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Grammar Unit 5

1 Find eight mistakes in the text. Underline them 3 Complete the dialogues with the correct - ing  or
and then correct them. to form of suitable verbs.
1 A Have you ever met met anyone really
Hey Oscar! B Yes, I remember __________ Brad Pitt, the
How are you? Are you enjoying the weekend? I am! actor, years ago.
You didn’t know that I’ve been doing training sessions
2 A Have you ever felt sorry about saying
at the climbing club, you didn’t? I’m having a great time
something about a friend?
 – the trainer,
trainer, Mr Hanks, is amazing.
amazing. You’ve
You’ve met him,
B Yes, I regret __________ that my friend,
hasn’t he?
Rachel, wasn’t clever. She hasn’t spoken to
Something funny happened at the club today while we
me since!
were listening to mountaineer Jason Hadderley give a
talk about his experiences in the Himalayas. He was 3 A What did Mrs Frost talk about
about in the history
showing us some of the equipment that he uses and lesson yesterday?
one of the new members, Jade, asked him, ‘What for B First, she talked about manners in the 18th
do we have to wear that ugly harness? It’s so uncool.’ century, then she went on __________ about
Mr Hadderley looked at her and said, ‘Well, it might be etiquette in 19th-century England.
uncool, but not as uncool as what might happen to you 4 A Why did Ryan stop __________ to the gym?
if you aren’t wearing one and you fall down the side of B Because whenever he went, he always
a mountain!’ That was a stupid thing for her to ask, it complained of aching muscles.
was? 5 A I always have arguments
arguments with my little
So, you told me that you’d gone to a film festival last brother.
Friday, didn’t you? Who you go with? Was it B You have to try __________ nicer to him – it’ll
interesting? What did happen after it was over? Did be difficult, but I know you can do it.
you stay in the city centre? Oh, I can’t wait to meet you
on Monday. Which train does stop at Baker Station? 4 Read sentences A–E. Then answer questions
We’re meeting there, isn’t it? 1–3.
Kat ♥  A John can’t be
be asleep – it’s two in the afternoon!
1 ________________ 5 ________________  __
2 ________________ 6 ________________ B We might upload some videos later. __
3 ________________ 7 ________________ C Cameron may edit my book for me. __
4 ________________ 8 ________________ D They could
could come to the festival with us. __
E Bea must be intelligent – she always gets great
2 Look at the underlined words in the dialogues. exam results. __
Write the questions to the answers. Use the
same verb as in the answer.
1 What do the modals in the sentences express?
1 A  __________________________? Write D (deduction) or P (possibility).
B Olivia invited
invited me to the community club. 2 Which sentence expresses that we are certain
2 A  __________________________? that something is true? __
B I’m reading a book about China. 3 Which sentence expresses that we are certain
3 A  __________________________? that something isn’t true? __
B Anna brought two pizzas to the party.
4 A  __________________________? 5 Tick ( ) the sentences which contain infinitives
B Peanuts caused the allergic reaction. of purpose. Then underline the infinitives of
5 A  __________________________? purpose.
B Logan helped me paint my room. 1 We went to the shop to buy a smartphone. 
6 A  __________________________? 2 want to bookmark this site. 
I want
B It was written for my great-grandfather.
great-grandfat her. The 3 She used to use my car to drive to work. 
entire book is dedicated to him. 4 They waited for me to arrive. 
7 A  __________________________? 5 Dad phoned me to tell me the news. 
B I last sent a tweet last
last night.
night. 6 I’m really looking forward to seeing Brandon! 

4 1
Vocabulary Unit 5
1 Complete the text with the correct form of the 3 Complete the crossword.
words. There are two words you do not need to 1 2

use. 3

access bookmark edit host log 4 5 6

network respond transfer upload

My name’s Margaret and I’m 78. Until last week, I’d
never owned a computer. I know that sounds hard
to believe, but it’s true! As you can imagine, my 8

grandchildren thought it was very strange. Last

Tuesday, I finally bought myself a laptop. My
grandson, Noah, phoned me when he heard the
news and said, ‘Welcome to the digital world, Gran!’
2 Your social ____ includes all the people you
Then he was nice enough to tell me a few things
hang out with. (6)
about my new laptop. I found out that the first thing I
4 The phrase ‘upper ____’ refers to the richest
needed to do was to turn my laptop on and then
people in a society. (7)
(1) ________ on to the internet using two things – a
7 ____ means ‘at the present time’. (9)
user name and a password. Once I had
8 We use the word ____ to emphasize a fact or a
successfully (2) ________ the net, the whole world
comment. (8)
was at my fingertips, and it was then that I realised
what I had been missing! There are so many things
1 ____ means ‘many’. (8)
you can do when you are online. Noah has helped
2 To ____ up means ‘to become happier’. (5)
me to (3) ________ some family videos to the
3 ____ means ‘the state of being poor’. (7)
internet so that everyone can see them. I’ve also
5 To ____ up to something means ‘admit to
(4) ________ holiday photos from my camera to my
something’. (3)
computer and emailed them to lots of my relatives
6 To ____ up with someone means ‘to end a
to enjoy. Now, I’m thinking about (5) ________ a
relationship’. (5)
blog on a subject that really interests me – cooking.
I know I’ll have a great time (6) ________ to all the 4 Complete the sentences with the words. There
comments that I get on it. I’ve just discovered today are two words you do not need. Which two
that I can (7) ________ my favourite sites so that sentences make a suggestion? Write S. Which
sentence expresses certainty? Write C.
they are always easy to find when I want to look at
them. I’m learning so much about the digital world, bound consider doubt like mean think
thanks to Noah. I honestly don’t know how I unlikely well
managed without it now!
1 You shouldn’t spend so much time online. I
 __________, it’d be great if we could go
2 Answer the questions in the quiz. somewhere. __
English Vocabulary Quiz 2 I have an idea! We could __________ going out
 What is the opposite of rudeness?  politeness  for a meal in the city centre. What do you think?
1 What do we call the set of rules we should follow
3 __________, I __________ very much that Beth
 when we are online? __________
will come to the festival. __.
2 What’s the word for the pleasure we have when
4 It’s __________ that I’ll find a job by next Friday.
 we recognize the good qualities of something?
5 There are __________ to be lots of comments
3 What do we call the quality of being kind to others
on my blog. __
and thinking about their feelings? __________
4 What’s another word for a belief, custom or way
of doing something? __________
5 What’s a four-letter word for the position
somebody has in society? __________

4 2
Unit 5 test
Listening 4 Complete the text. (5 marks)

Nottingham Running Club

1 Listen to a journalist talk to Artur from
Poland. How does Artur feel about the UK We have just (1) __________ our new website!
overall? (2 marks)
 _______________________________________ Members: please (2) __________ your details on
the site to receive email updates about what’s
2 Listen again. Answer the questions. Write
complete sentences. (8 marks) happening. We have also (3) __________ the
1 What is the journalist’s opinion of the Polish
photos of the last charity run to the site. Please
cities she has visited? have a look and leave a (4) __________. We
 _______________________________________ would love to read them!
 _______________________________________ PS: Top tip! Make sure you (5) __________ the
2 What made Artur decide to come to the UK? website on your computer so you can access it
from the toolbar quickly!
3 What job did he do when he first got to the UK? 5 Complete the sentences. (10 marks)
1 I don’t have many friends. My _______ _______
4 What did Artur miss about his country?
is quite small. My sister, however, socialises in a
big group of friends.
2 David prefers talking to people _______
5 Why was Artur confused when his friends invited
 _______ _______ rather than on the phone. He
him for dinner?
says he wants to be able to see people’s faces
and expressions.
3 Min Jong is my __________ friend. I feel like I
know her well but we’ve only chatted online,
Vocabulary we’ve never actually met!
4 Society and Customs – Volume 1 was written by
3 Read the definitions and write the nouns.
J. G. Smith and __________ by Rebecca
(5 marks)
Furlong, Series Editor at Taylor Publishing.
1 when people communicate with each other:
5 ____________ is the practical application of
good behaviour to strangers. For example, in
2 way in which a person is brought up by adults
many cultures it is good manners to shake a
when he or she is a child: u______________
person’s hand when you meet them for the first
3 social rules that determine how people behave:
4 recognizing the good qualities of someone or
something: a______________
Practical English
5 way of dealing with people or organizations
6 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks)
sensitively: d______________
Maisie It’d be great if we (1) __________ go to
the film festival.
Jordan Hmm. It’s (2) __________ we’ll get tickets
at this late stage.
Maisie We could (3) __________ checking the
website to see if there are any tickets left.
Jordan We’d better (4) __________ leave it too
late to check the website. Let’s do it now.
Maisie OK. There are bound (5) __________ a
few tickets left, I think.

4 1
Unit 5 test
Grammar Cumulative Review

7 Complete the sentences. (10 marks) 10 Complete the text. (10 marks)
1 You liked my singing, _______ you?
2 I’m doing an online course _______ improve my
Hospitality around the world
Hospitality is something that happens all over the
3 We regret to _______ you that we can’t offer you
world. Different cultures have various ways of
the job at this time.
welcoming guests. In many Asian cultures it is
4 After completing her degree, Maria went
(1) ____________ that guests bring happiness and
 _______ to become a doctor.
health to a person’s home. It’s considered good
5 Have you tried _______ honey instead of sugar
social (2) ____________ in China to allow guests to
in the recipe?
do whatever they like in the host’s house. The goal
8 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks) is to make the guest feel completely at home. Many
Chinese people believe that the number four brings
Anna You’ve uploaded the pictures to the
bad luck. Visitors to China (3) ______ find that
computer, (1) __________?
sometimes there is no fourth floor in their hotel! In
Mark Which ones (2) ______ you mean?
China the guest is kept occupied with lots of visits to
Anna The ones on your phone.
famous sites, trips to restaurants and other
Mark Oh yes. I did that after I’d finished my
activities. In Sweden, on the other hand, it is more
common for a guest to be invited to a person’s
Anna Great. What’s your essay (3) ________?
home for coffee and cake rather than a meal.
Mark Social customs in Germany. It’s for my
Swedes are usually very punctual people, so
sociology class. You can read it if you want.
arriving late wouldn’t (4) ______ a good impression.
I spent a few weeks in Berlin, remember?
(5) ______ did you last invite a guest into your
Anna Cool! I didn’t know that. Who did you go
home? What kind of hospitality did you show them?
there (4) ______?
Leave a comment below.
Mark Kamilla. It was fun. You went to Finland last
year, (5) __________?
Anna Yes, but I don’t have to write an essay!

9 Complete the sentences with the correct modal

verbs of deduction and possibility. (10 marks)
1 Jenny ______ be very tired because she has
fallen asleep in front of the TV.
2 I ______ go to Alannah’s party if I finish my
assignment. I’m not sure.
3 This ______ be Molly’s house; this is 4 Oak Lane
and I’m sure she said she lives at number 6.
4 John’s lights are on and his car is outside. He
 ______ be at home.
5 I’m not sure, but that dog ______ be Mr Brown’s;
it looks a bit like his dog.

4 2
Unit 5 test
Reading In Bengal, the festival celebrates the goddess Kali.
During Diwali children are told these ancient stories
11 Read the text. What evidence is there in the text by their parents to educate them about right and
that Diwali is a festival with a moral message?
(2 marks)
 _______________________________________ Diwali is celebrated by Indians all over the world,
 _______________________________________ including in Britain. Visitors to British cities during
Diwali might see vivid firework displays and street
My Culture – An Essay on the Festival of Diwali parties. If you stop to ask what is going on you will
by Deepa Singh be welcomed and asked to join the celebration!
Diwali, or the festival of lights, is one of the most Diwali is a beautiful, meaningful festival. I’m very
important festivals in my culture. It is a family and proud and happy to celebrate it with my family every
community celebration. There is a lot of interaction year.
between family members during Diwali. The word
means ‘rows of lighted lamps’. Hindus and Sikhs 12 Read the text again. Then answer the questions.
Write complete sentences. (8 marks)
decorate their shops and homes with small oil
lamps or candles. I’m Hindu, and I was named after 1 Why does Diwali have a personal significance
the festival. Deepa means ‘lamp’. for Deepa?
The festival is celebrated in autumn each year. It  _______________________________________
lasts five days and it starts with people lighting their  _______________________________________
oil lamps for the goddess Lakshmi so that she will 2 How does the celebration begin?
come into peoples’ homes and bring wealth. The  _______________________________________ 
actual day of Diwali is on the third day of the  _______________________________________
festival. This is when there is a new moon and the  _______________________________________
moon appears in a crescent shape. People usually 3 In what ways is Diwali similar to how Christmas
clean their homes. They also leave their doors and is celebrated in many Western European
windows open as a form of politeness to the countries?
Goddess Lakshmi so that she can come inside their  _______________________________________ 
homes. They draw colourful patterns and shapes  _______________________________________
around their homes to welcome the gods – these  _______________________________________
are called rangoli . Diwali is the biggest shopping 4 How would you be treated if you interrupted a
period in India. People buy new clothes and the Diwali celebration, according to Deepa?
right etiquette is to give gifts to friends and family as  _______________________________________ 
a way of showing appreciation for each other.  _______________________________________
These are usually dried fruits and sweets. During  _______________________________________
Diwali, families get together for a meal. There is
also a strong tradition of giving food to the poor
during Diwali. There is also a huge firework display
that people attend. Stick dancing is another Diwali
tradition. The dancers hold sticks and perform a
dance for an audience.

Diwali is a festival about the victory of good over

evil, light over darkness, hope over despair. There
are different stories about the Diwali in different
parts of India. In the Gujarat region, the festival
honours Lakshmi. In Nepal, Diwali celebrates the
victory of Lord Krishna over the evil king
Narakaasura. Lord Krishna rescued his wife Sita
from King Narakaasura.

4 3
Unit 5 test
Writing Announcement 3: Give news about another event.
Describe it and when it is taking place. Specify who
13 Write four announcements for a club. It could be is invited.
a sports club, a social club or a club for people Announcement 4: Announce a new way for
who have another specific interest. The members to keep in touch with club members and
announcements will be published in the club’s
monthly newsletter. Use the prompts to help receive updates and invites to club activities. This
you. Write about 180 words. (10 marks) should involve technology.
Announcement 1: Announce training or coaching
sessions for the activity your club practises, or
social meetings. State the date, time and place of
these sessions / meetings.
Announcement 2: Announce an important event
for new and old members. Describe the event and
its purpose.















Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 20 Practical English _____ / 10

Grammar _____ / 30 Cumulative Review _____ / 10 Reading _____ / 10
Writing _____ / 10 TOTAL __________ / 100

4 4

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