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My insight about the video is that The crust, mantle, and core are the three main layers

of the Earth, based on chemical composition. Physical characteristics caused by

pressure and temperature changes define the other layers it explains how the layers
were discovered, what they are, and how the crust differs from tectonic (lithospheric)
plates, a distinction that many people are confused about. The video also compared the
earth in an egg where the shell representing the outermost layer, the white the mantel,
and the yoke core. The scientists figure out where the layers were by using the arrival
times seismic waves to worldwide seismic station. I also learned the if the earth had no
change with depth, seismic would travel straight path. By watching the video it increase
my knowledge and understanding about the earths interior and each layer chemical
composition, where in the Crust (Mostly granitic & basaltic composition) is made of
chiefly 8 major elements such as oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium,
potassium and magnesium. The Mantel also have the same element with the curst but
in different proportion with increasing amount of the heavier elements in the rock, Core
(iron-nickel alloy) element is iron and nickel. In overall this video tells as what the earth
layer compost are and how do the layer of the earth effect the earthquakes to occur.

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