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1. How do the healing sacraments relate to Christian prayer and worship? (10 pts)

The sacrament oh healing is related to Christian prayer and worship because everything we do
as a Christian in our church is connected with God. The music that we use to worship God in our
daily mass or in every mass is related to the sacrament of healing because of the content of the
song that focuses in healing that we sing in the mass. The song is not a ordinary song because
songs can be use in healing our spiritual health. The prayer is the basic foundation of healing for
me as a Christian because prayer is essential in asking forgiveness an in order for us to heal our
soul form sickness and ill. So the sacrament of healing is related to our prayer and how we
worship God.
2. In your own understanding, what is the difference between healing and cure
In my own understanding the difference of healing and cure is that the healing is a process to
be cured but the cure for me is a solution in sickness or illness that experiencing of a person. In
relation with the topic healing is given by Christ to a person who have spiritually illness and
hoping to be cured and renew his faith as a Christian , because Christ is our ultimate healer in
all aspects. The cure for me is the outcome of the process of healing because when a person
has been cured it is no longer a healing. Cure is the final phase of being healed from sickness
and illness. To sum it all healing is not happen instantly and it is happened trough a process,
cure is a instant solution of a illness.

1. Would you allow yourself to be anointed or not? Why? Have you seen people being anointed
already? What happened to them after the sacrament?

Yes I will allow myself to be anointed when the time has come. As a Christian it is one of the
sacrament it is a blessing for me to receive a sacrament so I am happy when I receive it. Yes I
see people or person that is being anointed. After receiving the sacrament person hat I see die a
minutes after receiving the sacrament and rest in peace. I will allow myself to receive the
sacrament when I am in a serious illness or I am already at old age. For me receiving the
sacrament is like preparing to rest in peace and acceptance on what will the possible outcome
and I am blessed to receive it on time.

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