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1.What are the roles of Engineering Managers according to Muthu? Give at least


-Engineering Manager is the lifeline in executing roles. Engineering Manager

orchestrates the whole delivery;

People Skill- to build, attract and retain top talent.


Actual Delivery

2. What does Engineering Managers actually do according to Muthu and Janaki.

Give at least 3

Engineering Manager is responsible for software development and QA

(Quality assurance).

Engineering Manager design, approve and make changes to the product


Engineering Manager break down projects for us, collaborate with other

teams and helps build a customer base in agent facing solution.

Select one function of an engineer that you want to venture on in the future and

why? What specific level? What do you think are your responsibilities?

The function of an engineer that I want to venture in the future is Construction.

Because the course that I’ve taken is Civil engineering, we specialize and study for
construction overseer and it is a good opportunity to test what I have studied for

years. The level that I want to take is Level three organization. My responsibility

are mainly overseeing the construction project, quality assurance and safety of my

workers at the field.

What company do you want to work in the future? What is the nature of the

company/product/services? Who is the current top manager?

I want to work for Sam Galan Construction Services. They will work with your ideas

and develop a plan with the client that will suit the client style and fit the client

budget. Budget estimate, perspectives, layout and house design will be presented

for your approval. The client can choose from our selection of the latest modern

house designs, Asian style, Modern Zen design, Mediterranean style, Minimalist

design, Italian or American house designs. The client may also opt to acquire the

services of our in-house Interior Designer or we can work with the Interior

Designer or house design of your choice. The top manager is Samuel Galan.

You have just been hired as the new head of an audit team for a national

accounting fi rm. With four years of experience, you feel technically well prepared

for the assignment. However, this is your first formal appointment as a

“manager.” Things are complicated at the moment. The team has 12 members of

diverse demographic and cultural backgrounds, as well as work experience. There

is an intense workload and lots of performance pressure. How will this situation

challenge you to develop and use essential managerial skills and related

competencies to successfully manage the team to high levels of auditing

performance? Among the various managerial skills and competencies, which do

you consider the most difficult to develop, and why?

The first thing I do as a manager in this auditing team is plan the course of

action to take, but not too extensive in planning because it will take too much time

if any flaws to the plan can be solved in the process. Secondly, I will organize my

team of 12 by subgrouping them into 4 members, and each group has its own

designated task to work on to minimize the workload of others. Communication

with each subgroup is important in managing an intense workload, by constant

communication and proper treatment of each of your members, any hard task

would be easier with perfect teamwork and management. I think the most difficult

to develop is Human skills, as the visual representation of Robert L. Katz suggest

that Human skills need to be maintained throughout your managerial time, as you

climb the ladder of being a top manager you should constantly remind yourself to

treat others with care and not be too boastful and entitled to your workmates.

What ethical dilemmas have you encountered in any organization that you joined

(within or outside school)? Why do you consider that as an ethical dilemma?

When I knew that my classmate is cheating in the exam but he is my best

friend but If he will be caught he will be suspended. It is an ethical dilemma

because you knew that what he is doing was but he’s close to you and you would

not want him to be suspended.

You have just seen one of your classmates snap a cell phone photo of an essay

question on the exam everyone is taking. The instructor missed it and you’re not
sure if anyone else saw it. You know that the instructor is giving an exam to

another section of the course next class period. Do you let this pass and pretend

it isn’t all that important? Or, do you take some action? What type of moral

management do you think your action belong (immoral, amoral or moral)?

I think that I would let my instructor know that my classmates are cheating. But I

would do it in extreme secrecy, for example I would leave a small not in the desk

of my teacher to notify what was going on but do not let myself known so that

my classmate would not put the wrath on me. It is Moral because you know

what’s wrong and you do what’s right actions to take.

Give a concrete example of a company/organization in Philippines that supports

or displays sustainable practices; thus, actively pursues corporate social

responsibility. Include a short description of the company and how at least 3

reasons why it exemplifies corporate social responsibility.

San Miguel Corporation


Established in 1890 as a single brewery in the Philippines under La Fabrica

de Cerveza de San Miguel was Southeast Asia's first brewery, which

produced and bottled what would eventually become one of the best-

selling beers in the region and among the top beer brands in the world.
The Three reasons why it exemplifies corporate social responsibility

San Miguel Foundation supports literacy in the Philippines through

scholarship assistance, supplemental feeding, book donation and functional

literacy programs.

The environmental program of San Miguel Foundation Inc. covers the

protection of land, water, and air. On a smaller scale, the Foundation

conducts tree-planting projects on areas identified by different San Miguel

Corporation (SMC) plants. Tree-planting projects are usually scheduled to

coincide with plant celebrations.

Projects in the Community and Livelihood programs that are implemented

in host communities of San Miguel plant facilities. These are projects have

active community involvement and are implemented with the objective of

benefiting a larger number of people.

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