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A Strange Person I know

I have a strange neighbor whom I meet only in the

evenings when she comes home from work. I find
her odd because of what she wears every day to
work - a frilly and feathery purple hat! It did not
matter what clothes she wore on that day or if the
color of her clothes matched her hat because she
would still wear it, rain or shine.
When I first saw her, I could not help laughing
rudely because the purple hat looked ridiculous on
her head. My friends and I would tease her behind
her back and crack the most offensive jokes about
her. Luckily, she never came to know about those
awful jokes or my friends and I would have had a lot
of explaining to do then.
I was more than surprised by her answer because I
realized what a treasure that hat must be to her. So
she was not so strange a person after all since I too
have some treasured things which I refuse to let go
of, even when they look ridiculous and silly.
However, as the months passed, I came to know her
through our evening meetings. She was a
surprisingly kind and sincere person. I felt sorry for
talking behind her back. After several meetings with
her, I found the courage to ask her why she always
wore her hat. She told me that her grandmother had
worn that very same hat thirty years ago. She wore it
because it reminded her of her grandmother.

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