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How many of you think that this pencil can only be used by one person at a time for those who are
saying one well how many can use them now this thought process is indeed the starting of growth

There are two types of people one with a fixed mindset who think that intelligence and talents are
innate and unchangeable and others with a growth mindset who think that intelligence and talents can
be developed through determination and practice.

Life will sometimes feel like a fight, punches, jabz, hook and yet if you stay in the rain and learn from
those past fights at each round you will be still standing

Hi everybody! My name is Mishaal. Can you think of a time when you hate challenges and whose your
toughest opponent. Most often, our toughest opponent is ourselves.

Round 1: when I was young, I mean I am still young I opt for SAT examination in which I failed not just
once not twice but thrice times and instead of finding a solution and instead of dealing with that
obstacle I quit

Round 2: back in college I participated in incubation contest with love of my life easy shopping counter.
The first expert comes and asked me what your big idea I told him my product is an easy shopping
counter you select the product displayed on the screen you select the product, insert the cash, pick the
bill take the item and leave. The expert replied I want my change back from this machine by saying that
he leaves. I looked onto my friend and said don’t worry my friend we are indeed the inventors of a great

Then comes the second expert. He said Hi what your startup idea? I introduced the same big idea to
him. The expert replied I wanted to pay using my credit card by saying that he leaves. I looked onto my
friend and said don’t worry my friend we are indeed the inventors of a great product.

Then comes the third expert, I introduced my big idea the third time and now I’m sure you must have
guest what expert did. But this time my friend looks at me and said that don’t worry brother we are
indeed the inventors of a useless product and I failed miserably.

Round 3;

In 2015, I competed for the first time in speech contest. I was very hesitant and shy I’ve fear of public
speaking. People says speech is not for you mishal, instead of trying and accepting this challenge I
accepted and quit.

At all these three levels instead of accepting challenges and embracing mistake I prefer to quit, I prefer
to run from challenges, I avoid feedback and I used a fixed mindset. As I gathered all the strength within
myself and looked onto a mirror it became a windows of possibilities. I got back into rain

I went back to round 1 registered in SAT and you what after sheer determination and practice I got a
score of 1300. After failing it 3 times, I am still standing
Then I get back into round 2. I’ve found another love of my life but this time I confronted challenges,
embraced my mistakes and therefore my startup project has been selected in incubation contest which
is something really big for me. After failing miserably, I am still standing

Then round 3, after my loss in speech competition, I am speaking in front of 20 students and not just 20 I
can even speak in front of 2000 students. It’s a moment. Even after losing my confidence, I am still

In closing, I challenge to you to stay in the rain like a fighter, accept challenges, embrace mistakes, get
out of your comfort zone, and think out of the box.

Today, I challenge you to keep an open mindset, learn from your failure, let your failures and rejections
be your teacher. Today I challenge you to not be a prisoner of your own mind but instead break the bars
and fly to limitless possibilities.

When the final bell rings ting ting ting, the fighters will raise their hands in victory singing I’m still
standing yay yay yay we’re still standing

Stay in that rain even you get kicks use what you learn from previous fights and at the end of each round
you remain still standing.

It shows that the people with growth mindset have true understanding of reality and therefore they are
more successful than the one with fixed mindset. There were many studies which showed that people
with a growth mindset were three times more likely to score in the top 20% of the test while students
with a fixed mindsets were 4 times more likely to score in the bottom 20% of the test.

In closing, I urge you to start changing your fixed mindset into growth mindset by getting out of your
comfort zone and thinking out of box. Today, I challenge you to keep an open mindset, learn from your
failure, let your failures and rejections be your teacher. Today I challenge you to not be a prisoner of
your own mind but instead break the bars and fly to limitless possibilities

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