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Hunter Waltz

VTFT II - Nardelli

February 25th, 2022

Philosophy of Teaching Essay

In my academic career, I was never a premiere student. I never had a report card that

glowed with straight A’s or had the cool Principals List stamp. Sitting down and being told to

focus on a subject never kept me engaged as a student. But one element of learning that I

consistently loved was the collaborative aspect of the classroom. I always found school more

enjoyable and productive when I was able to communicate with my classmates and teachers. So

as I continued to become interested in the education field, I became extremely motivated to

utilize the collaborative style of learning that I loved so much.

One of the most important factors when designing a teaching philosophy is having a

classroom that correlates with the philosophy. I would prioritize developing a classroom

environment that matches with my theme of collaboration. This would include tables or desks

pushed together to allow for easier access to small group activities. I would also allow plenty of

space between tables to create an open classroom. This will promote and allow students to move

around easily during different activities. My classroom would also often have music playing

quietly in the background to hopefully present a more enjoyable mood and energy. Times when

music would not be playing are during whole class assessments, discussions, and activities. This

will become a subtle key to the class when communication is encouraged versus when they need

to be working independently.
One of the most valuable lessons I learned was the value of building a strong

student/teacher relationship. From elementary school to high school, I still remember which

teachers I had a strong relationship with and cherish my year/years with them. I remember how

much easier it was to attend certain teachers' classes versus others because of the bond I had built

with them. As much as I want my students to work and collaborate with each other, I equally

want to welcome my students to talk with me. I want my students to feel welcomed to discuss

absolutely anything with me whether it's about class, homelife, or the child's well being. I want

to leave an impression on not only my students academic career, but their entire life. I want to

leave my mark on these students, the same way I know they will leave their mark on me.

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