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To check your understanding of the lesson, answer questions below, and discuss in 4 to 6
sentences. See Rubric in the appendices. (10 pts. each)

1. What were the importance of art during the prehistoric period?

Art is a tradition that links us and helps us to see beyond our physical
surroundings. Prehistoric art, in particular, is significant because it provides insight into
the evolution of human thought and behavior. The Palaeolithic era, 290,000 years ago,
saw the emergence of artistic thought among early humans. Art tells us that our
prehistoric ancestors were more than just cavemen, from holes in the wall to magnificent
wall paintings. Artistic thinking has been around for quite a long time and continues to
make us think as it progresses at its own pace for each individual. Art is the key to our
understanding and awareness.

2. What are the characteristics of Portable Art and Cave Paintings?

Portable Arts are objects that are easily transportable from one location to another.
These are just little decorated things in the form of figurines, miniature carvings, and
engravings on a piece of stone, bone, or ivory in a range of shapes and sizes. Small, three-
dimensional sculpted objects such as the well-known Venus figurines, carved animal bone
tools, and two-dimensional relief carvings or plaques are examples of portable sculptures.
Cave Paintings, on the other hand, are engraved or painted works. This entails painting
colored pigments (typically black) on open-air rocks or the cave floors, walls, and
ceilings. Hand stencils and handprints, such as those found in the French Pyrenees'
Gargas cave, are typical of earlier times.

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