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2018, VOL. 44, NO. 2, 151–159


Combining medically assisted treatment and Twelve-Step programming: a

perspective and review
Marc Galanter, MDa
Department of Psychiatry, NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA


Background: People with severe substance use disorders require long-term rehabilitative care after Received 28 October 2016
the initial treatment. There is, however, a deficit in the availability of such care. This may be due Revised 9 March 2017
both to inadequate medical coverage and insufficient use of community-based Twelve-Step Accepted 11 March 2017
programs in many treatment facilities. In order to address this deficit, rehabilitative care for severe KEYWORDS
substance use disorders could be promoted through collaboration between practitioners of Addiction treatment;
medically assisted treatment, employing medications, and Twelve-Step-oriented practitioners. addiction rehabilitation;
Objective: To describe the limitations and benefits in applying biomedical approaches and Twelve- Twelve-Step and medically
Step resources in the rehabilitation of persons with severe substance use disorders; and to assess assisted treatment;
how the two approaches can be employed together to improve clinical outcome. Method: Alcoholics Anonymous
Empirical literature focusing on clinical and manpower issues is reviewed with regard (a) to
limitations in available treatment options in ambulatory and residential addiction treatment
facilities for persons with severe substance use disorders, (b) problems of long-term rehabilitation
particular to opioid-dependent persons, associated with the limitations of pharmacologic
approaches, (c) the relative effectiveness of biomedical and Twelve-Step approaches in the clinical
context, and (d) the potential for enhanced use of these approaches, singly and in combination, to
address perceived deficits. Results: The biomedical and Twelve-Step-oriented approaches are
based on differing theoretical and empirically grounded models. Research-based opportunities
are reviewed for improving addiction rehabilitation resources with enhanced collaboration
between practitioners of these two potentially complementary practice models. This can involve
medications for both acute and chronic treatment for substances for which such medications are
available, and Twelve-Step-based support for abstinence and long-term rehabilitation. Clinical and
Scientific Significance: Criteria for developing evidence-based approaches for combined treatment
should be developed, and research for evidence-based treatment on this basis can be undertaken
in order to develop improved clinical outcome.

This paper presents a perspective and a review of find- from substance dependence (3), and incur the largest
ings related to the need for better communication portion of the estimated $346 billion cost in the US for
between physicians practicing medically assisted, med- substance use problems (4).
ication-based treatment and practitioners of Twelve-
Step-oriented treatments. We will consider how both
groups have much to offer, in terms of promoting
recovery from substance dependence, and how colla- A deficit in integration across groups of Twelve-Step and
boration between the two can improve opportunities medication-oriented clinicians arose historically because
for long-term abstinence. Broadly speaking, this is most the Twelve-Step approach emerged in the 1930s, at a time
relevant to the reported 82% of persons with substance when there were no medications available to support reha-
use disorders who do not receive adequate treatment bilitation of persons with alcohol dependency. The Twelve-
(1). More specifically, the need for improved collabora- Step approach then became embedded in the treatment
tion is most evident among people with a lifetime community as part of the culture of recovery from alco-
prevalence of severe alcohol (5.4%) and illicit drug holism. It was only over ensuing decades that medications
(3%) use disorders (2). It is this latter clinical popula- for promoting abstinence from alcohol use disorders were
tion, compromised by a life-threatening medical disor- developed, and that the Twelve-Step approach came to be
der, who constitute the majority of persons who die applied to other dependency-producing drugs.

CONTACT Marc Galanter, MD Department of Psychiatry, NYU School of Medicine, 550 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016,
© 2018 Marc Galanter. Published with license by Taylor & Francis.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Over time, this situation devolved into the emer- available on contract, as many as half of these programs
gence of attitudinal barriers to the integration of med- had no physicians to provide onsite treatment planning
ication into the culture of Twelve-Step-based recovery. or prescribing. It is notable that this situation is not at
This was most often expressed by long-term members variance with the existing norms for practice that came
who attend meetings frequently, often on a daily basis; to be institutionalized over time. These norms then
they typically constitute a large portion, if not a major- came to be integrated into the ASAM patient placement
ity of those present at meetings. Few of them are criteria (8), so that residential settings are now classi-
acquainted with contemporary evidence-based medi- fied dichotomously into those which are “clinically” vs.
cine and, furthermore, may have had unproductive “medically” managed. Residential facilities described as
encounters with medical professionals. Because of this, clinically (as opposed to medically) managed do not
they are often averse to a medically oriented approach have to meet a requirement of having physician
to addictive disorders. Thus, new attendees, who may coverage.
be on methadone or buprenorphine maintenance, and This coverage deficit is evident in key medical ser-
even ones prescribed naltrexone, may be sidelined in vices for opioid use disorders which cannot be provided
the fellowship’s meetings or discouraged from speaking onsite because of the lack of physician staffing: fully
there. 97% of residential facilities reported have no affiliation
Ironically, this runs counter to the fact that early with a methadone clinic, and 75% have reported that
members of the program were hospitable to integrating they do not offer buprenorphine-based treatment (6).
medical advances into options for recovery. This accep- In effect, the large portion of such facilities is compro-
tance is well illustrated by the fact that Vincent Dole, mised in terms of providing treatment with two of the
the co-developer of methadone maintenance, was soli- most efficacious medications in the addiction rehabili-
cited to serve as a trustee in AA. Dole wrote that Bill tation field, ones that are key to addressing the promi-
W., AA’s co-founder, had suggested to him to look for nent recent growth in prevalence of opioid use
an analogue to methadone for refractory AA members disorders.
that might relieve their craving for alcohol (5). Another aspect of inadequate medical care is the
need for physicians to overcome the stigma of their
own treatment of opioid use disorder. This problem is
The deficit in medical coverage in residential
evident in the US, in contrast to France, where the
treatment settings
widespread medical prescribing of buprenorphine has
The deficit in needed care is most evident among yielded a decline of more than 50% in opioid deaths
persons who require intensive treatment and rehabilita- due to overdose (9). In further illustration of this pro-
tion in a residential setting. In this regard, we can blem of limited medication availability, among the
consider limitations impinging on the residential facil- 810,000 physicians in clinical practice in the US, only
ities that are not hospital-affiliated. These (N = 3,450) approximately 5,000, less than 1%, are members of
programs (6) constitute a large portion of the facilities medical addiction societies (the American Society of
in the United States that provide treatment for more Addiction Medicine and the American Academy of
severe substance use disorders, and are often colloqui- Addiction Psychiatrists), clearly not commensurate
ally referred to as “rehabs.” Most, historically, have a with the need for physician expertise in this area of
Twelve-Step orientation. There is a need for medical major public health concern.
expertise in these residential facilities, given the impor-
tance of medications approved by the federal Food and
The deficit in Twelve-Step availability in
Drug Administration (FDA) that can be prescribed to
medically operated treatment settings
stabilize abstinence in certain substance-dependent
persons. There is also a need for better employment of Twelve-
What is the availability of physicians to carry out Step fellowships by physicians. Alcoholics Anonymous
this task in the aforesaid residential settings? Knudsen and Narcotics Anonymous meetings provide settings
et al. (7) approached this issue by surveying adminis- where rehabilitation can be promoted for many
trators of 250 publicly funded addiction treatment pro- addicted people. AA reports having over 150,000
grams, of which 82% were not hospital-affiliated. They groups worldwide (10), and NA reports 67,000 weekly
found that the mean number of addiction counselors group meetings (11). These fellowships provide a ready
per program was 13, in contrast to the limited mean resource for many among the substance-dependent
number of salaried staff physicians across these facil- population. For example, in a recent year, AA reported
ities, 0.4. Even with an additional 0.9 physician a membership of 1.3 million in the US (10). The norm

for expected behavior for members of the two fellow- century, positing, for example, that psychological con-
ships is to make their resources available widely, as in structs should be based on observable and measurable
their Twelfth Step, “to carry this message to alcoholics” phenomena (18). AA, in contrast, derives from internal,
(“addicts,” in NA) who are still compromised. subjective experiences, ones difficult to subject to
AA’s effectiveness in combination with professional empirical validation.
treatment has been observed among diverse groups of As they developed around the turn of the 20th cen-
patients and at different levels of participation (12), as tury, each respective approach, the biomedical and the
well as for persons dependent on drugs other than spiritual, effectively had nomenclatures of their own,
alcohol (13). Moos and Moos (14) conducted what is reflecting what they posited as the basis of the maladies
apparently the longest follow-up (16 years) on persons characterized. Medically grounded addiction has been
treated for alcoholism. They found that following the defined in a nomenclature based on observable and/or
six months of the initial treatment for alcoholism, AA measurable signs and symptoms, as originally derived
participation was associated with a better outcome than from the model for definition of dementia praecox, by
additional professional care. Based on these findings, Emil Kraeplin (19). Twelve-Step programs are con-
they concluded that although an initial episode of pro- ceived as addressing a spiritual deficit, an approach
fessional treatment for alcoholism may be beneficial, elaborated by the psychologist William James (20).
subsequent participation in a Twelve-Step program Furthermore, AA does not conform well to conven-
appears to be a more important determinant of long- tional requirements for evidence-based medicine, a
term outcome (15). The medical community, however, contemporary criterion for clinical practice.
is hardly influential as a source of referral to AA. Only This conflict in perspective was defined in the clin-
5% of AA members indicate that there were introduced ical setting as early as forty years ago, following the
to AA by a “medical professional,” (10) and only 33% emergence of the comprehensive alcoholism treatment
of NA members were referred to NA by any profes- programs authorized by federal legislation. Kalb and
sional at all (16). Propper (21) described it in relation to the practices
they observed in these newly established programs.
They pointed to the difficulty of physicians’ relating
Two cultures
to counseling staff whose background was primarily
The lack of intercourse between physicians in the based on their experiences in Twelve-Step-based recov-
addiction field and members of the Twelve-Step com- ery. They described the counseling in these clinics as a
munity derives in part from historical and methodolo- craft, a technique based on the identification with the
gical issues. Contemporary medical practice is best techniques applied by their predecessors, without
characterized as being framed based on the empirical recourse to empirical validation.
research from which treatments are developed. AA This conflict between two cultures of healing results
emerged in quite a different manner. It was initiated in part from AA practices codified in its Twelve
by two lay people in 1935, following the spiritual Traditions: anonymity among its members, and non-
experience of one of the founders. This took place at affiliation with outside groups. This effectively pre-
a time when the medical community had yet to develop cludes cooperative research with academic medical cen-
effective means to support recovery from alcoholism. ters because of both the limitations in experimental
AA can therefore be conceived as a spiritual recovery design and exclusion of collaboration with clinical
movement (17). Such movements claim to provide researchers. In effect, most studies on Twelve-Step pro-
relief from disease, but operate outside the modalities grams have been carried out in the context of follow-up
of established empirical medicine, and ascribe their on treatment programs, where AA or NA were only
effectiveness to a metaphysical or transcendent power, one part of a panoply of interventions applied (22,23).
rather than on the basis of empirical studies. They may One approach to circumventing this limitation has
arise among non-physicians when the need for effective been the solicitation of retrospective observations
treatment is perceived as not effectively addressed from persons who have reported prior recovery experi-
within the medical mainstream. Techniques derived ences (24). This approach, however, does not necessa-
from East Asian meditative and dietary practices fall rily address persons who have been relieved of
within this category of movements, as well. substance problems with some Twelve-Step attendance
Spiritual recovery movements, however, are typically but do not self-identify as “in recovery.”
eschewed within academic medicine because they are The discrepancy between the craft and empiricist
not developed from a positivist approach. This latter approaches devolved into limitations cited in the 2006
requisite for validation was articulated in the 19th Cochrane Review of research on AA (25), which

reported on an absence of well-controlled studies pro- there are no medications approved by the US FDA for
viding empirical evidence for its effectiveness. This the treatment of cocaine or marijuana use disorders.
report has been cited in critiques of AA by members Disulfiram, one of the earliest medications introduced
of the lay public (26), as well as by some academic to treating alcohol dependence, was found to have little
physicians (27), all of whom have questioned the effec- or no effect on enhancing the outcome of counseling
tiveness of Twelve-Step-based residential rehabilitation. when prescribed for use by alcohol-dependent persons
This discrepancy in orientation was heightened with on their own recognizance (36). This deficit in adequate
the emergence of medications that have been effective support is notably evident in relation to opiate use
for treating addictions, leading to a further consolida- disorders. Morbidity and mortality may be associated
tion of the gulf between academic physicians in the with discontinuation of both methadone and buprenor-
addiction field and the Twelve-Step community. phine (37) maintenance.
The AA traditions include maintaining the anonym- Questions may also be raised regarding the availability
ity of members and not affiliating with other organiza- of appropriate counseling commensurate with the one-
tions or agendas other than promoting abstinence. third of buprenorphine prescribers (10,888 of 33,177)
Because of this, randomization in Twelve-Step outcome who were certified to treat as many as 100 patients (38).
research has not been feasible. On the other hand, not This will likely be more of an issue with the more recent
all scientific advances have resulted from randomized option for expanding medication-assisted treatment with
trials. For example, the finding that lung cancer can be buprenorphine caseloads of up to 275 (39). Limitations in
caused by smoking, well established in medical science, adopting medication-assisted treatment for opioid use
was never undertaken by a prospective randomization disorders have been attributed to a variety of problems
of smokers to abstinence or a smoking regimen. by treatment service directors, most of them to a lack of
Numerous studies without randomization have sufficient funding (40).
shown associations between Twelve-Step participation
and better outcomes. For example, as early as 1995,
Rehabilitation: Twelve-Step issues
Vaillant reported on the long-term course of both
working class and college graduates with alcohol use Given both the benefits and limitations of medical
disorders. He found that both groups were more likely practice, can physicians turn to the Twelve-Step com-
to get sober through AA than with any professional munity for a supportive role in promoting recovery?
treatment available at that time (28). Similarly, reduced The utility of Twelve-Step programs as an adjunct to
symptoms, better work, and family history were found medical treatment has been demonstrated in a number
in examining long-term outcome of a sample of AA of ways. From a theoretical perspective, AA’s effective-
members (29). Of interest, both professional treatment ness can be supported by recourse to epidemiologic
and AA participation were each associated with an modeling, as pointed to by Kaskutas in methodological
improved clinical outcome, but a better outcome was analysis based on (41) research on AA that showed it
observed when patients experienced both treatment conformed with five criteria of six that could validate
and AA participation (30). its effectiveness: Magnitude of effect, dose response,
consistency and temporal accuracy of effect, and plau-
sibility. The sixth, specificity of effect, could not be
Rehabilitation: medical issues
ascertained because of limitations in available studies.
The recent development of medications available for The relative effectiveness of promoting abstinence of
the treatment of addiction has contributed greatly to a Twelve-Step-oriented approach in contrast to other
the institutionalization of physicians’ role in the reha- therapeutic modalities is salient here. This is particu-
bilitation of addicted people. Oral (31) and depot (32) larly relevant since achieving a stable abstinence is
naltrexone have come to be used for stabilizing rehabi- essential for patients with severe substance use disor-
litation of both alcohol- and opioid-dependent (33) ders. This can be considered for most patients treated
patients. Buprenorphine’s use has been established in outpatient care, and also for those in residential
widely in office practice (34), without the need to rely treatment. Comparisons with other modalities for out-
on institutionally structured clinics for prescribing, and patients were made by analyzing data from the Project
the need for greater utilization of such medications has Match study. Three different conditions were com-
been emphasized (35). pared: Twelve-Step facilitation (TSF), cognitive beha-
There are, however, substantial limitations in the vioral therapy, and motivational enhancement. At three
applicability of medications for supporting rehabilita- years following the treatment, those in the TSF condi-
tion of persons with substance use disorders. At present tion were more likely to be abstinent (36%) than those

in the other two conditions (24% and 27%) (42). The social involvement; this may be preferred by physi-
outcome of patients treated in Twelve-Step-oriented cians and patients alike.
residential programs has been considered as well. In a Embedding the Twelve-Step model in inpatient care
retrospective study, outcome in these programs was has been widely applied in a month-long residential
contrasted to that of patients treated in cognitive beha- regimen. Although studies have been done on relative
vior-oriented ones. The former patients achieved higher effectiveness of this approach (48–50), well-controlled
abstinence rates (49.5% vs. 37%) at two years and relied outcome assessment conducted with experimental con-
less on mental health services, leading to their incurring trols is lacking, and even in these programs, the need
lower costs over the follow-up period (43). for continuing care post-discharge has been empha-
Twelve-Step experienced apart from treatment can sized (51). Some investigators have raised questions
also be beneficial. In one study (44), where persons who about the utility of month-long Twelve-Step-based resi-
telephoned alcoholism information services and those dential care (52), and this format (often termed the
attending detoxification units were followed up, “Minnesota Model”) is an area in which more systema-
respondents who voluntarily used AA were found to tic research is needed as to its clinical and cost-
be associated with a cost savings of 45% relative to effectiveness.
those seeking professional outpatient treatment, despite There may be an opportunity for other means of
the fact that there were similar clinical outcomes for integrating the Twelve-Step model into established
both groups. treatment settings. Patients’ experience of increased
Referral to Twelve-Step participation can provide spirituality in the context of AA has been found in
needed support for rehabilitation from an economic prospective studies to be associated with better clinical
perspective, as illustrated in findings on improved clin- outcomes (53). The acceptability of a spiritual orienta-
ical outcome and reduction in the cost of continuing tion of AA to patients in diverse treatment settings is
care services (45). A technique for introducing AA to therefore relevant to this. We surveyed hospitalized
patients in counseling groups was developed for both mentally ill patients with substance use disorders and
inpatient and outpatient settings, and shown to be their medical caregivers on their view of the impor-
effective. This, too, allows for lower cost application tance of spirituality in the recovery process (54).
rather than relying solely on individual counseling to Patients evaluated it as more important than did their
facilitate involvement (46). medical staff, reflecting an underestimation of interest
Factors prior to treatment entry may be considered. in a spiritually oriented modality such as Twelve-Step
There is concern that patients in treatment who do well Facilitation among such patients. Similarly, in a drug-
in AA may be those who had a greater preference for it free therapeutic community (55), patients regarded
prior to referral, and were more motivated than others. Twelve-Step programs and spiritually related issues as
Humphreys et al. (47) reviewed controlled studies of important to them, although they were absent in the
outcome of Twelve-Step Facilitation to address this available programming. The use of a Twelve-Step
possibility. By means of instrumental variable model- approach has also been successfully adapted for patients
ing, they found that AA participation was effective in methadone maintenance clinics (56). High rates of
independent of prior preference for AA. co-participation of methadone maintained patients in
There are, however, clear limitations to the use of Twelve-Step programs have also been reported (57),
the Twelve-Step model, and patient objections to AA and 37% of methadone maintenance programs sur-
attendance can be limiting factors in the utility of the veyed reported that they used Twelve-Step Facilitation
fellowship. Objections often revolve around the role (58). Altogether, there appears to be a need for inves-
of a Higher Power (God) in program literature, as tigation into the clinical utility of establishing more
mentioned in six of the Twelve Steps, leading to active collaboration along these lines.
hesitation over referral by physicians. This issue is Such a combination of services represents an area
particularly relevant in the case in governmental that could include the piloting of related educational
facilities, such as Veterans hospitals, due to church/ techniques for physicians, the development of innova-
state issues, and alternatives there are considered tive approaches to collaborative programming, and sys-
essential. AA Agnostica groups may provide an alter- tematic research examining the feasibility and outcome
native; they modify the Steps to avoid mention of of such efforts. Another way of looking at the utility of
God, but are available only in limited numbers. these combined services may be that they can overcome
SMART Recovery is group-based, has no spiritual attitudinal issues by communicating that it is a health
components, and is oriented around less demanding issue when supportive advice is offered patients along

with medications that are prescribed. In this way, par- medications should be continued after discharge
ticipation in a Twelve-Step program can be likened to from the residential setting.
the advice offered by a nurse in addition to the physi-
cian’s prescribing itself. Given the demonstrated gap in
Scientific and clinical significance
our capacity to provide effective treatment for severe
substance use disorders, this is an area that merits The model of drug and alcohol dependence as a
attention. chronic disease is now well-established in the field of
medicine, but as above, only a minority of those suf-
fering from it is receiving treatment at any given time.
Peer support by persons suffering from the same pro-
Opioid dependence
blem as those they help has long been recognized as
There is clearly a need for further research on the practiced in relation to a large variety of problems (66)
applicability of the Twelve-Step approach for opioid and, widely across the overall population, as well, as
treatment. This deficit was illustrated in a compre- ascertained in one national probability sample (67).
hensive review of research on the use of psychosocial An expert consensus statement has been developed on
interventions in conjunction with medications for the need for evidence-based practice and policy on the
opioid use, which revealed no controlled studies on application of peer-based approaches in relation to
employing Twelve-Step Facilitation in that domain. alcohol and drug problems (68). Furthermore, the
This deficit in research on TSF as a potentially useful concept of addiction recovery has been operationa-
aftercare resource is underlined by an acknowledged lized by one consensus panel as characterized by a
deficit in combined medication and follow-up ser- lifestyle that includes sobriety, personal health, and
vices for persons discharged from privately operated citizenship (working to the betterment of one’s com-
opioid-related hospitalizations; only 11% of such munity) (69). The points enunciated in these panels
facilities reported providing this needed complement represent goals to be met.
to their treatment programs (59). The potential uti- Any effort to improve integration of the medical and
lity of such research for opioid dependence was illu- Twelve-Step approaches is contingent on the relative open-
strated in one study, which revealed that NA meeting ness of practitioners of each respective approach to that of
attendance prior to initiation of buprenorphine the other. To meet criteria acceptable to the medical com-
treatment was found to be associated with a higher munity, a body of empirical research on AA’s utility has
rate of retention in treatment (60). Clearly, there is a been documented, some of which we have cited here.
need for well-controlled research to ascertain Furthermore, an extensive literature has emerged, charac-
whether this modality would improve outcomes on terizing the subjective experience of AA and NA members,
patients studied after buprenorphine maintenance is and integrating it with published research on the fellow-
terminated, given high drop-out rates reported in ships (70).
buprenorphine studies on adults (61) and adoles- The issue of whether the Twelve-Step approach
cents as well (62). One review on termination of meets the necessary stipulations of evidence-based
buprenorphine maintenance found relapse rates in medicine can be considered on the basis of one con-
excess of 50% (63). A trial of combining medication temporary definition of this latter term considered by
and Twelve-Step follow-up, however, has only Eddy, its originator. He recently cited (71) a definition
recently been initiated at Hazelden/Betty Ford. formulated by Sackett et al. (72) for individual physi-
Significant morbidity and mortality took place cian decision-making, rather than that necessary for the
when Twelve-Step programs alone, absent medica- design of practice guidelines. From that perspective, a
tions, were employed in treating opioid use disorders modality can be employed along with the integration of
in the residential rehab setting (64,65). In that set- “individual clinical expertise with the best available
ting, a program, COR12, offering either buprenor- clinical evidence from systematic research.” Given this
phine or depot naltrexone along with the ongoing latter definition of evidence-based care, and in light of
Twelve-Step model was offered upon admission to the fact that clinicians, based on their experiences,
opioid-dependent patients. The clinical outcome of regularly do turn to AA, this criterion would appear
this option will be instructive about the viability of to be met for clinical practice, if not for formal practice
such combined therapies. Issues include the accept- guidelines.
ability to staff and patients in a Twelve-Step setting From the perspectives of AA and NA, both, as
of medications; the need for medical coverage for spelled out in their literature (73,74), view the use
prescribing following discharge; and how long the of medication as a matter to be determined in the

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