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Acta Cryst. (1959). 12, 360

The Scattering of Electrons by A t o m s and Crystals.

III. Single-Crystal Diffraction Patterns
Division of Chemical Physics, Chemical Research Laboratories, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organization, Melbourne, Australia

(Received ]2 May 1958)

Some aspects of the diffraction of electrons by single crystals are discussed ush~g low-order ap-
proximations to the general theory developed in the first paper of this series (Cowley & Moodie,
1957) and some qualitative arguments concerning general results are presented.
The first-order approximation involves the treatment of a crystal as a phase object for electrons.
This leads to a complex form for the atomic scattering factor and the struetttre factor which intro-
duces complications to, but opens up new possibilities for, the process of structure analysis from
single-crystal electron diffraction patterns.
It is shown that forbidden reflections cannot be generated by dynamic scattering effects in the
symmetrical spot patterns obtained when the electron beam is parallel to a principal crystal axis,
but lattice defects can give rise to forbidden reflections in such patterns from thick crystals.

1. Introduction is perpendicular to a principal plane of the reciprocal

lattice. Such patterns have been used as the basis
I n the first paper of this series (Cowley & Moodie,
for crystal structure analysis (Cowley, 1953).
1957; hereafter referred to as I) there was described
a general theory of the scattering of electron waves The principal limitation to their use in this way is
by the potential fields of atoms and crystals, based that at present the techniques of specimen preparation
on the new formulation of physical optics recently are not sufficiently developed to ensure tha t the
thickness of the crystals used is always less tha n the
presented (Cowley & Moodie, 1958). The effect on
the electron wave function of a three-dimensional limiting thickness beyond which the kinematic theory
of electron diffraction ceases to be an adequate
potential field was approximated by the effect of a
large number of closely spaced two-dimensional approximation. On the other hand no adequate
potential fields. theoretical treatment has been available to indicate the
In particular, expressions were derived for the way in which the diffraction patterns ma y be modified
amplitude distributions in the diffraction pattern of when the thickness exceeds this limit and dynamic
a crystal assumed to be of infinite extent and perfectly scattering effects become appreciable. The original
periodic in directions perpendicular to the incident dynamic theory of Bethe has been applied only to
electron beam, the diffraction pattern being defined eases where two, three and, to a limited extent, four
as the angular distribution of scattered amplitude at strong beams exist in the crystal simultaneously
infinity, or the positional distribution on the back (see, for example, Heidenreich, 1950). It would appear
focal plane of an ideal thin lens, for perfectly coherent that the theory outlined in I allows a new and probably
and parallel incident radiation. In the second paper of more fruitful approach to the case of dynamic scat-
this series (Cowley & Mcodie, 1959) it was shown that, tering for the large number of simultaneous reflections
provided excessively large electron sources are not given by relatively thin crystals.
employed, the diffraction pattern from such a crystal We employ the methods of approximation which
is independent of the coherence properties of the were discussed in I. Firstly, the amplitude scattered
in any direction m a y be expressed as the sum of c0n-
incident radiation and has ~n intensity distribution
given by convolution of the diffracted intensity distri- tributions from electrons scattered 1, 2, 3 . . . n times.
bution for a point source with the intensity distribution For crystals which are not too thick in the beam direc-
of the source, suitably scaled. It is therefore sufficient tion these contributions form the terms of a rapidly
for our purposes to consider only the point-source convergent series. Secondly, the three-dimensional
diffraction patterns. potential distribution ma y be approximated by a
In the present paper we consider in greater detail number of two-dimensional distributions, appro-
the diffraction patterns given by such extensive thin priately spaced. The approximation improves as the
crystals and derive some results of interest for practical number of two-dimensional distributions is increased.
electron diffraction investigations. In particular we
consider the extensive patterns of spots given by very 2. F i r s t - o r d e r a p p r o x i m a t i o n s
thin single crystals when the incident electron beam When we consider the scattering of electrons through
J . M. C O W L E Y A N D A. F. M O O D I E 361

angles of only a few degrees by a potential field which (3) with those calculated by Ibers & Hoerni (1954)
is of very small extent in the beam direction, the effect is being made and m a y be published shortly.
of the potential field on the electron beam m a y be Schomaker & Glauber (1952) pointed out t h a t the
approximated by the effect of a single two-dimensional kinematic approximation m a y not be sufficiently
potential distribution on a plane perpendicular to the accurate for electron diffraction work when scattering
beam, given by from both heavy and light atoms is involved. When
scattering by crystals is considered, the maximum
~(x, y) = of(x, y, z).dz , (1) values of ~(x, y) as defined by (1) will be greater than
t h a t for a single atom by a factor equal to the number
where the beam is assumed to be parallel to the z-axis. of atoms exactly in line in the beam direction. We
If we neglect the term Z(x, y) which appears in I, must therefore reject the kinematic approximation
representing the decrease in amplitude due to inelastic even for very thin crystals when a wide range of
scattering of electrons, the effect of the potential field atomic numbers is involved, and use as a first ap-
on the electron wave function is a phase change proximation the analogue of (4) for periodic ~(x, y),
represented by a factor thus
q~(x, y) = exp {i(~qJ(x, y ) } , (2) u(h, k) = ~ [exp { i ~ ( x , y)}]

where a is a constant equal to 27~m~/h2. = (~(h,k)+i(~E(h,k)-~{E(h,k). E(h,k)}-..., (5)

The corresponding diffraction patterns are then P

given by the Fourier transform of q~(x, y), as where E(h, k) is the kinematic structure factor.
From (3) the scattering amplitude is given by the
U(u, v) = 3 [exp {i~T(x, y)}] sum of the transforms of a cosine and a sine term,
= ~ [cos ~ ( x , y ) ] + i ~ [sin ~ ( x , y)] . (3) both of which will be complex unless ~(x, y) has a
centre of symmetry. The function cos a~(x, y) m a y
This is the approximation discussed in section 7(a) be considered as the sum of a centrosymmetric
of I. Apart from the fact that the Ewald sphere is function ½[cos a~(x, y)+cos a ~ ( - x , - y ) ] and an anti-
replaced by a plane, this approximation goes beyond centrosymmetric function
the ordinary kinematic theory of diffraction in that it
½[cos ~ ( x , y ) - c o s a ~ ( - x , - y ) ] .
takes account of the phase nature of the scattering
material, but does not include the full range of dynamic The Fourier transforms of these two functions m a y
scattering effects in that it ignores the Fresnel diffrac- be written Cco~ and iAoo.~ respectively. For the sine
tion effects operating when the crystal has finite function we define, similarly, Csin and iAsi,.
thickness to spread the influence of each atom on the Then
electron wave over an increased area of the exit face.
This approximation should be very good if scattering U(h, k) = Cco~+iAo,,s+i(C~i,,+iA~i~,)
by individual atoms, rather than crystals, is considered = (Ccos-Asin)+i(Qi,+Aoo~) •
since then the Ewald sphere curvature and multiple The intensities of the diffraction spots will be propor-
scattering effects should not influence the scattering tional to
distribution appreciably. The diffraction pattern in
this case corresponds to the atomic scattering factor I(h, k) = ]U(h, k)] 2 = (Ccos-Asin)2+ (Csin+Aeos) 2 .
which, from (3), is given by
If the indices h, k be replaced by - h , -/c, the signs
g(u, v) = ~ [exp {~o~(x, y)}] of the A~i. and A¢o~ will be reversed, so t h a t
=d(u, v)+iagB(u, V)--½(~{gB(u, V)*gB(u, V)}--... , (4) I(-h,-k) -a Asin)2+ (Csin__Acos)2
= (Coos,
where the cLfunction represents the incident beam For non-centrosymmetric structures, therefore, the
and gB(u, V) is the atomic scattering factor in the intensity distribution in the diffraction pattern is not
kinematic approximation as given by the first Born symmetric about the origin.
approximation in quantum-mechanical scattering For convenience, we limit our considerations to
theory. The atomic scattering factor so defined is centrosymmetric crystals, for which the intensity of
obviously complex. I t is readily shown that its be- the diffraction spots will be proportional to
haviour is qualitatively the same as t h a t of the complex
atomic scattering factors derived by Schomaker &
I(h, k) = (~ [cos a~(x, y)]}~+(~ [sin a~(x, y)]}2.
Glauber (1952) using the second Born approximation If such intensities were to be used for purposes of
and those of Ibers & Hoerni (1954) who used the structure analysis of the crystal, the first step would
partial waves scattering theory. The phase angle in- be to calcu]ate the Patterson function, given by
creases with the atomic number of the atom, the
scattering angle and the electron wave length. A P(x, y) = [(cos aq~(x, y ) } . {cos a ~ ( - x , -y)}]
quantitative comparison of the values of g(u, v) from +[{sin a~(x, y ) } . {sin a ~ ( - x , -y)}] . (6)

This is to be c o m p a r e d w i t h t h e n o r m a l k i n e m a t i c
Patterson function for various values of c. The w a y in w h i c h t h e p e a k
heights a n d t h e t o t a l areas of t h e p e a k s v a r y w i t h c
P ~ . ( x , y) = (W(x, y) . ( W ( - x , -y) . (7) is g i v e n b y t h e curves of Fig. 2.
I n order to gain some i m p r e s s i o n of t h e modification
of t h e P a t t e r s o n f u n c t i o n r e p r e s e n t e d b y (6), we h a v e
c a l c u l a t e d t h e p e a k shapes w h i c h would be o b t a i n e d
for G a u s s i a n a t o m s of c o n s t a n t w i d t h but variable -- - - Peakarea
h e i g h t , i.e., t a k i n g . . . . . . Valuesfor
a~(x, y) = c exp ( - x 2) /

w i t h values of c f r o m 1.0 to 8.0 to r e p r e s e n t v a r i a t i o n s

i n t h e a t o m i c n u m b e r of t h e a t o m s or t h e c r y s t a l Peakheight i


--1 0 1 x ~

--2 0 2 x

I1 I \x

0 1 2 4 c ~ ._ 6 8
-i 0 1 x
Fig. 2. The variation with c of the peak height (continuous line)
--2 0 2 x and peak area (dashed line) for Patterson peaks similar to
those shown in Fig. l, compared with the variation of the
peak height and area (dotted line) given by the kinematic
theory. The ordinates have been adjusted so that the kine-
matic peak height and peak area curves coincide.
I/''\ I /"-\'~,
I t is seen t h a t t h e p e a k s of t h e P a t t e r s o n m a p g i v e n
b y (6) differ a p p r e c i a b l y from those of t h e k i n e m a t i c
P a t t e r s o n m a p , given b y (7), for values of c g r e a t e r
1 ~ 1 x 2 0 2 x t h a n a b o u t 2. R e l a t i v e to t h e k i n e m a t i c P a t t e r s o n
peaks, t h e p e a k s decrease in h e i g h t a n d also in w i d t h
as c increases. S u b s i d i a r y peaks a p p e a r for c g r e a t e r
t h a n 5 a n d slowly increase in n u m b e r a n d in size
/ ,,, i i", r e l a t i v e to t h e c e n t r a l p e a k as c increases f u r t h e r .
T h e order of m a g n i t u d e of such effects in p r a c t i c e
can be a p p r e c i a t e d as a result of r o u g h c a l c u l a t i o n s
which give c m 1 for a single u r a n i u m a t o m a n d
! / \l
o x ,, ,< c ~ 0.1 for a single c a r b o n a t o m . If t h e r e are n a t o m s

-- I~eal part
V --- Imaginary part Patterson peak P(x)
s u p e r i m p o s e d in t h e d i r e c t i o n of t h e beam, t h e effects
o b t a i n e d c o r r e s p o n d to p u t t i n g c = n for u r a n i u m
a t o m s or c = n/lO for c a r b o n atoms.
In Fig. 3(a) and (b) are plotted the peak shapes
Fig. 1. The real and imaginary parts of the function c o r r e s p o n d i n g to vectors b e t w e e n u n e q u a l G a u s s i a n
exp {ic exp (--x2)} and the Patterson peak given by the
convolution exp {ic exp (--x2)} ~ exp {--ic exp (--x2)} for atoms represented by
c----- 1,3,5 and 8.
exp {ic 1 exp (-x2)} and exp {ic~ exp (-x2)}.
thickness. I n Fig. 1 are s h o w n t h e p e a k shapes for I n Fig. 3(a), c 1 = 0.5, a n d c 2 is v a r i e d from 1.0 to 6.
o n e - d i m e n s i o n a l P a t t e r s o n p e a k s c o r r e s p o n d i n g to I n Fig. 3(b), c 1 = 1.0 a n d c e is v a r i e d from 1-0 to 6.
vectors b e t w e e n i d e n t i c a l Gaussian a t o m s , o b t a i n e d I t t h u s a p p e a r s t h a t , in e x t r e m e cases, t h e c e n t r a l
b y g r a p h i c a l e v a l u a t i o n of t h e c o n v o l u t i o n s p a r t s of P a t t e r s o n p e a k s c o r r e s p o n d i n g to v e c t o r s
b e t w e e n a t o m s of widely different a t o m i c n u m b e r m a y
cos {c exp ( - x g ) } . cos {c exp (-x2)} a n d be v e r y m u c h reduced in h e i g h t a n d m a y e v e n b e c o m e
sin {c exp ( - x 2 ) } . sin {c exp (-x2)} negative.
J . M. C O W L E Y A N D A. F. M O O D I E 363

from crystals of one substance with several different

known thicknesses, it would be possible to confirm the
predictions as to the variation of Patterson peak shape.
It would be possible to extrapolate to zero thickness
" C= 2
and so obtain the true kinematic Patterson map and
intensity distribution. Further, the dependence of the
peak shape and its variation with crystal thickness on
the nature of the atom pairs involved in its production
would allow techniques of structure analysis to be
developed leading to an unambiguous structural
determination directly from experimental data. These
techniques would be similar to those involving the
use of anomalous X -ra y scattering, since in each case
(a) advantage is taken of a controlled change in the
relative phases of scattering by atoms of differing
atomic number.
If sufficient was known of a structure to allow at
least one Patterson peak to be definitely identified
as being given by atom pairs of a given type, the form
c=2 of this peak could be used to establish a scale of
thickness. It would then be unnecessary to make
thickness measurements on all crystals used.
An alternative to varying the crystal thickness
would be to vary the wavelength, i.e., the accelerating
voltage, of the incident beam. This would have the
advantage that all patterns could be obtained from
the same crystal, held in the same orientation with
respect to the electron beam. Usually, also, measure-
ments of accelerating voltage m a y be made more
(b) conveniently and accurately than measurements of
Fig. 3. The Patterson peak shapes given by evaluating the crystal thickness in the ranges which would be
convolutions employed. However, the range of accelerating voltage
COS {C1 exp (--xe)} . cos {ce exp (--xe)} and desirable for successful extrapolation to zero wave-
sin {c1 exp (--x2)} . sin {c2 exp (--x2)} . length m a y be considerable, since a is proportional
For 3(a): cI ---- ½, c2 = 1,2,4 and 6. to Wo½.
For 3(b): c1 = l, ce = 1,2,4 and 6. The above results have been based on assumptions
which limit their direct application to practical prob-
We now make the plausible assumption that the lems. By approximating to a crystal by a single two-
results obtained for one-dimensional Gaussian atoms dimensional distribution of potential, the curvature of
m a y be applied to give at least a qualitative indication the Ewald sphere has been ignored. This approxima-
of the equivalent results for real three-dimensional tion is satisfactory for the electron wavelengths
atoms or their two-dimensional projections, and normally employed only for very thin crystals or for
proceed to consider how the failure of the kinematic diffraction spots not too far from the origin. If patterns
scattering approximation m ay affect the processes of could be obtained for wavelengths much shorter t han
the structure analysis of crystals. For thin crystals in that for 50 kV. electrons, the extrapolation process
which the d~viations from kinematic scattering are used to correct for dynamic scattcring cffects would
not excessive, it is evident th at the principal effect also correct for the effect of the finite radius of
on the form of Patterson maps will be that the peaks curvature of the Ewald sphere, although the latter
representing interactions between heavy atoms will be effect m a y reduce the accuracy of the extrapolation
reduced in height and diameter while peaks represent- process.
ing interactions between light atoms m a y not be If the crystal is approximated to by two two-
appreciably affected. Peaks from light-heavy atom dimensional potential distributions, rather than one,
interactions m a y be somewhat broadened and flat- the influence of the curvature of the Ewald sphere
tened. However, the positions of the peaks will remain is introduced in part along with the effect of the
unchanged, and, provided that peak heights can be Fresnel diffraction between distributions, and ap-
correctly interpreted, an examination of the Patterson proximation by a greater number of two-dimensional
maps m a y lead to a correct determination of the potential distributions introduces the effect of the
crystal structure. curvature in a progressively more accurate form. Such
If electron diffraction patterns could be obtained higher approximations m a y be calculated following

section 7 of I, but do not appear to introduce any

novel features of general interest and so will not be lx l= lx l[ lq, l,xyl [2q2,x)
treated in detail here.
A further assumption which has been made is that
the crystal is perfect. This is rarely true in practice.
Experience has shown that small crystals, in the range • .- $ Pl(X, Y)/ , (8)
of sizes useful for electron diffraction work, frequently J .v-1
show a considerable amount of disorder, often in the
form of stacking defects. The effects of one or more where Pl (x, y) is the propagation function. Convolution
stacking defects on the diffraction pattern produced by this function represents the effect on the wave
will be discussed in a subsequent section. function of propagation from one of the scattering
planes to the next over a distance R 1 = R 2 = . . . R ~ - 1.
The effect of each scattering plane on the wave func-
3. T h e a p p e a r a n c e of 'forbidden' reflections tion is given, as before, by multiplication by
'Forbidden' reflections are those for which the struc- qn(x, y) = exp {iacp(x, y)} .
ture factor in the kinematic diffraction theory is zero
as a result of the space-group symmetry of the crystal It may be noted that equation (8) is of a
structure. When, however, the indices of a 'forbidden' more general form than the equivalent expressions
reflection can be expressed in the form h~ +he,/c~ +/ce, previously used, for example, in I, since the propaga-
11+19, where hi, ]c],l 1 and he, ks, 12 are indices of tion function is not limited to that appropriate to the
allowed reflections, it is frequently observed that the paraboloidal approximation to spherical wave fronts.
forbidden reflections in electron diffraction spot pat- The function pl (x, y) may be taken as that appropriate
terns occur with appreciable intensity. This is usually to spherical wave fronts including obliquity factors.
interpreted as being the result of dynamic scattering. The only restriction which we place on it is that it
Heidenreich (1950), for example, explained the ap- must have radial symmetry about the origin.
pearance of the 'forbidden' (222) reflection from a A straightforward argument then gives the result
diamond-type lattice as arising from dynamic inter- that y~(x, y) must have the same symmetry as the
action of diffracted beams by applying Bethe's Cfn(X, y). Thus, the function qj(x, y) corresponding to
dynamic theory to the ca~e that only three strong the first layer must from its definition, have the same
beams exist in the crystal lattice. It has been assumed symmetry as ~1 (x, y). Convolution of this function
that, if a similar treatment of the case of many strong with the radially symmetric function p~(x, y) will
beams were possible, it would similarly lead to the change the phase and amplitude distribution around
prediction of forbidden reflections in the extensive, the peaks but not the symmetry. Similarly multiplica-
symmetrical spot patterns obtained when the incident tion by the function qe(x, y), identical with q~(x, y),
beam is parallel to a principal lattice axis of a thin will not affect the symmetry; nor will any of the
crystal. Our present approach to dynamic diffraction operations of convolution and multiplication involved
theory allows us to treat this case with greater facility in the calculation of y~(x, y) from equation (8). The
and demonstrate that such an assumption is not argument may be intuitively more obvious for the
justified. case that the ~n (x, y) are composed of isolated, radially
The effect on an incident electron wave of a parallel- symmetric peaks. Then convolution with the radially
sided crystal plate which may be assumed of infinite symmetric pn (x, y) and multiplication by the identical
extent in directions perpendicular to the beam, may functions qn(x, y) will change the amplitude and phase
be approximated by the effect of a large number, N, distributions of the peaks but not the coordinates of
of two-dimensional potential distributions, ~ ( x , y), the points about which they are radially symmetric.
spaced at intervals /Iz = H / ( N - 1 ) , where H is the The wave function on the exit face, ~(x, y) will there-
crystal thickness. The approximation may be made fore have radially symmetric peaks in exactly the
as good as required by taking N sufficiently large. same positions as, though of more complicated form
In particular if N is made equal to the number of unit than, the peaks o~ the ~unctlon q%(x, y) and so must
cells of the crystal lattice in the beam direction the have exactly the same symmetry.
approximation will be sufficiently good for all practical The diffraction pattern corresponding to V;(x, y),
purposes unless the unit-cell dimension is very large which is the pattern given by dynamic diffraction for
(i.e., hundreds of ~ g s t r S m s under normal diffraction an arbitrary thickness H, will therefore have the same
conditions). Then all the q~(x, y) will be identical, symmetry and the same absences as the planar section
each representing the projection of the potential of the reciprocal lattice space which corresponds to
distribution of one unit-cell thickness. the diffraction pattern given kinematically by the
For a plane-parallel incident beam normal to the distribution Cfn(X, y). Hence, if the electron beam is
crystal face, the wave function on the exit face of the exactly parallel to a principal axis of the crystal,
crystal is then given by the formulation of Cowley & no forbidden reflections can be generated by dynamic
Moodie (1958) as scattering.
J . M . C O W L E Y AND A. F. M O O D I E 365

These arguments do not, of course, apply under the 4. Diffraction by imperfect crystals
conditions for which, for example, the forbidden (222) The crystals which have been investigated in connec-
reflection from the diamond-type lattice has been tion with single-crystal structure analysis by electron
shown theoretically and in practice to appear. In diffraction methods have almost invariably shown
such cases the incident beam is not parallel to a prin- evidence of considerable imperfection. Since most of
cipal crystal axis and the repetition distance (the these crystals have been of the layer-lattice type, the
effective unit cell dimension) in the beam direction, predominating form of defect is the stacking fault in
is then very large and the approximations we have which adjacent layers are relatively displaced by a
made break down. Our arguments apply strictly only translation which is not made up of integral multiples
when the beam direction coincides exactly with the of unit cell translations. The kinematic theory of dif-
crystal axis. It is to be expected that the forbidden fraction from crystals containing stacking faults has
reflections will be absent only for a narrow range of been developed by many authors in connection with
beam orientations. A rough estimate of the width of X-ray diffraction experiments, but usually with the
this range may be obtained as follows. assumption that the number of faults is sufficiently
A slight misorientation of the beam is equivalent to large to allow statistical methods to be used. For
a slight progressive displacement of the origins of the crystals with thicknesses of the order which would
functions q,,(x, y) as n increases, the displacement of make the use of kinematic diffraction theory valid in
the origin of q:v(x, y) relative to that of ql (x, y) being electron diffraction work, such an assumption cannot
a l l , when ~ is the angular deviation from the exact be made unless the average distance between stacking
orientation. In v2(x, y) therefore, there will be a com- faults is very small (i.e., only a few/~), since the total
plicated distribution of peaks along a line of length crystal thickness must not exceed a few hundred A.
all, instead of a single radially symmetric peak, for Provided that the kinematic theory of diffraction
each atomic peak in the projection ~ ( x , y). If the can be considered as a valid approximation, the
length ~H of this line of peaks is much less than the distribution function method of analysis (Cowley,
average distance between atom peaks in ~ ( x , y), 1957) can be used to treat crystals with any number
very little interaction of the various peaks will occur of stacking faults. Thus, the projection of the potential
and it will be possible to express v2(x, y) in the form distribution, ~(x, y) may be expressed in the form
epn(x, y) * w(x, y), where w(x, y) is some complicated
'peak function'. The diffraction pattern can therefore of(x, y) = q~°(x, y) . D(x, y), (9)
be written
U(h, k) = E~(h, It). W(h, k), where cf°(x,y) is the projection of the potential
distribution function of an individual layer of atoms
where En (h, ]c) and W (h, It) are the Fourier transforms and D(x, y) is a distribution function consisting of a
of ~n (x, y) and w(x, y) respectively. Then if reflections set of variously weighted 5-functions. By taking the
are forbidden kinematically so that E~(h, k) = 0, we Fourier transform of (9) we obtain the reciprocal space
have also U(h, ]c) = O. relationship
If the lines of peaks of length ~H overlap ap- E h k o -~ Ehk0.
0 Chk0, (10)
preciably it will not be possible to express ~0(x, y) as
a convolution, and the forbidden reflections may occur. where E°k0 is the structure factor for a perfect crystal
The deviation in orientation for which it may be and Ca~0 is the value of the Fourier transform of
expected that forbiddens will appear is thus of the D(x, y) at the point h, k, 0.
order given by a H = b, the average distance between It may be noted that if El~,k0 is zero, E~0 must be
atomic peaks in the projections ~n(x, y). For example, zero. Thus forbidden reflections cannot be produced
if H = 500 A, b = 1.5 A, we get a critical misorienta- as a result of purely translational displacements of
tion of a ~ 3 x 10 -a radians. parts of the crystal so long as the kinematic approxima-
Such a misorientation is of the same order as that tion is valid. We illustrate this point by reference to
required to introduce appreciable differences in the the orthorhombic form of paraffin hydrocarbons
observed intensities of symmetrically-equivalent dif- examined by electron diffraction methods, for ex-
fraction spots because the Ewald sphere passes at ample, by Cowley, Rees & Spink (1951). Single-crystal
differing distances from the corresponding reciprocal patterns may readily be obtained with the incident
lattice points. If therefore a perfect crystal gives a beam parallel to the c-axis. The relevant projection of
spot pattern in which the intensity distribution does the structure is then that shown in full lines in Fig. 4.
not appear to be made unsymmetrical by a tilt of the Screw axes parallel to the a and b axes of the structure
crystal, dynamic diffraction effects cannot give ap- result in the extinction of the h00 and 0k0 reflections
preciable intensities to any forbidden reflections. If for h or k odd. If now part of the crystal is translated
forbidden reflections do appear under such circum- so that the projections of the atoms take the positions
stances, it is necessary to find some alternative expla- shown dotted in Fig. 4, the symmetry of the projec-
nation such as the occurrence of the so-called 'second- tion ~(x, y) will be changed. The screw axes parallel
ary elastic scattering' by crystals containing defects. to the a and b axes are no longer evident. However

the projection of the structure on either the a or b be seen from Fig. 4 if interactions are imagined be-
axes still shows a periodicity of half the unit cell edge. tween closest pairs of projected atomic peaks. Hence
Hence, although the intensities of the permitted it will not be possible to express the wave function on
reflections will be greatly affected, the odd-order h00 the exit face by a convolution such as in equation (9),
and 0k0 reflections will remain forbidden. and forbidden reflections may appear with appreciable
intensity. The strength of the forbidden reflections
will obviously be dependent on the frequency and
nature of the stacking faults.
It may be noted that forbidden reflections may be
t'° "1 generated in other ways by crystal defects of different
character. :For example if there is a slight rotation of
b+ % N~ one portion of a crystal with respect to another part
about an axis in the beam direction, the two crystal
regions will give diffraction spots which do not coincide
exactly. Because the electron sources used in practice
fl) are usually of finite size and almost completely in-
coherent the diffracted beams from the two crystal
portions will not act as if coherent, even though the
separation of the diffraction spot centres may be very
a 1 a--> 1 small compared with the spot size. If then beams are
Fig. 4. The projection along the c-axis of the structure of diffracted successively by the two crystal portions,
orthorhombic crystals of long-chain n-paraffins (full lines). the doubly-diffracted electron beams will behave as if
The dotted lines indicate the same projection shifted by an incoherent with each other and with the once-
arbitrary displacement. diffracted beams even though the assembly of singly-
and doubly-diffracted beams falling around a perfect-
The range of validity of the kinematic theory is crystal spot position gives rise to a diffraction spot only
usually greater for disordered than for ordered crystals. slightly larger than the spot given by a perfect crystal.
This is clearly seen if we consider only the first-order In particular a forbidden reflection hkl will appear
approximation used in section 2 above. In this ap- with an intensity given by the sum of the intensities
proximation the maximum deviation from the region of beams doubly diffracted by pairs of planes with
of validity of the kinematic theory depends on the indices hi, k1,11 and h2, k2,1 ~ such that hl +h~ =
maximum value of the projection ~(x,y) of the h,k l + k 2 = k and 11+12=1. In this way the effect
potential distribution. When stacking faults occur, of incoherent secondary elastic scattering can be
the number of atoms directly in line in the beam direc- produced. It seems probable that this was the case for
tion is in general decreased, so that the maximum value the single-crystal patterns from the paraffin dicetyl
of ~(x, y) decreases. In this way a single stacking fault obtained by Cowley, .Rees & Spink (1951). The as-
near the centre of the crystal can reduce the maximum sumption of incoherent secondary elastic scattering
value of 9(x, y) by a factor of about 2. was therefore made the basis of a method for the
Under such circumstances the effects of multiple correction of the intensities of the reflections in a
elastic scattering become more important in limiting single crystal spot pattern and appeared to give satis-
the range of applicability of the kinematic theory. factory results.
The diffraction effects may then be formally expressed
by taking the Fourier transform of the wave function
at the exit face given by equation (8) with appropriate 5. Conclusion
q~(x, y) functions. Calculations for specific cases could In this paper we have considered some of the more
be made with any required degree of accuracy by obvious and direct implications of the new approach
approximating to (8) by the methods previously to electron diffraction theory introduced in I. We have
mentioned, but no such calculations will be made here. used ~or the most part, only first-order approximations
However, some general conclusions may be drawn and qualitative arguments. More quantitative results
concerning the appearance of forbidden spots from can be obtained for particular cases. The accuracy of
arguments similar to those used in section 3 above. the results, and the amount of computation involved
Thus if two layers of the crystal mutually displaced, will increase as higher order approximations are taken.
are separated by an appreciable distance in the beam It has been shown that no forbidden reflections can
direction, the atomic peaks due to the first layer will appear as a result of dynamic scattering in the sym-
be broadened by Fresnel diffraction effects (i.e., by metrical spot patterns given by perfect single crystals
convolution with the propagation function) and may when the electron beam is parallel to a principal crystal
overlap, and interact with, atomic peaks due to the axis. Dynamic scattering may, however, give rise to
second layer. The effects of such overlapping will not forbidden reflections in patterns from perfect crystals
have the symmetry of either individual layer, as can with markedly unsymmetrical intensity distributions,
J . M. C O W L E Y A N D A. F. M O O D I E 367
in the extensive spot patterns from bent crystals and ma the ma tic a l treatment of the diffraction observa-
in powder patterns. tions much more cumbersome and requiring more
Our arguments have indicated that the range of detailed knowledge of crystal thickness and imper-
crystal thickness for which single-crystal structure fections.
analysis is feasible is not limited to the range of
validity of the kinematic theory as defined, for ex-
ample, b y the calculations of Blackman (1939) for
perfect crystals. If the crystals are perfect, the use of BLACKMAN, ~{[. (1939). Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 173, 68.
our first-order approximation not only allows crystal COWLEY, J. M. (1953). Acta Cryst. 6, 516.
COWLEY, J. M. (1957). Acta Cryst. 10, 141.
structure analysis to be carried out for crystals of
COWLEY, J. M. & ]V[OODIE, A. F. (1957). Acta Cryst. 10,
greater thickness but provides a technique for the 609.
unambiguous determination of crystal structures COWLEY, J. M. & MOODIE, A. F. (1958). Proc. Phys. Soc.
which involves, in effect, the determination of the 71, 533.
relative phases of reflections from series of diffraction COWLEY, J. M. & 1VIOODIE, A. F. (1959). Acta Cryst.
patterns obtained with different crystal thicknesses or 12, 353.
accelerating voltages. If the crystals are imperfect, it COWLEr, J. M., REES, A. L. G. & SPXNK, J. A. (1951).
has been shown th at the range of validity of the Proc. Phys. Soc. A, 64, 609.
kinematic theory is extended. For both perfect and GLAUBER, R. & SCHOMAKER, V. (1953). Phys. Rev. 89,
imperfect crystals it seems probable th at the use of HEIDENREICE, R. D. (1950). Phys. Rev. 77, 271.
higher-order approximations, involving the effects of IBERS, J. A. & HOERNI, J. A. (1954). Acta Cryst. 7, 405.
Fresnel diffraction within the crystal, m a y extend the SCHOMAKER, V. & GLAUBER, g. (1952). Nature, Lond.
range of thickness still further although making the 170, 290.

Acta Cryst. (1959). 12, 367

The Electron-Optical Imaging of Crystal Lattices

Division of Chemical Physics, Chemical Research Laboratories, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organization, Melbourne, Australia

(Received 7 July 1958)

The theory of the scattering of electrons by crystals previously developed (Cowley & Moodie, 1957a)
is applied to determine the nature of the image of a crystal lattice obtained with an ideal electron
microscope, both in- and out-of-focus. :For very thin crystals the pseudo-kinematic theory is applied,
and for thick crystals the dynamic theory in a two-beam approximation is used. Intensity anomalies
and 'stepped' structures in micrographs showing the 90 A superlattice spacing of a form of antigorite
are explained as arising from simultaneous dynamic scattering of a fundamental lattice reflection
and kinematic scattering of the superlattice reflection.
It is shown that dynamic scattering can give rise to variations in the spacing and orientation of
moir6-1ike fringes appearing in electron microscope images of superimposed crystals.

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n
proba bly with changes of the relative phase of the
In recent years a number of observations have been interfering beams due to the spherical aberration of
made of periodic intensity modulations of electron the objective lens.
microscope images of thin crystals, the periodicities On the other hand, several observations have re-
corresponding to the separations of prominent lattice cently been made of much larger periodicities, of the
planes of the crystals. The crystals concerned include order of 1O0 A, in which case it seems likely tha t the
metal phthalocyanines, (Menter, 1956a; Neider, 1956; interference of the electron beams corresponding to at
Suito & Uyeda, 1957) faujasite (Menter, 1956b) and least the first few diffraction orders should not be
molybdenum trioxide (Bassett & Menter, 1957). The seriously affected by lens aberrations. Examples
periodicities observed for these compounds corre- include periodicities of about 40 and 90 A observed
sponded to spacings of less th an 20 • and have been in samples of antigorite by Brindley, Comer, Uyeda &
interpreted as given by interference of the first one Zussman (1958). Similarly, for the moir6-1ike fringes
or two diffracted beams with the transmitted beam, which appear in the electron microscope images of

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