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Product and Service Training Program
“Empower and Train People with an Engaging Learning Experience”

II. Summary of Key Points

As a company aims for effectiveness and efficiency, it is vital that it treats its
employees as the force and power of labor. Therefore, it is of great importance that
the company see to it that each employee knows the company well from its mission
and vision to the goods and services they offer as well as its value to the customers.
The company should create a sound environment for its employees and value
them in such a way that it gives them an opportunity to excel and level up or fill the
gap on their skills for them to be able to build their confidence so to grow and
develop individually. Individual growth and development shall approach the
company's positive performance.
In terms of company-consumer relationship, it is important that the employees
of the company know the functions and processes involved as well as the basics and
key practices and concepts on how they can reach their consumers effectively and
build strong relationships with the power of confidence and competence.

III. Training Objectives

 Create comfort and bond
 Introduce the company culture through orientation and customer service training
 Knowledge about the product
 Teach sales professionals to understand their customers’ needs.
 Provide opportunities to practice
 Ensures that sales professionals can communicate effectively and enthusiastically
 Understand the use and limitations of the products

IV. Duration of each Activity in each Session

There are eight subjects to be used in this program. First, the introduction of Business
Product. Second, Self-Development. Third, evaluate the Lack in Skill. Fourth, the idea
of layer training. Fifth, the engagement of the consumer. Six, a responsible leader.
Seven, Business Growth and Individual Development, and Efficiency will be assessed
for Eight
Introduction of the Company Product. The purpose of the Product Introductory is to know
the features and details about what the offers of company and its benefits. And its
explanation the product and service sold by the company to the customer and its value to
Self-Development. Self-Development will improve the skills and productivity of workers. It
also encourages workers to fulfill their own career interests and goals.
Analyze Skill Gap. The skills gap offers an opportunity for the company and the employee
to identify and attempt to gain the skills they lack. Employees are recruited by companies to
work in achieving the goals of the company.
Layer Training Concept. sustainable learning practices to enhance success over time. A
layered approach is the perfect way to practice, since it incorporates learning opportunities
and teaching strategies that optimize the benefits of the time.
Client Engagement. There will be a knowledge of how to encourage costumers and interact
with the clients, a strong customer engagement strategy will promote company brand and
Responsible Leadership. Leadership in improving quality within a company, motivating
training workers in quality processes and instilling core values as a strong basis for good
quality within a company.
Company Growth and Individual Development. The value of individual business growth
lies in its potential to direct workers in achieving their personal and professional objectives
and in enhancing their overall performance.
Evaluate Effectiveness. Evaluation of training effectiveness is the measurement of
improvement in the employee’s knowledge, skill, and behavioral pattern within the
organization because of training program.
Duration of each Activity in each Session (Day 02)

There are three seminars topics to be used in this program. The first one is, how to achieve
good customer satisfaction Second. How to Maintain Good Relationship with Consumer
Third, How to handle
customer complains.

How to Achieve Customer Satisfaction. In this topic it will help the personnel to gain more
customer satisfaction about their product and services on the company.
How to Maintain Good Relationship with Consumer. In this topic it will help the company
to maintain good relationship with their consumer and it will have a repeat customer and
make the company more profitable.
How to Handle Customer Complain. In this topic it will help the employee on how to
handle customer complains and how to resolve it and give solution to the problem
Inspirational/Motivational Talk. We are inviting a resource speaker to share his\her
experience in the field and their hard work to achieve their position right now. Therefore, it
will help the sales personnel to become hard working people.
V. Training Method and Activities

Mentorship and Apprentice

This is one of the most effective way in improving recruit's work quality. This is

a hands-on teaching method that utilizes the mentor’s skills and experience in working for
the business. Not only does it enhance the quality of a recruit it also sharpens the leadership
and skills of the mentor.  

Instructor Led Training Seminar

Instructor-led training is the traditional type of employee training that occurs in a

specific classroom, usually when there is a new product the company conducts seminars to
explain the new features and benefits to their employees and to consumer’s so they would
know on how to sell it to market.

We will employ the usage of both methods to better suit our training. If these
methods are both used in conjunction to one another the business will have the most
efficient, yet also effective methods of training. Utilizing the experience of the mentors while
also adding manpower to the current crew. It promotes teamwork and leadership which are
quality skills for a business
blog.originlearning. (2020, May 11). Retrieved from
Trainingindustry. (2017, March 13). Retrieved from

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