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Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 65 (2018) 931–949 931

DOI 10.3233/JAD-180455
IOS Press

Is Computerized Working Memory

Training Effective in Healthy Older
Adults? Evidence from a Multi-Site,
Randomized Controlled Trial
Sharon S. Simona , Erich S. Tuscha , Nicole C. Fenga , Krister Håkanssonb,c ,
Abdul H. Mohammedc,d and Kirk R. Daffnera,∗
a Department of Neurology, Center for Brain/Mind Medicine, Division of Cognitive and Behavioral
Neurology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
b Division of Clinical Geriatrics, Department of NVS, Karolinska Insitutet, Stockholm, Sweden
c Department of Psychology, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden
d Center of Alzheimer Research, Department of Neurobiology, Karolinska Insitutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Handling Associate Editor: Sharon Naismith

Accepted 10 July 2018

Background: Developing effective interventions to attenuate age-related cognitive decline and prevent or delay the onset
of dementia are major public health goals. Computerized cognitive training (CCT) has been marketed increasingly to older
adults, but its efficacy remains unclear. Working memory (WM), a key determinant of higher order cognitive abilities, is
susceptible to age-related decline and a relevant target for CCT in elders.
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of CCT focused on WM compared to an active control condition in healthy older adults.
Methods: Eighty-two cognitively normal adults from two sites (USA and Sweden) were randomly assigned to Cogmed
Adaptive or Non-Adaptive (active control) CCT groups. Training was performed in participants’ homes, five days per week
over five weeks. Changes in the performance of the Cogmed trained tasks, and in five neuropsychological tests (Trail Making
Test Part A and Part B, Digit Symbol, Controlled Oral Word Association Test and Semantic Fluency) were used as outcome
Results: The groups were comparable at baseline. The Adaptive group showed robust gains in the trained tasks, and there was
a time-by-group interaction for the Digit Symbol test, with significant improvement only after Adaptive training. In addition,
the magnitude of the intervention effect was similar at both sites.
Conclusion: Home-based CCT Adaptive WM training appears more effective than Non-Adaptive training in older adults
from different cultural backgrounds. We present evidence of improvement in trained tasks and on a demanding untrained
task dependent upon WM and processing speed. The benefits over the active control group suggest that the Adaptive CCT
gains were linked to providing a continuously challenging level of WM difficulty.

Keywords: Aging, computerized cognitive training, randomized controlled trial, working memory

∗ Correspondence to: Kirk R. Daffner, MD, FAAN, Center for

Brain/Mind Medicine, Division of Cognitive and Behavioral Neu- 60 Fenwood Road, Boston, MA 02115, USA. Tel.: +1 617 732
rology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 8060; Fax: +1 617 738 9122; E-mail:

ISSN 1387-2877/18/$35.00 © 2018 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
932 S.S. Simon et al. / Working Memory Training in Older Adults: An RCT

INTRODUCTION abilities, such as fluid intelligence, language com-

prehension, problem solving and reasoning [31–35].
Age is the most important risk factor for devel- WM operations are dependent on a widespread
oping dementia, a major source of dependence and network, including fronto-striatal, parietal, and tem-
disability [1–3]. With people living to increasingly poral brain regions [36–40]. There is evidence that
advanced ages, the prevalence of dementia is expand- WM declines with age [41–45], which can under-
ing [4]. The risk of developing dementia is one of the mine performance of instrumental activities of daily
most feared aspects of growing old [5], with more living [46].
than half the people over 65 years old having con- The literature on the efficacy of WM training
cerns about their cognitive abilities [6–8]. Models in older adults has been controversial. On the one
developed by Brookmeyer and colleagues [9] suggest hand, studies suggest that WM training can improve
that even small delays in dementia onset could sig- information processing in older adults [26, 47, 48]
nificantly reduce the global burden of dementia. For allowing them to sustain cognitive functioning and
instance, postponing the onset of Alzheimer’s disease remain active and engaged [47]. For example, there
(AD) by one year could result in a decrease of >9 mil- is evidence of cognitive improvements on trained
lion in the worldwide prevalence of AD [9]. Given tasks, and near-transfer to tasks not explicitly trained
the profound personal, social, and economic costs of (i.e., that test operations within the same cognitive
dementia, there is a need for evidence-based interven- domain) [38, 48–54]. On the other hand, far-transfer
tions capable of delaying, attenuating or preventing effects (i.e., that reflect operations in other cognitive
cognitive decline and dementia. domains) have been challenging to demonstrate, and
Healthy cognitive functioning is a critical compo- results have not been uniform across studies [48, 51,
nent of well-being, autonomy, and successful aging 52, 55–59]. Moreover, there is limited evidence of
[10, 11]. Converging lines of evidence indicate transfer to meaningful everyday life activities [28,
that engagement in cognitively stimulating activi- 29, 60]. Inconsistencies in the literature may be due
ties throughout the lifespan may reduce the risk of to large differences in type, intensity, and duration
cognitive deterioration and dementia [12–15]. This of the training programs, as well as variation in the
research supports the cognitive reserve hypothesis, methodology, outcome measures used, and the char-
which suggests that certain kinds of life experi- acteristics of the control groups (e.g., active versus
ence, including education, occupational attainment, passive versus no-contact) [52].
and cognitively stimulating leisure activities, con- In recent years, there has been an expanding
tribute to the ability to cope with or compensate for interest specifically in investigating computerized
age-related cerebral decline, allowing adults to main- cognitive training (CCT). CCT involves structured
tain cognitive task performance and daily activities practice on standardized and cognitively challenging
[16]. Interventions that engage individuals in cogni- tasks and has advantages over traditional methods,
tively stimulating activities may help build cognitive including visually appealing interfaces, efficient and
reserve enabling them to tolerate greater age- and scalable delivery, and the potential to constantly
disease-related brain changes. adapt training content and difficulty to individual
Brain plasticity has been shown to persist into old performance [50, 57, 59]. In this context, the
age and may be stimulated by cognitive activities [17, CCT industry has grown enormously, with sales
18]. Some investigators have argued that formal cog- approaching $1.3 billion in 2013, and projections of
nitive training is a potential tool for improving mental $3.38 billion by 2020 [61, 62]. These programs have
functioning [19–26]. In fact, recent reports suggest been increasingly marketed to older adults, often
that some forms of cognitive intervention (e.g., speed with broad claims about cognitive and functional
of processing training) in healthy elders may have improvement allegedly based on strong evidence
long-term effects on everyday functioning [27, 28], that frequently does not exist [51, 59, 63]. In 2014,
and even reduce the risk of developing dementia 10 two groups of scientists published open letters on
years after the completion of a training program [29]. the efficacy of brain-training interventions, with
In the last decade, there has been a growing interest conflicting perspectives. The first letter claimed that
in investigating the effect of working memory (WM) brain training games do not provide a scientifically
training on healthy older adults. WM reflects the abil- grounded way to improve cognitive functioning
ity to maintain and manipulate information [30]. It is a or reverse cognitive decline, and highlighted the
central mechanism supporting higher-order cognitive need for more research by investigators with no
S.S. Simon et al. / Working Memory Training in Older Adults: An RCT 933

conflicting financial interests who will conduct from a rural setting in Sweden. We anticipated that
rigorously designed studies that include a control although the two samples may differ cognitively at
group treated exactly the same as the trained group, baseline, the magnitude of any training effects would
except for the specific training [64] (available on not be modulated by site. Moreover, the influence of age on the training
consensus-on-the-brain-training-industry-from- response in older adults continues to be unclear.
the-scientific-community-2/). The second letter, Results of studies have varied regarding whether
published months later [65] (available on www. the beneficial effect of cognitive training is greater for young-old adults than old-old adults [75–78].
brain-training-work/response-letter/), argued that a Although a recent meta-analysis on cognitive inter-
substantial and growing body of evidence shows that ventions for older adults reported no significant
certain cognitive-training regimens can significantly differences in effect sizes based on age of study
improve cognitive function, and generalize to participants [79], it is uncertain whether the oldest-
everyday activities. old population (∼80 years or older) demonstrates
In their review article from the same year, Lampit a different training response than young-old adults
and colleagues [59] suggest that, in general, CCT for (∼60 to 80 years). For instance, a study found that
older adults is ineffective under the following con- oldest-old adults without dementia (age range 75–101
ditions: unsupervised, at-home training, frequency years) were unable to enhance their memory perfor-
of more than three times per week, or sessions of mance after training based on the method of loci
less than 30 minutes. However, what constitutes [80], a mnemonic technique that had yielded sub-
the core components of an effective intervention stantial learning benefits in young-old adults [81].
remains an unsettled issue since other studies have Nevertheless, there is evidence that the oldest-old
reported training-gains for both healthy older adults exhibit cognitive plasticity [82] and can improve WM
[50, 66] and MCI patients [67] after home-based, after cognitive training [19], suggesting that advanc-
unsupervised CCT with frequency of five days a ing age does not significantly alter the ability of older
week. Further investigation is necessary to yield more adults to benefit from cognitive interventions, so long
definitive conclusions about the efficacy of brain- as they have sufficient cognitive capacity to carry
training interventions in older adults [50]. out the training program [79]. The impact of cogni-
Interestingly, little is known about whether dif- tive training on the oldest-old adults is an important
ferences in cultural background modulate training area of research, requiring additional investigation,
effects, which is an important issue for determining if especially because this group is the fastest grow-
such interventions can be successful in diverse popu- ing segment of the population in developed countries
lations. Culture has been shown to influence cognitive [83]. To help address this issue, our sample comprised
skills and information processing. For example, stud- a wide age range of older subjects (65–89 years) that
ies using standard neuropsychological tests often included young-old and old-old individuals, whose
suggest robust differences in performance between average age was 10 years older than participants in
adults in the US and other nations [68–70]. Further- a similar, previous study on WM training in older
more, there is evidence that cognitive skills such as adults [50]. We expected that old-old adults would
perception, attention and memory can vary across also benefit from training, although we were uncer-
cultures [71, 72]. Gutchess and collaborators empha- tain about whether the impact would be smaller than
size that cultural differences can be associated with that observed in their younger counterparts.
the engagement of distinct cognitive processes and Sensitive to the methodological issues associated
strategies, or the processing of different aspects of the with the investigation of cognitive training in older
information [73]. On the other hand, theoretically, the adults, the current study sought to address some of
cognitive operations underlying WM are not specific the concerns that have been raised. We conducted a
to particular groups of individuals, but apply more randomized controlled trial (RCT) that used an active
generally [31] and previous work suggests no cross- control group, recruited participants from two dif-
cultural differences in WM in teenagers [74]. In the ferent countries with diverse cultural backgrounds,
current study, we explored the potential impact of included a broader age range of older adults, and was
culture and background on CCT in older adults by funded by an impartial source. The investigation used
recruiting two different samples of subjects, one from the commercially available Cogmed® QM platform
an urban setting in the United States, and the other (Pearson Education, Inc.) to compare an Adaptive
934 S.S. Simon et al. / Working Memory Training in Older Adults: An RCT

WM training condition, wherein task difficulty was shown that TMT-B performance is associated with
continuously modulated based on performance, with performance on WM tasks [91–93].
an active control condition (Non-Adaptive), wherein Trail Making Test, Part A (TMT-A) is a test of
the task difficulty remained the same [25]. By con- visual attention that requires visual search and psy-
tinually updating the degree of demand based on chomotor speed, but places low demands on WM
real time performance, adaptive training provides an and executive control [90, 91, 94]. There is evi-
ongoing intellectual challenge throughout the inter- dence that adaptive CCT in older adults is associated
vention period and ensures that training is neither with improvement in tasks that require attention and
boring nor overtaxing [57, 84]. A Non-Adaptive maintenance aspects of WM [50, 67, 95]. TMT-A
group seems to be an excellent active control, since was included to help determine whether Adap-
this approach seeks to match all aspects of the actual tive Cogmed training would have a greater impact
intervention, except for the increasingly challenging than Non-Adaptive Cogmed training on more basic
training component [51]. Previous literature indi- aspects of attention. Although we hypothesize that
cates that Adaptive CCT can lead to greater cognitive WM training can lead to gains on untrained tests of
improvement than Non-Adaptive, accompanied by attention (consistent with near-transfer effects), given
changes in brain function, as indexed by fMRI and the limited WM load associated with TMT-A, there
event-related potentials [25, 36, 85]. was no compelling reason to predict that Adaptive
Outcome measures for the current study, as WM training would have a greater impact on TMT-A
described in the Methods section below, reflected performance than the control condition.
performance on trained Cogmed tasks, and on five In terms of the far-transfer measures, although
neuropsychological tests that evaluated both near- phonemic and semantic word list generation requires
and far-transfer effects. Our primary outcomes reflect WM functions, these tasks rely most heavily on lex-
the near-transfer effects, and the secondary outcomes ical and semantic processing [96]. Based on the
reflect the far-transfer effects. We chose outcome literature, we hypothesized that we would find robust
measures that relied, in part, on WM, but differed near-transfer effects, especially in the outcomes that
in terms of the content of the material being held demand more WM resources, but had low expec-
in WM and the extent to which WM was the central tations for observing far-transfer effects. As noted,
cognitive process. We hypothesized that near-transfer we also anticipated that the magnitude of the effects
effects related to Cogmed training would include would be similar across sites from the two different
tasks that require holding, updating and manipu- countries.
lating information that has been visually presented
to the participant. Digit Symbol [86] and Trail METHODS
Making Test, Part B (TMT-B) [87] were chosen
as strong candidates for this kind of near-transfer Study design, randomization, and sample size
effects. calculation
Other investigators have reported improvements in
Digit Symbol after cognitive training [27]. Although The Successful Aging and Enrichment (SAGE)
Digit Symbol is classically considered a test of pro- study was a randomized controlled, two-site, single-
cessing speed, it requires various activities, such as blind trial, using a four-group design, including three
scanning, matching, switching and writing that are treatment groups and a control group. The treat-
reflective of several cognitive functions like percep- ment groups consisted of adaptive cognitive training,
tion, encoding and retrieval processes, transformation physical exercise, and mindfulness meditation. The
of information stored in active memory, and decision- active control group participated in a non-adaptive
making [88]. Many of these processes are related to cognitive training program. In the current report we
WM, and evidence suggests that speed of processing focus only on the results of the two cognitive training
has been tightly linked to WM capacity [89]. When conditions (Adaptive versus Non-Adaptive control).
performing the Digit Symbol task, the better a per- Recruitment occurred between January 2014 and
son can hold relevant information in mind, the faster October 2015. At each site, participants were ran-
(and better) performance will be. Regarding TMT-B, domly assigned to one of the four intervention groups.
Sánchez-Cubillo and colleagues [90] have argued its The data coordinating center of each site random-
execution is contingent upon WM and task-switching ized participants to one of the intervention groups
ability. Consistent with this thesis, other research has using a computer block randomization system based
S.S. Simon et al. / Working Memory Training in Older Adults: An RCT 935

on a Latin square design. We used the Latin square [102]; and perform within one standard deviation
design to counterbalance our four groups, since it is (SD) of mean for published age-based norms on
an efficient approach for small RCTs involving more Logical Memory delayed recall test, from Wechsler
than two treatment conditions [97]. Of note, the ran- Memory Scale – Third Edition (WMS-III) [103], and
domization was done before the baseline assessment. naming to confrontation, as assessed by the Boston
Neuropsychological assessment was conducted at Naming Test (BNT) [104]. Subjects were excluded
baseline and following the intervention. Research if they had a history of central nervous system dis-
staff were not blinded to treatment assignment of sub- ease or major ongoing psychiatric disorders based
jects. However, subjects were blinded to the cognitive on DSM-IV criteria [105], exhibited clinically sig-
training condition (adaptive versus non-adaptive) in nificant depressive symptoms (scored ≥ 15 on the
which they participated and were unaware of any Geriatric Depression Scale - GDS) [106, 107], had
hypotheses associated with the two cognitive training focal abnormalities consistent with a brain lesion
conditions. as determined by a neurological examination, or
Sample size was calculated using G-Power soft- a history of clinically significant medical diseases.
ware (G-Power, V.3.1). We determined that a sample Clinical history and baseline performance on neu-
size of at least 30 subjects for each experimental ropsychological tests within one SD of the mean for
group would be sufficient to detect a medium-sized age allowed us to exclude subjects with mild cogni-
effect of CCT on working memory ability in healthy tive impairment [108] or early dementia [109].
older adults with 0.90 power at an alpha level of 0.05.
Our estimation was based on the medium-sized effect Procedure
(d = 0.50) observed using the same CCT intervention
on a WM outcome (Digit Span Backward) found by Participants in both cognitive training groups
Vermeij and colleagues [67] in a pilot study involving received identical instructions about the training pro-
23 healthy older adults. gram according to a standardized protocol. After the
baseline assessment, a research assistant (RA) visited
Participants and assessment participants in their homes and provided a Hewlett-
Packard, 15.4” laptop computer and an orientation to
The initial sample consisted of 82 older adults the Cogmed software program. Since the training was
(age range 65 to 89, mean age 73.1 ± 6.1) living delivered online, our staff verified technical require-
independently with preserved functional and cogni- ments such as access to an internet browser. Also, to
tive status, who were recruited through community ensure that the instructions were clear and the partic-
announcements in the Boston metropolitan area, ipant had sufficient computer skills, the RA assisted
USA (population of ∼4,800,000) [98] and Växjö the participants in accessing the training system for
municipality, a rural region in Sweden (population the first time and supervised the practice of the demo
of ∼90,000) [99]. The study was approved by the version of the training. No training strategies were
appropriate ethical review boards at the participating offered by study personnel. The first training session
sites (Boston, Partners Human Research Commit- occurred approximately 7–10 days after the baseline
tee, protocol 2013P002266; and Linnaeus University, cognitive assessment.
Regional Ethical Committee, Linköping, protocol During the intervention period, the participant’s
dnr 2013/154-31). All participants completed writ- progress was monitored every week by an RA, who
ten informed consent. During a pre-training visit, the contacted the participants by telephone to provide
participants completed a detailed screening evalua- support, as suggested by the software training
tion that included a structured interview to obtain a guidelines (available at:
medical, neurological, and psychiatric history; a for- content/uploads/2010/07/Coaching-manual-US-1.0.
mal neurological evaluation, screening for vision and 9.pdf). The conversation focused on three general
hearing, and a neuropsychological assessment. areas: 1) the subject’s participation during the
To be included in the study, participants had to be prior week (e.g., any missed or abbreviated CCT
65 years or older, English- or Swedish-speaking, have sessions); 2) any technical difficulties; and 3) any
an estimated intelligence quotient (IQ) ≥ 90 based questions or issues in need of clarification. Partic-
on the American or Sweden National Adult Reading ipants were reminded that they could contact the
Test (AMNART, NART-SWE) [100, 101]; score ≥ staff with any additional questions. Finally, words
26 on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) of encouragement were provided. The post-training
936 S.S. Simon et al. / Working Memory Training in Older Adults: An RCT

visit was scheduled as close as possible to the end Outcomes measures

of each participant’s training period (mean days
4.7 ± 5.9). Of note, there was no difference between Changes in performance on the Cogmed training
intervention groups in the number of days between tasks were measured using standard data provided by
the last training session and the date of cognitive Cogmed software. A Cogmed “Training Index” score
testing (p > 0.5). was computed for each training day based on aver-
aging the difficulty level of items held in WM with
60% accuracy for one spatial WM task and one of
two verbal WM tasks (whichever performance was
Interventions (WM training program) higher). The spatial WM task involved remember-
ing/reproducing the sequence of circles that were
A commercially available WM CCT program lit up on a two-dimensional grid (called the “Grid”
(Cogmed® QM, Pearson Education, Inc.) was uti- task), and the verbal WM tasks involved remember-
lized in the current study. Time commitments ing the order of digits read aloud, and at test, entering
were equivalent for both training conditions, which the numbers in reverse order on a number grid that
consisted of 25 individual training sessions of approx- remained visible the whole time (“Numbers” task) or
imately 40 minutes. Participants were instructed to that only became visible after all the numbers were
train five days per week for five weeks. Training provided (“Hidden” task).
sessions in both conditions were based on twelve dif- Several well-established neuropsychological tests
ferent verbal and visuospatial tasks, which included were used to assess the effect of the computer-
remembering a sequence of numbers, letters, shapes, ized WM training. All participants were tested both
or spatial locations for immediate recall. Some exer- pre- and post-intervention. The outcome measures
cises involved active manipulation of information, included: 1) Trail Making Test, Part A (TMT-A) [87],
such as entering numbers in reverse to the order that which measures visual attention and speed of pro-
they had appeared or tracking the location and order cessing; 2) Trail Making Test, Part B (TMT-B) [87],
of pertinent moving circles that are highlighted (see which measures WM, set shifting, processing speed,
the Supplementary Material for more details about and planning/sequencing; 3) Digit-Symbol from
the Cogmed tasks). Participants worked on eight of Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale – Fourth Edition
the possible twelve tasks on each day of training; (WAIS-IV) [86], which evaluates processing speed,
the tasks that each participant had to complete on a and the WM operations of maintaining information
given day were pre-determined by the online train- online, monitoring, and manipulation; 4) Controlled
ing program and were consistent across subjects. Oral Word Association Test (COWAT), also labelled
The specific tasks varied across the 25 days such Phonemic Fluency [110]; and 5) Semantic Fluency
that each of the 12 tasks was practiced approxi- [111], both of which assess initiation, self-generation,
mately the same number of times. Allocation of tasks and monitoring. The COWAT included the letters
was exactly the same for both conditions. Partic- FAS, and the semantic fluency included the cate-
ipants were instructed to perform all tasks within gories of vegetables, fruits and animals. Both fluency
one block of time with minimal breaks between tasks involve executive control, lexical knowledge
tasks. and retrieval [96]. Although the tasks place demands
Under Adaptive CCT, task difficulty was revised on on strategic search from semantic memory, phonemic
a trial-by-trial basis with the goal of establishing 60% fluency requires a constrained search from a broad
accuracy, thereby creating a consistently challenging set of lexical exemplars, whereas semantic fluency
level of subjective difficulty for each individual. Task may be accomplished with a relatively more con-
difficulty was modulated by increasing or decreas- strained search of exemplars from an superordinate
ing the WM load for each trial, e.g., the number of category and relies on semantic associations within
letters required to be kept in mind. Under the active the category [112].
control training condition, task difficulty remained As noted in the Introduction, performance on the
at a constant, relatively low-load across all training five administered neuropsychological tests varied in
days, which involved two items. The Cogmed training the degree in the degree of reliance on WM oper-
system automatically logs and saves data from each ations, as well as the content of the material being
training session, including times and performance held in WM. Our primary outcomes are the tests that
levels. involved WM, and were used to assess near-transfer
S.S. Simon et al. / Working Memory Training in Older Adults: An RCT 937

effects. One test, TMT-A, was a relatively easy atten- Utilizing available Cogmed software, performance
tional task that placed limited demands on WM. Two gains during the course of training were computed
tests, Digit Symbol and TMT-B were excellent can- using the method described above to derive a
didates for determining near-transfer effects. They Cogmed Training Index score. This analysis focused
depended heavily on WM involving visual material only the Adaptive condition, since the performance
and shared reliance on many of the cognitive pro- of the control group was fixed at a constant low level
cesses practiced in the WM training tasks. Finally, across the five weeks of intervention, and hence,
our secondary outcomes (COWAT and semantic flu- no performance changes were observed for subjects
ency), were tests whose strong dependence on lexical under the control condition. Similar to a previous
and semantic processing provided the opportunity to study [50], performance on the first two sessions was
assess far-transfer effects. We elected not to use a long excluded from analyses due to lack of variability, as
list of outcome measures because of concerns that if the starting point was identical for all individuals. For
positive results were observed on a limited number the remaining 23 sessions, mean daily performance
of specified tests, as predicted, the findings could be was generated by Cogmed software. A repeated
challenged as reflecting chance alone due to multiple measures ANOVA was conducted with time (weeks
comparisons. 1–5) as the within-subject factor to investigate the
pattern of performance during training. Lastly, we
Statistical analysis investigated the correlation between training gains
on Cogmed tasks and on the neuropsychological
An intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis was carried out tests. This correlation was based on calculating the
in which all randomized participants were included in percentage change [((Time2-Time1)/Time1)*100] in
the statistical analysis [113]. No imputations for the the Cogmed Training Index score (based on the per-
missing data were made. Demographic and neuropsy- formance in the last session vs. the third session), and
chological baseline characteristics were assessed percentage change on the neuropsychological tests.
using raw scores and differences across treatment Regarding the adherence analysis, we included all
conditions and across sites were assessed using Pear- subjects for whom we had pre- and post-intervention
son’s chi-square test (χ2 ) for dichotomous variables, data, regardless of their compliance level. However,
and independent sample t-test for continuous vari- we also re-analyzed the data excluding subjects who
ables. We used Linear Mixed Models (LMM) to completed <75% of the training sessions. In addi-
model the association between predictors and each of tion, effect sizes [115] (Cohen’s d) were calculated
the outcome measures. We compared the fit statistics for outcome variables that demonstrated a significant
of three models. The basic model included the fixed time-by-intervention group interaction. All analyses
main effects of the intervention condition, (adaptive were performed using IBM SPSS version 23, and
versus non-adaptive), assessment time (pre versus results were considered significant at p < 0.05.
post), and site (USA versus Sweden). The second
model included the terms described above, as well as RESULTS
all the possible two-way interactions. Lastly, the third
model included all the above and the three-way inter- Participant enrollment is shown in Fig. 1 according
action between intervention condition, time and site. to the CONSORT diagram [76]. A total of 95 per-
The models included participants as random inter- sons were screened for eligibility. One was excluded
cepts to adjust for within-participant correlations of due to depression. Twelve elected not to participate
repeated measures. The parameters were estimated (e.g., due to having insufficient time to commit to
using the Restricted Maxium Likehood Method, and the training program). The remaining 82 adults were
unstructured covariance was specified to model the randomized to one of the two intervention programs.
covariance structure of both the residuals and the ran- Five subjects withdrew from the study (four from the
dom factors. To reduce false discovery rate (FDR), Adaptive group, and one from the control group) due
p-values for the interactions were adjusted employ- to family illness, complaints of wrist pain, and unex-
ing the Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) procedure [114]. pected time constraints or need to travel. Differences
The BH procedure is defined as P ≤ (i/m)Q, where between the individuals who dropped out (n = 5)
P represents the individual P-value, i = the individual and the rest of the sample (n = 77) were evaluated
p-value’s rank, m = total number of tests, and Q = the using independent sample t-test for continuous vari-
FDR (which was set at 0.1). ables and Pearson’s chi-square test for dichotomous
938 S.S. Simon et al. / Working Memory Training in Older Adults: An RCT

Table 1
Demographic variables and neuropsychological raw scores in each
intervention group
Variables Adaptive Control p
(n = 41) (n = 41)
M (SD) M (SD)
Age (y) 72.4 (5.6) 73.7 (6.5) 0.33
Gender (Male/Female) 12/29 15/26 0.31
Education (y) 15.7 (3.7) 15.3 (3.2) 0.60
GDS 6.2 (3.9 5.5 (4.0) 0.47
MMSE 29.2 (1.1) 29.0 (1.3) 0.48
AMNART (Estimated IQ) 122.6 (5.9) 120.6 (6.0) 0.13
Logical Memory (WMS-III) 26.1 (9.0) 26.7 (7.1) 0.76
BNT 14.1 (3.0) 13.6 (1.4) 0.34
TMT, Part A (s) 37.5 (11.4) 42.6 (17.0) 0.12
TMT, Part B (s) 84.1 (25.3) 97.1 (55.7) 0.17
Digit Symbol (WAIS-IV) 54.7 (15.0) 53.0 (11.5) 0.57
COWAT (Letters FAS) 42.4 (11.3) 42.1 (9.7) 0.90
Semantic Fluency (3 Categories) 44.5 (11.5) 43.7 (11.6) 0.74
Fig. 1. CONSORT flow chart for selection of study participants. Semantic Fluency (Animals) 18.7 (5.5) 18.1 (5.3) 0.64
AMNART, American version of the National Adult Reading Test;
variables. There were no group differences in baseline
BNT, Boston Naming Test; COWAT, Controlled Oral Word Asso-
cognitive performance or on any demographic vari- ciation Test; GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale; IQ, Intelligence
able (i.e., age, education, gender). However, there was Quotient; M, mean; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; SD,
a difference between sites (p = 0.03), as four of the standard deviation; TMT, Trail Making Test; WAIS-IV, Wechsler
five subjects that dropped out were from the Swedish Adult Intelligence Scale 4th-Edition; WMS-III, Wechsler Memory
Scale 3rd-Edition.
sample and one from the US sample.
Table 2
Demographics and baseline neuropsychological Demographic variables and neuropsychological raw scores in each
site group
performance by intervention group
Variables USA Sweden p
Demographics and baseline neuropsychological (n = 39) (n = 43)
M (SD) M (SD)
characteristics from the included participants are
Age (y) 75.7 (6.3) 70.7 (4.8) <0.001*
shown in Table 1. There were no differences between Gender (Male/Female) 10/29 17/26 0.18
intervention groups in terms of age, years of formal Education (y) 17.5 (2.7) 13.8 (3.2) <0.001*
education, sex, global cognition (MMSE), or any of GDS 2.5 (1.9) 9.5 (1.8) <0.001*
the neuropsychological test scores. MMSE 29.1 (1.2) 29.2 (1.2) 0.64
AMNART (Estimated IQ) 121.1 (5.3) 122.0 (6.6) 0.54
Logical Memory (WMS-III) 28.1 (6.9) 24.9 (8.8) 0.07
Demographics and baseline neuropsychological BNT 14.2 (1.1) 13.6 (3.1) 0.22
performance by site TMT, Part A (s) 40.3 (14.9) 39.8 (14.4) 0.86
TMT, Part B (s) 91.9 (55.6) 89.4 (29.1) 0.79
Digit Symbol (WAIS-IV) 59.4 (14.5) 48.8 (10.0) <0.001*
Table 2 compares the baseline demographic and COWAT (Letters FAS) 42.9 (9.7) 41.7 (11.1) 0.60
neuropsychological characteristics of the participants Semantic Fluency (3 Categories) 42.9 (10.3) 45.2 (12.5) 0.38
from the two countries (USA and Sweden). Partici- Semantic Fluency (Animals) 16.9 (4.6) 19.8 (5.6) 0.01*
pants from the two sites differed in age [t(80) = 3.95, AMNART, American version of the National Adult Reading Test;
p < 0.001] and education [t(80) = 5.53, p < 0.001], BNT, Boston Naming Test; COWAT, Controlled Oral Word Asso-
ciation Test; GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale; IQ, Intelligence
with participants from US being older and having Quotient; M, mean; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; SD,
more years of education. The Swedish sample had standard deviation; TMT, Trail Making Test; WAIS-IV, Wechsler
higher scores on the GDS [t(72) = –15.59, p < 0.001]. Adult Intelligence Scale 4th-Edition; WMS-III, Wechsler Memory
Although the scores on all cognitive tests were within Scale 3rd-Edition. * Represents significant p-values, < 0.05.
the normal range, the Swedish subjects showed a
worse performance on the Digit Symbol (WAIS-IV) Adherence rates
[t(80) = 3.89, p < 0.001], and a better performance on
semantic fluency for animals [t(75) = –2.48, p = 0.01], The Cogmed software tracked the number of ses-
which did not impact the overall, three-category sions completed by each subject, and adherence
semantic fluency performance (p = 0.38). rate was then calculated as number of sessions
S.S. Simon et al. / Working Memory Training in Older Adults: An RCT 939

Fig. 2. Performance changes on Cogmed tasks across five weeks in the Adaptive group (based on Training Index Scores). The units on the
y-axis reflect an arbitrary number system developed by Cogmed. Graph A represents the performance of the entire sample, and graph B
shows the performance by each site. Error bars represent standard errors.

Table 3
Pre and Post means and standard deviation by intervention and sitea
PRE Adaptive Group PRE Control Group
All US Sweden All US Sweden
(N = 41) (n = 19) (n = 22) (N = 41) (n = 20) (n = 21)
TMT-Ab 37.5 (11.4) 36.4 (11.3) 38.5 (11.6) 42.6 (17.0) 44.0 (17.2) 41.1 (17.1)
TMT-Bb 84.1 (25.3) 82.4 (25.6) 85.5 (25.5) 97.1 (55.7) 101.0 (73.4) 93.4 (32.5)
Digit Symbol 54.7 (15.0) 63.3 (17.0) 46.1(13.1) 53.0 (11.5) 56.6 (13.2) 49.6 (8.6)
COWAT 42.4 (11.3) 44.7 (15.4) 46.2 (20.4) 42.1 (9.7) 43.4 (10.0) 40.9 (9.4)
Semantic Fluencyc 44.5 (11.5) 42.2 (8.6) 45.0 (15.5) 43.7 (11.6) 42.7 (11.5) 44.7 (11.9)
POST Adaptive Group POST Control Group
All US Sweden All US Sweden
(N = 37) (n = 18) (n = 19) (N = 40) (n = 20) (n = 20)
TMT-Ab 37.3 (12.13) 36.9 (10.5) 36.1 (8.7) 37.1 (13.0) 38.3 (16.1) 35.9 (9.2)
TMT-Bb 78.3 (29.8) 76.6 (34.6) 80.0 (25.1) 88.6 (38.8) 85.7 (46.2) 91.6 (30.6)
Digit Symbol 61.4 (12.7) 67.7 (11.7) 55.5 (10.8) 54.9 (13.9) 58.2 (14.6) 51.5 (12.6)
COWAT 45.9 (15.2) 43.5 (10.0) 48.1 (18.9) 44.8 (11.6) 42.5 (90.0) 47.2 (13.6)
Semantic Fluencyc 43.4 (11.3) 43.5 (9.3) 43.4 (12.8) 44.7 (12.2) 42.9 (11.1) 46.4 (13.4)
a Datarepresents raw scores; b The more negative values represents the better performance; c 3 categories. COWAT, Controlled Oral Word
Association Test; TMT, Trail Making Test.

completed divided by 25 sessions (i.e., maximum WM performance on the tasks that were trained
number of sessions). When analyzing all subjects, (F(4,128) = 43.15, p < 0.001), an effect that was
adherence rates were not different between interven- not modulated by site (F(4,128) = 1.12, p = 0.17)
tion groups [t(75) = –1.00, p = 0.32], with very high (Fig. 2).
adherence in both groups (Adaptive group: 96.7%
(range: 32–100%); Non-Adaptive group: 98.8% Effects of time, intervention, and site
(range: 76–100%). Moreover, adherence rates were
different between sites [t(75) = 2.18, p = 0.03], with Table 3 shows mean and standard deviations of
100% of adherence in the US sample, and 95.7% the raw scores for both intervention groups and
in the Swedish sample. Note that only one subject sites, and Table 4 presents estimates and standard
(from the Adaptive Group in the Swedish sample) errors associated with fixed and random effects
had a low adherence rate (32%). All other subjects (Model 2). According to Model 2, we observed
had adherence rates over 75%. an effect of assessment time for TMT-A, and
Phonemic Fluency, with scores at post-intervention
Performance gains during training (Cogmed being better than at pre-intervention (TMT-A:
Training Index Score) [t(76) = 2.40, p = 0.01]; Phonemic Fluency (COWAT)
[t(76) = –2.81, p = 0.006]. There was no main effect of
Across the five weeks of training, participants in intervention or site for any of the neuropsychological
the adaptive condition significantly improved their outcome measures.
940 S.S. Simon et al. / Working Memory Training in Older Adults: An RCT

Table 4
Intent-to-Treat Linear Mixed-Effects Model 2 Resultsa
␤ (SE) ␤ (SE) ␤ (SE) ␤ (SE) ␤ (SE)
Fixed effects
Constant 3.57 (2.52)*** 9.16 (7.67)*** 5.17 (2.70)*** 4.70 (2.82)*** 4.54 (2.56)***
Time 6.04 (2.60)* 3.95 (7.23) –2.21 (1.88) –5.94 (1.99)** –0.19 (3.54)
Intervention 0.31 (3.53) –9.00 (1.07) 3.65 (3.71) 2.11 (3.75) –1.94 (1.54)
Site 2.81 (3.53) –5.11 (1.07) 6.39 (3.76) –3.92 (3.80) –1.86 (3.59)
Time * Intervention –4.09 (3.04) –3.06 (8.45) –4.99 (2.20)* –0.85 (2.33) 1.88 (1.80)
Time * Site –1.15 (3.04) 8.33 (8.45) 0.86 (2.20) 6.12 (2.32)* –1.23 (1.80)
Intervention * Site –2.52 (4.88) –1.90 (1.50) 6.87 (5.07) –1.97 (4.64) 1.76 (4.90)
Random effects
Intercept 1.24 (3.39)*** 1.11 (3.04)*** 7.50 (2.42)** 4.08 (1.81)*** 6.77 (2.18)**
a Data
based raw scores; SE, standard error; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001. COWAT, Controlled Oral Word Association Test; SF,
Semantic Fluency; TMT, Trail Making Test.

Table 5
Effect size (Cohen’s d), SE and 95% confidence interval associated
with each outcome measure at post-training
Adaptive versus Non Adaptive
EF (SE) 95% CI
TMT, Part A 0.02 (0.23) –0.43–0.46
TMT, Part B –0.30 (0.23) –0.74–0.16
Digit Symbol 0.49 (0.23) 0.03–0.94
COWAT 0.08 (0.23) –0.37–0.53
Semantic Fluency –0.11 (0.23) –0.56–0.34
Positive effect size favors adaptive training. COWAT, Controlled
Oral Word Association test; TMT, Trail Making Test.

Training effects

Our LMM analysis (Model 2) revealed a time-

Fig. 3. Cognitive performance in Digit Symbol test. *Represents
by-group interaction for Digit-Symbol (p = 0.02), p < 0.05, indicating a significant time-by-group interaction. Error
with a medium effect size of treatment (d = 0.49) bars represent standard errors.
(for more details see Table 5). The interaction
remained significant after controlling for FDR using
Benjamini-Hochberg procedure (P ≤ (i/m)Q) [114] is relevant to highlight that after excluding the subject
(Fig. 3), and was driven by a training-related improve- with low adherence rate, the pattern and significance
ment for the Adaptive intervention group only of the results described in this section remained the
[t(36) = –4.61, p < 0.001], and not for the control same. Also of note, we repeated the analysis using
group [t(39) = –1.12, p = 0.26]. Additional analyses ANOVA, which yielded the same statistical results
revealed that the groups did not differ at baseline as was found using LMM.
(p = 0.57), but after the five-week intervention the
group that received Adaptive Cogmed training per-
formed significantly better on Digit-Symbol than Correlation between training gains and transfer
the control group (p = 0.03). In addition, the time- effect
by-group interaction for Digit-Symbol remained
significant (p = 0.01) after controlling for speed of There was a positive correlation between the
processing (TMT-A) performance. percentage change in performance on the Cogmed
Model 3 revealed no time-by-group-by-site inter- tasks (i.e., training gain) and percentage change in
action in the cognitive outcomes, indicating that the performance on Digit Symbol (r = 0.37; p = 0.02),
magnitude of the training effect for Digit Symbol was which remained significant after controlling for site
similar for both sites (see Supplementary Material). It (r = 0.40; p = 0.02) (Fig. 4).
S.S. Simon et al. / Working Memory Training in Older Adults: An RCT 941

Fig. 4. Scatterplot representing the correlation between % of change on Cogmed Adaptive training (i.e., training gain) and % of change on
Digit Symbol performance.

Exploratory analysis: Effect on age on training conditions, but the level of task difficulty was only
response adjusted in the experimental condition. This study
design allowed us to isolate the role of continuously
In an exploratory analysis (LLM) including all challenging participants in a WM training program.
subjects, we examined whether the magnitude of Training gain on practiced tasks and transfer effects
the intervention effect was different for young-old on specified neuropsychological tests were investi-
versus old-old subjects. To do so, we performed gated.
a median split by age for each of the inter- Similar to previous work [25, 50, 67], our study
vention groups. The mean age of the young-old employed Cogmed, a computerized WM training
subjects was 68.1 ± 2.22 and of the old-old sub- paradigm. Execution of the Cogmed tasks requires
jects was 78.0 ± 4.57. The age of young-old and maintaining stored information, shifting between
old-old subjects did not differ between intervention encoding and retrieval demands, and exercising other
groups (young-old: [t(39) = –0.34, p = 0.72; old-old: aspects of attentional control. The beneficial effects
[t(39) = –1.34, p = 0.18]. For Digit Symbol, a three- of the Cogmed program have been reported in sev-
way interaction between intervention group, time, eral clinical populations, including patients with
and age-group was not observed [F(1,73) = 0.37, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [116–119];
p = 0.68], suggesting that the magnitude of the train- brain injury [120, 121]; epilepsy [122], and older
ing effect was not different for young-old and old-old adults with mild cognitive impairment [67, 123].
adults. Also of note, we did not find interaction with However, there is sparse literature regarding the cog-
age-group for any of the other outcome measures. nitive effects of this paradigm on healthy older adults
[67, 124].
DISCUSSION The most salient finding of our study of older adults
is the intervention-associated improvement in perfor-
The current study investigated the effects of five mance on the Digit Symbol task, one of the primary
weeks of intensive computerized WM training on outcomes. There are several reasons why we do not
cognitively healthy older adults. The formal aspects believe that this result is simply a reflection of chance.
of the intervention (home-based, computer interface, Importantly, we predicted this outcome based on an
WM tasks, ∼40 min/day, five days/week over five analysis of the likely near-transfer effects associ-
weeks) were shared by the experimental (Adaptive ated with participation in Adaptive Cogmed training.
training) and the control (Non-Adaptive training) Transfer effects may occur if the trained and transfer
942 S.S. Simon et al. / Working Memory Training in Older Adults: An RCT

tasks engage overlapping cognitive processing com- degree of improvement in TMT-A performance (i.e.,
ponents and brain regions [67, 125]. Although all of main effect of time; no time by intervention inter-
the tasks that served as outcome measures relied, in action). This result may reflect increased familiarity
part, on WM, they differed in terms of the content of with this test and the development of practice
the material being held in WM and the extent to which effects. However, the Cogmed training protocols
WM was the central cognitive process. Cogmed tasks (with or without ongoing adjustments to level of
involve training in holding on-line and updating infor- task demand) require attention, visual tracking and
mation, operations that are critical to carrying out the speeded responses, which could facilitate improve-
Digit Symbol task [88]. The link between Cogmed ment of performance on relatively simple tasks like
training and changes in performance on the Digit TMT-A. As predicted, there seems to be no advantage
Symbol task is strengthened by the positive corre- to the adaptive training intervention when subjects
lation that was observed between performance gains are asked to perform untrained tasks like TMT-A that
on Cogmed tasks (as measured by the Training Index) involve very low-level WM demands.
and improvement on Digit Symbol. In addition, the Although phonemic and categorical word list gen-
beneficial impact of Cogmed training on Digit Sym- eration requires WM [96], these tasks rely heavily
bol continued to be observed after using a procedure on lexical and semantic processing. In contrast to
to reduce FDR. Critically, the time-by-group interac- Digit Symbol, word list generation does not involve
tion observed on Digit Symbol remained significant manipulation of visually presented stimuli, but rather
after controlling for speed processing performance depends on access to one’s mental lexicon. Training-
(TMT-A), suggesting that the gains on Digit-Symbol related improvement on word fluency tasks would
task likely reflect improvement in WM, and not in be consistent with far-transfer effects, but no such
speed processing. Lastly, the effect size observed effects were observed in this study. These findings
(d = 0.49) was medium, in line with a previous study are in line with literature that has reported inconsis-
[67], but in contrast to the small effect sizes reported tent far-transfer effects after WM training [52, 56].
in several computerized cognitive training studies Previous studies of older adults who have partici-
[59]. pated in the Cogmed training program also have failed
Our prediction about training-related improvement to observe far-transfer effects on measures of rea-
in TMT-B was not substantiated. We hypothesize that soning, interference control, and episodic memory
the difference in training effects for Digit Symbol and [50, 67]. The transfer effects observed in the current
TMT-B may be due the fact that maintenance and study were limited to the processing of external visual
rapid retrieval of information held in WM, which are stimuli (and not internal mental stimuli). However,
extensively practiced in the Cogmed program, are it is noteworthy that the kinds of cognitive opera-
much more relevant to Digit Symbol than TMT-B. tions needed to effectively carry out the Digit Symbol
For instance, once the symbol–digit relationships are task are vital to many complex, real world activities
successfully held in WM, it is no longer necessary to (e.g., driving), which require the maintenance and
rely on visual scanning of the key at the top of the updating of visual stimuli. Consistent with this idea,
administration sheet, to produce correct responses. Digit Symbol is the only non-memory task in the
Reliance on WM can reduce the time to generate Preclinical Alzheimer Cognitive Composite (PACC)
an accurate response, resulting in an increased score score, which is an index that has been shown to pre-
on the Digit-Symbol test. Cogmed tasks place much dict decline in independent, cognitively normal older
less emphasis on shifting sets, which is one of the adults at risk for AD [127–129].
cardinal features of TMT-B. In fact, prior studies Our intervention focused on the training of only
with Cogmed indicate that this program has a lim- one cognitive domain (WM), which may have limited
ited effect on interference control [50, 67, 126], transfer effects compared to multi-domain training
which contributes to set-shifting abilities. The dif- routines. Theoretically, the latter approach engages
ferential impact of the intervention on Digit Symbol many cognitive processes, which may yield broader
and TMT-B suggests that transfer effects associated transfer effects [52]. However, the meta-analysis
with training may be very sensitive to the specific by Mewborn and colleagues [79] challenges this
cognitive operations that are practiced during the idea, suggesting that multi-domain training interven-
training period. tions are not more successful than single-domain
In our study both Adaptive and Non-Adaptive interventions at improving cognition immediately
Cogmed training were associated with a similar post-intervention. In fact, these authors found that
S.S. Simon et al. / Working Memory Training in Older Adults: An RCT 943

WM training was more effective than all other Digit Symbol task. Our findings are in line with a
single-domain interventions and than multi-domain previous report that old-old adults (∼80 years) can
interventions that did not include WM training. improve visual WM after WM training [19]. In addi-
Our study design provided an opportunity to exam- tion, results of studies have varied regarding whether
ine whether the impact of computerized Adaptive the beneficial effect of cognitive training is greater for
WM training was influenced by the demographic young-old adults than old-old adults [75–78]. Rel-
make-up of participants. Subjects from Sweden and evant to this question is a recent meta-analysis on
the United States differed in terms of cultural back- cognitive interventions in older adults that reported
ground, age, education, and baseline performance no significant difference in effect size based on age
on neuropsychological tests. Växjö, Sweden is a of study participants [79]. The authors suggest that
rural community, whereas Boston, Massachusetts is advancing age does not significantly alter the ability
a metropolitan one. On average, participants from of older adults to benefit from cognitive interven-
the US site were older, had more years of formal tions, if they have large enough cognitive capacity
education, and performed better on several baseline to execute the training program.
neuropsychological tests. Despite these notewor- Our results do not support the claims by Lampit
thy differences between the two sites, there was and collaborators [59] that training more than three
no time-by-intervention group-by-site interaction for times per week lacks efficacy. Moreover, we would
performance on Digit Symbol, indicating that the question their suggestion that unlike group-based
magnitude of the training effect was similar across training, home-based training is ineffective. Our
the two sites. These results are consistent with a meta- findings and those from other recent studies [50,
analysis suggesting that demographic variables such 130, 131] demonstrate that CCT done in the homes
as age and education do not reliably modify the over- of older participants can improve cognitive per-
all effect of cognitive interventions in older adults formance on untrained tasks. Further confirmation
[79]. Additional research is needed to further clarify of these results is critical, given the accessibility
the potential influence of cultural factors on cogni- and relatively low cost of in-home, computer-based
tive training effects. To the best of our knowledge, cognitive exercises. Participation in either the exper-
our study is the first to compare the impact of CCT imental or control condition was demanding and
on elders from different countries. Confirmation of involved five ∼40 minutes sessions per week over
our results indicating similar training-related effects five weeks. Although the study did not include a
for participants from diverse backgrounds would be direct measure of motivation, excellent adherence
important since CCT has the advantage of being read- rates in both groups strongly suggest that partici-
ily accessible through the internet to individuals from pants were highly motivated and engaged. We believe
different countries and cultural backgrounds. Impor- that actively communicating with participants on a
tantly, our findings suggest good external validity of weekly basis in ways that provided both motiva-
our computerized training protocol, which was appli- tional and technical support contributed to our high
cable in different cultural contexts. adherence rates. Additional research is necessary
Results from the current study are pertinent to to determine the extent to which an ongoing rela-
the question of whether old-old adults can benefit tionship with a member of the study or care team
from CCT WM training. Brehmer and colleagues [50] and the implementation of structured supervision are
studied normal young-old adults, 60 to 70 years old, essential components to a successful home-based
and found that participants in the Adaptive training cognitive intervention program, as some investiga-
group outperformed those in the control group on tors have suggested [132]. Consistent with our study,
several untrained cognitive tasks involving WM and a previous Cogmed home-based CCT with older
sustained attention, such as Digit Span, Span Board adults [50] reported a high adherence rate (94%),
and Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT). which is also similar to studies with children suf-
The current investigation extends these findings to an fering from epilepsy [133] who had adherence rates
older sample, 65–89, whose average age was ∼10 of approximately 90%. Finally, we believe the indi-
years higher (mean age 73.1) than participants in viduals that agree to participate in an intense-dose
the Brehmer study (mean age 63.7). Our exploratory training protocol like ours (i.e., five days per week
analysis using a median split of participants by age over five weeks) were already highly motivated,
found that young-old and old-old adults benefit to a which probably contributed to the high adherence rate
similar degree from the training, as measured by the observed.
944 S.S. Simon et al. / Working Memory Training in Older Adults: An RCT

In general, it is much more challenging to demon- performance at baseline or after training differed
strate training effects when using an active control between experimental groups that might help account
group, as was done in the current study, than a for the near-transfer effect observed. Sixth, in con-
comparison group involving either no contact or par- trast to several other studies, we did not use episodic
ticipation in a very different kind of intervention memory, reasoning or fluid intelligence as outcome
protocol (e.g., viewing educational videos) [51, 52]. measures [50, 67], leaving open the question whether
Our active control condition included all aspects the Cogmed WM training program would result in
of the training intervention except for real-time these kinds of far-transfer effects. Finally, it will be
adjustments to level of task difficulty. The observed important for future studies to determine whether the
benefits of Adaptive CCT over the active control sug- cognitive benefits observed are maintained over time
gest that the gains were not due to practice effects and to investigate possible transfer effects to real-
or non-specific intervention effects (e.g., involving world activities.
motivation, test familiarity, or changes in perfor- In conclusion, this multi-site, randomized con-
mance anxiety) [57, 134, 135], but were linked to trolled study demonstrated that healthy older adults
providing a continuously challenging level of WM can benefit from an intense five-week WM CCT.
difficulty. Additionally, blinding participants to group Compared to an active control condition, Adaptive
assignment reduced the likelihood that subject expec- training effectively improved performance on a task
tations or placebo effects can adequately account for emphasizing WM and processing speed. The benefits
our findings. over the active control group suggest that our CCT
Despite the originality and the careful experimen- gains were not due to practice or non-specific inter-
tal design of the present study, we acknowledge vention effects, but were associated with providing
several limitations that remain unaddressed. First, a continuously challenging level of WM difficulty.
although the study was approved by the Institutional Importantly, the magnitude of improvement was
Review Boards at the two sites, it was not regis- similar in two subject samples with differing demo-
tered (e.g.,, which could negatively graphics and was not modulated by age, indicating
impact the quality rating of the trial. Second, although that computerized WM training can be effective for
the magnitude of improvement did not differ across older adults from divergent cultural backgrounds.
sites, suggesting that training effects were similar It remains to be determined whether this type of
for participants from different cultural backgrounds, intervention is more effective than other kinds of
further research with greater statistical power is readily available cognitively stimulating activities.
necessary to reach more definitive conclusions. We The results observed with this WM training pro-
were not able to disentangle possible cultural differ- gram, which took place in the participant’s own home
ences between sites from demographic and cognitive via the internet, suggest that the program is promis-
differences (presented in Table 2), or the environ- ing, potentially scalable, and worthy of additional
mental context (rural versus urban). Therefore, the study.
present conclusions should be considered with cau-
tion. Third, due to the moderate sample size, our ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
study was not able to address mediating factors that
predict intervention response, which is critical for The authors would like to thank Mayada Guzmán
identifying those participants who are most likely to for her excellent administrative assistance. The
benefit from WM CCT. Fourth, although controlling authors also thank Cogmed® & Pearson® for allow-
for false discovery rates reduces the likelihood that ing access to the training programs.
our findings are due to chance, the transfer effect This study was funded by the Kamprad Family
observed in the current study relies on only one Foundation, Växjö, Sweden. In addition, the Lab-
cognitive task, and does not reflect converging evi- oratory of Healthy Cognitive Aging at Brigham
dence from multiple tasks. Further investigation is at Women’s Hospital has been sustained by NIA
needed to replicate our findings using other cognitive GrantR01AG017935 and ongoing support from the
measures. Fifth, although we provide data on train- Wimberly family, the Muss family, and the Mor-
ing gains on the Cogmed tasks, we did not include timer/Grubman family.
a criterion task (i.e., WM task similar to the ones Authors’ disclosures available online (https://
in which participants were trained) to determine if
S.S. Simon et al. / Working Memory Training in Older Adults: An RCT 945

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