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Many people manage to establish a daily routine in which time of work and rest is
well defined. Some people have different shifts in their work so sometimes they
must work during the night, these sudden changes in sleep time can lead to insomnia
in the coming nights.

there are people who have no trouble getting back to sleep at night after they have
been awake for several nights. But sometimes people have so much trouble getting
back to sleep at normal times that they should take medication for this, these
people are often stressed by these circumstances and that is something that often
only aggravates the problem.

Divorces about not being able to sleep

There are people with chronic snoring, these people usually have no trouble
sleeping, but people who sleep near them will have difficulties especially if they
are light sleepers. There are couples that this is a big problem, because not being
able to rest well night after night because of the noise can be very stressful.
Several couples who have married very quickly have this problem as they discover
that their partner has this problem too late.

These people usually tell how they spend the night spinning in bed without being
able to rest by the noise. As this circumstance generates frustration, insomnia and
sometimes sadness and anger for which behavior with your partner changes. Finally,
not everyone can solve this situation that they prefer to get away from their
partner if this means being able to sleep a little.

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