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Hello everyone, I am Jhiiviana Castañeda, civil engineer and manager of Ladrillera Company
today I am going to talk about this company.

First, I’ll give you some basic information about Ladrillera Company. Then, I’d like to talk about
our new projects.
Well, LADRILLERA COMPANY S.A. is located in LIMA, LIMA, Peru and is part of the Metal Ore
Mining Industry. LADRILLERA COMPANY S.A. generates $3.03 million million in sales (USD).
However, the better of our company is that we are development a new innovative project. This
project consists in make ecological bricks, which are intended to be a substitute for clay brick.
The ecological bricks will be made of cement, sand, plastic and water. These bricks are
inexpensive for home construction. Production processes are harmless to the environment. If you
want to produce an ecological brick, you require at least 15 plastic bottles. There are two
advantage of using ecological bricks, they absorb external heat and their production don't pollute
to the environment.
This project wants to promote the manufacture of ecological houses and provide a better quality
of life to low-income people. This green brick prototype wants to satisfy the construction of green
houses and its use will be completely beneficial for low-income people. In addition, the most
important are the benefits that they have for the community.
For example,
First, ecological bricks have a lower environmental impact; have an insulating capacity (cold,
heat, noise and humidity) and savings.
Second, they are also usually lighter and reduce construction times and the effort that workers
must make.
Third, ecological brick is suitable for country houses and gardens.
Finally, ecological bricks are built with materials that do not degrade the environment.
Well, also is important to know how we are going to market.

Let’s see some marketing strategies.

 The design and form of presentation of the bricks of the Ladrillera Company.
 Advertise: on the radio, flyers, newspapers and cards
 Make use of the Internet: create an advertising page.
 Discount: have a good cost of sale. It consists of reducing prices.
 Home distribution: the correct distribution. Buy transportation equipment to distribute the
brick at home.
 Marketing promotion: facilitate the sale.
 Sponsorships: Find a sponsor to be recognized in the field.
 Investments. - The company has capital to invest in another product.
Thanks very much for listening to my presentation.

Now, I would like to listen your opinion.

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