Systems,, 241-259.


Meditari Accountancy Research,, 87-103.

Sharkasi, O. (2011). The Impact of Investment in Accounting Information Systems on Business Performance.
(Doctoral dissertation) University of Gloucestershire

Ajay Adhikari, M. I. (2004). Firm characteristics and selection of international accounting software. Journal of
International Accounting,& Taxation.

Colvin (2010)17 emphasizes that accuracy of financial data is consistency and efficiency driver
across the entire organization enhancing the
key business goals, operationally and financially. Norwahida and Shukeri (2014)18 noted data
quality is strongly related and positively impacts the perception of company internal auditors.

August Muhindo (2014)19 says that the purpose of an accounting information system is closely
linked to the purpose of accounting itself. At the most fundamental level, the purpose of
accounting is to provide information for economic decision making. As business events
transpire, the accounting information system to collect and store data about all aspects of those
events, particularly the financial aspects.

Computers provide accurate calculations and smart reports such as financial statements, cash
flow statements and various budgets. (Birt, 2020)20 (Arcega, 2015)21. AIS are useful for
companies and businesses entities want to make the accounting process easier by utilizing a
computer program or other system that will perform payroll and other functions. These
systems, commonly including accounting software, make it easier to compile financial data for
use in taxes, payroll, and other bookkeeping requirements. (Khan, 2016)22Musa A (2005)23 and
Xu (2020)24 emphasize on the point that most of the accounting software are user-friendly for

Colvin, C. (2010). The Importance of Being Accurate Budgeting, Planning and Forecasting: A Critical Business

Norwahida, H. a. (2014). The Role Of Data Quality And Internal Control In Raising The Effectiveness Of Ais In
Jordan Companies. . International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 298-30
Augustine Muhindo, M. k. (2014). "Impact of accounting information system on profitability of small scale
business. "International Journal of Academic Research and.

Birt, J. C. (2020). Accounting: Business Reporting for Decision Making,. Hoboken, New Jersey.: John Wiley &
Sons, .

Arcega, C. D. (2015). Computerized vs non-computerized accounting system of small and medium enterprises in
Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business

Khan, H. F. (2016). Accounting Information System: The Need of Modernisation. International Journal of
Management and Commerce Innovations, 4-10.

Musa, A. a. (2005). Investigating the perceived threats of computerized accounting information systems in
Journal of King Saud University-
Computer and Information Sciences, 1-26.

Xu, X. ( 2020). Application research of accou
Techniques and Applications for Cyber-Physical Systems. Springer Singapore, 55-62

accountants, which resulted in functioning of accounting tasks on a daily basis, in a timely
manner and accurately.

The usage of computerized accounting system has shown a marginal increase in profitability
of banks compared with when banks were using manual system of accounting. (Amahalu,
2017)25.Rapid movement in adoption of information technology (IT) by organizations helps to
acquire and implement daily accounting operations using computerized accounting software.
(Teddlie, 2009)26

The accounting information system that is created in a business is directly related to the
organizational culture, level of strategic planning and the information technologies that this
specific business has. It is possible to obtain healthier information about the financial structures
of the business that have set up a good accounting information system (Rama Rani, 2014)27

Kristanto (2011)28 accounting software is application software that records and processes
accounting transactions within functional modules such as account payable, account
receivable, trial balance and balance sheet etc. it functions as an accounting information
system. It is developed by the company himself or from other third party company who create
this type of software and they can also be modified that software with local modification.

Sari (2015)29 in their paper stated that the quality of information reflects the output produced
by the information system used. According to Accountants, the qualitative characteristics of
information in financial statements are 4, namely: understandable, relevant, reliable and

Quality of accounting information system make improve the quality and gap between the
information and what actually happens. The issues about this are the most critical because
when accounting information system is good and reliable, that makes decision making more

Amahalu, N. A. (2017). Comparative analysis of computerized accounting system and manual accounting system.
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences,, 30-43.

Teddlie, C. a. (2009). Foundations of Mixed Methods Research: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative
Approaches in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Sage Publications
Rama Rani, R. S. (2014). Need of Accounting Information System in Present Market Scenario. International
Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR).

Kristanto, S. B. (2011). Quality of information systems and the level of student understanding in using accounting
software. Salatiga FEB-SWCU Lecturer Scientific Week.

Sari, P. T. (2015). Student perceptions of the influence of information technology on the quality of accounting
information with user ethics As a moderating variable. . Diponegoro Journal of Accounting,.

easy. (Salehi, 2011)30. Progress and application of information technology provides
opportunity accounting information systems for user needs, especially cost-effective
expenditure when collecting data, placing data, processing data and producing useful
information output and easy access and widely available. (Azhar S, 2017)31

Ryan (2012)32 states that from small shop to large companies accounting software has
become a solution to manual system of maintaining bulk amount of paper works. Uses of
accounting software over the paper ledger results in benefits for the organization such as ease
of use, backup, ready information, secure storage, and replication of records. (Goldberg,
2010)33. Deshmukh (2006)34 says that business' accounting software can provide real-time
support for the creation of web-based storefronts and electronic data interchange. Real-time
connectivity with the accounting system can enhance forecasting, scheduling, manufacturing,
and procurement functions. Changes to inventory or pricing can be made instantaneously.
It has been showed that by improving the quantity and quality of management information,
use of accounting software has increased overall operational effectiveness. (Carlton, 1999)35

Salehi, M. A. (2011). A Study of Barriers of Implementation of Accounting System :Case of Listed Companies in
Tehran Stock Exchange. Journal of Economics Behavorial Study.

Azhar S. (2017). The Influence of Accounting Information System Quality to Accounting The Influence of
Accounting Information System Quality to Accounting . International Business Management 11.

Ryan, E. (2012). Accounting Software: Past, Present and Future.
<: >.

33 the-benefits-of-using-intuit-quickbooks-over paper-ledger.

Deshmukh, A. (2006). The Evolution of Accounting Software,. The National Public Accountant, 16-18
Journal of Accountancy,, 61-69.

Chapter 3: Profile of the Select Research Area
3.1 Accounting software is an application that allows any business to record the flow of money
whether internal or external, for internal and external review and auditing of the business
operations. It is the primary tool for assessing the financial health of a business and for compliances
with rules and regulations through tools like general ledgers, account payables and receivables,
purchase orders, stock management, and billing. Accounting software should not only be capable
of showing a summary of profits and losses with all financial statements but should also meet the
legal requirements of the country where the operation of the organization takes place.

Accounting software is a computer program that helps to manage a business's operations. By using
an accounting software, companies can make use of their resources efficiently, and also decrease
costs and any errors.

The benefits of using accounting software are;

Even with little to no training at all, any business can record all accounting operations and
from a desktop, laptop or even a mobile, that to without having to spend extra resources on
hiring and training a new employee to keep record of statements.
Cost savings
Accounting software also reduce costs that are to related to recording, printing, distributing
documentation of data.
Accurate forecasting
Accounting software provides data that is accurately recorded and complies with all legal
formalities rules and regulation and is also free from any mistakes. Thus, it is correctly said
that accounting information provided by accounting software is accurate in forecasting.
Tax compliance
By using accounting software, a company make sure that all its data that is recorded complies
with the taxation regulation and all rules and regulations within which a company has to
operate. As all accounting software come with the function of dedicated assistance and
reporting of compliance of data with rules and regulations it makes it easy for the company to
have data that is adhering to all regulations.
Accounting software make sure that the data that is being recorded is secured and no
malfunction on MS treatment of the data is allowed. There is an inbuilt function in accounting
software that allows only a few people to have access to all the sensitive data of any company,
and the company decides who can have access to the data. Thus, it is said that a benefit of
accounting software is the security it provides for the data of the company using it.

3.2 ERP stands for it consists the process of being able to gather
and organizing of data through the software being used. It contains the functions of being able to
automate business operations like sales quoting, accounting, production and many more.

It improves the handling of data of the company using an accounting software. Computerized
business applications were introduced

Using this was faster and more accurate than using manual processes but it was also expensive
, Enterprise Resource Planning came. Enterprise Resource
Planning transformed accounting by serving a wide range of industries and by combining many
features like MRP II, human resources, project accounting, and end-user reporting.

The key features of Enterprise Resource Planning system are as follows;

The primary and most essential benefit of Enterprise Resource Planning is a clear view of financial,
operational and business related data that can be shared across the platform in no time.

Enterprise Resource Planning systems help by turning that data into reports and providing insights
that a company can use to re-allocate resources and grab opportunities, among other things.


Enterprise Resource Planning provides the ability to automate tasks, such as payroll, order
processing, invoicing, reporting and other such repeatable actions. By automation it minimizes
the time spent on manual data entry, it reduces errors and helps in focusing on more value-added

Data analysis

The role of data analysis is enabling employees to gather a wide variety of information and use it
in correct decision making for new business opportunities as well as ways to optimize current
resources, reduce costs, spot fraud and serve customers better.


Enterprise Resource Planning reporting modules compile all data about business operations into
reports that empower higher authorities to make more informed decisions, enhance business
processes and identify problem areas before any problem arises. Reports can be given by using
visual representations, such as charts and graphs that can reveal trends and patterns to improve
business results.

Tracking and visibility

Enterprise Resource Planning platforms allow companies to track and understand business metrics.
They do this by breaking down information and offering reporting and analysis for every business
operation that is recorded.


Enterprise Resource Planning accounting features provide the ability to track, record and analyze
data, such as accounts payable (AP), accounts receivable (AR), general ledger (GL), budgets and
forecasting. Such systems can also perform more advanced tasks such as tax management, fixed
assets management, revenue recognition and multi-currency reconciliation.

Financial management

Enterprise Resource Planning systems help in assisting finance teams with the process of
management by tracking, analyzing and reporting critical data


Enterprise Resource Planning was started as a function in manufacturing. Today the system creates
efficiency in manufacturing processes by helping in product planning, sourcing raw materials,
production monitoring and forecasting. Other features include modules for assembly management,
bill of materials, work order management, shop-floor control, distribution planning and product

There are many types of accounting software used in India. The following are the most utilized
ones that are famous for their usage in recording of accounting transactions;

3.3 Tally

Tally was first introduced in 1986. It was designed by a Bangalore based Multinational
company Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd, which is a private company. It was programed by Shyam
Sunder Goenka and Bharat Goenka. It is used as an accounting software by both small and large
companies. It comes with many versions, from the education version to the auditor version, and is
specially designed for Chartered Accountants.

The history of Tally can be summarized as follows;

1. The first version Tally 3.0 was launched in 1990 which could be run only on Microsoft DOS.

2. A similar version was released in 1991, and was called Tally 3.12.

3. In 1992, Tally 4 was released which only operated on DOS.

4. In 1994, Tally 4.5 was made which could be used more in financial activities with the help of
Ledgers and Classification vouchers entry.

5. In 1996, Tally 5 was released which could be run on MS-DOS and the windows operating
system as well. It could perform the functions of inventory records, and accounting.

6. In the same year, Tally 5.4 was released with an update of importing data from one operating
system to another.

7. In 2001, an upgrade to all the previous versions Tally 6.3 was released, it was able to connect
to other operating networks through open data connectivity.

8. In 2005, Tally 7.2 was released with a new feature including Taxes.

9. In 2006, Tally 8.1 was made with multiple language support feature.

10. In 2006, Tally 9 was launched with an upgrade which included a Payroll and POS which
supported 13 Languages including foreign languages.

11. In 2009, Tally ERP 9 was released, with high security features that made it became a work
efficient and useful software for the new generation.

Tally is an accounting software that uses Enterprise Resource Management to record the
transactions taking place daily in a business. The latest version of Tally in the market nowadays is
Tally ERP 9. The Tally ERP 9 software provides the system of financial accounting and inventory
management. It is one of the best accounting software as it can combine transactions of sales,
purchase, payroll, inventory and many more.

Tally ERP 9 software rectifies and eliminates all mistakes possible as it follows the system of
double entry accounting. The data sharing channel uses end to end encryption which makes it so
secure that even employees of Tally Solutions cannot see or use data of its users, only the users
have right to see their data and share it with whomsoever they want to, making it a safe medium
to share and work on

The features of Tally include;

It can support many languages and is called multilingual software.

Tally can support account of up to 99,999 companies.

Using the feature of payroll, it can automatically generate employee records.

It has the future where transactions maintained at multiple locations get synchronized and
updated automatically.

It can generate financial statements as required by the company using the software.

And manage single all multiple groups as required.

The products offered by Tally Solutions are;






3.4 SAP

In the year 1972, five former IBM employees (Dietmar Hopp, Hasso Plattner, Hans-Werner
Hector, Klaus Tschira, and Claus Wellenreuther) from Germany had the idea of making an
invention that joins accountancy and technology.

They started a company called SystemAnalyseProgrammentwicklung (System Analyze and

Programme Development) and till 1975 they worked and did research on the needs and wants of
different businesses in terms of accounting needs and processes and built an application for
financial accounting, invoice verification and inventory management.

Their early customers were a nylon factory belonging to ICI in Ostringen, Germany, Knoll, Burda,
Linde and Schott.

The company is headquartered in Walldorf in the south of Germany and is listed in Frankfurt and
New York as a market leader. The company has over 440,000 customers in more than 180
countries and 102,430 employees worldwide although most of its users are small and midsize

Simple accounting software is used for tracking the success of any business. The users can store
all information that can help them get a clear picture of the financial health of the company.

It can easily manage and allow monitoring of cost and revenue to maximize the profitability of
the company. It is a software that is desktop based and is to be installed on computers so that they
can perform the basic accounting task very easily. It is suitable for businesses that are small in

The features of SAP are;

It is user friendly as it is made by keeping in mind that the user is a common user therefore
even with people that have no accounting knowledge, they can manage to maintain proper
records of their accounting data.

It can generate reports easily and can provide reports in Excel format.

It shows the financial performance of the business.

It has the property to manage accounts receivable, accounts payable and general ledger
and it also allows the tracking of inflow and outflow of cash, revenue and expenses.

It has the ability to calculate GST manually for the company.

It greatly helps the company in performing for accounting tasks. It keeps an updated
database on GST and is very easy to use.

This software has one of the greatest benefit that is of the high degree of accuracy and
high speed.

It allows to keep the track of business performance and is reliable for the company using

3.5 QuickBooks India

History of Intuit QuickBooks

Intuit was found in 1983 by Scott Cook and Tom Proulx in Mountain View, California, two years
after IBM introduced the first personal computer. Their first invention was Quicken. QuickBooks
was launched in 1992 osh.
QuickBooks became a popular accounting software for smaller businesses.

QuickBooks India is a modern accounting management tool. It allows the company to track all its
sales and also can create invoices. It also has the feature of cloud based portal. It is very easy to
use and even novice users can use it as it does not require any expertise in accounts handling. It is
equipped with features like invoicing payment reminders sales and inventory tracking and easy
navigation interface it shows a 360-degree view of the business from any location.

The features of QuickBooks India are;

It can create custom invoices and sales receipts as it has a powerful invoice tracking
system sales order management and cost management system that makes all results

The user can access their account and manage the business from any location whether it
is a computer a mobile or Tablet.

It also has the online banking integration feature where the statements of the company are
automatically updated with the bank account of the company.

It can also give a real time view of the statements of the company.

3.6 Zoho Books

Zoho books is an accounting software which is popular for being online in our country. It has an
integrated platform for end-to-end financial recording. It is GST compliant and also automates the
workflow of the company while managing the financial accounts and helping in managing the
statements accurately. It can maintain leisure books where is accounting transactions bookkeeping
GST invoices and also manage cash receivables, payables banking inventory timesheets business
contact and finally also generate reports. It is available at very affordable pricing.

The features of Zoho books are;

It has an efficient end to end accounting solution so that there are no mistakes in recording
of data.

It handles sales orders invoices and also do mundane accounting task without any problem
and allows the management to focus on the business development without any worries.

It is also a GST compliant and makes fulfilling of tax liability duties easy.

Zoho books is enriched with at least the power of 40 apps. It can integrate and track all
business related transactions irrespective of the location.

Zoho books can create e way bill send those invoices to the customer and also keep a
record of such e way bill from different department.

3.7 MargERP 9+

It is and GST enabled accounting software in India that makes GST billing and filing easy. It can
generate wise invoices and give detail information on all transactions taking taste in the company
that are recorded. It helps in selecting the right GST slab and segregate the transactions according
to it.

The software directs an automated and detailed calculation of Sgst, Cgst and Igst. It is a special
trade solution that is highly affordable in price and also customizable. It has at least 2500 software
configuration and 500 tutorial videos that make the using of the software and the implementing of
the software in the business very easy to do. It can generate batch wise invoice get detailed
information on all transactions avail auto bank reconciliation give codes to help with the GST
filing and many more features.

The benefits of MARGERP 9+ are;

It has effective accounting software that helps in complying with the GST features.

It generates GST invoices for a better tax reporting.

It is very easy to implement and maintain as there is a multiple customer care offer that
helps with all-time support and updated tutorials a manual.

It is customizable and allows the business to derived invoice is stand Orders and track
progress by joining supplier and business.

It is a business booster as it has impressive features and flexible approach.

It also allows timely advancements and innovations and the company using it can look
forward to improve business performance and maximize benefits.

3.8 Vyapar

This software tops the list of accounting software for small Indian businesses as it is a free platform
that allows maintenance of invoice records of inventory management of books of accounts and
tracking of daily business activities. It eliminates all paperwork and helps the management to
utilize time productively. Most of the small businesses need a digital upgrade this software is an
effective solution. It is GST compliant and allows tax returns without making any mistakes with
the calculations. It can create customizable invoices and automate payment reminders.

The features of VYAPAR are;

GST is an essential part of all business tax system and requires computerized calculation.
This software allows to do just that as it is a digitalized platform for maintaining different
tax slabs and allows easy filing of tax returns without any hassle of errors.

It can manage all records in a single place.

It can secure business data and also offers auto backup facilities that prevent the loss of
data that also helps in deriving data as and when needed.

It also supports of an accounting features which enables the business to carry out
transactions without having to connect to the internet.

It can track business performance and also control individual units as it is an inventory
and accounting match management software.

It can also help in keeping a track of team performance by analyzing invoices of sales and

3.9 myBooks

This accounting software is an excellent solution for entrepreneurs Accountants financial

companies and freelancers as it is designed for all business owners that are small. It helps in
eliminating the work stress of all Accountants using it. It is design from the perspective for small
business owners and has easy User experience as a central objective it also has helpful tips about
the product which can be discovered and the features and functionalities can be used very easily.

The features of this accounting software are

It has made GST compliance very easy. It can generate invoices in less than 60 seconds
with a customized logo.

It is design for SMS and can generate invoices based currency for the customer needs
and also connect it with its bank account.

It maintains daily backups in my books cloud.

It uses Bank level securities on servers and for data transfer between systems for 100%

It comes with a free mobile app for Android and iOS platform which makes
invoicing very easy.

The accounting software loads within seconds and is hosted on the next generation clause
system which makes it easy to process millions of transactions.

3.10 Busy accounting software

It is an integrated window based accounting software that has been made to bring a reform in the
computerization of accounting system. Its main agenda is providing digitalization and a
computerized Software Solution. It has become one of the top online accounting software in India.
It was curated by a group of it professionals with the motive that focused on the development of
accounting for stock it caters to a range of accounting software apps that cater to the need of
different business segments for stop it is available for micro small and medium scale Enterprises.

The features of the accounting software are

It is one of the top accounting software that features multi-currency accounting.

Since GST was introduced online accounting software has become a handy tool to handle
error free tax filing returns.

All top level management can rely on the reports and analysis of everyday management
activities with the help of 20 accounting software features.

It helps in keeping the track on work progress and makes quick decisions relying on
report generated.

3.11 Logic

It is an online accounting software in India that satisfies the demand of having a strategic
Enterprise Resource Planning system for accounting. It is advanced computer software which
facilitates error free financial management budgeting forecasting planning and efficient
performance analysis it can hold cross communication with different departments and facilitate
collaborations using data offered.

The features of this accounting software are;

It is powerful financial tools and provides efficient accounting system.

It can generate financial reports profit loss statement balance sheets and analyze them to
understand business requirements for better growth.

It provides real-time access to such reports anywhere anytime.

It allows integrated enterprise accounting data along with other effective Management
Solutions for the business.

It makes analysis of Human Resource Development cash flow data Asset Management
data easier to handle and analyze through one single platform.

3.12 Giddh

Giddh is a team of members who have accounting as their main focus, be it as a member of the
development team or as part of the sales team. They have taken the initiative to adapt to the latest
technologies and make accounting simpler and easier and also more secure.

Their motto

It is an all-inclusive modern accounting software which uses local database and delivers custom
reports for the growth of the business. It also deals in inventory stock management and handles
bank accounts with high level security. It is compliant with GST and gives reports for better
analysis of accounting stability. It supports multi-currency features and enables management of

Departments from one place to stop it lets the business share data with team members so it can
keep a track of elements that require attention.

The key features of this accounting software are;

It is GST compliance and can file GST returns without worry of cancellation or error.

It has a modern approach to financial and accounts management and is equipped with
functions that allow generation of invoices.

It has an instant reporting and analysis feature that helps in making quick and efficient

3.13 ProfitBooks

The company is co-owned by Harshal Katr who has worked for over 10yrs at banking institutions
like HSBC and Barclays and currently looks after customer support, testing and product
development. Mohnish Katre who is a Chartered Accountant having 9 years of industry experience
in research and corporate finance. He looks after Finance, Staff and Partner Training, Business
Development, HR, Sales. Naveen Thota who has about 14 years of IT industry experience mainly
in enterprise technologies and has headed the technical architect team at MNCs who has an in-
depth knowledge of server technologies, handles Technical Development, Maintenance and
Software Infrastructure of the company and its product.
From their initial experience, they knew that there was a demand for simple accounting software
as other available softwares were difficult to use for an average business owner and thus they
together made this accounting software to be used with ease by any individual with basic
accounting and technological knowledge.

This accounting software one of the top 10 accounting software in India which offers complete
inventory management and details tax reports that help in controlling of the business will start it
offers a study platform to track manage and process and file tax returns. It serves as the best
accounting and inventory management solution whether you are a manufacturing unit wholesaler
retailer or any other businessman.

The features of this accounting software are;

It has the feature of creating invoices in sales bill which helps in keeping a track of
inventory flow.

It enables detail taxation reports helps in filing tax easily. It can generate VAT reports
and GST analysis as per the tax system of the country.

It also entails complete profit and loss statement for better understanding of business

It allows interpretation of income and expense management and help the business in
understanding the actual situation of the business.

Chapter 4: Research Methodology

4.1 Introduction:

In an extremely competitive business environment, it is very important to be up to date and ahead

in terms of development and growth and for accounting processes that means having a robust
software that can mitigate the operational complexities of the business and also enable to make
reasonably accurate and beneficial business decisions. Such complex accounting processes can be
executed with the help of accounting softwares developed in the market to make operations of
business easy and to provide users with technology that will help in data collection and recording
that is accurate and easily available without any constraints.

Thus, in this study we will see all about what are accounting softwares and why they are a need
for smooth business operations and also what do accounting software comprise of through a
comparison of different accounting software that are utilized in India.

4.2 Need of the study:

Accounting software is an application that allows any business to record the flow of money
whether internal or external, for internal and external review and auditing of the business
operations. It is a primary tool for assessing the financial health of a business and for compliances
with rules and regulations through tools like general ledgers, account payables and receivables,
purchase orders, stock management, and billing.

A good accounting software is a must for all businesses who want to be able to make their business
successful, but for any business the need to know which accounting software is the most beneficial
for their smooth business operations is the most crucial.

The only way to know this is through a detailed understanding of each software, and to finalize
on such a software which will aid the business by catering to all its accounting needs in the most
beneficent way, a comparative study will provide all information needed and help in making such
a decision.

Thus, there is a need of such a study so as to provide knowledge and help in knowing about

world and increasing profitability.

4.3 Objectives of the study:

The objectives are;

To completely understand the meaning, usage, technicalities and types of

accounting software.
To understand the complete scope of each accounting software like Tally
ERP, SAP and such local software present in the market.
To state the advantages and limitations of usage of such software to the
To state the suitability of various accounting software to different business
To execute a survey to understand the need and importance of using a
Computerized Accounting Software in day to day recording of accounting

4.4 Statement of Hypothesis:

There is a significant positive impact on usage of an accounting software on the overall

position of any business as;

H1: It helps a business in simplifying its recording of business operations,

H2: It helps in saving costs and time,

H3: It promotes productivity,

H4: It helps in compliance with taxation regulations,

H5: It results in ease of business operations; and,

H6: It provides security.

4.5 Scope of the study:

The scope of the study is to understand about the meaning, usage and technicalities of accounting
software that are used by business for operational purposes and to understand the scope of such
software through observing the services provided by such software to help benefit from them.

4.6 Research Methods:

The research design chosen is a combination of exploratory and explanatory in nature. Such a
combination is chosen as the research intends to study the casual relationship between the
dependent and the independent variable in an informal and unstructured manner in the study.

4.7 Universe and Sample Size:

For the purpose of the research the universe would consist of all people using accounting software
for business operations in different service sectors and individuals having the knowledge of the
working of an accounting software.

And the sample size would be employees from the service providing companies that would be
approximately 25 respondents in total, as shown below;

Sr. Type of service Number of Employees.
1. Audit services 5

2. Education services 5

3. Retail services 5

4. Financial services 5

5. Banking services 5

4.8 Justification of Sampling Method and Sampling Procedure:

The sampling method that is chosen would be random probability sampling method as by using
this technique eliminates any type of prejudice in a study but on the other hand, the responses of
the questionnaire may be chosen on the basis of non-probability sampling method, depending on
the validity of the results received from the questionnaire.

The sources of data collection would include both primary sources and secondary sources of data
in order to cover all aspects and objectives of the study.

The methods of data collection would include formulation of a questionnaire with close ended
questions and multiple choice answers sent to multiple accounting software using businesses and
also data available or collected through various sources on the web or journals and publications
available on the topic.

4.9 Sources of data collection:

The sources of data collection would include both primary sources and secondary sources of data
in order to cover all aspects and objectives of the study.

4.10 Method of data collection:

The methods of data collection would include formulation of a questionnaire with close ended
questions and multiple choice answers sent to multiple accounting software using businesses and
also data available or collected through various sources on the web or journals and publications
available on the topic.

4.11 Limitations of the study:

The limitation of the study would be that;

The study is not specifically based on a particular industry.

Another limitation would be the lack of experience of the researcher to conduct an
absolutely accurate research.
Another limitation is the difficult times that is the pandemic effecting the data collecting
abilities of the researcher.
The study is partly based on secondary data that has been collected through different
sources online and thus the accuracy depends on the accuracy of the data collected.
The study has been conducted by collecting the ideas and opinions of a limited number of
individuals and thus it does not speak for the whole population.

Chapter 5: Analysis and Interpretation of Data

5.1 Introduction

It is seen in many studies that usage of an accounting software leads to simplification of records,
saving of costs, promotion of productivity, compliance with rules and regulations, results in ease
of operations and also keeps the data secure. By studying the same we will gain the knowledge as
it would help in better understanding the need of the integration of information technology and
accounting procedures, it would help users understand the importance of using accounting
software in their business and it would assist in choosing the right software according to the needs
of the user by the help of the comparative study of different types of accounting software.

Thus it can be said that there is a very important aspect and it is a need
as there is a significant positive impact on usage of an accounting software on any business.

For this study a questionnaire with questions that are specifically framed to prove our hypothesis
correct or wrong have been asked.

A questionnaire is used for collecting data for a research. It is a set of questions that are asked in
order to collect data about a specific topic.
Questionnaire is a set of questions that are distributed to either a specific group of people or
random people in general so as to be able to obtain data that can be qualitative or quantitative in
nature. For collecting such data usually close ended questions are asked so as to collect data that
is specific and accurate.
Using a questionnaire for data collection has many benefits, like it is cost saving as it does not
require face to face communication and can be shared electronically making it extremely helpful
during the pandemic, it can reach a large number of people in a very short amount of time as it is
shared electronically, as compared to other types of data collection techniques it has the advantage
of anonymity and makes people assured that their opinions are safe from judgement and misuse,
the advantage of a questionnaire is that it does not require a specific date and time and can be filled
anywhere at any time, and the last and most advantageous benefit would be it make data
interpretation and analysis easy to do and the researcher can make sure to have accurate data to be
used for his or her study.

The interpretation and analysis of the data collected through such questionnaire is as follows;

5.2 Question 1

1. Which of the following do you prefer?




Manual Recording of accounting transactions

Using a computerized accounting software

Figure 1: Percentage wise break up of answers chosen for Question 1 using a pie chart


As seen in the pie chart above, Which of the following do you prefer? the

percentage of respondents who

have chosen op


From the interpretation we can understand that the percentage of respondents for having chosen
is the highest among the three. If we
turn the percentage into number of respondents, we get;

Percentage of Number of
respondents respondents
No. Options having chosen having chosen
this answer this answer out of
total respondents

1. Manual Recording of accounting 4% 1


2. Using a computerized accounting 52% 13


3. Both 44% 11

Total number of respondents 100% 25

Table 1 Table showing number of respondents per option for question 1

Thus, as seen in the table above, the majority of respondents in their opinion prefer using a
computerized accounting software, and a few of them prefer using both, manually recording their
transactions and using a computerized accounting software, whereas only one of them prefers
using a manual recording of accounting transactions.


2.As per your opinion which type of business should use

Accounting Software?

0% 0%
4% 0%


Manufacturing Unit Trading Unit Retail Unit

Service Providing Unit All of the Above None

Figure 2: Percentage wise break up of answers chosen for Question 2 using a pie chart


As seen in the pie chart above, the percentage of respondents who have chosen the option 1 that is



From the interpretation we can understand that the percentage of respondents for having chosen
option 5 If we turn the percentage into
number of respondents, we get;

No. Options Percentage of Number of

respondents having respondents having
chosen this answer chosen this answer
out of total

1. Manufacturing Unit 0% 0

2. Trading unit 4% 1

3. Retail unit 8% 2

4. Service providing unit 0% 0

5. All of the above 88% 22

6. None 0% 0

Total Number of respondents 100% 25

Table 2 Table showing number of respondents per option for question 2

Thus, as seen in the table above, the majority of respondents in their opinion believe all types of
businesses from different sectors can use a computerized accounting software system, and a few
of them believe only trading or retail units should use accounting software in their operations

5.4 Question 3

3.Do you believe it is essential to use computerized Accounting

Software in recording day to day operations?



Yes No Maybe

Figure 3 Percentage wise break up of answers chosen for Question 3 using a pie chart


As seen in the pie chart above, the percentage of respondents who have chosen the option 1 that is
%, the percentage of respondents who have chose %
whereas, the percentage of respondents who have chose %.


From the interpretation we can understand that the percentage of respondents for having chosen
option 1 that is is the highest among the three. If we turn the percentage into number of
respondents, we get;

No. Options Percentage of Number of

respondents respondents having
having chosen chosen this answer
this answer out of total

1. Yes 92% 23

2. No 0% 0

3. Maybe 8% 2

Total number of respondents 100% 25

Table 3 Table showing number of respondents per option for question 3

Thus, as seen in the table above, the majority of respondents in their opinion believe it is essential
to use computerized Accounting Software in recording day to day operations as they have mostly
chosen yes as the answer in their opinion, whereas only a few are doubtful of whether it is essential
or not.

5.5 Question 4

4. Is it easy to use computerized accounting?



Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 4 Percentage wise break up of answers chosen for Question 4 using a pie chart


As seen in the pie chart above, the percentage of respondents who have chosen the option 1 that is
option 2 that is


From the interpretation we can understand that the percentage of respondents for having chosen
option 5 that is is the highest among the five. If we turn the percentage into number
of respondents, we get;

No. Options Percentage of Number of
respondents respondents
having chosen this having chosen this
answer answer out of total

1. Strongly Disagree 0% 0

2. Disagree 0% 0

3. Neutral 28% 7

4. Agree 24% 6

5. Strongly Agree 48% 12

Total number of respondents 100% 25

Table 4 Table showing number of respondents per option for question 4

Thus, as seen in the table above, the majority of respondents in their opinion strongly believe that
using a computerized accounting software is easy, a few of them agree that it is easy to use and a
few of them neither agree nor disagree with the statement.

5.6 Question 5

5.How satisfactory is it to use an Accounting Software?

0.6 56%




1 2 3 4 5

Very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory Very satisfactory

Figure 5 Percentage wise break up of answers chosen for Question 5 using a line chart


As seen in the line chart above, the percentage of respondents who have chosen the option 1 that

f respondents who have chosen option 3 that

satisfactory are 56%.


From the interpretation we can understand that the percentage of respondents for having chosen
. If we turn the percentage into
number of respondents, we get;

No. Options Percentage of Number of

respondents having respondents having
chosen this answer chosen this answer
out of total

1. Very dissatisfactory 0% 0

2. Dissatisfactory 0% 0

3. Neutral 4% 1

4. Satisfactory 40% 10

5. Very Satisfactory 56% 14

Total number of respondents 100% 25

Table 5 Table showing number of respondents per option for question 5

Thus, as seen in the table above, the majority of respondents in their opinion prefer using a
computerized accounting software as they find using it very satisfactory, whereas only a few
neither find it satisfactory nor dissatisfactory to use the same.

5.7 Question 6

6. Do you think all features and functions of an accounting software are useful?




Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 6 Percentage wise break up of answers chosen for Question 6 using a pie chart


As seen in the pie chart above, the percentage of respondents who have chosen the option 1 that is


From the interpretation we can understand that the percentage of respondents for having chosen
is the highest among the five. If we turn the percentage into number of
respondents, we get;

No. Options Percentage of Number of

respondents having respondents having
chosen this answer chosen this answer
out of total

1. Strongly Disagree 0% 0

2. Disagree 4% 1

3. Neutral 24% 6

4. Agree 44% 11

5. Strongly Agree 28% 7

Total number of respondents 100% 25

Table 6 Table showing number of respondents per option for question 6

Thus, as seen in the table above, the majority of respondents in their opinion agree that all features
and functions of a computerized accounting software are useful, a few of them are neutral whereas
only one respondent disagrees.

5.8 Question 7

7.Choose the correct option in your opinion: ' Computerized Accounting

Software is ..."
25 25
25 24
20 19


5 4
Time Saving Cost saving easy to use helpful in helpful in compliant with
decision making providing all rules and
accurate data regulations

Agree Disagree

Figure 7 Percentage wise break up of answers chosen for Question 7 using a line chart


As seen in the line chart above, the number of respondents who have chosen the option 1 that is

helpful in decision making are 24/25, for helpful in providing accurate data are 25/25 and
. Whereas, the number of respondents who chose

compliant with all rules and regulations are 4/25.


From the interpretation we can understand that most of the respondents agree with the various
features that were given as an option to them in the question, we can more clearly understand that
through the chart below;

No. Options Number of Number of Total

respondents respondents number of
who chose who chose respondents

1. Time Saving 25 0 25

2. Cost saving 19 6 25

3. Easy to use 20 5 25

4. Helpful in decision making 24 1 25

5. Helpful in providing accurate 25 0 25


6. Compliant with all rules and 21 4 25


Table 7 Table showing number of respondents per option for question 7

Thus, as seen in the table above, the majority of respondents in their opinion agree that using an
accounting software is a time saving, cost saving, easy to use, helpful in decision making, helpful
in providing accurate data and lastly it is compliant with all rules and regulation set by authorities
whereas a few of them disagree that it is not completely easy to use, cost saving, helpful in decision
making or compliant with all rules and regulations.

5.9 Question 8

8. Do you believe the data presented by an Accounting Software is

accurate and dependable in your opinion?






1 2 3 4 5

Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree Strongly agree

Figure 8 Percentage wise break up of answers chosen for Question 8 using a line chart


As seen in the line chart above, the percentage of respondents who have chosen the option 1 that


From the interpretation we can understand that the percentage of respondents for having chosen
is the highest among the five. If we turn the percentage into number
of respondents, we get;

No. Options Percentage of Number of
respondents having respondents having
chosen this answer chosen this answer
out of total

1. Strongly Disagree 0% 0

2. Disagree 0% 0

3. Neutral 24% 6

4. Agree 36% 9

5. Strongly Agree 40% 10

Total number of respondents 100% 25

Table 8 Table showing number of respondents per option for question 8

Thus, as seen in the table above, the majority of respondents in their opinion believe using a
computerized accounting software produces accurate and dependable data, and a few of them are
neutral about using such software.

5.10 Question 9

9. Do you believe that the presentation of the data recorded by an

Accounting Software is satisfactory?



Very dissatisfied not satisfied neutral satisfied Very satisfied

Figure 9 Percentage wise break up of answers chosen for Question 9 using a pie chart


As seen in the pie chart above, the percentage of respondents who have chosen the option 1 that is



From the interpretation we can understand that the percentage of respondents for having chosen
is the highest among the five. If we turn the percentage into number
of respondents, we get;

No. Options Percentage of Number of

respondents having respondents having
chosen this answer chosen this answer
out of total

1. Very dissatisfactory 0% 0

2. Dissatisfactory 0% 0

3. Neutral 12% 3

4. Satisfactory 60% 15

5. Very Satisfactory 28% 7

Total number of respondents 100% 25

Table 9 Table showing number of respondents per option for question 9

Thus, as seen in the table above, the majority of respondents in their opinion believe using a
computerized accounting software produces satisfactory presentation of data.

5.11 Question 10

10. Do you agree with the statement 'Using Accounting Software

promotes efficiency?'




Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 10 Percentage wise break up of answers chosen for Question 10 using a pie chart


As seen in the pie chart above, the percentage of respondents who have chosen the option 1 that is
e of respondents who have chosen the option 2 that is

the perce


From the interpretation we can understand that the percentage of respondents for having chosen
is the highest among the five. If we turn the percentage into number of
respondents, we get;

No. Options Percentage of Number of
respondents having respondents having
chosen this answer chosen this answer
out of total

1. Strongly Disagree 4% 1

2. Disagree 0% 0

3. Neutral 4% 1

4. Agree 52% 13

5. Strongly Agree 40% 10

Total number of respondents 100% 25

Table 10 Table showing number of respondents per option for question 10

Thus, as seen in the table above, the majority of respondents in their opinion agree that using a
computerized accounting software promotes efficiency.

5.12 Question 11

11. Do you agree with the statement 'Computerized Accounting

Software provides security for data recorded?'


30% 28%

10% 8%

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 11 Percentage wise break up of answers chosen for Question11 using a line chart


As seen in the line chart above, the percentage of respondents who have chosen the option 1 that


From the interpretation we can understand that the percentage of respondents for having chosen
is the highest among the five. If we turn the percentage into number of
respondents, we get;

Percentage of Number of
respondents respondents
No. Options having chosen this having chosen this
answer answer out of total

1. Strongly Disagree 0% 0

2. Disagree 12% 3

3. Neutral 8% 2

4. Agree 52% 13

5. Strongly Agree 28% 7

Total number of respondents 100% 25

Table 11 Table showing number of respondents per option for question 11

Thus, as seen in the table above, the majority of respondents in their opinion agree that using a
computerized accounting software provides with security for the data recorded.

5.13 Question 12

12. Do you agree that Accounting Software generates correct


24% 24%


Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 12 Percentage wise break up of answers chosen for Question 12 using a pie chart


As seen in the pie chart above, the percentage of respondents who have chosen the option 1 that is
e chosen the option 2 that is

the percentage of respondents wh


From the interpretation we can understand that the percentage of respondents for having chosen
is the highest among the five. If we turn the percentage into number of
respondents, we get;

Percentage of Number of
respondents having respondents having
No. Options chosen this answer chosen this answer
out of total

1. Strongly Disagree 0% 0

2. Disagree 0% 0

3. Neutral 24% 6

4. Agree 52% 13

5. Strongly Agree 24% 6

Total number of respondents 100% 25

Table 12 Table showing number of respondents per option for question 12

Thus, as seen in the table above, the majority of respondents in their opinion agree that using a
computerized accounting software generates correct invoices of the transactions recorded.

5.14 Question 13

13. How satisfied are you with the statement 'Accounting

Software helps in development and growth of a company'?

40% 36%



0% 0%
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Strongly Satisfied

Figure 13 Percentage wise break up of answers chosen for Question 13 using a line chart


As seen in the line chart above, the percentage of respondents who have chosen the option 1 that

on 3 that is

are 36% and the pe
are 52%.


From the interpretation we can understand that the percentage of respondents for having chosen
option 5 . If we turn the percentage into
number of respondents, we get;

Percentage of Number of
respondents having respondents having
No. Options chosen this answer chosen this answer
out of total

1. Strongly Dissatisfied 0% 0

2. Dissatisfied 0% 0

3. Neutral 12% 3

4. Satisfied 36% 9

5. Strongly Satisfied 52% 13

Total number of respondents 100% 25

Table 13 Table showing number of respondents per option for question 13

Thus, as seen in the table above, the majority of respondents in their opinion prefer using a
computerized accounting software helps in development and growth of a company.

5.15 Question 14

14. Which of the following do you know?

Tally Erp





None mentioned

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Figure 14 Percentage wise break up of answers chosen for Question 14 using a line chart


As seen in the line chart above, the percentage of respondents who have chosen the option 1 that


From the interpretation we can understand that the percentage of respondents for having chosen
the options that are given as checkboxes are high for most of the options. Highest being for Tally
Erp and among the six. If we turn the percentage into number of respondents, we get;

No. Options Percentage of Number of
respondents having respondents having
chosen this answer chosen this answer
out of total

1. Tally Erp 92% 23/25

2. QuickBooks 24% 6/25

3. Zoho 12% 3/25

4. SAP 56% 14/25

5. Others 16% 4/25

6. None mentioned 8% 2/25

Total number of respondents 100% 25/25

Table 14 Table showing number of respondents per option for question 14

Thus, as seen in the table above, the majority of respondents know the accounting softwares that
are commonly found in the market and have been famous for long periods of time.

5.16 Question 15

15. Do you agree with the statement 'it is essential for all businesses to
use Computerized Accounting Software in their day to day operations?'




Yes No Maybe Depends on the business

Figure 15 Percentage wise break up of answers chosen for Question 15 using a pie chart


As seen in the pie chart above, the percentage of respondents who have chosen the option 1 that is

percentage of respondents who have chosen option 4 that is


From the interpretation we can understand that the percentage of respondents for having chosen
option 1 that is the highest among the four. If we turn the percentage into number of
respondents, we get;

No. Options Percentage of Number of

respondents respondents
having chosen having chosen
this answer this answer out
of total

1. Yes 52% 13

2. No 0% 0

3. Maybe 12% 3

4. Depends on the business 36% 9

Total number of respondents 100% 25

Table 15 Table showing number of respondents per option for question 15

Thus, as seen in the table above, the majority of respondents in their opinion believe that using a
computerized accounting software in day to day operations is essential whereas a few believe that
the use of an accounting software depends on the business that is thinking of using it.

5.17 Question 16

16.If you start a business would you use a Computerized Accounting

Software for day to day transaction recording and other purposes?



Definitely Maybe No

Figure 16 Percentage wise break up of answers chosen for Question 16 using a pie chart


As seen in the pie chart above, the percentage of respondents who have chosen the option 1 that is

is 80%


From the interpretation we can understand that the percentage of respondents for having chosen
is the highest among the three. If we turn the percentage into number of
respondents, we get;

Percentage of Number of
respondents respondents having
No. Options having chosen this chosen this answer
answer out of total

1. Definitely 0% 0

2. Maybe 80% 20

3. No 20% 5

Total number of respondents 100% 25

Table 16 Table showing number of respondents per option for question 16

Thus, as seen in the table above, the majority of respondents in their opinion may prefer using a
computerized accounting software if they ever open a business of their own, and a few of them
may not prefer using an accounting software in the recording of day to day operations of their
business and rather prefer manually recording their transactions.

5.18 Descriptive Analysis:

The term descriptive analysis is used to describe or summarize data in a manner so that it is
understandable more clearly. It enables the user to present the data in a more understanding
manner and gives a simpler representation to the data. The data is more understanding by using

No. Variables Mean Standard Deviation

1. User Friendly 8.33 3.29

2. Saves cost and Time 833 4.98

3. Productivity 8.33 1.69

4. Reliability 6.25 3.58

5. Ease of Operation 8.33 2.62

6. Provides Security 6.25 4.32

7. Using an Accounting Software 8.33 4.10

Table 17 table showing the descriptive analysis of all data combined.

*(The variables taken are a summation of different variables taken into consideration to test the
hypothesis. User friendly is used for the simplicity of using an accounting software, productivity
implies that the data collected by an accounting software is accurate and dependable, reliability
means that it complies with all set rules and regulations that have to be followed for recoding
accounting transactions.)

Chapter 6: Findings and Conclusions

6.1 Introduction
Complex accounting processes can be executed with the help of accounting softwares developed
in the market to make operations of business easy and to provide users with technology that will
help in data collection and recording that is accurate and easily available without any constraints.
Accounting software is a computer program that helps to manage a business's operations. By using
an accounting software, companies can make use of their resources efficiently, and also decrease
costs and any errors.

It is a primary tool for assessing the financial health of a business and for compliances with rules
and regulations through tools like general ledgers, account payables and receivables, purchase
orders, stock management, and billing. Thus, there is a need of such a study so as to provide
knowledge and help in knowing about accounting software to easily understand their importance

is to understand about the meaning, usage and technicalities of accounting software that are used
by business.

In this chapter we will see be justifying the objectives of the study and analyzing the data that has
been collected with the help of the questionnaire. We will also be testing the hypothesis that has
been set in the starting of the study so as to prove them correct or wrong.

6.2 Justification of Objectives

This study has been conducted to completely understand the need and importance of the integration
of accounting procedures and information technology so as to make the tedious work of an
accountant easy and reliable. Accounting is known as the process of recording financial
transactions relating to a business.

Such process includes summarizing, analyzing and reporting the transactions to regulators and tax
collection authorities. The records used in accounting are a summary of transactions over a
financial year, that summarizes a company's operations, financial position and cash inflows and
outflows and thus by integrating this difficult and time consuming work with technology we get
computerized accounting software that makes it easy to not only record and store all types of
accounting data but also analyze and interpret such data in a more easy to understand way.

A good accounting software is a must for all businesses who want to be able to make their business
successful, but for any business the need to know which accounting software is the most beneficial

for their smooth business operations is the most crucial, thus, the objectives mentioned were as

To completely understand the meaning, usage, technicalities and types of

accounting software.
To understand the complete scope of each accounting software like Tally
ERP, SAP and such local software present in the market.
To state the advantages and limitations of usage of such software to the
To state the suitability of various accounting software to different business
To execute a survey to understand the need and importance of using a
Computerized Accounting Software in day to day recording of accounting

The objectives were set by keeping in mind the advantages and benefits of using a computerized
accounting software in recording day to day accounting transactions so as to give a clearer
picture as to why the integration of the accounting procedures and the information technology is

6.3 Testing of the Hypothesis

It is seen in many studies that usage of an accounting software leads to simplification of records,
saving of costs, promotion of productivity, compliance with rules and regulations, results in ease
of operations and also keeps the data secure.

Thus it can be said that t

world as there is a significant positive impact on usage of an accounting software on the overall
position of any business. And thus, with the help of the questionnaire conducted we can test the
hypothesis set in the starting of the study in the following manner,

We will first state the hypothesis and then give the reason as to why the stated hypothesis is true
or completed or why it is not true and incomplete by using the correlation coefficient.

For the testing of the hypothesis a study has been conducted where twenty-five individuals with
the experience of working on an accounting software were asked to fill a questionnaire that asked

specific questions that are related to proving the hypothesis right or wrong. The hypothesis testing
will be done as per the answers of the individuals as recorded in the questionnaire by finding the
relation between the variables in the hypothesis as opposed to using a computerized accounting
software by finding the correlation coefficient. Correlation coefficients is a statistical tool that is
used so as to find a relationship between two different variables and to measure the strength of the
relationship between the two variables.

Thus, the hypothesis and its testing are as follows,

Simplifying recording

It is said that by using accounting software any organization or company will notice that it makes
data recoding very simple and easy to understand to any user in need of such data. It also makes
the recording of complicated data super easy to do as it is an automated software where only the
data is to be fed to the software and the software records the data accurately on its own. Thus, this
study shows that;

Variable Using an User Friendly


Using an 1 .997

User Friendly .997 1

Hypothesis 1: Using an accounting software helps a business in simplifying its recording of

business operations is completely true as we can see through the correlation coefficient that both
the variables move positively in the same direction that is using an accounting software is user
friendly that is it simple to use and easy to understand for its users.

Saves Costs and time

By using an accounting software, the company minimizes its cost as now there is no need of using
many types of resources in order to record any data as it is digitalized and all it needs is a platform
to operate which can be a laptop or a desktop and an accountant with knowledge of using such

Variable Using an Saves cost and
Accounting Time

Using an 1 .997

Saves cost and .997 1


H2: It helps in saving costs and time is completely true as we can see through the correlation
coefficient that both the variables move positively in the same direction that is using an accounting
software is saves cost and also saves time for its users.

Accurate data is produced

Any information is said to be accurate only when it has no errors, the data entry was not biased,
and all users believe that the data represented is the data needed. By using accounting software,
accountants improve the overall accuracy of their records as it helps in minimizing errors.

Accuracy of financial data is consistency and efficiency driver across the entire organization

and financially (Colvin, 2010)

Variable Using an Productivity


Using an 1 1.41

Productivity 1.41 1

H3: It promotes productivity as it helps in producing accurate data is completely true as we can
see through the correlation coefficient that both the variables move positively in the same direction

that is using an accounting software promotes productivity as the data produced is accurate and

Compliance with rules and regulations.

By using accounting software any accountant does not have to worry about the compliance with
the rules and regulations of the company as all the rules and regulations are inbuilt in all accounting
software applications, thus, as the data is recorded, the software makes sure that all data is recorded
as per the rules and regulations of the company and the country where the company operates.

Variable Using an Reliability


Using an 1 .638

Reliability .638 1

H4: It helps in compliance with taxation regulations is completely true as we can see through the
correlation coefficient that both the variables move positively in the same direction that is using
an accounting software is reliable as it is compliant with all rules and regulations set for accounting

Ease of Business Operation

By using of accounting software many studies show that there is an ease in use of doing business.
As the software is easy to use all the accountant has to do is put in data and the software will review
the data and present with accurate and error free data.

Variable Using an Ease of

Accounting Operation

Using an 1 0.651

Ease of Operation 0.651 1

H5: It results in ease of business operations is completely true as we can see through the
correlation coefficient that both the variables move positively in the same direction that is using
an accounting software results in ease of doing business as the software is easy to use and presents
results in no time.

Provides security of data

By using of accounting software the company audio counting does not have to worry about the
security of the data as the software is built in such a way so as to provide security to the data
recorded as with the advancement of technology all software are made in such a way as to provide
security against various viruses, threats and malfunctions of the data, and the company can be
assured that the data is accurate and secured.

Variable Using an Provides

Accounting Security

Using an 1 .757

Provides .757 1

H6: Using an Accounting software provides security of the data recorded is completely true as we
can see through the correlation coefficient that the variables move positively in the same direction
that is using an accounting software also provides security for the data that is being recorded
through the system.

6.4 Findings
A is very important for
every business to acquire up to date and accurate data, which is why integration of technology in
the form of accounting is crucial.

The software system is a set of interrelated functions that collect, interpret, record and analyze the
data information. Accounting software is a computer based system that enhances the working of
the core of the organization as now the decisions and plans made by them is based on accurate and
up to date data. The system also plays an important role in helping to manage the internal control
system of the firm.

As per the data collected by the researcher and the interpretation and analysis of the data recorded
it can be seen that it is true when said that there is a significant need of the use of a computerized
accounting software for recording of data that is related to accounting transactions.

It has also been found through the testing of the hypothesis that the benefits of using a
computerized accounting software that are mentioned by different software companies are also all
true and that usage of a computerized accounting software indeed results in promoting efficiency
and productivity in the organization using such software and thus making it an important need in
the world of today that is constantly showing growth and development.

6.5 Conclusion
Accounting is an important function for all businesses. It is taken care of by a bookkeeping or an
accounting department on a small or large size depending on the size of the company. The records
used in accounting are a summary of transactions over a financial year, that summarizes a
company's operations, financial position and cash inflows and outflows.

Accounting software is an application that allows any business to record the flow of money
whether internal or external, for internal and external review and auditing of the business
operations. It is a primary tool for assessing the financial health of a business and for compliances
with rules and regulations through tools like general ledgers, account payables and receivables,
purchase orders, stock management, and billing.

The benefits of using accounting software are, even with little to no training at all, any business
can record all accounting operations and from a desktop, laptop or even a mobile, that to without
having to spend extra resources on hiring and training a new employee to keep record of
Accounting software also reduce costs that are to related to recording, printing, distributing
documentation of data. Accounting software provides data that is accurately recorded and complies
with all legal formalities rules and regulation and is also free from any mistakes.
Thus, it is correctly said that accounting information provided by accounting software is accurate
in forecasting. By using accounting software, a company make sure that all its data that is recorded
complies with the taxation regulation and all rules and regulations within which a company has to
As all accounting software come with the function of dedicated assistance and reporting of
compliance of data with rules and regulations it makes it easy for the company to have data that is
adhering to all regulations. Accounting software make sure that the data that is being recorded is
secured and no malfunction on MS treatment of the data is allowed.
There is an inbuilt function in accounting software that allows only a few people to have access to
all the sensitive data of any company, and the company decides who can have access to the data.
Thus, it is said that a benefit of accounting software is the security it provides for the data of the
company using it.
As an accounting software is a software that has more benefits and advantages for the user of such
software it can be concluded that there is a significant need of implementing and promoting the
use of a computerized accounting software for recording of day to day accounting transaction of
ant business.

Chapter 7: Suggestions

7.1 Suggestions
Accounting software systems are useful for all companies and businesses that want to make their
accounting process easy by making use of a computer program or system that can perform all
functions like payroll and others. These systems all commonly include features and functions that
make it easier to compile data that can be used in taxes, payroll, and other book keeping

As seen in the analysis of the data collected for the study, all the features and functions and all the
benefits of any accounting software are for providing maximum help and making the work of an
accountant as easy as possible.

But also seen through the interpretation of the data collected, there are still many possible obstacles
for the accountants that make use of such a software. Even though many respondents chose the
option that indicted that using an accounting software was easier and more popular than any other
method of recording accounting transactions, still there were a few respondents that believed that
using an accounting software was not completely easy to use or cost saving or the preferred way
of recording transactions.

Thus, as the researcher in my opinion, I think that even though many people who deal with
accounting transaction prefer an automated accounting system, the benefits and the importance of
using a computerized accounting software is not completely known by people and steps should be
taken so as to make it a little bit easier for all people to have access to the knowledge of the benefits
of using an accounting software.

7.2 Expected Relevance of the study:

Academic relevance:

technology i.e., accounting software for students pursuing or interested in accounting as their

Research Relevance:

The study can be relevant for other researchers who decide to explore the topic of accounting
pidly developing world.

Government Relevance:
The study will explore the topic of ease of compliance of rules and regulations of a business by
using an accounting software.

Corporate Relevance:
The study is very important for corporates as accounting software aid in ease of handling large
proportions of data and help in ease of performing business operations on a large scale, thus
proving to be useful by providing knowledge on the scope and need of using the same.

Investor Relevance:

The study will also show how by using an accounting software any business can provide accurate
and up to date data, thus it is relevant for investors as it would show how usage of accounting
software means reliable and accurate data.

7.3 Knowledge contribution of the study:

Accounting software is an application that allows any business to record the flow of money
whether internal or external, for internal and external review and auditing of the business
operations. It is a primary tool for assessing the financial health of a business and for compliances
with rules and regulations through tools like general ledgers, account payables and receivables,
purchase orders, stock management, and billing. A good accounting software is a must for all
businesses who want to be able to make their business successful, but for any business the need to
know which accounting software is the most beneficial for their smooth business operations is the
most crucial. Thus, with the help of this study, the likely outcomes would include;

It would help in better understanding the need of the integration of information

technology and accounting procedures.

It would help users understand the importance of using accounting software in their

It would help in understanding the need and importance of using a computerized

accounting software.
It would assist in choosing the right software according to the needs of the user by
observing the different features of different types of accounting software.

7.4 Scope for further study:

The study has been conducted for the topic the need of Accounting Software, this study can be
further continued to cover different aspects like the benefits or limitations of using such software
by observing the working of such software being used in different types of companies and
interviewing the individuals on the benefits of using the same, or carrying out a SWOT Analysis
on usage of Accounting Softwares and or different studies can be conducted on different functions
and features of Accounting Software that are most popular and how do companies benefit from
them. A comparative study can also be conducted of different companies using same accounting
softwares or using different accounting softwares at the same time.


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The Questionnaire that has been used to collect data is as follows:

Email Id

1. Which of the following do you prefer?

o Manual Recording of accounting transactions

o Using a computerized accounting software
o Both

2.As per your opinion which type of business should use Accounting Software?

o Manufacturing Unit
o Trading Unit
o Retail Unit
o Service Providing Unit
o All of the Above
o None

3.Do you believe it is essential to use computerized Accounting

Software in recording day to day operations?

o Yes
o No
o Maybe

4. Is it easy to use computerized accounting?

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree

o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

5. How satisfied are you by using an Accounting software?

o Very Dissatisfied
o Not Satisfied
o Neutral
o Satisfied
o Very Satisfied

6. Do you think all features and functions of an accounting software are useful?

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neither disagree nor agree
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

7.Is recording of data with Accounting Software a time saving procedure in your opinion?

o Yes
o No

7.1. Do you feel using an Accounting Software is cost-saving?

o Yes
o No

7.2. Do you agree that using Accounting Software helps in decision making?
o Yes
o No

7.3. Do you believe the data presented by an Accounting Software is accurate and
dependable in your opinion?
o Yes
o No
7.4. Does using an Accounting Software make it easy to follow rules and regulations?
o Yes
o No
8.Do you believe that the presentation of data recorded by an Accounting Software is
accurate and dependable?
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neither disagree nor agree
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
9. Do you believe that the presentation of the data recorded by an Accounting Software is

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neither disagree nor agree
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neither disagree nor agree
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
11. Computerized Accounting Software provides security

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neither disagree nor agree
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

12.Do you agree that Accounting Software generates correct invoices?
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neither disagree nor agree
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

13. lps in development

o Very Dissatisfied
o Not Satisfied
o Neutral
o Satisfied
o Very Satisfied

14. Which of the following do you know?

o None mentioned
o Others
o Zoho
o QuickBooks
o Tally Erp

Software i
o Yes
o No
o Maybe
o Depends on the business

16.If you start a business would you use a Computerized Accounting Software for day to
day transaction recording and other purposes?

o Definitely
o Maybe
o No


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