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The American College of

Obstetricians and Gynecologists


Committee Opinion
Number 529 • July 2012
Committee on Obstetric Practice
This document reflects emerging clinical and scientific advances as of the date issued and is subject to change. The
information should not be construed as dictating an exclusive course of treatment or procedure to be followed.

Placenta Accreta
ABSTRACT: Placenta accreta is a potentially life-threatening obstetric condition that requires a multidis-
ciplinary approach to management. The incidence of placenta accreta has increased and seems to parallel the
increasing cesarean delivery rate. Women at greatest risk of placenta accreta are those who have myometrial
damage caused by a previous cesarean delivery with either an anterior or posterior placenta previa overlying the
uterine scar. Diagnosis of placenta accreta before delivery allows multidisciplinary planning in an attempt to mini-
mize potential maternal or neonatal morbidity and mortality. Grayscale ultrasonography is sensitive enough and
specific enough for the diagnosis of placenta accreta; magnetic resonance imaging may be helpful in ambiguous
cases. Although recognized obstetric risk factors allow the identification of most cases during the antepartum
period, the diagnosis is occasionally discovered at the time of delivery. In general, the recommended management
of suspected placenta accreta is planned preterm cesarean hysterectomy with the placenta left in situ because
attempts at removal of the placenta are associated with significant hemorrhagic morbidity. However, surgical man-
agement of placenta accreta may be individualized. Although a planned delivery is the goal, a contingency plan for
an emergency delivery should be developed for each patient, which may include following an institutional protocol
for maternal hemorrhage management.

Placenta accreta is a general term used to describe the clini- who underwent cesarean delivery, researchers identified
cal condition when part of the placenta, or the entire pla- 186 that had a cesarean hysterectomy performed (4). The
centa, invades and is inseparable from the uterine wall (1). most common indication was placenta accreta (38%).
When the chorionic villi invade only the myometrium,
the term placenta increta is appropriate; whereas placenta Incidence
percreta describes invasion through the myometrium and The incidence of placenta accreta has increased and seems
serosa, and occasionally into adjacent organs, such as the to parallel the increasing cesarean delivery rate. Research-
bladder. Clinically, placenta accreta becomes problematic ers have reported the incidence of placenta accreta as 1 in
during delivery when the placenta does not completely 533 pregnancies for the period of 1982–2002 (5). This con-
separate from the uterus and is followed by massive trasts sharply with previous reports, which ranged from
obstetric hemorrhage, leading to disseminated intravas- 1 in 4,027 pregnancies in the 1970s, increasing to 1 in
cular coagulopathy; the need for hysterectomy; surgical 2,510 pregnancies in the 1980s (6, 7).
injury to the ureters, bladder, bowel, or neurovascular
Repeat Cesarean Delivery and Other
structures; adult respiratory distress syndrome; acute
transfusion reaction; electrolyte imbalance; and renal Risk Factors
failure. The average blood loss at delivery in women with Women at greatest risk of placenta accreta are those who
placenta accreta is 3,000–5,000 mL (2). As many as 90% have myometrial damage caused by a previous cesarean
of patients with placenta accreta require blood transfu- delivery with either anterior or posterior placenta pre-
sion, and 40% require more than 10 units of packed red via overlying the uterine scar. The authors of one study
blood cells. Maternal mortality with placenta accreta has found that in the presence of a placenta previa, the risk
been reported to be as high as 7% (3). Maternal death of placenta accreta was 3%, 11%, 40%, 61%, and 67% for
may occur despite optimal planning, transfusion manage- the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth or greater repeat
ment, and surgical care. From a cohort of 39,244 women cesarean deliveries, respectively (8). Placenta previa with-


out previous uterine surgery is associated with a 1–5% placenta previa, ultrasonography may be insufficient. A
risk of placenta accreta. Besides advanced maternal age prospective series of 300 cases published in 2005 showed
and multiparity, reported risk factors include any condi- that MRI was able to outline the anatomy of the invasion
tion resulting in myometrial tissue damage followed by a and relate it to the regional anastomotic vascular system
secondary collagen repair, such as previous myomectomy, (16). In addition, this study showed that using axial MRI
endometrial defects due to vigorous curettage resulting in slices enabled confirmation of parametrial invasion and
Asherman syndrome (9), submucous leiomyomas, ther- possible ureteral involvement.
mal ablation (10), and uterine artery embolization (11). Controversy surrounds the use of gadolinium-based
contrast enhancement even though it adds to specific-
Diagnosis ity of the placenta accreta diagnosis by MRI. The use
The value of making the diagnosis of placenta accreta of gadolinium contrast enables MRI to more clearly
before delivery is that it allows for multidisciplinary delineate the outer placental surface relative to the myo-
planning in an attempt to minimize potential maternal metrium and differentiate between the heterogeneous
or neonatal morbidity and mortality. The diagnosis is vascular signals within the placenta from those caused by
usually established by ultrasonography and occasionally maternal blood vessels. The uncertainty surrounds the
supplemented by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). risk of possible fetal effects because it is able to cross the
Ultrasonography placenta and readily enters the fetal circulatory system.
The Contrast Media Safety Committee of the European
Transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasonography are Society of Urogenital Radiology reviewed the literature
complementary diagnostic techniques and should be and determined that no effect on the fetus has been re-
used as needed. Transvaginal ultrasound is safe for ported following the use of gadolinium contrast media
patients with placenta previa and allows a more complete (17). However, the American College of Radiology guid-
examination of the lower uterine segment. A normal pla- ance document for safe MRI practices recommends that
cental attachment site is characterized by a hypoechoic intravenous gadolinium should be avoided during preg-
boundary between the placenta and the bladder. The nancy and should be used only if absolutely essential (18).
ultrasonographic features suggestive of placenta accreta
include irregularly shaped placental lacunae (vascular Management
spaces) within the placenta, thinning of the myome-
General Considerations
trium overlying the placenta, loss of the retroplacental
“clear space,” protrusion of the placenta into the blad- It is critically important that obstetricians and radiologists
der, increased vascularity of the uterine serosa–bladder are familiar with the risk factors and diagnostic modali-
interface, and turbulent blood flow through the lacunae ties for placenta accreta because of its potential emergent
on Doppler ultrasonography (12, 13). The presence and nature and the associated risk of life-threatening hemor-
increasing number of lacunae within the placenta at rhage. If there is a strong suggestion for the presence of
15–20 weeks of gestation have been shown to be the most abnormal placental invasion, health care providers prac-
predictive ultrasonographic signs of placenta accreta, ticing at small hospitals or institutions with insufficient
with a sensitivity of 79% and a positive predictive value of blood bank supply or inadequate availability of subspe-
92% (14). These lacunae may result in the placenta hav- cialty and support personnel should consider patient
ing a “moth-eaten” or “Swiss cheese” appearance. transfer to a tertiary perinatal care center. Improved out-
Overall, grayscale ultrasonography is sufficient to comes have been demonstrated when these patients give
diagnose placenta accreta, with a sensitivity of 77–87%, birth in specialized tertiary centers (19).
specificity of 96–98%, a positive predictive value of Delivery planning may involve an anesthesiologist,
65–93%, and a negative predictive value of 98 (13, 14). obstetrician, pelvic surgeon such as a gynecologic oncolo-
The use of power Doppler, color Doppler, or three- gist, intensivist, maternal–fetal medicine specialist, neo-
dimensional imaging does not significantly improve the natologist, urologist, hematologist, and interventional
diagnostic sensitivity compared with that achieved by radiologist to optimize the patient’s outcome (19). To
grayscale ultrasonography alone (15). enhance patient safety, it is important that the delivery
be performed by an experienced obstetric team that
Magnetic Resonance Imaging includes an obstetric surgeon, with other surgical special-
Magnetic resonance imaging is more costly than ultraso- ists, such as urologists, general surgeons, and gynecologic
nography and requires both experience and expertise in oncologists, available if necessary. Because of the risk of
the evaluation of abnormal placental invasion. Although massive blood loss, attention should be paid to maternal
most studies have suggested comparable diagnostic accu- hemoglobin levels in advance of surgery, if possible (20).
racy of MRI and ultrasonography for placenta accreta, Many patients with placenta accreta require emergency
MRI is considered an adjunctive modality and adds little preterm delivery because of the sudden onset of mas-
to the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography. However, sive hemorrhage. Autologous blood salvage devices have
when there are ambiguous ultrasound findings or a sus- proved safe, and the use of these devices may be a valu-
picion of a posterior placenta accreta, with or without able adjunct during the surgery (21).

208 Committee Opinion Placenta Accreta OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Delivery Planning placenta is associated with significant hemorrhagic mor-
The timing of delivery in cases of suspected placenta bidity. However, this approach might not be considered
accreta must be individualized. This decision should be first-line treatment for women who have a strong desire
made jointly with the patient, obstetrician, and neona- for future fertility. Therefore, surgical management of
tologist. Patient counseling should include discussion of placenta accreta may be individualized.
the potential need for hysterectomy, the risks of profuse Consideration should be given to placing the patient
hemorrhage, and possible maternal death. A guiding on the operating table in specialized stirrups in a modi-
principle in management is to achieve a planned deliv- fied dorsal lithotomy position with left lateral tilt to allow
ery because data suggest greater blood loss and complica- for direct assessment of vaginal bleeding, provide access
tions in emergent cesarean hysterectomy versus planned for placement of a vaginal pack, and allow additional
cesarean hysterectomy (22). Although a planned deliv- space for a surgical assistant. Because the procedure is
ery is the goal, a contingency plan for emergency delivery anticipated to be prolonged, padding and positioning to
should be developed for each patient, which may include prevent nerve compression and the prevention and treat-
following an institutional protocol for maternal hemor- ment of hypothermia are important (24). Minimizing
rhage management. blood loss is critical. The choice of incision should be
The timing of delivery should be individualized, made based on the patient’s body habitus and history
depending on patient circumstances and preferences. of surgery. The use of a midline vertical incision may be
One option is to perform delivery after fetal pulmonary considered because it provides sufficient exposure if hys-
maturity has been demonstrated by amniocentesis. How- terectomy becomes necessary. A classic uterine incision,
ever, the results of a recent decision analysis suggested often transfundal, may be necessary to avoid the placenta
that combined maternal and neonatal outcomes are and allow delivery of the infant. Ultrasound mapping of
optimized in stable patients with delivery at 34 weeks of the placental attachment site, either preoperatively or
gestation without amniocentesis (23). The decision to intraoperatively, may be helpful. Because the positive
administer antenatal corticosteroids and the timing of predictive value of ultrasonography for placenta accreta
administration should be individualized. ranges from 65% to 93% (12, 13), it is reasonable to await
The delivery should be performed in an operating spontaneous placental separation to confirm placenta
room with the personnel and support services needed accreta clinically.
to manage potential complications. Assessment by the Generally, planned attempts at manual placental
anesthesiologist should occur as early as possible before removal should be avoided. If hysterectomy becomes
surgery. Both general and regional anesthetic techniques necessary, the standard approach is to leave the placenta
have been shown to be safe in these clinical situations; the in situ, quickly use a “whip stitch” to close the hyster-
judgment of which type of technique to be used should otomy incision, and proceed with hysterectomy. Whereas
be made on an individual basis. Pneumatic compression hysterectomy is performed in the usual fashion, dissec-
stockings should be placed preoperatively and main- tion of the bladder flap may be performed relatively late,
tained until the patient is fully ambulatory. Prophylactic after vascular control of the uterine arteries is achieved,
antibiotics are indicated, with repeat doses after 2–3 in cases of anterior accreta, depending on intraoperative
hours of surgery or 1,500 mL of estimated blood loss. findings. Occasionally, a subtotal hysterectomy can be
Preoperative cystoscopy with placement of ureteral stents safely performed, but persistent bleeding from the cervix
may help prevent inadvertent urinary tract injury. Some may preclude this approach and make total hysterectomy
advise that a three-way Foley catheter be placed in the necessary.
bladder through the urethra to allow irrigation, drainage, There are reports of an alternative approach to the
and distension of the bladder, as necessary, during dissec- management of placenta accreta that includes ligating
tion. Preoperatively, the blood bank should be placed on the cord close to the fetal surface, removing the cord,
alert for a potential massive hemorrhage. Current recom- and leaving the placenta in situ, potentially with partial
mendations for blood replacement in trauma situations placental resection to minimize its size. However, this
suggest a 1:1 ratio of packed cells to fresh frozen plasma. approach should be considered only when the patient
Institutionally established massive transfusion protocols has a strong desire for future fertility as well as hemo-
should be followed. Packed red blood cells and thawed dynamic stability, normal coagulation status, and is
fresh frozen plasma should be available in the operating willing to accept the risks involved in this conservative
room. Additional units of blood and coagulation fac- approach. The patient should be counseled that the out-
tors should be infused quickly and as necessitated by the come of this approach is unpredictable and that there
patient’s vital signs and hemodynamic stability. is an increased risk of significant complications as well
as the need for later hysterectomy. Reported cases of
Surgical Approach subsequent successful pregnancy in patients treated with
Generally, the recommended management of suspected this approach are rare. This approach should be aban-
placenta accreta is planned preterm cesarean hysterec- doned and hysterectomy performed if excessive bleeding
tomy with the placenta left in situ because removal of the is noted. Of the 26 patients treated with this approach,

VOL. 120, NO. 1, JULY 2012 Committee Opinion Placenta Accreta 209
21 (80.7%) successfully avoided hysterectomy, whereas insufficient blood bank supply or inadequate avail-
5 (19.3%) eventually required it. However, the majority ability of subspecialty and support personnel should
of the 21 patients who avoided hysterectomy did require consider patient transfer to a tertiary perinatal care
additional treatment, including hypogastric artery liga- center.
tion, arterial embolization, methotrexate, blood product • To enhance patient safety, it is important that the
transfusion, antibiotics, or curettage (25). Except in delivery be performed in an operating room by an
specific cases, hysterectomy remains the treatment of experienced obstetric team that includes an obstet-
choice for patients with placenta accreta. ric surgeon, with other surgical specialists, such as
urologists, general surgeons, and gynecologic oncol-
Interventional Radiologic Procedures
ogists, available if necessary. Improved outcomes
Current evidence is insufficient to make a firm recom- have been demonstrated when women with placenta
mendation on the use of balloon catheter occlusion or accreta give birth in specialized tertiary centers.
embolization to reduce blood loss and improve surgical • Preoperative patient counseling should include dis-
outcome, but individual situations may warrant their cussion of the potential need for hysterectomy, the
use. Despite initial enthusiasm about the utility of balloon risks of profuse hemorrhage, and possible maternal
catheter occlusion, available data are unclear regarding death.
its efficacy. Although some investigators have reported
reduced blood loss (26), there have been other reports of • Although a planned delivery is the goal, a contin-
gency plan for emergency delivery should be devel-
no benefits (27) and even of significant complications (28).
oped for each patient, which may include following
Methotrexate an institutional protocol for maternal hemorrhage
The folate antagonist methotrexate has been proposed management.
as an adjunctive treatment for placenta accreta. Some • The timing of delivery should be individualized,
have opined that after delivery, the trophoblasts are no depending on patient circumstances. Combined
longer dividing, thereby rendering methotrexate ineffec- maternal and neonatal outcome is optimized in
tive. Small studies have reported mixed results (29, 30). stable patients with a planned delivery at 34 weeks of
Although uterine conservation was achieved in one study, gestation without amniocentesis.
most of the patients subsequently developed postpartum • The decision to administer antenatal corticosteroids
hemorrhage that required hysterectomy. Other reports and the timing of administration should be individu-
documented failure of treatment with methotrexate (30). alized.
Thus, there are no convincing data for the use of metho- • Generally, the recommended management of sus-
trexate for postpartum management of placenta accreta. pected placenta accreta is planned preterm cesarean
hysterectomy with the placenta left in situ because
Retained Placenta After Vaginal Delivery removal of the placenta is associated with significant
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VOL. 120, NO. 1, JULY 2012 Committee Opinion Placenta Accreta 211

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