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Bùi Hoài Trang – ID 2013140021

Vũ Thị Diễm Phúc

Anh 1- CTTT KTĐN K59

27 August 2021

Fighting Food Insecurity on Campus

In the article “Fighting Food Insecurity on Campus” written on the blog Higher

Education Today by ACE on June 29, 2015, Christopher Nellum states the problem

about the lack of nutritional food on campus and the solution recommended. Starting

the article, Nellum makes clear that a striking number of students have to choose

between educational expenses and food annually while studying higher education.

Nellum adds that these students also need additional support to keep studying. Nellum

makes it clear by providing studies of 3 large systems of higher education about their

students’s food insecurity and poverty and their plan to help them. Nellum points out

that undergraduate generation today who is non-traditional, post-tradition with family

responsibility and work also encounter finance challenge. Nellum explains that in such

situation, the rise in campus-based food pantries is appropriate to ensure college

affordability broadly. Nellum explains that the upcoming reauthorization of the Higher

Education Act (HEA) will focus on  college affordability and this is an opportunity to

consider about the food insecurity, understand more about students’s choice who

encounter this problem and make college more affordable. Finally, Nellum suggests 3

areas to consider include: sharing resources and best practices, documenting and

understanding the problem, incentivizing states to invest in postsecondary education.

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