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Rule Book

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1. Teams matched up against each other must agree on a time to play
through WhatsApp or any communication device. Agreed match time
must be given to the committee at max. a day before the agreed time.
2. Each team must agree on deciding someone to take evidence of
matches. At least one person from each team must record /screenshot
/screen record the match and/or the match result.
3. In case where both teams fail to agree on a time to play, or they forgot
to mention the agreed play time, the committee will make both teams
play at 8.00 PM.
4. If teams fail to meet the appointed time, they will be disqualified.
5. Registered team members are not allowed to be switched during match
playtime. If it has been caught that any registered team member was
switched for an unregistered member, the team will be disqualified.
6. Gathering supporters is allowed, as long as it follows the health
protocols and does not go as far as riot. The Chileague ESports
Tournament committee are not and will not be held responsible for the
risks, danger, and future effects of gathering supporters.
7. Players must be ready with their devices (1 device for playing and 1
device for recording) 15 minutes before the agreed play time.
8. For teams with 6 members, the team captain must report the roster of
the team to the designated committee at max 12 hours before the match.
The roster must include names of the 5 players that will be playing for
the next match. Once decided, the roster cannot be changed anymore.
9. Honesty is very muchly appreciated :)

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1. Decision Maker
Each day, teams at the upper-position of the scoreboard are assigned as
While the teams at the lower-position of the scoreboard are assigned as
The committee will record a video of HEADS-or-TAILS coin-toss per day
to decide which team gets the ROUND 1 DECISION MAKER.
The ROUND 2 DECISION MAKER will be granted to those who win the
The ROUND 3 DECISION MAKER will be granted to those who win the
The DECISION MAKER is allowed to choose the FIRST-PICK or SECOND-
PICK for each specific round.

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2. Zoom Call
Players must be prepared with 2-devices; (ex: phone for playing &
laptop for zoom call).
Players should turn-on their camera during the zoom call at all
times, showing their face and their hand-activity playing Mobile
Players should show their Mobile Legends screen to the camera
during the loading screen before the game starts (5-heroes VS 5-
heroes screen) and during the finishing screen when the game
ends (game result, victory/defeat, k/d/a)
One zoom meeting is for one Mobile Legends game. Before moving on
to the next game, players should move to a new zoom meeting
All zoom meetings are provided by the LEADER of ROUND 1 DECISION
MAKER, regardless of any change in decision-makers in the games after
it. If the LEADER of ROUND 1 DECISION MAKER fails to provide the
zoom meeting due to technical problems, then other members from
the same team should provide the zoom meeting.
in the previous point.
Players can report their opponents regarding any suspicious activity.

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3. Mobile Legends Game Rules
CHAT ALL is allowed.
VOICE CHAT is not allowed.
Teammates are allowed to call each other using other apps excluding
Taunting is allowed. For example, using emotes, recalling, trash talk,
Toxicity and cheating are not tolerated.
This includes swearing, bullying, and verbally assaulting another player.
Switching team members, using map hack, etc. will also be considered
as cheating.
If a player from a team violates it, it may result in the disqualification of
the team.
There is no “PAUSE” in qualification rounds.
5-minute of PAUSE will be granted during BRONZE MATCH & GRAND
FINAL only.
Internet connection issue is not the committee's responsibility.
Example: If both teams have dealt with a time to play, but there is a
sudden lag from one team only, the match has to go on, unless there
is any stronger evidence.
Exception: If both teams experience lagging because of Mobile
Legends server issue or general-local internet provider issue, the
match can be rescheduled.
*proofs are required*
Qualification rounds are done at BEST OF 3 (2-0 or 2-1)
Bronze & Final rounds are done at BEST OF 5 (3-0 or 3-1 or 3-2)
Players are allowed to use force majeure reasons for any unexpected
incidents, any committees are accountable to choose any decision, such
as rematch (or its cancellation), rescheduling (or its cancellation), or any
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1. Each team representative must send a screenshot of the end screen of
every match. The end screen includes the final scores of both teams, k/d/a,
combat grade, etc.

2. All team members must send a recording (video of themselves showing

the loading screen before entering the match and playing the first 3 minutes
of the match) to the assigned committee via WhatsApp.
3. All players must be respectful to one another after the match, no matter
what happens during the match and what the final result is. What happens
in the tournament stays in the tournament! Sportsmanship will be highly
appreciated. :)
4. Always check the WhatsApp group for further information about the

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