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Administration and management of translation and interpretation, focused on International



The main objective of this research was to nationalize the way in which translation and
interpretation are viewed from the field of international business. It also begins by examining
some basic concepts related to these topics, the analysis in the literature is a scientific
comparison between the differences that exist when practicing this profession at a
professional level in Colombia-Mexico, mainly based on the governmental pages of both
countries to discover the processes that lead to the professionalization of this profession,
known in Colombia as "certified translators" and in Mexico as "expert translators", also
consulting prominent authors and companies specializing in the area. The present research
analyzes the technical and professional domain of translation and interpretation as a
paradigmatic variant. Likewise, the information cited is mainly obtained from theoretical,
cultural and political developments that offer not only the main approaches to the field, but
also an in-depth analysis of the benefits it represents. in this sense, it is concluded that the
process of translation and interpretation in the field of international business is more than just
a lexical field of sharing units of one language or another.

Key words:
translation, interpreting, international business, business administration.
Texts in the field of foreign trade: a taxonomy for the training of translators


Considering the progressive increase in international business operations, as well as in the

number of internationalized companies, we believe that it is necessary to advance in research
on foreign trade, as it is a field that generates linguistic and cultural intermediation needs and,
therefore, of great interest for translators and interpreters. Foreign trade is characterized by
the integration of texts from different disciplines, so we believe that it should not be included
as just another large category within the economic or financial field.

This article not only raises the need for a specific taxonomy to include the textual
manifestations that are most frequently generated in the professional field of foreign trade,
but also proposes a classification that adopts a translatological approach and, by offering a
global vision of this professional field, aims to be useful in the training of translators and
interpreters who wish to specialize in it. In order to arrive at this classification, we begin by
analyzing the relationship between translation and foreign trade.

Keywords: translation and interpreting, classification, translation in foreign trade, specialty


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