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Name: AYUSH KUMAR AGARWAL (19BEE0175) Assignment Number: 1

Course: ECE3502: IoT Domain Analyst Lab Date: February 9, 2022

Experiment Title:
Channel creation in ThingSpeak and performing read and write operations.

(a) To create a channel in ThingSpeak environment.
(b) To write data in ThingSpeak channel via http protocol.
(c) To read data from ThingSpeak channel feed and field respectively via http protocol.
(d) To obtain the data in csv file format.
(e) To read and write data in ThingSpeak channel using Python.

(a) Open and create a channel named weather monitoring on thingspeak.
(b) Add two labels namely temperature and humidity in the channel.
(c) Note the channel id for future reference.
(d) Go to API keys and using the link under ’write a channel feed’,feed values using http
(e) Using the link ’’ and replace ’id’ in this
link with your channel id,extract the values in the csv format.
(f) open python idle and write the required code to read and write the data.



We Sucessfully created a channel named weather monitoring with two labels namely tempera-
ture and humidity in thingspeak and wrote the data using http protocol. We further read the
data via http protocol and extracted it in csv format for future reference.We further read and
wrote the data in python using various libraries and function like urllib.request.urlopen and
read().Thus we can conclude that we can read and write data using python on thingspeak and
analyse the data after extracting it in csv format.

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