and Present Your Graphic Organiser

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Select any topic from the list provided below or you can choose any topic
of your choice based on the theme: Health and Well-Being
 Keeping Ourselves Clean during Covid-19 Pandemic
 Healthy Lifestyles
 How to Stay Young and Healthy
 Obesity
 Exercise: Is it a must?
 Ayurvedic

In groups of three, brainstorm for words, phrases, idiomatic expressions and

proverbs related to the topic. Write them down.
Example :
Topic: Staying Young Physically and Mentally
Introduction: Give a brief background and your understanding of the topic
given. At the end of the paragraph, give your thesis statement.
Topic Sentence 1: Eat a balanced diet
Topic Sentence 2: Drink enough water
Topic Sentence 3: Enough sleep
Topic Sentence 4: Plenty of exercise
Conclusion : Summarise your essay. Do not introduce any new point here.

3. Present your essay to the other groups.

4. Based on the feedback given, rewrite/edit your essay again as Draft 2.
5. Exchange your draft with other groups who will read and edit your Draft 2.
Make changes according to the feedback given.
6. Now, you are required to prepare a graphic organizer on the corrected draft
(Draft 3). Present your graphic organizer to the other groups online.

Note: If there are no changes and feedback on your draft, go straight to the last task
(6) and present your graphic organiser
Topic: Healthy Lifestyles
Health is not just about avoiding disease. It is also about physical,
mental and social wellbeing. While the entire world is battling against COVID19,
it is important now, more than ever, to practise healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a
healthy lifestyle supports our mind and body, making us better equipped to deal
with the difficulties posed by the coronavirus pandemic. Furthermore, studies
have shown that COVID-19 is often more severe in elder people or with health
conditions, so what can we do to change our lifestyle and improve our health in
order not to get lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, diabetes,
hypertension, obesity or other conditions which will affect our immune system in
order to fight the coronavirus, perhaps even live healthier and longer lives
without getting seriously ill?


Topic Sentence 1: Diet and nutrition

Proper nutrition and hydration are always important to one’s overall health,
but during this pandemic, it's even more important because a well-balanced
diet of nutritious foods helps support a strong immune system. As the
proverbial saying 'You are what you eat' goes, we need to eat good food in
order to stay fit and healthy. People who eat a well-balanced diet tend to be
healthier with stronger immune systems and lower risk of chronic illnesses
and infectious diseases. So we should eat a variety of fresh and unprocessed
foods every day. Whole foods like whole grains, nuts, seeds, lean meats,
legumes dark, leafy greens, oranges and tomatoes, even fresh herbs, are
loaded with vitamins, minerals, protein, fibre and antioxidants which are
essential for a strong immune system. On the other hand, practising self-
discipline and avoiding “emotional eating” due to stress that may be related to
the drastic changes surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic is also imperative.
Besides that, we should also limit the consumption of heavily processed food
as these foods have long been linked to an increased risk of a wide variety of
health problems that can lead to heart disease or an early grave, such as
obesity, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, cancer and depression.

Topic Sentence 2: Stay active

Along with a proper diet, exercising plays an integral role in controlling our
weight by burning extra calories caused by dietary changes and sedentary
lifestyles. Keeping active is crucial to staying healthy and the endorphins that
are released during exercise can make us feel happier too. Exercising
regularly is of utmost importance as it has holistic benefits for our bodies. It
reduces heart diseases, wards off stress, keeps calm, lifts mood and
augments confidence. Apart from these, the primary motive of exercise is
cutting and controlling weight. The gyms may not be open during the
lockdown period, however, there are still lots of safe alternatives to getting
physical activity without going against the preventive best practices like social
distancing and avoiding large crowds. Aerobics can be done successfully at
home. Another important point to consider is that avoiding crowds does not
mean avoiding nature. Going for a brisk walk or jog outside in uncrowded
areas outdoors is still considered relatively safe. Push-ups, sit-ups, jumping
jacks and more exercises are great ways to stay fit away from the gym.

Topic Sentence 3: Adequate sleep

Sleep is important for personal health. Getting enough sleep improves our
overall health and protects our mental wellbeing. Studies have shown that
sleeping well can make us happier, improve our memory and help us maintain
a healthy weight. A good night’s sleep can also boost our immune system.
And good sleep, especially deep sleep, can reduce anxiety. Studies also
show that even partial sleep deprivation over one night increases insulin
resistance, which can, in turn, increase blood sugar levels. As a result, a lack
of sleep has been associated with diabetes, a blood sugar disorder. While the
amount of sleep needed for good health and optimum performance mostly
depends on the individual, it is recommended that adults age 18-60 years get
seven or more hours of sleep per night.

Topic Sentence 4: Cope with stress and anxiety

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on our lives. Many of us are
facing challenges that can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong
emotions in adults and children. Various studies have proved that depression
actually increasing levels of stress hormones such as cortisol or adrenaline
which causes the weakening of our immune system. As a result, it is harder
for our bodies to fight infection. Thus, learning to cope with stress in a healthy
way is crucial for us to become more resilient. The keys to good stress
management are building emotional strength, being in control of our situation,
having a good social network, and adopting a positive outlook. We can
manage stress by employing positive coping mechanisms such as exercising,
meditating, reading, listening to music, talk to someone we trust, further
developing certain skills or hobbies etc. ‘In life, there's always a solution to a
problem,’ Seek for help when necessary as not taking control of the situation
and doing nothing will only make our problems worse.

Conclusion :
In a nutshell, a healthy lifestyle is a way of living that lowers the risk
of being seriously ill or dying early. Eating right, physical activity, adequate rest
and taking care of our mental health not only improves overall health and
wellness, but also makes us more resilient during COVID-19. When we do all
these necessary elements to have a healthy lifestyle, our lives are going on the
right path. Living a healthy life is vital for one to be happy and feel good in one’s
present life and for the future. Once we choose to live a healthy life, it lasts all
our life. It not only helps us live longer but also better and less prone to
sickness and diseases. A healthy lifestyle is the kind of lifestyle that we should
all strive for.

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