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Kindly, find in below link that contain last update for Moshell;

Note:- Please follow this steps to update your moshell:

1. Go to this path (C:\cygwin\home\(your cygwin user)).

2. Delete all (files, Folders, RARs) inside (your cygwin user) except
(.bashrc, .inputrc, .minttyrc) files.
3. Put ZIP folder (moshell21.0y) inside (your cygwin user) and extract it.
4. Take copy for (file and folder) inside (moshell21.0y) that you extracted it
and paste it in (your cygwin user).
5. Open your cygwin in the desktop and use the command;
- Unzip -o
- Bash moshell_install
- Chose 0 for full version
- Chose ~ for root directory
- Chose y for java path
- Chose y for perl path
6. Go to this path (C:\cygwin\home\(your cygwin user)\(moshell folder)/(moshell
7. Open (moshell file) by notepad and search for word (java).
8. You should find path such as (java="/cygdrive/c/Java 8/java"), Modify it such
as your PC java path.
9. Restart your PC after finish.

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