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insights - typology


Over the past week, I am very amazed when it comes to the types
of Christ and this week I know this is very close to how God
talked to His people before. When it comes to the tabernacle, we
can really say that everything about it talks about God. Also, this
is the center of their worship when they stayed in the wilderness

When it comes to Jesus Christ, He is the fulfillment of the

Tabernacle as it is written in John 1:14. When it comes to its
construction, I've found out how detailed God is when it comes to
its courts and sections and a lot more. The tabernacle consists of
three (3) courts - the outer, inner and the holy of holies and the
tent and outer courts has given measurements as well. I was able
to understand that the eastern tent room is also known as the
inner court of the holy place whereas the western tent is the holy
of holies. The tabernacle was made or constructed in six (6)
months. There are also different building materials being used
in bulding the tabernacle such as Gold, Silver, Bronze and
materials such as animal cloth, acadia wood, olive oil, spices and
onyx stones and the furnitures of it are very intricate containing

the Ark of Covenant in the Holy of Holies.

The method of construction somehow feels relatable since I can

also remember how we are constructing the church building
here in Batangas. Whereas, the Tabernacle was the product of
willing hands and hearts. It was also financed or supported by
God's people and that is true for we are the instruments in order
to build the house of God for He is the one who observes what we
give whether it be big or small.

I am also amazed at how God dictates the place on the tabernacle

and its restrictions of it. Where the people can only go to the
outer courtyard and the priest in the Tabernacle and Holy Place
and the High Priest can go as far to the Holy of Holies. Moreover,
this is the time when I have found out the Tabernacle has a lot of
names as well such as a tent, sanctuary, the tabernacle of the
congregation, of the Lord, of testimony, and of witness.

It is so amazing how I have learned a lot of things as regards the

Tabernacle. Thank you Ma'am for the effort and insights as well

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