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Andi Sayyed Arham Putra Daeng Nyonri1, Junuda RAF2

Professional Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Halu Oleo University
Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Halu Oleo University
Corresponding Author E-mail:


Latar Belakang: Gangguan jiwa depresi menjadi menarik untuk dibahas dalam penelitian ini
dibalik karena merupakan gangguan ketidakstabilan emosi, yang mampu merusak citra diri bagi
penderita. Depresi dengan model komunikasi pembangunan masih sangat jarang dilakukkan
sehingga penting untuk menggali informasi hubungan gangguan penyakit depresi terhadap
model komunikasi pembangunan. Metode: Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi
pustaka. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan hasil penelitian yang relevan dengan topik
yang menjadi objek penelitian. Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
gangguan jiwa depresi berhubungan dengan model komunikasi pembangunan. Kesimpulan:
Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara gangguan jiwa depresi dengan
model komunikasi pembangunan. Saran : Penelitian selanjtunya diharapkan dapat meneliti dan
mengkaji lebih dalam dan menggunakan metode penelitian yang berbeda pada hubungan
gangguan jiwa depresi dengan model komunikasi pembangunan.
Kata Kunci : Mood depresi, model komunikasi pembangunan


Background: Depressive mental disorders are interesting to be discussed in this study because
they are reversed because it is an emotional instability disorder, which can damage self-image
for sufferers. Depression with developmental communication model is still very rarely done, so
it is important to explore the relationship between depressive disorder and developmental
communication model. Methods: The research method used is literature study. The research
was conducted by collecting research results that were relevant to the topic being the object of
research. Results: Based on the results of the study, it showed that depressive mental disorders
were associated with developmental communication models. Conclusion: Based on the data
obtained, it can be concluded that the development communication model can reduce the level
of risk of depression. Suggestion: Future research is expected to be able to examine and examine
more deeply and use different research methods on the relationship between depression mental
disorders and developmental communication models.
Keywords: Depressed mood, developmental communication model

PRELIMINARY depression in women after puberty,

bringing the male-to-female ratio to
The prevalence of depression 1:2. This is related to high levels of
sufferers in Indonesia is estimated at anxiety in women, changes in
2.5-9 million out of 210 million estradiol and testosterone at puberty,
people. At the time after puberty the or socio-cultural problems related to
risk for depression increases 2-4-fold, adult development in women (Ryan,
with a 20% incidence at the age of 18
2020). The Sample Registration
years. The gender ratio as a child is System conducted by the Research
1:1, with an increased risk of

and Development Agency in 2016 DEFINITION
obtained data on suicide per year as According to the PPDGJ-III
many as 1,800 people or every day Brief Reference, depression is an
there are 5 people committing suicide, affective disorder characterized by a
and 47.7% of suicide victims are aged variety of main symptoms, including
10-39 years who are teenagers and feelings of depression or depression;
young adults. productive (Kemenkes loss of interest and enthusiasm;
RI, 2021). reduced energy leading to increased
Many factors cause people fatigue and decreased activity. In
with depression to experience this addition, depression also has other
condition, both biological and symptoms such as reduced
environmental factors that influence concentration and attention; reduced
the condition of individuals with self-esteem and self-confidence; the
depression, however, genetics plays a emergence of feelings of guilt and
bigger role than they do with unipolar worthlessness; gloomy and
depression. Based on this view, pessimistic outlook on the future; do
genetic factors can influence if a child or think about actions that endanger
is born to one or both parents who themselves and even commit suicide;
suffer from depression, so that the disturbed sleep; and decreased
child has a risk of experiencing the appetite (Bubun, 2018).
same disorder. Environmental
factors, such as family, can be a EPIDEMIOLOGY
strong factor in influencing the At the time after puberty the
condition of individuals with
risk for depression increases 2-4-fold,
depressive disorders (Widianti et al.,
with a 20% incidence at the age of 18
2021). years. The gender ratio as a child is
Based on the statement
1:1, with an increased risk of
regarding the relationship between
depression in women after puberty,
depressive disorder, it is very closely bringing the male-female ratio to 1:2.
related to community and family
This is related to high levels of
environmental factors, in addition to
anxiety in women, changes in
genetic factors, it cannot be excluded, estradiol and testosterone at puberty,
but discussions related to depression
or socio-cultural problems related to
with development communication
adult development in women (Ryan,
models are still very rarely carried 2020).
out, so it is important to explore
Depression often occurs in
information on the relationship
women aged 25-44 years, and peaks
between depressive disorders and during pregnancy. Social factors such
communication models.
as stress from family and work
problems. This is because life

expectancy in women is higher, the There are several types of
death of a spouse may also lead to psychotherapy that can be done to
higher rates for older women treat depression, namely: (1)
experiencing depression. Interpersonal therapy, (2) Cognitive
behavioral therapy, (3)
ETIOLOGY Psychoeducation
Depression is caused by a
The main drugs given to patients with
combination of many factors. As for
depression are antidepressants. Anti-
biological factors, congenital or
depressant medications are generally
hereditary factors, development-
given for 6-12 weeks. The most
related factors such as the loss of a
important factor in choosing an
parent since childhood, psychosocial
antidepressant is the effectiveness and
factors, and environmental factors,
tolerance of the patient to the drug
which become a single unit lead to
(Darmawan, 2021).
depression (Ryan, 2020).
criteria for the diagnosis of a
The development
depressive episode (F32) are as
communication model is defined
follows (Ryan, 2020): Main
simply as the process of delivering
symptoms (mild, moderate, and
messages from one person to another.
severe): (1) Depressed affect, (2) Loss
Theoretically, an understanding of the
of interest and joy, (3) Decreased
social environment can be interpreted
energy leading to increased fatigue (a
as an effort or a series of actions for
real sense of tiredness after a little
planning, implementing,
work) and decreased activity; Other
controlling/supervising, and
symptoms: (1) Decreased
evaluating communicative nature. In
concentration and attention, (2)
this case, there are a number of things
Decreased self-esteem and self-
that need to be considered, namely:
confidence, (3) Ideas of guilt and
(1) social resilience (local social
worthlessness, (4) A gloomy and
support and capacity); (2) the state of
pessimistic view of the future, (5)
the ecosystem; (3) spatial layout; (4)
Disappointing ideas or actions. self-
local social quality (objective and
harm or suicide, (6) disturbed sleep.
subjective qualities); (5) social
THERAPY resources (potential) and community
restrictions (social taboos) (in the
Psychotherapy form of institutions, environmental

knowledge, and environmental carrying out a development
ethics); and (6) conformity with the communication model regarding
principles, objectives and targets of knowledge of the conditions and
environmental management (Aminah symptoms of depressive mental
et al., 2019). disorders with people who experience
Participatory development depression will reduce stigma,
communication must ensure the thereby reducing the level of
realization of mutual cooperation at depressive symptoms in that
every level of participation. This community. A study also conducted
means that each party must try to by Kathleen et al. in 2021
respect and respect the opinions and demonstrated that anticipating
attitudes of others and have a sense of developmental communication
mutual trust. Participatory focused on education around maternal
communication focuses more on depression and infant developmental
creating shared meaning, which milestones with appropriate
focuses on reaching an understanding technology and coaching structures,
or agreement. Community mothers who received interventions
participation in development regarding their depressive state would
communication is interpreted as a experience greater reductions in their
process of exchanging messages depressive states and gains in parents
between the community and the practice sensitive and responsive and
government related to the that their infants will show greater
development process (Muchtar, gains in socio-emotional behavior and
2016). social communication.
Research conducted by
Herdiyanto, Tobing, and Vembriat CLOSING
(2017) illustrates that the stigma
received by People with Mental
This study shows that there is
Disorders (ODGJ) and their family a relationship between depressive
members affects the medical actions
mental disorders and developmental
taken to restore the condition of
communication models.
ODGJ. Another impact of this stigma, Suggestion
ODGJ must face health and socio-
For further researchers, it is
cultural consequences, such as
hoped that they can examine or
inadequate treatment, drug examine more deeply individual
withdrawal, shackles, and contrasting
characteristics regarding gender, age,
understandings of mental disorders
ethnicity, income, place of residence,
(Ratna et al., 2020). level of education and marriage as
A study conducted by
well as other aspects in society that
Muvuka et al. in 2018 showed that
can affect the occurrence of

depressive disorders. Depression Is Real: Developing
a Health Communication
Campaign in an Urban African
BIBLIOGRAPHY American Community. Progress
in Community Health
Akbar MF, Putubasal E, Asmaria, Kola RD.
Partnerships: Research,
2019. Peran Komunikasi Dalam
Education, and Action 14(2):
Pembangunan Masyarakat.
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Aminah, S.,Sumarjo, Sartia,A., Abdullah I.
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Pesisir Dalam Komunikasi
Internet. Tersedia di:
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2021. Masalah Kesehatan Jiwa
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