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TE Theory 6 Public Relationships Ethics

In general, the term "ethics" can be understood as matters relating to morality, the inner condition of how to behave
ethically arising from one's own awareness, is absolute, in the sense that good deeds are praised and wrong actions
must be sanctioned / punished. , and applies to any situation and condition, the presence or absence of other people
present. Whereas "etiquette" is related to the value of courtesy, manners in formal relationships, external conditions
or formality as shown in courtesy and kindness, is relative, in the sense that what is considered impolite in (culture)
one area is not necessarily in another area, and only applies if there are other people, so if there are no other people,
then etiquette does not apply.
In relation to the "Public Relations (PR) Profession", the characteristics of professional PR include: having high skills /
abilities / knowledge that are not shared by other common people, having a code of ethics as a moral standard for
every profession in a formal, written, and normative manner and has a spirit of dedication to the public / society with
full dedication to the noble profession that he carries.
This means that on the one hand, "PR practitioners" must be quite skilled, especially in the areas of writing, listening,
speaking, reading, and using other means of communication, have in-depth knowledge of various kinds of media,
understand the management process, have the ability to solve a problem / making decisions, able to manage public
opinion, and be able to evaluate trends in public behavior and response. Besides that, PR practitioners must also have
good taste and behavior regarding ethics, sympathy, and empathy, leadership, enthusiasm, creativity, and
imagination, maturity / personality stability and personal integrity.
Or in more straightforward language it can be said that "PR Professional Ethics" includes at least: (i) honesty, which is
broadcasting information and news based on actual facts, facts, and truths, not covering up the truth for purposes
that cannot be accounted for in order to obtain a material of economic value or unilateral interests; (ii) loyalty,
namely maintaining customer loyalty and the organization / company where he works, both current and past; and (iii)
integrity, namely carrying out its duties with dignity, including avoiding the use of vague language, which could lead to
On the other hand, the main prohibitions of professional PR include:
 violates the code of ethics of the PR profession;
 divulge the secrets of the organization / company where he works; and
 provides information that is inaccurate, not in accordance with facts, and cannot be justified.

1. Definition of professional ethics and code of ethics for public relations practitioners
a. Understanding the ethics of the PR profession

As a concept of values and measurement of attitudes, behavior or speech that are considered good, common
and appropriate, ethics in PR is a concept of good and bad as well as right and wrong related to the PR
profession. In the context of professional work, PR professional ethics (the basic mentality of PR) include
honesty, loyalty and integrity, namely being honest in accordance with facts and awareness and loyalty in
carrying out tasks in order to achieve the goals of the organization or company where they work.

b. PR practitioner code of ethics:

1) Code of conduct, namely daily behavior ethics towards personal integrity, clients and employers, the media
and the general public, as well as behavior towards colleagues.
2) Code of profession, namely ethics in carrying out PR duties / profession.
3) Code of publication, namely ethics in processing and technical publication activities.
4) Code of enterprise, which concerns aspects of government regulations, such as: licensing and business law,
copyright, trademarks, etc.

2. The core code of ethics and the main prohibitions or guidelines in the public relations profession

a. The heart of the PR code of ethics:

1) Respect for the public interest.
2) Maintain everyone's dignity.
3) Fair and honest with superiors, clients, government, and the wider community.
4) Do not spread false information.
5) Does not damage the integrity of the communication media.
6) Maintain confidential information.
b. The main prohibitions / signs in PR:
1) Violating the Code of Ethics for the PR profession.
2) Leaking organizational secrets.
3) Providing inaccurate information, not in accordance with facts, cannot be justified.

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