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BAR S3038 edited by Ergün Lafli, published by

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Bronzes from the Archaic Sanctuary of Athena in the

Phocian Anticyra (Greece)

Athanasios Sideris

Dr Athanasios Sideris (Foundation of the Hellenic World, Athens)

History & Archaeology Department, Foundation of the Hellenic World, 38 Οδός Πουλοπούλου,
GR-11851 Athens, Greece
To the memory of Claude Rolley,
ingenious teacher and beloved friend.

Abstract: The paper will discuss three bronzes from the Archaic sanctuary of Athena in Anticyra,
in southeastern Phocis. To set them in context it gives a brief presentation of the temple itself and
the stone base for the original bronze cult statue, excavated back in 1954 and never published. The
first small bronze is a Late Archaic base with a dedicatory inscription giving a name, tentatively
identified with a civic subdivision of Anticyra. The second bronze is a mid-fifth century BC.
headless statuette of a kore. The third is a relatively large bronze statuette of Athena Promachos.
It is considered to be the best surviving exemplar of an Attic series, which includes several similar
statuettes found on the Acropolis. It is also the earliest, to this date, occurrence of inlaying on
small scale bronzes and dates a little before 480 BC.

Keywords: Bronze, statuette, Athena, Archaic Period, Anticyra, Phocis.

Özet – Phokis Antikyra’daki (Yunanistan) Arkaik Athena Tapınağı’ndan Bronzlar:

Bu makalede, güneydoğu Phokis’deki Antikyra’daki Arkaik Athena tapınağından üç bronz
tanıtılacaktır. Bu eserleri konteks içinde değerlendirmek amacıyla, tapınağın kendisinin ve 1954’te
kazılan ve asla yayınlanmayan orijinal bronz kült heykelinin taş kaidesinin kısa bir sunumunu
verir. İlk küçük bronz, Antikyra’nın sivil bir alt bölümü ile geçici olarak tanımlanmış bir isim
veren bir adli yazı ile Geç Arkaik bir kaidedir. İkinci bronz İ.Ö. 5. yy.’ın ortalarına tarihlenen bir
koreye ait başsız heykelciktir. Üçüncüsü ise Athena Promakhos’a ait nispeten büyük bir bronz
heykelciktir. Akropolis’de bulunan benzer heykelcikleri içeren bir Attika serisinin kalan en iyi
örneği olarak kabul edilmektedir. Aynı zamanda, bugüne kadarki en erken tarih, küçük ölçekli
bronzlarda kakma oluşumu İ.Ö. 480’den biraz erkene tarihlenmektedir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Bronz, heykel, Athena, Arkaik Dönem, Antikyra, Phokis.

The ancient Phokian city of Anticyra was located on result of rescue excavations, carried out since the 1950s,
the northern shore of the Corinthian gulf, in a naturally but more systematically from the early 1970s onwards.
protected harbour, at the inlet of a smaller gulf, which, In the graves dating to the Archaic period Corinthian
according to Plutarch, was named after the city.1 This pottery predominates until ca. 530 BC., when it starts to
inlet is just northwest of a rocky and high peninsula be gradually, but never totally, replaced by Attic pottery.
called Kefali. Although Anticyra has been inhabited since, Various Corinthian artefacts (vases, terracotta figurines,
at least, the Early Helladic period, its most important bronze vessels, and utensils) continue to be popular among
remains date from the Archaic to the Late Roman period.2 the grave goods in the cemeteries of the city down to the
No systematic excavations have ever been undertaken third century BC.3
and everything we know about the ancient city is the
The only excavated building of the Archaic period in
Anticyra is a simple temple extra muros, on the foothill of
Plut., Antonius 68. A good collection of ancient sources on Anticyra
can be found in McInerney 1999, p. 323; as well as Oulhen 2004, p. 410
For some overviews of the history and archaeology of the site, see: 3 
Very succinct reports on the finds of rescue excavations are published
Fossey 1986, pp. 23–25; Baziotopoulou 1988; McInerney 1999, pp. 7– 76 in the Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον of the years 1968, 1971, 1978–1982, 1995
and 323–24; Sideris 2001; Oulhen 2004, p. 410; as well as Sideris 2010. and 1997.

This material has been published in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Bronzes from Anatolia and Neighbouring Regions, BAR S3038 edited by Ergün Lafli, published by
BAR Publishing (Oxford, 2021). This version is free to view and download for personal use only. It cannot be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher.
To order this book online please visit:

Athanasios Sideris

the Siros hill, in the area called by the locals Palatia. It is

located 50 m. to the south of the modern road connecting
modern Anticyra with the village of Desfina. The spot was
reported by a villager to the Ephorate of Delphi in the
early 1950s, and Evangelos Mastrokostas, then Epimelete
of Antiquities there, began excavations in 1954. The finds
led Mastrokostas to identify the building with a temple
of Athena, but unfortunately, he did not leave a diary in
the Ephorate of Delphi and all we have is a very succinct
account by Pierre Amandry in the Chroniques of the BCH
of the following year.4

Of the temple itself, we hear nothing from the ancient

sources. Pausanias does not mention it in his otherwise
detailed description of the city and its rural sanctuaries
(Artemis Diktynna and Artemis Eleithya)5 and, although
an argumentum ex silentio has only limited value, one
would infer that the temple did not still anymore in
the second half of the second century AD. This view is
supported also by the finds, transferred then and kept until
now, in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens
(hereafter NAM), which do not comprise anything later
than Hellenistic.

The temple is a simple rectangular building 5.08 m. wide

and 10.50 m. long. The walls, preserved to one or two
courses high, are built in the polygonal system, common in
Phocis during the early sixth century BC. The same period Figure 36.1. The limestone base of the cult statue in the
Athena temple, Antikyra (by A. Sideris, 2011).
is also indicated by the Laconian-type ceramic antefixes of
the temple, which represent a gorgoneion in relief flanked
by painted snakes and swastikas.6 They date to the second Greek origin, while the Promachos, with its ‘particularly
quarter of the sixth century BC., and they are also kept in aggressive and combative pose’ is considered an Attic
the NAM. creation.7

To the south and west sides of the temple, in a distance The Archaic temple was destroyed by fire in the second
of about half a meter, there is a retaining wall of rough half of the fifth century BC. and replaced by a smaller
stones. The temple itself has the usual eastern-western one during the early fourth century BC. The Classical
orientation with an entrance on its east side and a small temple occupied only the northwest part of the original
adyton in its west end. In the middle of the west wall, building and measured 3.85 m. in width and 4.50 m. in
there can still be seen a large rectangular base (77.5 × 55.5 length. This later temple was destroyed before Pausanias’
cm), made of grey conglomerate limestone, for the cult visit, and most probably during the sieges of the city in the
statue (fig. 36.1). Judging from the size of the footprints Hellenistic period (in 210 and 198 BC.).8
carved in the stone (24.5 × 9.5 cm), the statue was made
of bronze and approximately life-size. A deep rectangular The finds are not numerous but include several architectural
hole in the centre of the base helped the support of the terracottas, some Corinthian Archaic and Classical pottery,
statue [7.5 × 5.5 × 9 (depth) cm]. Both the placement some clay figurines, and a small group of bronze offerings.
of the base and the size of the statue suggest that this Besides the three objects, examined hereafter, there
was the original cult statue, for which the temple was are some bronze jewellery (including spectacle fibulae
built. The position of the feet indicates that it represented and disc-headed pins) and some bronze vessels (mostly
Athena probably in the Promachos variant usually called fragmentary Lotosphiale types).9
‘Palladion’, standing with the feet close to each other,
and was more popular before 525 BC. The Palladion
is usually thought to be of Peloponnesian or eastern- 7 
Hurwit 1999, pp. 23–24. For the Palladion and Promachos types, see
also: Niemeyer 1960, pp. 56–64; Demargne 1984, pp. 969–72; Shapiro
Amandry 1955. All the material in the NAM is currently under study by 1989, p. 25; Robertson 1996, pp. 430–38; as well as Deacy and Villing
the author for a planned publication of the temple and its finds. 2001, p. 20.
Polybius ΙΧ 37, 39.2–3. Tite Livy XXVI 26, 1–3; as well as Pausanias
For the Diktynna temple: Pausanias, × 36.5; IG IX, 1 (1897), nos. 4–5. Χ 36.6.
For the Eleithya temple: Pausanias, × 38.9; Lolling 1889, pp. 229–32; as 9 
Comparable sets of finds are known from the Phokian, Locrian and
well as Dasios 2003, p. 450. Aetolian shores of the Corinthian gulf and their hinterland (Kirrha,
Amandry 1955, p. 262; Krauskopf 1988, p. 292, no 46; as well as Amphissa, Erochos, Chaleion, Oeanthea, Kalydon, and Thermos). For an
Winter 1993, p. 203. overview and further bibliography, see Vlachopoulos 2008.

This material has been published in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Bronzes from Anatolia and Neighbouring Regions, BAR S3038 edited by Ergün Lafli, published by
BAR Publishing (Oxford, 2021). This version is free to view and download for personal use only. It cannot be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher.
To order this book online please visit:

Bronzes from the Archaic Sanctuary of Athena in the Phocian Anticyra (Greece)

Figure 36.2. The bronze kore statuette. National

Archaeological Museum in Athens, acc. no. 16769. Front,
back and 3/4 views (by A. Sideris, 2011).

The first offering discussed here is a full cast bronze

headless statuette of a kore (NAM, Athens, acc. no.
16769), preserved to a height of 9.3 cm, wearing a chiton
without sleeves belted in the waist, and sandals on her feet
(fig. 36.2). It is covered with dark green patina with a few
lighter spots. The folds of the kolpos (bouffant) above the
belt are indicated with small incisions. The position of her
hands is rather unusual: she has the left hand posed on her
belly and with the right one holds the folds of her dress,
close to the right thigh. The torso of our kore is slightly
inclined to the left, showing a slight torsion movement,
which would also be shown more intensely in the now
lost head. Her size and general type recall the well-
known female figures serving as stands for mirrors, but
all known Classical female figures from mirror stands are
peplophoroi, and they hold the folds of their peplos with
their left hand.10 These mirror ‘caryatids’ are also either
barefoot or wear boots/high slippers, but never sandals.11

Our figure represents possibly the dedicator, or it comes

from a small statuary group. In any case, it is an average
quality work of a northeastern Peloponnesian workshop.
The large vertical and undifferentiated folds of her chiton
are considered typical of the Argive style, and they are often
present on the garment of the mirror caryatids attributed to
Figure 36.3. Bronze statuette of a ‘priestess’. Boston
the Argive group.12 However, a figurine of a ‘priestess’, in Museum of Fine Arts,acc. no. 98.668 (by A. Sideris, 2011).
Boston (fig. 36.3), showing the same traits (same massive
folds on her peplos, same somewhat clumpy hands, also
four small lugs in the corners (fig. 36.4). It measures 8 ×
non-barefoot) was found in Corinth.13 Our kore should be
7.9 cm (without lugs) or 9.6 × 7.9 cm (with lugs) and 1.7
dated to the same period as the Boston ‘priestess’, that is
cm in height. The lugs would help to insert it into the
460–450 BC.
tormos (carving) of a larger stone base and would be
secured with lead.14 The need for a larger and more secure
The next find (NAM, Athens, acc. no. 16770) is an almost
base indicates that the element standing on it was high
rectangular base covered with dark green patina and with
and unstable. This might be a lamp or censer holder, or
something similar, with a central cylindrical part, as we
Keene Congdon 1981, pp. 6–8 and 81–82. may judge from the shape of the hole in the middle of the
Keene Congdon 1981, p. 84. base (diam. of the hole 2 × 1.5 cm).
Rolley 1983, p. 90; Vocotopoulou 1997, pp. 141 and 255, no. 139; as
well as Keene Congdon 1981, pls. 35–36 and 40–42.
Of course the find-spot does not determine the workshop where the 14 
Heather F. Sharpe discussed the form and function of such lugs during
statuette was made. Comstock and Vermeule 1971, pp. 54–55. her presentation in the XVIIth Bronze Congress at Izmir.

This material has been published in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Bronzes from Anatolia and Neighbouring Regions, BAR S3038 edited by Ergün Lafli, published by
BAR Publishing (Oxford, 2021). This version is free to view and download for personal use only. It cannot be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher.
To order this book online please visit:

Athanasios Sideris

36.4 36.5

Figures 36.4-5. Bronze base with an inscription. National Archaeological Museum in Athens, acc. no. 16770 (by A. Sideris,

A dedicatory incised inscription runs along the two sides We cannot be sure who these Diondai were, but it seems
of the square. The incision is clean, made with a pointed quite possible that they were a family, a tribe, or another
burin, and the letters measure from 3.5 mm (O) to 9 mm civic subdivision of Anticyra.19 Collective dedications are
(M), with most of them being around 6 mm. The script well known in many Panhellenic, as well as in regional
is Phocian Late Archaic according to the form of ‘theta’, and local, Greek sanctuaries, but they almost exclusively
still with a cross in the circle, a particularity abandoned represent the entire civic body of a particular city. In a
in Phocis during the second quarter of the fifth century few cases we know of families, of city councils and other
BC., and this date is consequently the terminus ante city officials, or of professional groups as dedicators, but
quem for our base (fig. 36.5).15 The formula including tribes have not been recorded, hitherto, in dedicatory
the pronominal ‘με’, when the object is personified and inscriptions.20
becomes the enunciator of the dedicatory phrase, starts
from the eighth and is gradually abandoned in the sixth The last and most interesting among the offerings is a
century BC., with a few cases continuing into the early relatively large bronze statuette of Athena in the familiar
fifth century BC.16 The inscription reads ΔΙΟΝΔΑΙ Promachos type (figs. 36.6-8). This statuette actually was
ΜΑΝΕΘΕΚΑΝ ΤΑΘΑΝΑΙ (Διόνδαι μ’ ἀνέθεκαν τ’ not found by Mastrokostas during the excavation, but by
Ἀθανᾷ), meaning ‘Diondai dedicated me to Athena’. The a villager of Anticyra, named Nikos Alexiou, who gave
name in plural is a hapax and we cannot tell if it is a male it to the Ephorate and indicated the spot where it was
(Diondas) or a female one (Dionda). found. However, during his investigation Mastrokostas,
found the statuette’s base, confirming thus the credibility
Etymologically it seems to stem from the adjective δῖος of the villager’s account.21 The statuette was never
(δίιος), which means a) originating from or belonging to published, but Semni Karouzou, in a guidebook of the
Zeus, b) divine, heavenly, c) noblest, marvelous when NAM, suggested that it might be of Boeotian origin.22
applied to women. In the Iliad ‘dios’ is used in reference We will see that this is highly improbable. Nikos Kaltsas
to Athena and in the Odyssey in reference to Helen.17 gave a few years ago a good photograph of the statuette
Although an interpretation of ‘Diondai’ as a theophoric in a lavish publication of the museum, but he did not
epithet of Athena in dative case (with a hypothetic comment on it.23
nominative: Athena Dionda) is grammatically possible,
this would require supposing that the collective subject of The statuette (NAM, Athens, acc. no. 16768) measures
the dedication is omitted. Such a hypothesis is, however, 35 cm in h. without the base and 36.8 with its base, and
syntactically impossible, at least in connection to this type
of formulaic dedicatory inscriptions.18 19 
Hansen 2004, p. 96, nt. 11; as well as Oulhen 2004, p. 410, no. 173.
For a family dedication (the famous Kypselidai phiale in Boston) and
an obscure group of officials from Oeanthea (syndamiorgoi), see: Sideris
Amandry 1955, p. 257. For the script, see: Jeffery and Johnston 1990, 2002, pp. 179–80 with earlier bibliography. For a dedication made by
pp. 99–104, especially fig. 30. the deme of Sounieis, see: Lazzarini 1976, pp. 152–53 and 155, no. 908.
Lazzarini 1976, pp. 74–75. 21 
Amandry 1955, p. 257, and information collected from elder
Iliad XI 290; Odyssey IV 305. LSJ s.v. δῖος. inhabitants of Anticyra.
Lazzarini 1976, pp. 58–60; Depew 2000, pp. 65–77; as well as Sideris 22 
Karouzou 1993, p. 112.
2002, pp. 177–78. 23 
Kaltsas 2007, p. 249, in left.

This material has been published in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Bronzes from Anatolia and Neighbouring Regions, BAR S3038 edited by Ergün Lafli, published by
BAR Publishing (Oxford, 2021). This version is free to view and download for personal use only. It cannot be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher.
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Bronzes from the Archaic Sanctuary of Athena in the Phocian Anticyra (Greece)

Figure 36.8. Lateral views of the Athena Promachos

statuette (by A. Sideris, 2011).

Figure 36.6. Bronze statuette of Athena Promachos from

Anticyra. National Archaeological Museum in Athens, acc.
no. 16768 (by A. Sideris, 2011).

Figure 36.9. Detail of the Promachos statuette with a conical

weight on the apoptygma and a patch above the left foot (by
A. Sideris, 2011).

it was cast in the technique of ‘lost wax’. Its lower part is

hollow, but no investigation of the interior was possible due
to the base position.24 The entire surface is covered by an
almost uniform, very dark green-brown patina with a few
insignificant damages and a couple of rectangular repair
patches (fig. 36.9). On the right shoulder, there is a red-
brown spot probably caused by contact with an iron item.
Some details are rendered by incision and encrustation, as
we will see further. The base, originally cast apart, is 15.7
cm long, 9 cm w. and 1.8 cm h, and it was also inserted in
some larger stone base (fig. 36.6).

The goddess, barefoot, steps with the left foot forward.

She holds a shield (of which only the ochanon is
preserved) in the left and a spear in the right hand, which

The feet, which were originally soldered to the base, are now restored
Figure 36.7. Front and back views of the Athena Promachos on it with the help of miniscule parts of plexiglas. In the lower visible part
statuette (by A. Sideris, 2011). of the interior no remains of the clay core could be observed.

This material has been published in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Bronzes from Anatolia and Neighbouring Regions, BAR S3038 edited by Ergün Lafli, published by
BAR Publishing (Oxford, 2021). This version is free to view and download for personal use only. It cannot be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher.
To order this book online please visit:

Athanasios Sideris

Figure 36.10. Detail of the peplos over the left arm of the
Promachos statuette (by A. Sideris, 2011).

is missing from the middle of the forearm. Both the

shield and the spear were cast separately and soldered to Figure 36.11. Head of the Promachos statuette with an
the goddess’ hands. She wears a long peplos wrapped in engraved detail on the helmet edge (by A. Sideris, 2011).
a complicated way with multiple folds and apoptygma,
an aegis and an Attic helmet, of which the crest is now
missing. bird head, as on the ‘Meleso Athena’ (NAM, Athens acc.
no. 6447) found on the Acropolis of Athens and dated
The peplos reproduces the typical Archaic stylized folds, between 480 and 470 BC. (fig. 36.12).30 A similar bronze
but in a softer way, not following the strict symmetry and crest from a statuette appeared recently on the antiquities
rigidity of sixth century BC. Archaic creations.25 It has, of market (fig. 36.13).31
course, no sleeves, but on the upper arm, one may observe
a reversed ‘V’ created by the front and back parts of the The hair of the goddess is parted in the middle above her
garment (fig. 36.10).26 The apoptygma bears on one of its forehead, and a tongue-shaped lock falls in front of each
extremities (the other being broken just above the knee) temple.32 The details of the hair are rendered with fine
a conical weight (fig. 36.9).27 The aegis, which has the wavy lines. On the back of the statuette, the hair falls in a
function and place of an epiblema, is very simple, follows compact biconvex mass again with fine wavy lines, which
the body lines and covers the entire back and the breasts look almost engraved, but which were present on the
of the goddess. It is decorated all over with an incised wax model, possibly produced with the use of a very fine
regular scaly motif, but there is no gorgoneion (fig. 36.7). real wooden or metal comb. A fine tracer was probably
The same motif, more or less carefully executed, appears used to strengthen these lines in the finished cast bronze
on several Promachos statuettes from Acropolis.28 A (figs. 36.7 and 36.14).33 This iconographical convention
simplified kymation decorating the frontal edge of the for the hairstyling is typical of Athens in the early fifth
Attic helmet (fig. 36.11) is also rendered with incision.29 century BC., as we may see on the Acropolis korai 684 and
On the top of the helmet there is a hole (1.9 cm diam.) 685 (fig. 36.15).34 The same fine wavy lines appear also on
indicating the place where the support for the crest was the hair of a small bronze kouros/athlete (NAM, Athens,
fixed, originally cast separately and now lost. In all acc. no. 6445), and a kore statuette (NAM, Athens, acc.
probability it had as a front finial a cheniskos, or water- no. 6491) (figs. 36.16-17), both from the Acropolis, as well
as on some Athena statuettes (fig. 36.12).35
Rolley 1994, figs. 165, 180–181 and 183; as well as Stewart 1990, pls.
This detail, in earlier dates, is usually shown with a different 30 
Niemeyer 1964, p. 21, pl. 11, no. 34a; Barr-Sharrar 1990, p. 215, fig. 9;
iconographical convention, which resembles the modern Greek letter ‘λ’: as well as Vocotopoulou 1997, pp. 239–40, nos. 84–85.
Vocotopoulou 1997, nos. 74, 100–101 and 135. 31 
Christie’s 2009, lot 88, h. 8.9 cm, late sixth-early fifth BC.
These wgs. were so much in vogue in the years 490–470 BC. (but 32 
Locks over the temples: Niemeyer 1964, pls. 5a, 9a, and 11a.
already from about 525 BC. onwards) that they were also captured on 33 
Rolley 1983, p. 19, no. 204; as well as Mattusch 1997, pp. 197–98.
vase painting. See, for instance, Athena on the name vase of the Foundry 34 
For good hair pictures of both: Richter 1968, pp. 100–101, fig. 573 and
Painter and an Athena of the Berlin Painter: Rolley 1994, p. 68, fig. 61; 579 (dated respectively early fifth BC. and 500–490 BC.).
Swan Hill 1987, no. 162. See also, the wg. on the apoptygma of a mirror 35 
On the bronze kouros dated ca. 500 BC., see: Niemeyer 1964, pp. 24–
caryatid from Sounion: Keene Congdon 1981, pl. 18, no. 20. 25, pls. 17–19, and 33b-c; Stewart 1990, p. 127, pl. 136; as well as Rolley
Niemeyer 1960, pp. 6–84, figs. 6–7, 11–12, 20–21 and 31; as well as 1994, pp. 287–89, fig. 291. For the kore, see Richter 1968, p. 84, fig. 435
Niemeyer 1964, pls. 6–7, 9–13. (there dated 510–495 BC., but in the context of all Acropolis bronzes it
Similar or simpler incised motives appear on the helmets of other can be dated a decade later). Athena statuettes with similarly treated hair:
Acropolis statuettes too: Niemeyer 1964, pls. 5–6, 10. Niemeyer 1964, pls. 5c, and 11c.

This material has been published in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Bronzes from Anatolia and Neighbouring Regions, BAR S3038 edited by Ergün Lafli, published by
BAR Publishing (Oxford, 2021). This version is free to view and download for personal use only. It cannot be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher.
To order this book online please visit:

Bronzes from the Archaic Sanctuary of Athena in the Phocian Anticyra (Greece)

Figure 36.14. Fine hair line modeling on the Promachos

statuette (by A. Sideris, 2011).

Figure 36.12. Back view of the ‘Meleso Athena’. National

Archaeological Museum in Athens, acc. no. 6447 (by A.
Sideris, 2011).

Figure 36.13. Isolated helmet crest from a Late Archaic– Figure 36.15. Detail of the hair modeling on the kore.
Early Classical statuette (by Christie’s, 2011). Acropolis Museum, acc. no. 684 (by A. Sideris, 2011).

This material has been published in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Bronzes from Anatolia and Neighbouring Regions, BAR S3038 edited by Ergün Lafli, published by
BAR Publishing (Oxford, 2021). This version is free to view and download for personal use only. It cannot be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher.
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Athanasios Sideris

Figure 36.18. The head of the Promachos statuette

(by A. Sideris, 2011).

Figure 36.16. Bronze kouros head with fine hairlines.

National Archaeological Museum in Athens, acc. no. 6445
(by A. Sideris, 2011).

Figure 36.19. The Athena head from the East pediment of

the Aphaia Temple. Glyptothek in Munich (by A. Sideris,

The face of Athena is a graceful elongated oval (4.7 cm from

chin to helmet front edge, fig. 36.18), strongly reminiscent
of the Athena marble head from the eastern pediment of
Aphaia, usually dated ca.480 BC. (fig. 36.19).36 The irises
and pupils of the eyes and the eyebrows on our exemple,
once inlaid with silver, are now lost (fig. 36.20). It is also
possible that the whites of the eyes were inliad with silver
Figure 36.17. Back of a bronze kore from Acropolis. National
Archaeological Museum in Athens, acc. no. 6491 (by A. 36 
Richter 1968, pp. 98–99, pl. 20a; as well as Rolley 1994, pp. 204–205,
Sideris, 2011). with earlier bibliography.

This material has been published in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Bronzes from Anatolia and Neighbouring Regions, BAR S3038 edited by Ergün Lafli, published by
BAR Publishing (Oxford, 2021). This version is free to view and download for personal use only. It cannot be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher.
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Bronzes from the Archaic Sanctuary of Athena in the Phocian Anticyra (Greece)

Figure 36.20. Face details of the Promachos statuette, once

inlayed with silver and copper (by A. Sideris, 2011).

and the irises and pupils were inset with polished stones.37
The lips, which are remarkably small compared to anything
we know from the Archaic korai, were inlaid with copper,
also lost, intended to render their red colour. With these
colourful accentuations, the face of the goddess would
gain in expressivity and impressiveness. An overzealous
cleaning back in the 1950s has left no traces of the inlay.38
It seems that our Athena is the earliest surviving evidence
for inlaid silver and copper on small-scale bronzes. For a
long-time it was generally accepted that inlaying, though
known on large bronzes through the entire Archaic period, Figure 36.21. Bronze Promachos statuette. Antikensammlung
on small-scale bronzes did not start before the Hellenistic in Berlin, acc. no. Misc. 6218 (by N. Franken, 2011).
period.39 However, there are a few statuettes with inlays,
dated a little before the mid-fifth century BC. These include two subsequent studies on Promachos and on Attic small-
an athlete and Heracles figures in the Louvre (both with scale bronzes.42 These figurines date from approximately
copper-inlaid nipples and eyes possibly inlaid with silver or 530 to 475 BC., and they are considered to be more or
set with polished stones), dated ca.460 BC.40 There is also less faithful copies of a large bronze Athena erected on
an Aphrodite figure kept in the Berlin Antikensammlung and the Acropolis (possibly during the era of Peisistratos)
dated to the mid-fifth century BC. The Berlin goddess wears and destroyed in 480 BC. by the Persians.43 Niemeyer
a himation, the border of which is inlayed with copper.41 identified four workshops, one of which produced small
roughly made statuettes of the goddess in the same general
The Athena of Anticyra is actually the best surviving attitude, but with rudimentary details, as the examples
example of a well known Athenian series, mostly in Paris (Cabinet de Médailles, acc. no. 149) and Boston
documented by bronzes from the Acropolis. Hans Georg (Museum of Fine Arts, acc. no. 54.145).44 Related to them,
Niemeyer, in the 1960s, thoroughly analysed the series in but not from the same workshop, is a Promachos in the
Berlin Antikensammlung (acc. no. Misc 6218, fig. 36.21),
Mattusch 1997, p. 198. said to be from the Acropolis, but so poorly preserved that
The measurements show however, that the sockets for the inlays do not
exceed approximately 1.0 mm depth, with the exception, of course, of the any detailed analysis is impossible.45
irises/pupils, which could be inset with stones.
Rolley 1994, p. 81. Nevertheless, Rolley 1983, p. 90, no. 236 shows a
small bronze head, considered to be Argive and dated to 460 BC., with 42 
Niemeyer 1960; as well as Niemeyer 1964.
eyes inlayed with a white matter maintained in place with gilded wire. 43 
The date of the Late Archaic Athena on the Acropolis is controversial,
For inlaying on large bronzes, see: Rolley 1983, p. 32; Mattusch 1986, pp. but the small bronzes series is clearly based on one or more large-scale
24–26; Boucher 1990, pp. 168–70; as well as Stewart 1990, pp. 40–41. models. Niemeyer 1960, pp. 7–15; Rolley 1983, p. 106; Mattusch 1986,
Buitron-Oliver 1993, pp. 108–11, nos. 13–14, with earlier bibliography pp. 194–97; Barr-Sharrar 1990, p. 215; as well as Rolley 1994, pp. 288–
on p. 163 (Louvre acc. no. Br 4236 and Br 4171). 89. See also N. 7 here above.
I thank my colleague Norbert Franken, who brought this statuette to my 44 
Niemeyer 1960, pp. 37–39 (Werkstat I), pl. 2, figs. 5–7.
attention. Franken 2010, p. 163, fig. 1 and N. 33 with earlier bibliography 45 
The crest, the hands with the shield and the spear, and the feet are
(acc. no. 8599). missing. However, the posture, the peplos folds, the scaly aegis and

This material has been published in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Bronzes from Anatolia and Neighbouring Regions, BAR S3038 edited by Ergün Lafli, published by
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Athanasios Sideris

Figure 36.23. Bronze Promachos statuette from the

Acropolis. National Archaeological Museum in Athens, acc.
no. 6458 (by A. Sideris, 2011).

Figure 36.22. Bronze Promachos statuette from the

Acropolis. National Archaeological Museum in Athens, the more so, Claude Rolley extended this observation and
acc. no. 6455 (by A. Sideris, 2011). attributed the entire group of Attic Late Archaic small
bronze athletes to this particular workshop.48 Our Athena
seems to be an advanced creation of this workshop, but still
Another workshop created Athenas with much more
somewhat earlier than the statuette dedicated by ‘Meleso’
elaborated details, fine engraving and, now we can say, also
(fig. 36.12), and therefore it should be dated in the years
with silver and copper inlaying.46 The NAM statuette acc.
490–480 BC., and in the later rather than the earlier half of
no. 6455 (fig. 36.22) is a rather well-preserved exemple
this decade.49 It is an outstanding Attic work of small-scale
from this workshop, which shows the same scaly aegis,
bronze sculpture, initiating the passage towards the Early
the same hair locks at the temple and the same biconvex
Classical style, and although it still shows several Archaic
massive hair with wavy lines, as on the Athena from
conventions, what we see on her face is not the Archaic
Anticyra. The NAM Athena, acc. no. 6458 (fig. 36.23) has
smile, but the severe and serene expression of a new style,
even more remarkable similarities, the curves forming the
born in the tumultuous decade of the Persian Wars.
back of the goddess being the most striking ones, with only
the hair being somewhat differently treated.47 Niemeyer
How this work reached the sanctuary of Athena we do
believed that both statuettes come from the same workshop
not know. Was it a commission from a wealthy citizen of
as the NAM kouros/athlete acc. no. 6445 (fig. 36.16). All
Anticyra, or the dedication of a pious traveller who made
a stop on his way to neighbouring Delphi? We cannot
the helmet type provide enough evidence to include it safely within the tell for sure. What we can tell is that it marks a point in
Acropolis series. Neugebauer 1951, pp. 47–48, pl. 23, no. 36,; Niemeyer
1960, p. 27 and nt. 203; as well as Tölle-Kastenbein 1980, pp. 237–38,
pl. 166b, no. 42e.
Niemeyer 1960, pp. 45–51 (Werkstat IV), pl. 3, figs. 11–12. Niemeyer 1964, p. 13; Rolley 1983, p. 106.
Niemeyer 1964, pp. 20–21, pls. 9–10 dates them ca. 510 and 495 BC. Niemeyer 1964, p. 21 dates the Meleso Athena into the time soon after

respectively. 480 BC. See also here above the N. 30.

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Bronzes from the Archaic Sanctuary of Athena in the Phocian Anticyra (Greece)

time after which the Athenian influence in the northern

shores of the Corinthian Gulf in general, and in Phocis in
particular, becomes much stronger and more evident. This
is also the point of a decisive turn in the art of small scale-
bronzes when the Archaic trends recede and a new, more
self-confident and idealistic style emerges.

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Part IV

Common Bibliography of the Greek, Roman and Byzantine

Bronzes from Anatolia and Neighbouring Regions

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This material has been published in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Bronzes from Anatolia and Neighbouring Regions, BAR S3038 edited by Ergün Lafli, published by
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