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July: hello name

name: Hello July. How are you

Julio: I'm fine. Thanks. How are you?

Julio: Tell me, what are your plans for next weekend?
name: Well, I planing going to travel to Piura
Julio: How do you plan to do it?
name: I need to buy my plane tickets and pack my bags with my summer
Julio: that's great. But now it's winter and it could rain I don't think
it's a good idea
name: oh no! I think I'll change my plans for this weekend.
I will have to go to another city where it is not cold because I love the
name: july tell me. What are your plans for this weekend?
Julio: Well, I plan to go to the park.
legends with my son.
name: How do you plan to do it?
July: I have to buy tickets online and organize my walking route.
name: I don't think it's a good idea. because it is winter and it can

July: I think you are right. then maybe i go to the movies with my

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