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Our digital worlds in the past now

Technology has affected our lives in many aspects including our knowledge of the
universe extending all the way to our simple day to day commute. This has also affected
people’s daily routines. Let’s take a small look into how the advancement of technology has
affected a high school freshman’s life

Back in the day when people first woke up, they’d get up wash their face and change out
of their pyjamas however nowadays the first thing that comes to mind when we first wake up
is to look at our screens! Whether it is to check the daily newspaper or to browse our social
platforms, many people wake up only to look at their phones. When cars weren’t as common
as today, students would have to travel long distances on foot to arrive to their education. But
now in the year of 2020, students have many options such as the subway, the bus even school

Even though this is only the tip of the iceberg, technology helps us get through our lives
making it easier to live. And day by day it advances! Every day we have a new way to make
life easier.

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