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Name: ________________________
Class: ________________________

Shopping and money Phrasal verbs

Collocations Money idioms
1 Choose the correct words to complete the
1 In the evenings we usually hang out / up on the terrace.
2 The company brought up / out a new line of body care
products last year.
3 He splashed out into / on a fancy dinner on Valentine’s
4 Mum wasn’t thrilled with the idea but in the end she
forked out / away the money.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

verbs in the box. There are two verbs you don’t need.

attract be cost cut knock snap

1 I’m glad he liked the bike – it ___________ an arm and a

2 I wish I could have bought it for her but I ___________
completely broke at the time.
3 They ___________ five pounds off the price when we
said we’d buy a large amount.
4 They’re ___________ a lot of new younger customers at
the moment with this new line of products.

3 Read the definitions and complete the words

1 something you buy for less than what it usually costs:
2 unique, made only once: o _ _ -o _ _
3 old and of high quality: v _ _ t _ _ e
4 a little strange and eccentric: q _ _ r _ y

4 Complete the sentences by adding one word in each

1 They earn very little money, so they struggle to make
__________ meet.
2 That shops really expensive – you pay through the
__________ for things!
3 Their products are definitely good value __________


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