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Date: March 15, 2022

Subject: Letter for Recommendation

To Whom It May Concern,

I would like to recommend my student, Lydia Djilani for your Algerian Youth Leadership Program. I
know her for the last two years; she is an outstanding student.

Lydia is a sincere student who is very dedicated to her studies. She is always excelled in academics
and always ranks higher in the class. She has won many awards for academics and extra-curricular
activities in our institution.

She is always interested in helping and improving her friends and, uplifting them to the standards she
has. She is a source of inspiration to others.
She has so many qualities that give me confidence to recommend her for your leadership program
and, I know it well that she will make it worthwhile, and it will add a new star to the flag of your
institution. So, please accept my recommendation to award the scholarship to this bright student,
Lydia Djilani and help her succeed in life.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely
Signature :

Hadjar Amraoui. English Teacher in BBC School of Languages.

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