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Healthy Asia-New Southbound Policy Cooperation on Dengue Control and Prevention

Taiwan -Indonesia Dengue Cooperation Experience

Taiwan-Indonesia dengue control and prevention cooperation have launched under the New
Southbound Policy since 2018. New Southbound policy goals are to build the linkage between
ASEAN countries as well as New Zealand and Australia in several sectors including the health sector.
Health is an aspect that we have no way to run from the transboundary issue that must be settled
by resort to international collaboration. Because of that issue, as “One Health Asia” as the motto
brings the collaboration developed between National Chung Hsing University and the School of Life
Science and Technology. Sponsored by Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, the collaboration has
linked several affiliations both government and private sectors to equally control and prevent the
dengue fever.

The activity of this project are: first: vector surveillance To date, we have conducted 1.5 years
ovitrap surveillance in Sekejati sub-district, West Java, Indonesia. The process is laborious, but it is an
inevitable process to obtain reliable result. We found that this ovitrap surveillance can be an
alternative to the existing larval survey. Second: Socioeconomic approach has conducted and
showed that education is the most important in dengue management. Third: GIS class were
organized to local personnel from Indonesia in the hope that this technology may complement the
current dengue mitigation program in Indonesia. Forth is: Laboratory dengue diagnosis aims to study
the serological and molecular diagnostic test of dengue suspected patients at the pilot area, held on
October to December 2019 and 2020. education: education and engagement approach to promote
the dengue control and prevention in the community

The dengue control and prevention cooperation also conduct various activities such as workshops,
seminars, and presentation of research results that invite various affiliations such as the ministry of
health to the community as a forum for exchanging information and providing recommendations for
the prevention and control of dengue fever in Indonesia. We hope that the information can be of
helpful recommendation to the local stakeholders in healthcare system.

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