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AITA for sending chatlogs to my BIL's work? (self.


My wife and I have been struggling for a few years. Her dad was in a lot of medical
debt and needed to sell his only asset, his house, in order to afford to keep
paying for care. My wife told me that leaving the home he shared with his late wife
would be detrimental to his health, so I agreed we would take on a second mortgage
and buy the house so he wouldn't have to move. He got a lump sum to pay off all
debts and live off of, and we got the deed to a house we couldn't live in or rent

Over the past few years things have only gotten harder. My wife and I both had to
take on second jobs. My oldest moved in with FiL, because he could no longer drive
himself to doctor's appointments, clean up after himself, etc... So she took care
of him, and he paid for her online classes.

We kept our financial struggles a secret from FiL, because my wife said he needed
peace of mind to battle his illness. I reluctantly agreed. My daughter called one
night, crying, saying FiL was having trouble breathing and she'd called an
ambulance . We drove over immediately. FiL didn't make it.

I might be a POS, because, honestly? I was relieved. My wife and daughter were
super close with FiL, and we got along, but he was suffering, and my most loved
people were suffering watching him suffer. I did funeral arrangements, because my
wife was too distraught.

Then, and I'm shaking with rage typing this, my BiL showed up. I might be a POS,
but he DEFINITELY is. He's an aspiring food critic that spends all of his money
eating at expensive restaurants and then writing blog posts about the restaurants
that no one wants to read because they're long and boring. He also barely ever
called his dad and didn't take his illness seriously.

So he shows up for FiL's funeral and immediately after the burial starts asking
about when the house is going to be sold. My wife told him we bought it so FiL
could pay debts and he gets red in the face and starts making accusations of
impropriety. He also insinuated we should have paid FiL's bills out of pocket with
money we didn't have. I was done and escorted my wife away, because she was

Since then we have both received several messages from BiL demanding documentation
of the sale (provided), the house appraisal (provided), my FiL's debts (don't have
that), my FiL's bank statements (don't have that either), OUR bank statements (no)
and a bunch of other stuff. Initially I complied with his more reasonable requests,
but eventually I stopped responding.

His messages got really abusive, so I got mad and sent screenshots to his boss at
his actual job. I asked him if his company condoned this. BiL sent me a final text
saying he was going to sue me for theft, elder abuse and now libel. I blocked him.

My wife is mad that I contacted his work. She said I threw gasoline onto the fire.
Did I overreact?

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