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Introducing my name is Iglima.I’m 18 years old,now in grade 12,I’m busy doing this

practice,doing schoolwork,preparing for the final exam.It turns out that the adult phase is

realy though,not as beutiful as I thought when I was younger.I’m small hhha.The current

phase is really tired,I’m really tired of doing this,I’m dizzy,I’m sure my friends are thinking

the same thing,right??.I’m sure I thought that if I could go back to being a child,I’m free to

do what,I don’t think about what do in the future.Okay,let’s leave that’s it.Now I’m talking

about what I like and my traits,I don’t know if this is important or not hhhhhha,but just

listen to it,hhhhhhe.I like watching korean drama’s,Thai and I also like reading novels.I read

them on the app,I didn’t buy the book because the money doesn’t exist hhhhha,then I’m

not an arrogant person,I’m good,humorous,cute sweet and pretty hhhhha very confident

it’s okay hhhhhhha,not I’m kidding hhhha.I don’t eat or drink when I sleep, of course that’s

impossible hhhhhhe.

That’s all I want to tell you guys.Oh wait I forget to include where I live,I live in Pulu

village,Doloselatan district.

That’s all,and thank you I love you guys.

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