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Module 2 – ASSIGNMENT 1 – Chapter 5: 2022 HR TRENDS

With the serge and still prevalent spread Covid-19 pandemic, we should open 2022 with

fresh eyes and open minds about the possible HR trends this year. In my opinion, one of the

topmost likely HR trends in the Philippines in 2022 is "the end of the employee," since the

pandemic shows that employees do not want to be constantly checked on by their managers.

Meaning this tendency implies that employees can self-manage and be efficient and effective in

performing their duties by themselves. Another potential top HR trend in our nation is "forgiving

technologies." With the rate of innovation, technology may indeed be adaptable and beneficial to

the operations of enterprises, but it becomes more intricate and multifaceted when new technology

arises and develops. Consequently, some employees cannot keep up, and they are compelled to

become accustomed to this type of system without considering that the users may be digitally

sophisticated. Thus, this tendency will benefit the firm because it will become more solicitous and

considerate of its employees. The "Time for some real empathy" trend is also one of the potential

top HR trends, and it means that the notion of placing the organization before individuals should

be abandoned. Every day, people face new challenges, both at work and in their personal lives and

is also the organization’s responsibility to always consider its personnel and always strive to

understand them better. Furthermore, the firm must exhibit greater empathy to its employees,

which will lead to a good working environment which, ultimately, will lead to better performance.

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