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San Ignacio School

Third year section “D “

Angelina Ayzanoa Nº4

English Essay
“The Lost Crowns of Anglia”
by M.R. James

Mystery and Magic

Mystery and Magic
A simple legend can become a big mystery with awful consequences.
This reading was about a situation that happened in a little town in England,
where a story that a strange man told in a casual meeting in a hotel, ends in a
tragic situation. There is a lot of magic and terror, but especially a lot of
characters that act in strangers' forms.

Paxton was a very interesting character, because he was not a normal

guy. He was tall, thin and young, but he expressed sadness with his face.
Other important characters, not at the level of Paxton, were the narrator,
Henry, who was his friend, and the porter of the hotel, who informed the
narrator many things. The towns and the hotel were alone almost completely,
including the church, graveyard and the beach. In the hotel there were only a
few visitors.

The main problem Paxton had was that the spirit of William Ager was
chasing him, because he picked up one of the lost crowns. Therefore Paxton
tried to bring back the crown to bring the stability and peace as it was at the
start. He did not achieve what he was searching for and William Ager “killed”
him. I have not faced a situation like that but if a friend is in trouble and needs
my help I would help him or her without any problem. The situation that I
lived in was more similar to what happened when I was little, I saw a ghost or
something like that.

I have done many weird things to help other people. On vacation two
years ago I washed my neighbor's car in exchange for some money because I
was bored. It is not an awesome situation but at least it happened recently.
Talking about what strange situation I lived in, I remember the case that I
mentioned before, when I saw a ghost, it was midnight and I heard noises in
the kitchen. When I looked for what was happening a huge shadow started to
chase me. But I was only a little girl so I do not remember perfectly. Finally I
want to say that I believe in magic things because they are part of our lives or
at least, part of our imagination. I had some magical experiences but not too
My opinion of what happened in history is that we have to be aware of
what we are doing to avoid some problems such as the persecution of a
mysterious entity. I think Paxton was killed because he played in dangerous
areas. To conclude I want to say that it was a mysterious story with terror
included. And remember, you are not alone in the darkness.

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